Chemistry Classroom Rules and Regulations:

Chemistry Classroom Contract/ Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Seale

Email: lseale@

Phone Contact: (914)-376-8118

Materials Quiz- Due Friday, September 18, 2020

a. Notebook or labeled chemistry section in binder. (Classwork and Homework sections)

b. Chemistry Classroom Contract signed by parent or guardian to acknowledge their acceptance of grading policy. (Send a picture or sign electronically and send via email or Remind)

c. Sign-in to Remind by Friday, September 11th

d. Sign-in to by Friday, September 11th

Grading Policy

A. Grading Policy

a. Exams (30%)

i. 2 exams every marking period

ii. If absent on an exam day you must have a note and makeup the exam within the week the exam within the week (this will be a different version)

b. Homework (15%)

i. Through Microsoft Forms, Nearpod, or Castle Learning or a document assigned on Teams

ii. Must be neat

iii. Answers must either show work or calculations.

iv. If you are absent, you are responsible to retrieve homework from Ms. Seale’s Microsoft Team’s page or the RHS website.

v. Homework can be handed in 1 day after date assigned. See Ms. Seale’s Microsoft Team’s page or the RHS website.

vi. If numerous homework assignments are missing you may risk failing for the marking period

c. Class work (20%)

i. You must participate in class or group activities. (all Do Now’s and “Check for Understanding” assignments must be completed during the live class session on NearPod)

d. Quizzes or Exit Slips (10%)

i. Will be completed through either NearPod or Microsoft Forms

e. Attendance

i. If absent visit Ms. Seale’s Microsoft Team’s page or RHS website to see what you have missed

ii. If absent a note must be given to me the next day

iii. Lateness

1. If you are consecutively late without a pass you risk the possibility of failing the class.

2. After five or more absences or ten or more lateness, forty percent of your classwork grade will be reduced.

f. Laboratory/ Projects(25%) (depending on remote or in-person learning)

i. All labs must be completed in a timely manner to receive the full 25 points.

ii. In order to be eligible to sit for the Regents Exam, 1200 minutes (20 hrs) of labs must be completed and documented

1. Each of these labs must receive a passing score of √ or √+ order to qualify

g. Calendar/ Updates

i. Please visit Ms. Seale’s Microsoft Team’s page or RHS website and Remind

Signature of Student:       Date:      

Signature of Parent:       Date:      


|First Marking Period |Topic I: Measurement |

| |Topic II: Atomic Structure |

| |Topic III: Nuclear Chemistry |

| |Topic IV: Periodic Table |

|Second Marking Period |Topic V: Physical Behavior of Matter |

| |Topic VI: Bonding |

| |Topic VII: Formulas and Equations |

| |Regents Review |

|Third Marking Period |Topic VIII: Mathematics of Formulas and Equations |

| |Topic IX: Kinetics and Equilibrium |

| |Topic X: Solutions |

| |Topic XI: Acids and Bases |

|Fourth Marking Period |Topic XII: Oxidation and Reduction |

| |Topic XIII: Organic Chemistry |

| |Mock Regents |

| |Regents Review |

|June Chemistry Regents: Every student taking a Chemistry Regents class must take and pass the Chemistry Regents Exam. Practice, practice, and |

|more practice is the best way to pass the Chemistry Regents Exam. |

|Parents and students, please visit and join RHS website and Remind App (text      to 81010) to stay up to date! |


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