TABLE OF CONTENTS - Cross Roads Preschool

The Annual ReportOf theCongregation and CorporationOfCross Roads Presbyterian ChurchFor the Year 2019February 9, 2020Cross Roads Mission Statement:To Praise God,Build Faith,Spread the Word,and Care for Others.TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents3Introduction4Clerk of Session Report5Ministry ReportsChristian Education Ministry Team6Children (Birth to Grade 6)7Sunday Morning Ministries8Jesus and Me (J.A.M.)…9Vacation Bible School9Family Ministry10Youth Ministry11Young Adult Ministry12Adult Education13 Church and Community Involvement Ministry Team15 Mission and Outreach Ministry Team15 Dustbusters16 Finance Ministry Team17 Fellowship Ministry Team 18Presbyterian Men19Presbyterian Women21 Personnel Ministry Team23 Planned Giving Ministry Team24 Worship and Music Ministry Team25Sanctuary Choir, Children’s Choir, and Bell Choir26Boards of the ChurchBoard of Deacons Report27Session Report29Board of Trustees Report30Organizations of the ChurchPreschool31Food Pantry36Cemetery38Staff ReportsInterim Pastor’s Report41Director of Children’s Ministries42Director of Music Report43Financial Reports Projected 2019 Year End Income/2020 Preliminary45Projected 2019 Year-End Expense/2020 Preliminary46Planned Giving/Endowment Fund Report47Balance Sheet by Funds48INTRODUCTIONGreetings!In the pages that follow, you will see evidence of a considerable amount of time and energy. Each report reflects a heartfelt desire to serve God genuinely and faithfully. As you read each committee and board’s information, take time to jot down questions that you have, so that we might be able to share with one another and provide clarifications.At the Annual Meeting, we will be spending a considerable amount of time on the presentation of the budget. We will look at what the trends have been over the last several years, as well as the goals for the year to come. Please make every effort to attend and participate in this conversation, so that we can be as informed as possible as we start this new year together.I want to offer special thanks to Richard Haessler and Courtney Caprara as clerks of Session, Jeanne Smith as the moderator of the Deacons, Jim Brown as the president of the Trustees, and Dominic Zappa as the Treasurer. Each of these rolls requires extra time and effort to plan and organize. I am grateful to have worked alongside each of them and to have seen their contributions to this community of faith. With gratitude, Pastor SarahRev. Sarah Robbins CLERK OF SESSION REPORT?Number of Members December 31, 20184242019 Gains:Affirmation of Faith0Certificate of Transfer0Reaffirmation of Faith0Restored from Inactive Rolls0Total02019 Losses:Death8Certificate of Transfer3Removed from Rolls3Total14Number of Members December 31, 2019410Baptisms in 20194 Children0 AdultsComposition of the Congregation, Session, and DeaconsCongregationSessionDeaconsGenderFemale246712Male16472AgeUnder 25740225-451462346-55553456-656251Over 657344Racial-EthnicAsian000Black100White4091414MINISTRY REPORTSChristian Education Ministry Team 202882599695Members: Sharon Kehlert, Chair; Lisa Caprara; Denise Graham (D); Rachel Graham (D); Carolyn Benson (E); Betsy Hughes (D); Faye Junker; Zane Rhea (T). STAFF: Lori Bass-Riley (DCM); Kelley Rupchak (Preschool).Purpose: The purpose of the Christian Education Team is to provide opportunities for adults, youth, and children to develop their relationships with God and to help them to cultivate a living faith by providing opportunities to share God’s love and serve others. We hope to accomplish this by offering varied experiences that are both local and far-reaching.2019 ProgramsAdults: Faith Works adult education classes; young adult ministries; Theology and People (TAP) discussion group; Social Justice group, Faith and Fiction; Faith and Film.Youth: Church school year-round; summer mission weeks; fundraiser activities; fellowship activities; mission activities.Children: Kingdom Kids; God’s Kids; Nursery; Jesus and Me (JAM); Vacation Bible School; Family Ministry; community outreach activities.2019 Projects/Dreams resultsChild Protection Policy is fully implemented.Used various methods to promote all CE activities including Current Happenings board,Facebook, church website, Google calendar (family activities).Gained a more complete understanding of the budget process and our financial responsibilities.2020 Projects/DreamsContinue to promote CE activities through various avenues such as Current Happening board, church website, Facebook page, Remind, Google calendar, etc.New monthly mid-week program for children in grades 1-3.Re-educate ourselves with the Administrative Manual at Cross Roads.Evaluate how committee structure changes might affect what we need to accomplish and how we can adapt.Encourage Children’s and Youth Ministries to express creative freedom in developing a new program and taking a hiatus from a current program.Explore options to make adult education accessible to more adults.Children and Family Ministries For Children Birth Through Sixth Grade and their Parents-698502540000Children and Family Ministries includes, Nursery(0-age 2), Kingdom Kids (1-6th grade),God’s Kids (age 3-K), Time with the Children [message during worship], Providing age appropriate worship materials, J.A.M. (Jesus and Me), Special Events, Family Ministry Outings, Family Movie Night, Safe Church (program to address child sexual abuse in the church.), Vacation Bible School.?Mission Statement:? To ignite within our children a love of Jesus that brings each child into a personal relationship with God.2019 General GoalsTo develop a document to share with families of concrete goals and means to developing a relationship with God at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church. – in process;To return to a regular newsletter in the various media forms to reach out to parents about offerings and content. – in process;To work with the Director of Youth and Young Adults to develop mutual programing for where our ministries overlap with 6th graders. – in process;To continue to work with the Safe Church Committee to educate our community about the importance of accountability and safe practices for our volunteers working with children. To completely implement all practices specified in our current policy. – in process;To find an appropriate continuing education opportunity to help Lori Bass-Riley follow God’s call for to lead God’s children. – still looking;To find a way to offer Created By God at our church or participate again with MUM. – working with the Mum currently.2020 General GoalsTo continue to present opportunities for families to fellowship with other families;To add opportunities for parents to enrich their faith lives;To continue exploring all avenues of communication of our children’s ministry programs – continually reforming communication to what works best for the most people;To continue to work with other congregations to expand our offerings together;To find more ways for our families to participate in mission.?Sunday Morning MinistriesKingdom Kids, God’s Kids, Children’s Message and NurseryMembers:?Reverend Lori Bass-Riley (Director of Children and Family Ministries), Bergetta Hugus, Emily Sommer, Madelyn Rhea, Zane Rhea, Anna Bass-Riley, Meghan Griffith, Nicole Trovy, Dara and Maddie Brown, Bob and Staci McKillop, Jane Fraelich, Sharon KehlertPurpose:?The Children’s Ministries provides an opportunity for our children to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, their peers and adults, and to grow in their faith with direction and meaning.?2019 Sunday Morning Programs:?Worship Offerings and ResponsibilitiesA time with Children during the 10:00?service;God’s Kids – Gospel Light Curriculum (ages 3-Kindergarten), attendance 1-4;Kingdom Kids SPARK Curriculum?