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COLONOSCOPYINSTRUCTIONSYou MUST bring someone with you to drive you home.PROCEDURE Your doctor has scheduled you to have a colonoscopy which is a diagnostic and potentially therapeutic test that allows the doctor to directly examine the inside of the colon (large bowel) and the end of the small bowel (ileum) with a narrow flexible instrument called a colonoscope. When performed by a specially trained physician, this is a safe and accurate way to determine the condition of your colon and ileum.After preparing for your colonoscopy by cleansing your bowel, you will report to the designated area, as discussed by your physician. Because you will be given intravenous (IV) sedation, you may not drive for 24 hours after your colonoscopy.Please arrange another means of transportation.Your colonoscopy will be done in an outpatient examination area or in our office where the doctor will explain the procedure and give you an opportunity to ask questions before signing the consent form.An intravenous (IV) will be started prior to your colonoscopy so that sedation may be given prior to and during the exam to keep you comfortable.You will be lying on your left side. If you wear dentures, you may be asked to remove them just prior to your colonoscopy. Anesthesia will be administered and you will be monitored by a trained anesthesia specialist throughtout your exam and recovery. After you are asleep, the doctor will gently insert the colonoscope into your rectum and guide it up into the colon.Biopsies may be taken during the exam, therapies may be performed, and if a polyp is found it may be removed using special equipment attached to cautery. You should not feel this.After your colonoscopy is completed, you will be taken to a room where the IV will be removed and you will rest as the effects of the medication wear off.Before you are discharged, you will be given instructions regarding problems to be aware of after the procedure, results of the exam, treatment, diet, and follow up appointments if needed.After the colonoscopy, you should not expect to be uncomfortable but: You may have abdominal discomfort. This is most likely due to air put in during the colonoscopy and should not last long. If you experience these symptoms: persistent abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, rectal bleeding, fever, nausea, or vomiting - you should contact your doctor immediately.Feel free to discuss these and other questions with the doctor or nurse before your examination. Please call us at 845-331-8222.?PREPARATION Because the colonoscopy involves looking inside the intestine, all body waste must be flushed out of your system so that your doctor can have a clear view. If your colon is not completely clean, your doctor may not be able to safely complete the examination. Your cooperation is important.Your doctor is recommending the use of MIRALAX to cleanse the bowel because it is safer and typically more effective than other methods.PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: ??You must have someone drive you to your appointment and wait at the office or hospital so they can bring you home when you are recovered! ??No aspirin or anti-inflammation medications such as Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Glucosamine/Chondroitin for 7 days before your procedure. You may use Tylenol. ??No supplements containg Iron for 3 days before your procedure. ??DO NOT EAT ANY FOOD CONTAINING SEEDS, CORN, OR NUTS FOR 3 DAYS BEFORE YOUR PROCEDURE. ??All female patients age 55 and under must give a urine specimen pre-procedure for pregnancy testing. If a patient cannot or will not give a urine specimen, we will not be able to perform the procedure. ??On your PREP DAY, which is the day before your scheduled colonoscopy, you must be on a clear liquid diet all day. ??At 12 noon, take 2 Dulcolax tablets with a glass of water. ??At 3pm, mix the entire bottle of MIRALAX with 64oz. of clear liquid (iced tea, water, etc.). Drink an 8oz. glass of water every 20 minutes until finished. ??Continue drinking clear liquids from the clear liquid diet list provided all day. ??At 6pm, take last 2 Dulcolax tablets with a glass of water. ??Continue your clear liquid diet until bedtime.*NOTHING BY MOUTH AFTER MIDNIGHT.DO "NOT" TAKE YOUR MEDICATIONS ON THE MORNING OF YOUR COLONOSCOPY UNLESS YOU ARE DIRECTED OTHERWISE.YOU MUST BE ON A CLEAR LIQUID DIET THE ENTIRE DAY BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED COLONOSCOPY.BE SURE TO WEAR LOOSE FITTING CLOTHING, COMFORTABLE SHOES, AND NO EXCESSIVE JEWELRY TO YOUR PROCEDURE.REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR ANESTHESIA FORM COMPLETELY FILLED OUT TO YOUR PROCEDURE.*If you take insulin or oral diabetic medications, please call us for special instructions at 845-331-8222.?CLEAR LIQUID DIET (A clear liquid is any liquid that you can see through.)Nothing RED or ORANGE in color!No milk, cream or soy milk in your coffee or tea.No alcoholic beverages, please.Please drink as many clear liquids as possible in addition to your prep solution.You may have: ??Clear soups and broths (no pasta/veggies) (water based chicken or beef broth is OK) ??Clear juices: apple, white grape, white cranberry, etc. ??Instant drink mixes: iced tea, lemonade, Crystal Light, Gatorade, Propel, Pedialyte or other flavored waters AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT RED OR ORANGE IN COLOR. ??Hard candy: NO RED OR ORANGE (butterscotch and root beer are OK) ??JELL-O Gelatin: grape, lime, berry blue, pineapple, lemon ??Popsicles/Italian Ice: ANY FLAVOR THAT IS NOT RED OR ORANGE ??Clear sodas and seltzer water (these should be limited due to carbonation) ??Tea (any kind): black tea, green tea, Earl Grey, Oolong, white tea, herbal tea, etc. ??Coffee: black with sugar is OK, no milk, soy milk, or powder creamers ??**YOU MAY USE SUGAR, HONEY, OR LEMON TO FLAVOR ANY LIQUID**REMEMBER - NOTHING AT ALL BY MOUTH AFTER MIDNIGHT ON YOUR PREP DAY - NOT EVEN WATER!YOU MAY RINSE OUT YOUR MOUTH IF NEEDED. YOU MAY ALSO BRUSH YOUR TEETH THE MORNING OF YOUR COLONOSCOPY.DO "NOT" TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS ON THE MORNING OF YOUR COLONOSCOPY!Any questions regarding whether a liquid is considered clear or not, please call us at 845-331-8222 ................

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