Name: Date: Period:

Chemistry Periodic Table of Poetry (50 pts)

Your project is due on: _____________________________________________

Have you ever wanted to do a research project without having to write a ten-page paper? Here is your chance. First, choose an element that appeals to you. Your mission on this project has TWO parts:

1. First, create a poem of six to twelve lines based on the properties, source(s), and uses of your element.

▪ The title of the poem should be the name of your element, but the poem itself cannot include the name or symbol of your element.

▪ Your poetry may be a traditional poem, free verse, limerick, riddle, etc.

▪ Your poem should include at least three properties, and a combined total of six sources (sources means where it occurs in nature, who made it, places where the element can be found, etc.) and/or uses of your element. Make sure you choose an element that has all of these!

2. Second, produce a small poster that displays your poem, illustrations of your poem, and normal information required by the periodic table: element symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass.

▪ The poster must be exactly 21.5 cm x 21.5 cm, and it must piece of standard cardstock paper. (NOTICE - that's cm not inches!) I will provide you the paper.

▪ Your poster must be a certain COLOR or color theme according to the block in which the element is located on the periodic table: s block - yellow; p block - pink; d block - orange; f block – green.

▪ You must have at least four illustrations, each of which must have at least one out of the ordinary aspect to the illustration. Illustrations that are just printed from the Internet will only be considered average and will not receive full credit. Be creative!!

▪ And don’t forget to put your poem on your poster!!

3. Share your poem with the class and see if they can guess your element from your poem!


▪ Research some basic applications of your element in society as well as the properties of the element.

▪ Research different types of poetry and choose one that will best fit the information you have gathered about your element.

▪ Research the internet for ideas about your poem; however, you cannot copy any part of any poem that currently exists.

▪ Openly seek input and suggestions from teachers, friends, and family. While you are encouraged to seek out advice, no one may write your poem for you. You must compose it yourself.

▪ Use the periodic table of the elements books in the library as a resource!

▪ Be creative with the illustrations on your poster- get ideas from your English, history, art, math, and music classes as well as from your family.


|POEM (50 points) |  |  |

|♣  3 Properties of element |15 |  |

|♣  6 TOTAL Uses and/or Sources of element |18 |  |

|♣  4 TOTAL illustrations |12 |  |

|♣  Creativity/Success/Impact of project |5 |  |

|Deductions for poem: | |  |

|♣  Incorrect number of lines |-5 |  |

|♣  Name or symbol of element in poem |-5 |  |

|subtotal | | |

|Total grade | | /50 |


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