(grade 1- grade 6), except communion Sundays, attendance is 4-8;Nursery Care during each service, attendance is 1-2;Kid’s Corner Worship Offerings – Includes Biblical tablets, word searches, books, and other materials to enrich children who stay in the service but may not be able to focus on the entire service;Recruit acolytes and manage the acolyte schedule (9-10 acolytes in winter and spring 2019 – program was not continued in the fall).2019 Worship GoalsContinue to incorporate new Worship Card System – completed;Recruit teachers/students to greet families as they arrive, especially greeting new families and offering any guidance needed – It was decided that Lori Bass-Riley would greet families;Continue to develop Kingdom Kids materials and find ways to split up the older and younger children into age appropriate learning groups – done at times;Assist Director of Youth and Young Adults in Transitioning 6th graders into Sunday morning youth activities – done;Lead One Great Hour of Sharing offering – done;Design and lead 2 student led services – done;Offer more support and/or training/group building for teachers – not completed.2020 Worship GoalsContinue to use Worship Card System;Recruit teachers and train them for Sunday morning ministries;Help to plan the Family Christmas service;Attend Music and Worship meetings to help the committee to be intentional about making worship inclusive for all ages; Continue to work with pastor to create children’s sermons that help illuminate the sermon or what the kids are working on in Sunday School.J.A.M.Jesus and MeMembers:?Lori Bass-Riley (Director of Children’s Ministries), Lucille Jenkins, Taylor Walter, Parent HelpersPurpose:?J.A.M. (Jesus and Me), our pre-teen – or Tweener -- ministry for 4th – 6th grade, provides an opportunity for our children to grow in their relationship with Jesus and each other. This ministry bridges the gap between children’s ministry and youth ministry. This ministry provides supervised social interaction and spiritual growth.Attendance 12-17 students from area – not necessarily participants in our congregation. 2019 JAM GoalsTo continue evaluating the program with our adult team and implement any changes needed – done;To continue to provide a safe space for all who attend where they may explore their faith – done;To continue to provide opportunities for our Tweeners to meet other Christian peers through retreats – done;To provide opportunities for mission and care for our congregation; To begin a new ministry for 1st-3rd graders – done – JELLY 1/20;2020 JAM GoalsTo continue evaluating the program with our adult team and implement any changes needed; To continue to provide a safe space for all who attend where they may explore their faith; To continue to provide opportunities for our Tweeners to meet other Christian peers through retreats; To provide opportunities for mission and care for our congregation. ?Vacation Bible School?Members:? VBS Director: Betsy Hughes, DCM, at least 50 volunteers during VBS week, countless others who donated time, items, computer work, etc. ?Program:1 Athens – the Adventures of Paul;2. 125 children attended;3. 100 people signed up to attend the swim party at Gateway Heights Swim Club; 4. Many children from the community and the preschool participated in our VBS;5. The mission project was a food collection for the Cross Roads Food Bank and a financial collection for Malawi PDA.2019 VBS Goals To host Athens Market Place Group VBS – done;To continue to offer a low cost for attendants - done;To continue connection with families post VBS- done;To continue to create a float and participate in the 4th of July parade – done.2020 VBS GoalsTo host Group Rocky Railway VBS; To continue to offer a low cost for attendants; To continue connection with families post VBS;To continue to create a float and participate in the 4th of July parade.Family MinistryPurpose: Family ministry was begun in 2016. It is an intentional effort to provide community building between families involved with Cross Roads and attendees of VBS and JAM and Cross Roads Preschool. It includes Family Movie Nights and other Fellowship events. These were the events in 2019:Movie Nights (1-5 families 4-15 individuals);Bowling (25-30 individuals);Christmas family party (40-50 individuals);Trunk or Treat (approx. 700+ individuals);Back to School Night Ice Cream Social and Water Night (30 individuals);Provided and assisted with activities for children at Food Truck Nights;Idlewild (4 families attended);Archery Day.2019 Family Ministry GoalsContinue to present fun relationship building activities for families – done;Purchase more games and toys for fellowship time – done;Incorporate more families in planning and picking events for more buy in – meeting held – survey put out – items for families chose for the year’s activities.2020 Family Ministry GoalsContinue to present fun relationship building activities for families;Help facilitate community between families; Help facilitate spiritual growth opportunities for parents..YOUTH MINISTRIESPurpose: The purpose of the Junior & Senior High Ministries is to develop a relevant, Biblically based faith for seventh through twelfth grade students that will last a lifetime, and a desire to share that faith with others.2019 Programs:Jesus Jubilee – A Bible study and discussion for the youth to explore a deeper understanding of their faith and how it applies to their daily lives. Bryan Bass-Riley has been leading the Sunday morning program with the assistance of Carolyn Benson and Lisa Caprara.Mission – Provide service opportunities for junior and senior high students in order to foster a Christ-like servant mentality and a heart for their community.Assisted with Italian Buffet by serving and bussing tables.Packed college care packages in spring and winter before finals.Trip to Niagara Falls through Youthworks from June 16 – 21. Six youth attended along with chaperones Taylor Walter and Denise Graham.Pittsburgh Project from July 28 – Aug. 3. Three youth attended chaperoned by Lori Bass-Riley and Gene Hugus.Youth have also volunteered throughout the year in various programs in the church including the Nursery, God’s Kids, and VBS.Fundraising – To encourage financial responsibility and to help lower the cost of mission trips.M & M Tubes – passed out to congregation and then returned with coins.Prepare and serve meal for the Annual meeting.Painting with a Twist – a new opportunity that was well received.Sale of sponsorship certificates.Triangle subs sale – another new fundraiser that went well. Community – The purpose of the activities is to strengthen the relationships between the students and provide an easy opportunity to invite friends.Super bowl half partyDave & Buster’sValhalla Axe ThrowingLock-inConfirmation – There was not a graduating confirmation class for May 2019. Currently, however, there are four youth going through the confirmation process for 2020.A special thank you to all of the parents and other members that have stepped up to continue the Youth Ministry program in the absence of a Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.2019 Projects/Dreams ResultsTwo new types of fundraising efforts were utilized with excellent results;A new confirmation class has been started after a two-year hiatus;Gained a more complete understanding of the budget process and financial responsibilities.2020 Projects/DreamsHire a part-time Director of Youth Ministries;To instill in the youth a spirit of compassion, mission, and Christian love through Biblical study and hands-on mission work that will help them transition out of school and into the adult world;To create a friendly environment that welcomes all students and encourages evangelism;To continue to provide fellowship activities that encourages relationships between those in the group and provides a non-threatening place to invite friends;To continue to provide mission/service opportunities for the youth in their community;To improve communications with students and parents via e-mail, social media, newsletters, calendars and church website.YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIESPurpose: To provide opportunities for the continued growth in young adults of the church and surrounding community of a relevant, Biblically-based faith that meets them in their unique stage of life and to create a community that supports them during a period of life often full of transitions.2019 Programs:Theology & People (TAP) continues to meet at Papa Rocks once a month. Topics of discussion come from The Wired Word based off of current events and how they pertain to scripture. Several young adults have begun leading some of the meetings.Bocce is an intergenerational summer program that continues to grow in participation each year. Many young adults take part in this activity.College care packages were sent out in both the spring and winter prior to finals.The annual Christmas Break Brunch was prepared by the Youth group after their lock-in, but unfortunately no college age students attended.Fellowship activities were begun to build a sense of community among young adults between the ages of 18-35. These activities included attending a University of Pittsburgh basketball game, dinner out at a local restaurant and attending a Pittsburgh Pirate game.2019 Projects/Dreams ResultsThe Bocce league grew from 31 teams in 2018 to 35 teams in 2019.2020 Projects/DreamsContinue to provide opportunities for fellowship among the young adults of the church.In conjunction with the young adults of Cross Roads, develop an organized time to gather and study scripture together.To continue to reach out to young adults while they are away from Cross Roads.Adult Education-45720762000Committee members:? Peter Carras, Bryan Bass-Riley, John Kutz, Warren Junker, Faye Junker (chairperson)The main function of this committee is to provide programing for the Faith Works class that meets at 8:45-9:45 each Sunday morning during the ?