
Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide


Midterms are 10% of your overall grade for the year… study hard!

Midterm details:

Your Midterm includes 6 units (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and parts of 15, 16)

Total points- 110 points

100 Multiple Choice Questions

1 essay

The break down….

Questions from Chapter 1: 13 plus essay

Questions from Chapter 2: 20

Questions from Chapter 3: 18

Questions from Chapter 4: 15

Questions from Chapter 5: 21

Questions from Energy unit (sections 15.1, 15.2, & 16.2): 13

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide – Unit 1


Chapter 1 (pages 1-31)


1. ______ science a) building blocks of all matter

2. ______ atoms b) variable changed by the experimenter

3. ______ scientific method c) system of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge

4. ______ responding variable d) changes in response to change in MV

5. ______ manipulated variable e) organized plan used for gathering,

organizing, and communicating information

6. List the steps of the scientific method.

7. In which of the above steps of the scientific method is information obtained through your senses?

8. What do you do when the data from your observation does not support your original hypothesis?

9. What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?

10. Which of the following statements is true about scientific theories?

a. scientific theories become scientific laws

b. scientific theories are never proven

c. scientific theories become hypotheses

d. scientific theories summarize patterns found in nature

11. What is a model and why are they important to science?

12. What is the most important safety rule?

|a. |Never work with chemicals. |

|b. |Always use unbreakable glassware. |

|c. |Always follow your teacher’s instructions and textbook directions exactly. |

|d. |Never do experiments that involve flames or hot objects. |

13. Write the number 0.0000084 in scientific notation.

14. How many decimeters is 1cm equal to? (1cm = ______ dm)

15. Water boils at __________ oC and freezes at __________ oC.

16. What will a line graph look like if there is a directly proportional relationship between the manipulated and responding variables?

straight line curved line zig – zag line


Figure 1-1

17. What type of graph is represented by Figure 1-1?

|a. |bar graph |c. |circle graph |

|b. |line graph |d. |none of the above |

18. What type of graph do you recommend for showing how part of a something relates to the whole? (Ex. December’s sales in relation to the whole year of sales in a store)

This is the end of your chapter 1 midterm review!

Study Hard!! This is a big part of your grade! You can do it!

Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide – Unit 2


Chapter 2 (pages 32- 65)


19. element ____ a) description of a substance that easily combines chemically w/other substances

20. reactive ____ b) material contains atoms joined in a fixed proportion

21. chemical change ____ c) mixture that appears to contain only 1 substance

22. compound ____ d) substance made of only 1 type of atom

23. homogenous mixture ____ e) water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen is an example of this type of change

24. What is a pure substance?

25. List several examples of pure substances.

26. When writing element symbols, what is the proper format?

27. What is a mixture?

28. What is a heterogeneous mixture? Give a few examples.

29. What is the difference between a homogeneous mixture and heterogeneous mixture?

30. How are mixtures classified as solutions, suspensions, or colloids?

31. What type of substance often has a “shake well” label on it?

32. What does malleable mean?

33. Which of the following substances are malleable? Glass, cookie dough, baked pottery, ice, unbaked clay or gold

34. What is viscosity?

35. Which of the following has the highest viscosity?

Corn syrup water milk orange juice

36. How can filtration be useful for separating mixtures?

37. What is the purpose of distillation?

38. What is a physical change? Give several examples.

39. When a physical change occurs, which of the following does not change?

a. shape b. mass c. volume d. composition

40. What is a chemical change? Give several examples.

41. What 3 factors indicate that a chemical change occurred?




42. Which of the following is an indication that a chemical change is occurring?

a. Iron changing color when heated

b. Gas bubbles form in boiling water

c. Balls of wax form when melted wax is poured into ice water

d. Gas forms when vinegar and baking soda are mixed

43. What is flammability?

Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide – Unit 3


Chapter 3 (pages 66 - 97)


44. ____ kinetic energy a) force distributed over an area

45. ____ freezing b) energy of motion

46. ____sublimation c) change directly from gas to solid

47. ____ pressure d) exothermic phase change

48. ____ deposition e) change directly from solid to gas


49. Describe the shape and volume of the following phases of matter.




50. If you move a substance from one container to another and its volume changes, the substance is a

|a. |solid. |c. |gas. |

|b. |liquid. |d. |solution. |

51. Forces of attraction limit the motion of particles most in

|a. |a solid. |c. |a gas. |

|b. |a liquid. |d. |both b and c |


Figure 3-1

52. In which of the substances in Figure 3-1 are the forces of attraction among the particles so weak that they can be ignored under ordinary conditions?

|a. |Substance A |c. |Substance C |

|b. |Substance B |d. |all of the above |

True or False

53.________ Collisions between atoms and the walls of a closed container cause gas pressure.

54.________ As ice melts, water molecules move from their fixed positions.

55.________ The particles in a solid have more kinetic energy than the particles in a gas.

More Short Answer

56. What 3 factors affect the pressure of a gas in a closed container?

plete the following statements:

a)Raising the temperature of a gas will _____________ its pressure if the volume of the gas and the number of gas particles are kept constant.

b)Lowering the temperature of a gas will ____________ its pressure if the volume of the gas and the number of gas particles are kept constant.

58. The temperature and volume of a gas in a closed container remain constant. If the number of gas particles in the container is increased, what will happen to the gas pressure??

Whose law is it anyway??

59. ________________ the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvin if the pressure and the number of particles are constant.

60. ________________ the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure if the temperature and number of particles remain constant.

More Practice Questions… You can do it!!

