University Staff Council


Staff Council Meeting

June 14, 2005

10:00 a.m. LBJSC

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Council Chair, Pamela Graham.

Note: The July 12, 2005 Staff Council Meeting will be held in EDU 4008.

Members present: Oscar Barrera, Michele Bauman, Pat Cowan, Lloydean Eckley, Pam Graham, Susie Longoria, James Mathews, Veronica Mazuca, Gilbert Morales, Ruth Ross, Curt Schafer, Selma Selvera, Trish Sumbera, Carmen Villalpando, Debbie Willis, Beverly Woodson-Day, Elizabeth Denton, Dean Reading.

Members absent: Kevin Gilley, Tina Jackson, Tina Schultz, Deborah McDaniel, Terry Pacheco

Guests: Don Fehlis, Gordon Green, Jim Hull and Beth Meyer

June minutes were approved as corrected.

Unfinished Business

Election Results

Debbie Chandler – Student Health Center

Brad Smith – Grounds Operations

Lisa Chrans – University College

Steve Marlow – Facilities Planning, Design and Construction

Nicole Delgado – Custodial Operations

Elizabeth Mendez – Custodial Operations

Jacque Albright – Purchasing

Amy Frisbie – Technology Resources

Barbara Hurtado – FAS Team

Chris Williams – Graduate College

Pam Graham – Facilities Management (from results of June 17 runoff election)

Selma Selvera – Human Resources


* An agreement was reached between CTMC and BCBSTX. There are no reports of premium payment increases, however, the TRS website indicates that retirees may be faced with increases and changes.

Parking Services Changes

* No additional information on parking fees and services. Red permits will cost $96 and faculty and staff can choose perimeter parking and will be able to ride the buses from the commuter parking areas. Point of clarification: The terms ≥commuter≤ and ≥perimeter≤ are used interchangeably.

Pay Raises

* John McBride, Director of Human Resources, reported that the State of Texas did not provide for a state pay raise for employees of Higher Education. Any cost of living or merit and performance raises must come from local funds.

Guest Presentations

* Gordon ≥Gordie≤ Green, Director of Facilities Management, joined Texas State four months ago after a 26 year career in the Air Force serving in comparable positions. Mr. Green states that his goal is to improve customer service by observing the processes and policies currently in place and then initiate cost- and time-saving practices that will improve work-flow and follow-up services.

* Jim Hull, Technology Resources, provided updates on the VIP Initiative, Outlook Web Access (OWA) email function. OWA provides access to your Texas State University – San Marcos email, calendar, and contacts function from any Web browser. OWA is a collaborative software which will provide improved functionality with calendar sharing, meeting room scheduling, contact lists, and increased storage. OWA is expected to be rolled out in phases beginning Fall 2005.

Training and support will be provided and the help desk will be able to assist with questions.

* Don Fehlis, FAS, reported that testing specific for MAC users is in progress. Budget control is still being tested which will provide the link between finance and human resources. Mr. Fehlis stated that Staff Council was instrumental in identifying the real issues facing the FAS team and SAP implementation and in establishing resolution strategies.

Texas State is a test site for SAP and has been hosting many visitors from other universities to see first-hand how the project was initiated, implemented and maintained.

Committee Activity Updates

* Compensation and Benefits – Michele Bauman. The committee has canvassed other universities on processes and procedures related to employee performance appraisals. The trend for pay raises appears to be based on merit as opposed to performance as seen in the past. If this trend becomes standard practice, the committee endorses an audit of the current performance appraisal process to include the training of supervisors to achieve some level of standardization of performance appraisals.

* Public Relations – Pat Cowan. Certificates for service will be presented at the Staff Council Orientation meeting scheduled for August 9, 2005, 8:00 am – 12 Noon.

* Perks – Deborah McDaniel. No committee update.

* UPPS – Tina Schultz. No committee update.

* Transportation and Parking – Trish Sumbera. New traffic and parking rates and policies to be disseminated in July. Payroll deduction is a payment option that would deduct $12 per month beginning in your October 1 paycheck. The last deduction would be in the May 1 paycheck.

* Student Recreation Center Advisory Council – Pam Graham. No committee update.

* Staff Education Committee – Lloydean Eckley. Will discuss survey results at July meeting.

Staff Accomplishments.

Many members contributed stories of professional recognition they have received as well as by their colleagues. Many shared personal achievements.


* Ruth Ross was bid farewell. She is leaving the university and moving to Illinois to be closer to her two sons and their families.

* The July 12 meeting will meet in EDU 4008.

Council was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.


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