“school year”.? We try to have a variety of topics which include “what Presbyterians believe”, mission topics from CCI, environmental issues, the Reformation, current social issues, Archeology and the Bible, Mission work from around the world and the Advent series.? Adult Education classes in 2019SpringTitle - speakerattendanceJan 6Following in the Footsteps of Christ - B. Manner2013Why Do they Do That? (comparative religions)2820(Church closed, no class)27The Ten Commandments - Bryan Bass-Riley12Feb 3 (no class, Boy Scout Breakfast)10The Ten Commandments Hike - Jeanne Smith2017The Pittsburgh Racial Justice Summit - Karen Teaman1824Evidence for the Changing Climate - Peter Carras18Mar 3Responding to Our Changing Climate - Peter Carras1710(Lent) People of Grace - Martha Wintersgill1917Energy Innov'n and Carbon Dividend Act - P. Recker1724(Lent) Who Do They Say I Am? - Bryan Bass-Riley1631(Lent) Wicked Bad - Lori Bass-Riley16Apr 7(Lent) Blessed To Be A Blessing - Warren Junker2414(Lent) Faith Systems - Dave Anderson1421(Easter, no class)28Local Missions - Monroeville Volunteer Fire Dept. 412May 5Local missions - New Wilmington Mission Conference1612Southern Africa Today - Bill Markus2619Southern Africa Today - Bill Markus21total, average314, 18.5FallSep15Women In The Bible, I. - Ron Tappy2322Women In The Bible, II. - Ron Tappy2629Ministry Fair24Oct 6Summer Youth Mission Trips2813Matriarchs and Patriarchs of Cross Roads2520Cathedrals of Europe - Sharon Kehlert1627Building Safety and its Cost31Nov 3Hearing Health Care - Caitlin Conley1710Stewardship2017Casa San José - Sister Janice2124E. Liberty Family Health Center - Mary Lovett20Dec 1Women In The Bible, III. - Ron Tappy28 8Women In The Bible, IV. - Ron Tappy3015Nativity Stories - Faye Junker2222Christmas Traditions - Faye Junker21total, average352, 23.5Grand Total666 Church and Community Involvement Ministry Team-2914659525000Members: Curt Stemmerich (E, chair), Sue Lomeo (D) , Susan Stemmerich (D), Warren Junker (T), Karen Teaman, (member at large) Purpose: To promote the full mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and, in particular, Cross Roads Church through local, national and worldwide involvement. To act as a liaison between the Session and Board of Deacons on mission projects.2019 Goals:Seek to deepen the congregational relationship and spiritual growth with Mission Partners; Participate in the Family Shower and the Ministry Fair; Continue mission articles and spotlight Mission partners for newsletter;Host Mission partners in Faith Works presentations and Moment for Mission;Support Ten Thousand Villages with collection of hygiene kits.2019 Programs and Accomplishments:Supported 13 local programs for the poor, outreach, and community, along with 7 international programs for outreach, life improvement, and peace. Contributed $222 to each organization;Wrote mission articles and spotlighted Mission partners for newsletter;Distributed funds to One Great Hour of Sharing - $1127; Christmas Joy - $865; Blanket Fund - $345; Lazarus Fund - $806;Hosted the Monroeville VFD in FaithWorks; Hosted the New Wilmington Mission Conference in FaithWorks and Moment for Mission;Partnered with Youth to host fundraising Food Truck nights in the summer;Participated with the Cross Roads Presbyterian Women’s Association in a “Family Shower” benefiting the East Liberty Family Health Care Center.2020 Goals:Merging with Fellowship, Evangelism and Technology to form the new Mission and Outreach Committee. Mission & Outreach Ministry TeamMembers: Curt Stemmerich (E, chair), Sue Lomeo (D) , at large members Susan Stemmerich, Warren Junker, Karen Teaman, Jodi Langan Purpose: To promote the full mission of the Church through local, national and worldwide involvement. Interface with mission partners. Promote, staff and oversee fundraising mission and fellowship activities inside and outside of the Church. Plan and carry out an evangelism program which will bring individuals into membership at Cross Roads. 2020 Goals:Organize and determine responsibilitiesDefine what our internal and external mission is and determine fundraising activities.Determine how to recruit volunteers to carry out mission fundraising and fellowship activities. Communicate Mission and Outreach purpose to the Congregation. Plan an evangelism program that will attract and bring in new members to Cross Roads.Support the International Partnership by hosting a missionary from Africa to Cross Roads.Church Growth and Evangelism Ministry TeamThis ministry team was not active in 2019 and has been merged with the new Mission and Outreach Ministry Team for 2020.461645025654000DustbustersContact Person: Caroline ZappaTeams:A – Lynn Phillips (Team Leader), Marie Fowler, Amy Haessler, Sue Lomeo, Wesley Lucas, Barb Reber, Rose Ann Tyson, Greg & Heather WarnockB – Liz Sommer (Team Leader), Cathy DeStefano, Cassie Doege, Sharon Kehlert, Andrew Langan, Barb Manner, Larry Mayhue, Mickey MortimerC – Tom & Ilona Beatty (Team Leaders), Dana Ditter, Kathy Fagan, Kim Giles, Karen Hinkes, Owen Johnson, Fred & Diane SchirmD – Ed & Denise Ponczak (Team Leaders), Lisa Caprara, Denise Graham, Alice & Beata Leighton, Kim Limbacher, Doris Petrick, Kelley RupchakE – Peg Sinback (Team Leader), Dara Brown, Alice Grasso, John & Karen Kutz, Pam Price, Deb RobinsonPurpose: The Dustbusters are a dedicated group of caring church members whose mission is to clean various areas of the church, as needed. 2019 Accomplishments:This year marks the 21st year of Dustbuster teams. Each Dustbuster team is scheduled twice a year to clean areas of the church in need. This year, we have cleaned the parlor, hallway doors/frames, narthex woodwork/windows, kitchen, sanctuary woodwork/windows, kitchen, handrails, fellowship hall walls, chairs and tables.2020 Projects: To continue our mission of helping to make our church beautiful and to add additional members to our teams.Finance Ministry Team*Formerly Finance, Planned Giving, and StewardshipMembers:??Dominic Zappa (chair), Carl Swartz (E), Sharon Kehlert (E), Joe Nicksich (T), Elizabeth Sommer (At-Large), Kyle Tomer (At-Large), and John Junker (At-Large).?Purpose:? The Finance Committee was established by Session to manage the financial affairs of the church, oversee the planned giving endowments, and plan the stewardship campaign for the church.?2019 Goals:Recommend financial policy and procedure updates to session; Streamline the budget process; Provide quarterly contribution statements to the congregation; Provided periodic updates of revenues and expenses to the congregation; Provide monthly reports to all committees; Educate committee chairs on specific financial responsibilities Check requests;Income documentation;Committee accounts.2020 Goals: As a new year begins, the finance committee also begins anew. Like many areas of the church this committee is in transition and due to that we are working towards uniting the three pillars of the committee, finance, planned giving, and stewardship, so that we can be more effective in the financial guidance of the church. We have already begun to discuss and plan on how we can be the most effective stewards of the church’s finances.Over the course of the year we are planning on restructuring the investments of the endowments to create a better return, put in place a 365 day stewardship plan, assist Session in carrying out the 2020 budget, prepare for the 2021 budget, and put in place more financial structure in the form of policy and procedure to better align to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In addition to those high-level goals, we will continue to strive to either complete or be more efficient in executing the 2019 goals from above. These goals are still on our list, not for the lack of completion, but more to always make sure we are always financially responsible and to make sure we are never complacent in educating the congregation on where the church stands financially.