61. What kind of change occurs when water changes from solid to liquid?

a. Physical change

b. Phase change

c. Both a and b

62. During a phase change, what happens to the temperature of the substance?

63. During what phase change does the arrangement of water molecules become more orderly?

a. Melting c. boiling

b. Freezing d. condensing

64. What phase change occurs when a substance changes from liquid to gas??

65. What phase change occurs when a substance changes from solid to a liquid?

66. What phase change occurs when a substance changes from a liquid to a solid?

Fill in the Blank:

79. Identify whether substance A, B, and C below is a solid, liquid, or gas. Explain how you know.

Substance A is a _________________ because…

Substance B is a __________________ because…

Substance C is a __________________ because…

Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide –Unit 4


Chapter 4 (pages 97 - 123)


80. ____ proton a) negative (-) charge/found in energy levels around nucleus

81. ____ neutron b) positive (+) charge located in the nucleus of an atom

82. ____ electron c) fast, positively particle used in Gold Foil Experiment

83. ____ alpha particles d) # protons + # neutrons in an atom

84. ____ mass number e) neutral subatomic particle; found inside nucleus

85. What did the Greek philosopher Democritus call a tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?

86. According to John Dalton’s observations, when elements combine in a compound,

|a. |the ratio of their masses is always the same. |

|b. |each element contributes an equal number of atoms. |

|c. |their volumes are always equal. |

|d. |their masses are always equal. |

87. Which statement about subatomic particles is NOT true?

|a. |Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass. |

|b. |Protons and electrons have opposite charges. |

|c. |Unlike protons and electrons, neutrons have no charge. |

|d. |Protons and neutrons have the same charge. |

88. Which subatomic particle has a mass that is so small that we do not include its mass in an atom’s mass number?

89. What evidence about an atom did J.J. Thomson’s experiment provide?

90. Who is credited for discovering the nucleus in an atom with their gold foil experiment?

91. Where is the positive charge found in an atomic model including a nucleus?

92. Rutherford’s gold foil experiment provided evidence for which of the following statements?

|a. |Negative and positive charges are spread evenly throughout an atom. |

|b. |Alpha particles have a positive charge. |

|c. |Gold is not as dense as previously thought. |

|d. |There is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom. |


Figure 4-1

93. The diagram in Figure 4-1 shows the results of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment. What caused some of the alpha particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil?

|a. |electrons in the gold atoms |c. |other alpha particles |

|b. |negative charges in the gold atoms |d. |nuclei in the gold atoms |

94. What statement does your book use to describe Rutherford’s model of an atom?

95. What number is unique and used to distinguish one element from another?

96. What is the atomic number of an atom?

97. Which is the correct formula to calculate the number of neutrons in an atom?

a) Subtract mass number from atomic number

b) Subtract atomic number from mass number

98. What is an isotope?? (ex. oxygen-17 and oxygen-18)

Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide –Unit 5


Chapter 5 (pages 126 - 145)


99. ____ gas a) elements that contain 8 valence electrons

100. ____ He, Xe, Ne b) value increases by 1 from left to right on the periodic table

101. ____ atomic number c) none of the metals are in this state at room temperature

102. ____ sodium d) criteria Mendeleev used to organize his periodic table

103. ____ mass e) element found in nature only in compounds

104) Mendeleev’s periodic table was accepted and confirmed after what discovery?

105) How do properties repeat in a periodic table?

106) Identify the segments of the periodic table labeled A and B in the periodic table below.


107) Moving from left to right across a row of the periodic table, which of the following values increases by exactly one from element to element?

a. isotope number c. atomic mass unit

b. atomic number d. mass number

108) Which atom’s mass is an atomic mass unit based on?

carbon-12 or chlorine-35

109) How is the atomic mass of an element determined?

110) Which list of elements contains only metals?

a) helium, carbon, gold

b) sodium, chromium, copper

c) iodine, iron, nickel

d) phosphorus, nitrogen, oxygen

111) Is the far left column of the periodic table reactive or nonreactive? Metals or nonmetals?

112) How many valence electrons do the most reactive elements tend to have?

113) What happens to the number of valence electrons as you move from left to right across the periodic table?

114) How is reactivity related to the number of valence electrons in an atom?

115) Which element in group 7A is most reactive?

116) How are highly reactive elements stored to keep them from reacting?

117) What element is found in most compounds in your body except water?

118) Which of the following terms does NOT describe metals?

ductile malleable brittle good conductors of electric current

119) Which of the following halogens are most reactive?

a. Cl (chlorine) c. F (fluorine)

b. I (iodine) d. Br (bromine)

Name __________________

Physical Science Midterm Study Guide – Unit 6


Chapters 15.1, 15.2, & 16.2 (pages 445-457, 479-481)


120. ____ kinetic energy a) nuclear energy is turned into this by nuclear power plants

121. ____ thermal energy b) increases when an object becomes warmer

122. ____ chemical energy c) type of energy stored in gasoline

123. ____ electrical energy d) energy of motion

124. ____ Celsius e) unit of temperature

125) Which of the following is an example of an object with elastic potential energy?

a) wind-up toy that has been wound up

b) compressed basketball

c) stretched rubber band

d) all of the above

126) How is gravitational potential energy measured? (relative to what?)

127) True or False

___ Energy cannot be created

___ Energy cannot be destroyed

___ Energy can be converted from one form to another

128) Which of the following terms in gases is slower than in liquids and solids because the particles in a gas collide less often?

Convection Conduction Radiation

129) Do convection currents occur in each of the following natural cycles?

Yes / No a) Movement of not rock in Earth’s interior

Yes / No b) Ocean currents

Yes / No c) Weather systems

130) How does most of the sun’s energy reach Earth?

131) True of False Both conduction and convection are needed to transfer thermal energy throughout matter.

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