-9334519939000Fellowship Ministry TeamMembers:?Jodi Langan (E, Chair), Courtney Caprara (E), Kathy Fagan (D), Susan Glass(D), Patty Ksylinger (T), Karen Kutz, Doris Petrick(D), Laurene Rymer, Judy Shipley (D), Peg Sinback,? Jeanne Smith (D), Rick Kline (T)?Purpose:?The purpose of the committee is to plan and provide Christian fellowship activities in the church that encourage opportunities for all ages and groups within the congregation to know each other and fellowship together as a community within the church family and the community at large, and to maintain the supplies for the church for others who want to host a fellowship hour or dinner.2019 Projects:??To continue to plan and provide Christian hospitality and fellowship opportunities throughout the year including summer months.?2019 Programs:??????????Fellowship Hours;??????????Palm Sunday Brunch;??????????Church Picnic.2020 Goals:? ?To merge with CCI, Evangelism and Technology to form the new Mission and Outreach Committee, that will promote internal and external missions of Cross Roads, coordinate and plan fundraising, recruit volunteers to carry out projects, and plan and carry out an evangelism program which will bring individuals into membership at Cross Roads.2019 Budget:Expenses:Fellowship supplies- $ 399.49Palm Sunday Brunch $ 99.40? ? ? ? ? Total? ? ? ? ? ? $ 498.89Income:Palm Sunday Brunch Goodwill Donations- $114Presbyterian Men49110905270500Officers: Tim Sinback and Warren Junker (co-chairmen), Larry Mayhue (vice president), Tim Sinback (acting secretary after Jim Boyer’s passing), Owen Johnson and Fred Schirm (co-treasurers)Purpose: This organization seeks to provide an informal period of Christian fellowship for all the men of Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, to enhance bonds and to build support and relationships among its members. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month during fall, winter and spring at the church and include dinner and a program designed to be interesting and informative.The organization sponsors three specific groups/projects:The Yardbird teams that handle spring, summer and fall lawn mowing;The Men’s Breakfast group, which meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Denny’s Restaurant;Sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop 184 and Cub Scout Pack 184.2019 Programs: There were eight dinner meetings, with a total attendance of 144 people, or an average of 18 people per dinner meeting. The delicious dinners were cooked by two teams for alternating months, one lead by Karen Kutz through October which was then lead by Jay Winter in December and beyond, and the other lead by Caroline Zappa and Lynn Phillips for the entire year. The interesting programs were:January – Fred Schirm on 2018 Federal Income Tax ChangesFebruary – Owen Johnson on Jordan & Petra TripMarch – Fred Schirm on Cuba TripApril – Carl Schwartz on their Calvin & Luther Reformation Tour of EuropeSeptember – Ray Adams on his book, Hey Guys, Listen Up, I Have Some Stuff For You To Read October – Barb Manner on Viet Nam TripNovember – Sam Hooper on Troop 184 Philmont TripDecember – Fred Schirm on Ukraine TripDuring the last half of the year, the men have been invited to bring their wives to the meetings for the dinners and presentations. This practice will continue in the future.We give our sincere thanks to all of the presenters and cooks. We also give our sincere thanks for Jim Boyer’s many years of service and his many contributions to our organization.Presbyterian Men co-sponsored with Fellowship the Pentecost Picnic in May. 2020 Goals: To continue to foster Christian fellowship among the men of the church. 2019 Presbyterian Men’s Treasurer’s Report:Beginning Balance, January 1, 2019$1824.17Receipts:Eight men’s dinners $1300.002019 interest earned .57Total receipts$1300.74Balance adjustment *+ $15.00 Disbursements:Food for eight men’s dinners $966.00Pentecost Picnic $180.00Tractor mower repair $100.00 Total expenditures $1246.00Savings Account balance, December 13, 2019 $1893.74Ending balance, December 31, 2019 $1893.74*Unaccountable; needed to balance year end savings account balance-10731513398500Presbyterian WomenOfficers: Ilona Beatty (Chairperson), Caroline Zappa (Treasurer)Purpose: Our purpose is to respond to mission needs worldwide and in our community, and to encourage women to grow spiritually by offering programs of worship, prayer, and Bible Study.2019 Programs and Accomplishments:The Presbyterian Women’s Association Lydia Circle of Cross Roads Church meets monthly on the second Monday in the parlor at 10:00 am for our business meeting and Bible study, “Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible” by Liz Curtis Higgs. Monies from our Circle offerings and fundraisers were distributed to various mission projects.We sewed 34 baby quilts and 12 baby hats in weekly sewing workshops for our annual baby shower, which was held in conjunction with the Church and Community Involvement Committee on September 22. The quilts, hats, donated baby supplies, and $165.00 were distributed to the East Liberty Family Health Care Center. We also donated quilts to support the Deacons’ collection for Project Linus.In May, we held our 16th annual flower fundraiser, which was a wonderful success and generated $405.05.On May 10th, our 92nd Annual Mother-Daughter Banquet was held; entertainment was provided by Tim Hartman. We sincerely thank our committee of Ilona Beatty, Gail Doege, Linda Kelly, Kim Shafer, Diane Taylor, and Caroline Zappa for all their hard work.Thank Offering Sunday was held on November 24th with Rev. Mary Lovett, East Liberty Family Health Care Center, as our speaker. Monies collected were donated to the Presbyterian Women, Presbyterian of Pittsburgh (PWPP).2020 Dreams: Our dream is to have more women involved in our work for the Lord and to continue raising money to support our various missions.-546103873500Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to: nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s KingdomPresbyterian Women’s Treasurer’s ReportBeginning Balance (January 1, 2019)$ 867.12Income:Monthly Lydia Circle Offerings$ 359.00Thank Offering Donations 676.00Mother-Daughter Banquet Ticket Sales 1,318.00Bible Study Books 96.00Donations 875.00Flower Fundraiser Sales 1,555.00Total Income$4,879.00Disbursements:PWPP (Assessment Dues)$ 34.00PWPP (Pittsburgh Mission) 200.00Cross Roads (Food Pantry) 120.00Office Supplies 22.00Mother-Daughter Banquet 1,266.60Pitcairn Meals-On-Wheels 100.00Functional Literacy Ministry of Haiti 100.00CRPC (Hurricane Dorian Relief Fund) 100.00JE Mussig Greenhouse 1,149.95East Liberty Family Health Care Center (Thank Offering) 676.00Cross Roads (General Fund) 600.00Caribbean Youth Network (Weightman Ministry) 100.00Christmas Love Gifts 75.00Total Disbursements$4,543.55Ending Balance (December 31, 2019)$1,202.57Our cash balance at year end is in our checking account.Personnel Ministry TeamMembers: Pat Winter (E) January – July (Chair), Bob Mortimer (E) (Incoming Chair), Jeanne Smith (D), Dick Haessler (E), Kyle Tomer (T), Barb Reber (at large) and Dan Shafer (at large).Purpose: To oversee the personnel administration of the Church and to provide for an orderly, focused and considerate means to build a healthy work environment. This team reports to Session and is liaison for personnel, Session and the Congregation.2019 Goals Maintain a positive and open working environment for all personnel;Maintain an ongoing communications with all employees;Continue to evaluate the staff compliment and needs of our church, updating positions, consulting with relevant committees on next steps and filling positions as necessary; Recognize staff contributions through a fellowship hour and a Love Gift during the year; Work with Finance Committee on staff compensation issues;Continue to update Personnel Job Descriptions for all staff; andComplete Personnel evaluations.2019 ActivitiesSupported Session and Interim Pastor as our Church is in transition;Finalized the Interim Pastor’s 2020 contract. Special thanks to John Kutz, Dominic Zappa and all the members of the Finance Team who assisted with the details;Began the evaluation process in the new year. Each staff member completed a self -appraisal and reviewed her/his job description for accuracy. Members of the Personnel Committee reached out to members of the congregation to gather feedback for each evaluation. All staff members received their evaluation at a meeting with their Personnel Liaison and in many cases Rev. Robbins. Conversations allowed all parties to discuss successes, concerns and provide support;The Committee developed guidelines for retaining Personnel records;Due to the Church’s financial position, no raises were awarded to staff in 2019;Upon resignation of Taylor Walter, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, members of the Personnel Committee met with representatives of Christian Education on next steps for youth activities and a plan to search for an interim staff member to assist;The Committee collected a Love Gift for staff, which will be disbursed in January. Unfortunately, no Fellowship Hour was held to recognize staff – we apologize for this oversight! We appreciate our staff and pledge to do better. Thank you Rev. Sarah, Lori, Martha, Barry, Randy, Debbie and Meghan!2020 Goals Continue to check in with staff regularly to provide support and clear channels of communication. This is particularly important as our Church is going through transition;Continue to evaluate the staff compliment and needs of our church as we plan for the future;Assist Session with a contract for our new Pastor;Conduct annual staff evaluations;Determine if there are ways to improve staff working conditions and support other than monetary compensation; andUpdate the Personnel Section of the Administrative Manual. Planned Giving Ministry TeamMembers January - August: Dan Shafer (Trustee), Pat Winter (Session), Dean Sommer and Emily Sommer (D). Members-at-large: Elizabeth Sommer, Jill Watson and Russ Thompson: By invitation: Kyle Tomer. Purpose: To maintain a Planned Giving Program that provides interested individuals an opportunity to provide for the endowment and support of Cross Roads Church and to administer the assets of Cross Roads Church’s endowment funds. The Planned Giving Program enables the church to receive and effectively utilize bequests, deferred giving, honors & memorials, endowments, and other special contributions in a manner that furthers the mission of the church. 2019 Goals:Increase the congregation’s awareness of the opportunities to support Cross Roads through bequests, deferred giving, honors & memorials, endowments, and other special contributions in a manner that furthers the mission of the church;Continue to monitor the performance of the assets of the endowment funds to assure adequate performance to support the missions of their charters;Send acknowledgments to all donors to the Honors and Memorial program and notify individuals that tribute gifts were received by the Church.2019 Initiatives:Monitored the performance of the assets of the endowment funds to ensure adequate return on investments. (See Cross Roads Church Endowed Fund Assets Report in the Addendum.)Provided $58,479 in income to the Church’s budget: $12,163 for Pastor’s Housing; funds for Music Maintenance expenses; and $43,000 for Christian Education. In addition, $1,316 from the General Endowment Fund was provided to support expenses of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). The “draw” was calculated using 5% of the value of the PG endowed funds on 12/31/17.Worked with the Church’s Treasurer to establish the balances of the Honors & Memorials funds that are held in the Church’s checking account and to monitor them moving forward. Hosted Planned Giving/Wills Sunday on All Saints Day in November to increase the congregation’s awareness of the opportunities to support Cross Roads through bequests, deferred giving, honors & memorials, endowments, and other special contributions. Sent acknowledgment cards to all donors to the Honors and Memorial program and notified individuals that tribute gifts were received by the Church. A big thank you goes to Ilona Beatty for handling this important task as an ex-officio member of the committee. In the fall, the Planned Giving Committee began to combine with the Finance and Stewardship Committees in order to better plan and coordinate fiscal matters for the congregation. 2020 Goals:Harness the talents of the new committee structure to develop strategies to enhance the performance of the assets of the endowment funds to assure adequate performance to support the missions of their charters. Increase the congregation’s awareness of the opportunities to support Cross Roads through bequests, deferred giving, honors & memorials, endowments, and other special contributions in a manner that furthers the mission of the church.Update the Pillars of Cross Roads plaque.Send acknowledgments to all donors to the Honors and Memorial program and notify individuals that tribute gifts were received by the Church.A copy of the detailed Planned Giving financial report is included in the Addendum.Worship and Music Ministry TeamMembers: : Larry Mayhue (Chair), Randy Broker (Staff), Chris Sinback (E), Kathy Fagan (D), Linda Kelly, Karen Hinkes (E), Joe Nicksich (T), Gary Stewart (T), Maureen McGowan, Rev. Sarah Robbins (Interim Pastor)Many Congregation members support the efforts of the W&M team. In particular the Communion Setup/Cleanup Team currently composed of Linda Kelly, Kathy Fagan, Judy Shipley, Willa Miller, Jeanne Smith, Karen Hinkes, Marie Fowler, Caroline Zappa, and Lynn Phillips. The Team has reached out to the Congregation for help in decorating the sanctuary for Advent and Lent and the response has been excellent. So many have helped in 2019 that we will not list names for fear someone will be missed. However, the Team does want to issue special thanks to Tim Sinback who helps with so many odd jobs throughout the year, Geoff Phillips who drapes the Cross for Lent, and Caroline Zappa who did such a great job cleaning and organizing our area in the garage.Purpose: To plan, promote, and carry out meaningful experiences of worship, including music. Specific responsibilities include: maintaining the choir, scheduling and coordinating ushers, liturgists, and communion servers; preparing for baptisms; coordinating chancel flowers; setting up for and cleaning up after communion; providing envelopes for special offerings; providing Ash Wednesday refreshments following the early service; decorating the sanctuary during the Lenten, Easter, Advent and Christmas seasons. We currently meet the third Wednesday of each month during the fall, winter, and spring and as needed in Summer.Goals for 2019:The Team will continue to engage the Congregation in W&M activities with the additional challenge of involving new people in worship activities including ushers, liturgists, and choir and hand bell participants.The Team has tried to involve the Congregation in its activities by asking for help in its activities with good results. The Congregation has helped with decorating the sanctuary for Lent and Advent. The Committee conducted a survey for the Christmas Eve services which had very high participation from the Congregation.The Team will recruit additional new members in 2019. We added one team member at the beginning of 2020, but we lost our long time member and dear friend Jim Boyer. He is greatly missed.Goals for 2020:The Team will develop a plan to address the CAT survey results when they are revealed to the CongregationThe Team will adapt to the new reduced size team configuration by concentrating on defining direction, increasing its organizing efforts, and reaching out even more to the Congregation for assistance with its activities -301625-3873500Sanctuary Choir, Children’s Choir, Bell ChoirPurpose: The Adult Choir, Children’s Choir and the Bell Choir provide quality sacred music at Sunday morning worship services and special seasonal services throughout the year. Quality sacred music is chosen for all ensembles, music that glorifies God and puts Him in clear focus of the congregation. Debbie and Randy Broker direct the Cross Roads musical ensembles.2019 Goals:Continue to have our musical ensembles provide quality sacred music at the worship services at Cross Roads;Recruit new members to both the Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir and Adult Choir; Continue to provide quality music for the summer months and find ways for congregation members to be more involved in the summer music program.2019 Programs:The Adult Choir and Bell Choir rehearsed on Thursday evenings and provided music for Sunday morning and seasonal worship services;The Children’s Choir participated in several worship services and were involved in the Family Christmas Eve service;The Adult Choir and Bell choir and readers presented a cantata with orchestra entitled “The Christmas Light.”2020 Goals:Continue to have our musical ensembles provide quality sacred music at the worship services at Cross Roads;Recruit new members to both the Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir and Adult Choir; Continue to provide quality music for the summer months and find ways for congregation members to be more involved in the summer music program.BOARDS OF THE CHURCHBoard of Deacons ReportClass of 2019Priscilla BoydBeryl Elrick Kathy FaganSusan GlassDoris Petrick(vacant)Class of 2020Andrew LanganValerie NicksichDiana SeidelsonJudy ShipleyJeanne SmithSusan StemmerichClass of 2021Denise GrahamRachel GrahamDean SommerEmily Sommer (vacant)(vacant)Class of 2022Kathy FaganJane FraelichBetsy HughesSue Lomeo Moderator: Jeanne SmithVice Moderator: Andrew LanganTreasurer: Susan Stemmerich Secretary: Betsy HughesPurpose Statement:- The Board of Deacons of Cross Roads Presbyterian Church provides a ministry of care and concern for our congregation and community.2019 Goals and ResultsFeeding the Homeless in March, July, and November - served approximately 300 people.Italian Buffet provided $1527 for our Mission fund and $1527 for the Preschool Scholarship fund;Cookie Walk provided $2085 for our Mission fund;Linus Blankets were collected;Gift of the Fourth Wiseman provided 294 gifts to our Food Pantry families;Continued care for our home bound members included calls, visits, cards and gift bags;2020 Projects/ DreamsHomeless Meal project to continue; Gift of Fourth Wiseman project to continue; Linus Blanket collection;Expansion of our caring ministry to the community is under discussion.Board of Deacons2019 Financial ReportFundraising IncomeItalian Buffet$3395.00Cookie Walk$2097.00Donation IncomeDeacons Brunch$ 162.004th Wiseman$ 280.00General donations$ 675.00Total Income$6609.00ExpensesItalian Buffet Ad$ 390.18Shut in Gift Bags$ 67.10Deacons Brunch$ 154.74Feeding Homeless$ 629.84Postage$ 55.004th Wiseman$ 351.96Cookie Walk containers$ 11.99Total Expenses$1660.81Payments to MissionHiggs Scholarship Fund$1527.41General Mission$3420.78Total Payments to Mission$4948.19**Net Fundraising ProfitsItalian Buffet (split with Preschool Scholarship fund)$3054.82Cookie Walk$2085.01290676217969162828Session ReportClass of 2019Class of 2020Class of 2021Class of 2022Dick HaesslerJodi LanganCarolyn BensonDick HaesslerKaren HinkesTodd LeightonCourtney CapraraKaren HinkesSharon KehlertLarry MayhueBob MortimerSharon KehlertHeather WarnockChris SinbackCurt StemmerichLucille JenkinsPat WinterCarl SchwartzPolly SwensonModerator: Rev. Sarah RobbinsClerk of Session: Richard HaesslerThe Session is charged with the development and nurturing of the spiritual well-being of the Cross Roads congregation. The Session does this by providing for the teaching of the Word of God, administration of the sacraments, and education and nurturing of the members. To accomplish this role, the Session is supported by the Board of Deacons, the Board of Trustees and all of the ministry teams within the church. These boards and ministry teams accomplish significant work and, when required by the Book of Order and the church administrative manual, provide recommendations to the Session on various topics including worship, Christian education, and finances. Throughout the year the Session had 12 regularly scheduled monthly meetings and two special meetings. The Session formed a subgroup to examine the various board and committee functions, responsibilities, and membership size. The recommendation from the subgroup to reduce the membership of the Session, Deacons, and Trustees to 9 members each, to be achieved over time through attrition, was presented and approved at a Congregational meeting in November 2019. The Session approved a contract to retain Rev. Sarah Robbins as Interim Pastor for 2020.The Session throughout the year adopts a budget for the church and presents it to the congregation at the annual meeting, adopts a communion schedule and approves the administration of baptism, reviews the slate of officers as required by the Book of Order, reviews new members and confirmation students and votes to receive them as members of Cross Roads, and approves financial actions of the church. The Session also calls for the annual congregational meetings where the annual reports are presented to the congregation, new officers are elected, and terms of call with ordained staff are adopted or modified. Minutes for the Session meetings and congregation meetings are reviewed and approved by the Session. The records of the Session are annually reviewed by Pittsburgh Presbytery as required by the Book of Order.292608010404432929Board of Trustees ReportClass of 2019Class of 2020Class of 2021Class of 2022Patty KyslingerJames BrownElizabeth SommerJon JunkerJay RaceDave Falvo Gary StewartWarren JunkerDan ShaferRick KlineKyle TomerZane RheaJay WinterJoseph NicksichDJ Zappa Fred SchirmPurpose: As per the administration Manual of Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, “A Trustee receives, holds, manages, encumbers and transfers property of the church.” All powers and responsibilities of the Board are “subject to the authority of the Session and are under the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).” (The Book of Order G-7.0402)2019 Goals:Complete the exterior lighting repairs and replacements as part of the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign;Complete the interior (sanctuary) lighting repairs and replacements as part of the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign;Seal and re-stripe the entire parking area as part of the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign.2019 Program Funding:The 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign served as the primary source of funds for all of the 2019 Project Goals. The Campaign officially ended on December 31.2020 Project Goals:Complete the installation of physical security devices and an access control system to secure the pre-school area and church office during daily hours of operation. The project is to be funded by a special fund, exclusive of the church’s normal operating budget.Obtain a new, long term electric utility supplier contract. The current contract expires at the end of November 2020.ANIZATIONS OF THE CHURCHCross Roads PreschoolMinistry Team Members/Officers:Polly Swenson - Session RepresentativeKelley Rupchak- DirectorKathy Mayhue- SecretaryRennie Rhodes – ChairpersonGinny Cochenour- Personnel LiaisonLucile Jenkins - Vice ChairpersonAlison Race- RegistrarDale Caprara-TreasurerJane Fraelich- Volunteer CoordinatorPurpose:The preschool offers a high quality week-day program for the children of Cross Roads, Monroeville, and surrounding communities. Committed to Christian nurturing, our aim is to help children from infancy to five years of age develop emotionally, socially, and cognitively, and to provide support and encouragement to their families. We establish a loving and caring atmosphere in which each child is respected as an individual…a unique gift of God.GOALS FOR 2019Continue exploring way to build our name in the community and maintaining our student population;Evaluate PAST Time Program and the effectiveness of the program in meeting family needs and ensuring it is financially affordable for them;Explore options for credit card payments to be accepted;Begin Facebook and email system to keep parents informed and to advertise the preschool;Expand and organize the staff resource library;Complete Employee Handbook;Continue with successful partnerships in the community and establish new ones; Increase staff ability to deal with children with special concerns, behaviors and needs through training.293251913784031312019 PROGRAMS Continued with implemented ideas to increase awareness that the program is running by being more visible in the community working with Monroeville Rotary, Monroeville Parks and Rec., Pitcairn, and Trafford to donate to Breakfast with Santas or light up nights, Rotary Easter Egg hunt and our Vacation Bible School; Work with DCM and preschool families to invite them to all children related church activities. Continue keeping church happenings in newsletters and flyers; Continue PAST Time to meet the needs of our families. Finding increased knowledge of the program occurring and more inquiries about it. Currently services 5 families regularly and 4 additional families occasionally;Started online payment option, using PayPal;Emailing up & used for better communication. Also using webpage &FB to update parents and advertise; Continue to meet annually now with Kindergarten teachers to discuss program and transitions of students;No further progress achieved with the Library organization;Employee Handbook stalled due to new security restructuring. This will affect procedures.Staff trainings scheduled for 3-17-2020.2020 PROJECTS OR DREAMSContinue exploring way to build our name in the community and maintaining our student population;Partner with the church to provide enhanced security for the preschool;Continue PAST Time Program and promoting its use to more families and ensuring it is financially affordable;Explore options for credit card payments that are more cost efficient;Continue using Facebook, website and email system to keep parents informed and to advertise the preschool;Expand and organize the staff resource library;Complete Employee Handbook;Explore the possibility of afterschool programs at CRP for children attending Ramsey and Trafford Elementary in the K-3 classes;Enhance the website with additional features;Continue with successful partnerships in the community and establish new ones; 130302028702000Increase staff ability to deal with children with special concerns, behaviors and needs through training.Preschool Balance Sheet 1/1/19-12/31/19 301623224321843333286893082765903535Preschool Profit and Loss Statement 1/1/19-12/31/19 29775955725373434290032232549653535Cross Roads Food PantryBoard Members: Peg Sinback (Director), Barb Manner (Fund Raiser Coordinator), Tim Sinback (Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank Liaison & Local Food Purchaser), Shirley Maupin and Maureen McGowan (Volunteer Coordinators), Peg Sinback and Maureen McGowan (Holiday Meal Coordinators), Ginny Cochenour (secretary), Kathy Fagan, Valerie Nicksich (Deacon Liaisons)Purpose: The Cross Roads Food Pantry houses a community outreach program uniting people of all faiths to serve Monroeville residents who are in need of food and other necessities, providing them with nutritional food, personal care items, and information on available social services. Our 2019 goals were to continue the standard of excellence in serving our clients, to continue work with the community to build a support system for our clients and to grow our on-line presence for donations.Programs:The Cross Roads Food Pantry acknowledges the numerous individuals and many community groups, houses of worship and businesses who continue to support our mission. We continue to pick up food twice/week from Aldi on Rte. 286 – 19,701 lb. (weekly average of 379 lb). Our Cross Roads Garden provided 242 Lb. of produce.Food purchases continue to be from the Food Bank and the Dollar General on Rte. 286.We continue to give our clients Shop N Save Vouchers with each visit.Food was distributed to 180 different families (same regulars as last year). This included 10 one time emergency distributions and averaged 55 families and 157 people per month. Easter Dinner supplies were given to 90 families (↓4%). We received 46 $20 KDKA vouchers which had to be given out in November, per KDKA.Christmas Dinner supplies were distributed to 100 families (↓15%). We supplied $1,250 of our Shop N Save vouchers. For the 8th year, our Deacons coordinated the Gift of the 4th Wiseman for clients’ children with donations generously made by our congregation, North American Martyrs and Student Transportation of America (Gateway Bus Drivers).Our Senior Box program (state run program of 40 lb. box of food with “Velveeta-type” cheese block) has completed its 16th year with 13- 15 senior families served per month.Participation in the Community Conversation continues to identify needs, identify resources and bring people together to better serve our community. We continue to work directly with school social workers to assist families in need.On-line donations have been received through the Critical Needs Alert and the Benevity Community Impact Fund (for which we have signed up for on-line transfer of donations).2019 Goals:Maintain the standard of excellence in serving our clients;Continue strong ties with the community to support our mission and to identify needs/provide resource information to our clients;Continue participation in the Community Conversation meetings;Continue to grow our on-line presence for donation to better meet current trends in our society.2971155153258360036Food Pantry2019 Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance$50,696.97Income: Food Pantry Contributions$39,426.75 United Way $ 2,655.98$42,082.73Expenses: Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank $50.00 Agency Membership GPCFB Purchases $18,584.92 Local Food Purchases $ 3,472.36 Shop N Save Vouchers $ 9,500.00 Special Dinner Purchases $ 669.10 Misc. (printer & heater) $ 7,323.77 $39,600.15 Ending Balance $53,179.55 Net Income $ 2,482.58Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Grant Monies gifted and spent $4,500.00 This money does not come through the church, but is on the Food Bank invoices.29840354179704370037-8255-23685500 Cross Roads CemeteryMembers: Geoff Phillips (President, 2022), Don Ditter (2023) Dave Falvo (2020), Dick Haessler, Nicole Smith (2021, treasurer), Polly Swenson (elder), DJ Zappa (trustee, vice president), Martha Wintersgill, business managerAccomplishments during 2019:Martha Wintersgill began as Business Manager on January 2, 2019, replacing long-time manager Faye Junker after more than 30 years of service;National Cemetery was contracted to dig graves and maintain headstones on February 1, 2019 , replacing retiring gravedigger Jim Groppelli;Abigail Salisbury was hired to examine our non-profit status and move us from a 501-C3 to a 501-C13, which is more appropriate for cemeteries;Caroline Zappa invested many volunteer hours in the basement file room, shredding old documents and organizing relevant files. (Thanks, Caroline!)The driveway and parking area were seal coated by Seal Rite in June at a cost of $1,495.15; Lionsgate Entertainment used the cemetery as a backdrop for their show “Man Hunt” and paid $500 to place lighting on our driveway/parking area;Bucknell University students developed custom software to track and manage grave use at Cross Roads. While the software is complete, much data entry needs to be done to make it useable;Continual maintenance of the Cemetery with trimming of trees and bushes, removal of dead flowers, removal of trash and seasonal wreaths, filling of low areas, leveling of interment graves, spreading grass seed, mowing grass, trimming around stones;Several stones in the Cemetery that had fallen over were righted;Trees were trimmed along Stroschein and Monroeville Blvds to allow better sight lines for people exiting Miracle Mile Shopping center.Goals for 2020Establish 501-C13 status, separate from the Church’s tax ID, to be more aligned with current tax lawsContinue to invest in improvements in the cemetery by righting stones that have fallenExamine ways to reduce costs of landscaping/grass cuttingInvestigate ways to generate income through sales of lots.Statistics:? 8 burials, 1 disinterment 29518386530043838Cross Roads Cemetery Treasurer’s Report--2019Assets 1/1/19$1,841,544.63Receipts-2019Sale of Lots0Grave Openings/disinterment11,755.00Foundations939.60Disbursement from investments 12,000Misc.500Savings Int.1.75Decrease in value of lots due to sales()Increase in Vanguard Perpetual Care.8,317.72Increase in Mellon TrustPerpetual Care.34,801.57Increase in Waddell & ReedPerpetual Care.44,255.19Increase in Wealth Management PartnersPerpetual Care.15,976.05Total receipts-2019128,546.88Expenses-2019Mowing18,600Grave Openings/exhumation5,600Foundations/monument repair2,620Trash service 547.58Payroll service163.20Taxes1,192.20Business Manager5,256.00Misc.clean up/office supplies381.31Cap. Improvements1,495.15Ground Maintenance-tree trimming 2,100Monroeville flood fee240.00Total Expenses-201938,195.44Net For 2019102870050567439003990,351.44Cemetery Assets 2019Value of Available Grave Sites$1,136,635.00???? Cash Accounts????? Checking- Huntington 660.19 Perpetual Care??????? Savings(Huntington)11,169??????? Vanguard148,478.56??????? Mellon Trust274,230.26??????? Waddell & Reed245,854.23Wealth Management Partners92,001.69Total Assets 12/31/2019$1,913,175.70298403544623694040STAFF REPORTSInterim Pastor’s ReportTo the congregation at Cross Roads,What a wonderful year 2019 has been!Throughout my time with you all as your Interim Pastor, we have accomplished a lot of good work as a result of seeing ourselves as Jesus’ disciples charged with participating in the kingdom of God.There is a great deal to be thankful for, and I would like to share some of those things with you!Each month the Session had faithful discussions and votes on how to best use our time and resources as a community of faith. Some Elders from Session were part of the Session sub-group that took a look at reducing the board sizes, reorganizing the committee structure, working through the reduction of meetings and improving communication. I am thankful for each Elder on Session and for the ways in which they are thoughtful, kind and seek to renew the processes and structures here. Through participation at the committee level, I saw a congregation that cares deeply about one another and being a welcoming place for new members. Both the worship and music and the Christian education committee were flexible and willing to try new programs and ways of worshipping together. In weekly worship, I got to engage the Word of God through praise, prayer and study with you all. Each time I asked you to participate in conversation, respond to questions, or to be further involved in examining the scriptures and our faith walk, you were open and willing. At staff meetings, we prayed for the congregation, shared in the struggle of adapting to new patterns and talked about ways to let go of how things have always been done. The staff have been consistently helpful in sharing what has been and what could be, so that this community of faith can continue to be well cared for and supported. And finally, in the last quarter of the year, I got to teach confirmation class and begin a relationship between the preschool kids and the pastoral staff.It is an enormous privilege to teach confirmation class. The four students meet often and ask wonderful questions about God and faith. Through intentional planning initiated by the preschool staff— both Pastor Lori and I were able to make connections with the preschool kids about faith and the church by reading books together. As I look to all that 2020 will bring, including new members, financial planning and a new pastor— I am reminded of these words from scripture that I hope will give you all a sense of possibility of what God will be doing next.“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29: 11-13Yours in Christ,29067621887294141Rev. Sarah RobbinsDirector of Children and Family Ministries ReportGreetings Cross Roads Presbyterian Family!I am so excited to be writing my 5th annual report for this congregation! What a great year we have had together. I have to thank my teachers and volunteers! We could not have this program without your time and effort. I love how much you care about our individual children and how willing you are to spend the time making Christian Education happen for this church. You are fabulous!Sunday MorningsI was excited to continue on with our Sunday offerings. We just absolutely love our nursery care giver, Meghan Griffith! Can you believe she has been with us over a year??!! In Kingdom Kids we have had several new families visit with us over the year. We’ve gone over the stories of faith that include Hannah, Eli, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, David and Goliath. We also spent the spring and summer learning about Jesus and his miracles. In God’s Kids, they continued to use the Gospel Light curriculum and the kids seem to really enjoy it! We had new teachers join this ministry as well! New this year, I’ve our Kids Korner in the narthex of the church. This child friendly place offers things to keep various ages of children busy and learning about God while in sanctuary. We have also added a library cart so families can take resources home from our library to continue in their faith development! JAMJAM had a great year in 2019! Our group continues to grow and have fun together. We said goodbye to a big group of 7th graders in 2019, but we have a new crop of kids for 2019-2020! Excited for these new kids who hail from our VBS program as well as from our own church congregation.VBSWe had a great year at VBS. We traveled back in time to Athens and learned about Paul’s great adventures to tell the people about Jesus. Around 125 kids participated and over 60 adults/teens helped. Our awesome float won second place for the 4th of July parade! Thanks to our volunteers and especially to our wonderful VBS director, Betsy Hughes for all her energy and ideas!Family MinistryA lot of fun was had through our family ministry in 2019! I was so appreciative of the feedback that families gave concerning our program. I have added new ways to communicate and new activities. Such a full and wonderful year! Thanks to the many hands in children’s ministry that help to make these programs such a success! I look forward to another great year with you!In Christ,Pastor Lori295183812507264242Director of Music ReportDear Congregation,As I writing my last annual report, I want to thank the congregation for their support of these last twenty-one years. It has been a pleasure serving the Lord as your Music Director. I am excited to see what God has in store for Cross Roads. I would like to thank all of the members of the Adult Choir, the Handbell Choir and the Children’s Choir. Thanks too, to the parents of the children who are praising God with their voices. These folks provide the music for our worship services. They are a dedicated and wonderful bunch of people and they work hard at providing music that praises God. As I begin my new journey, I remain a member of Cross Roads. Debbie remains committed to the music programs of the church, especially the Children’s Choir. We thank you for another successful year. In His Precious Name,Debbie and Randy Broker 293251946623044343FINANCIAL REPORTS290676223683174444Projected 2019 Year End Income/2020 PreliminaryCross Roads Presbyterian Church2019 Year End vs Budget & 2020 Budget Projection2019 Budget 2019 Actual 2020 BudgetINCOME??? CONTRIBUTIONS $ 262,800.00 $ 263,424.20 $ 181,812.00 SPECIFIC PURPOSE INCOME??? FLOWER INCOME $ - $ 2,231.00 $ - Building & Facilities $ - $ - $ - CHRISTIAN ED. INCOME $ 7,700.00 $ 11,960.50 $ 7,450.00 CRPC WOMEN ASSOC INC $ - $ 726.00 $ - FP CONTRIBUTIONS $ - $ - $ - PLANNED GIVING INCOME $ - $ - $ - ENDOWMENT INCOME $ - $ 1,316.00 $ - Subtotal Specific Purpose Income $ 7,700.00 $ 16,233.50 $ 7,450.00 BANK, OCCUPANCY, OTHER $ 27,060.00 $ 31,709.05 $ 29,306.40 DESIGNATION RELEASE??? ENDOWMENT RELEASE $ - $ - $ - Subtotal Designation Release $ - $ - $ - TOTAL INCOME $ 297,560.00 $ 311,366.75 $ 218,568.40 281661044946734545Projected 2019 Year End Expenses/2020 ExpensesEXPENSES?2019 Budget2019 Actual2020 Budget ? FIXED EXPENSES??? CHURCH STAFF $ 282,000.00 $ 260,184.14 $ 241,522.43 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE $ 47,350.00 $ 44,103.98 $ 43,751.00 BUILDING & GROUNDS $ 63,805.00 $ 62,556.32 $ 58,000.00 Subtotal Fixed Expenses $ 393,155.00 $ 366,844.44 $ 343,273.43 DEPARTMENTS/COMMITTEES??? CHRISTIAN EDUCATION $ 15,350.00 $ 18,803.74 $ 15,700.00 WORSHIP & MUSIC $ 5,500.00 $ 6,149.62 $ 5,000.00 MISSION & OUTREACH $ 1,500.00 $ 1,806.17 $ 2,700.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE $ 1,000.00 $ 1,394.21 $ - Subtotal Departments/committees $ 23,350.00 $ 28,153.74 $ 23,400.00 MISSION $ - $ - $ - MINISTRY AND STEWARDSHIP $ 2,150.00 $ 2,288.78 $ 1,900.00 Subtotal Expenses $ 418,655.00 $ 397,286.96 $ 368,573.43 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 418,655.00 $ 397,286.96 $ 368,573.43 TRANSFER ACCOUNTS??? TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS??? TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS??? XFER FROM ENDOWMENT $ 53,700.00 $ 43,000.00 $ 52,000.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS $ 53,700.00 $ 43,000.00 $ 52,000.00 EXCESS INCOME/EXPENSE $ (67,395.00) $ (42,920.21) $ (98,005.03)291320132140574646Endowment Fund Assets/FY 20192916555831469047472019 Balance Sheet by Funds2954655845629548048Not available at time of printing. ................

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