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Enterprise ProjectsPersonal and Team Review, Partnership Agreement and Performance Contract21235043Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc374962432 \h 3About GET2 Test PAGEREF _Toc374962433 \h 3My GET2 Test Results PAGEREF _Toc374962434 \h 3About Belbin PAGEREF _Toc374962435 \h 4My Belbin Results PAGEREF _Toc374962436 \h 4About Packtypes PAGEREF _Toc374962437 \h 4Packtype Results PAGEREF _Toc374962438 \h 4Personal Review PAGEREF _Toc374962439 \h 5Team Review PAGEREF _Toc374962440 \h 5Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc374962441 \h 7Appendices PAGEREF _Toc374962442 \h 7Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc374962443 \h 13Executive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical models to practical situations. Not only this but understanding the full value of Business Engagement and any impact it may have on future career development. By implementing a range of theories such as Belbin, Pack types and a GET test it will show a person’s strengths and weaknesses therefore making it easier to designate a specific job role.About GET2 TestA GET2 test is an effective method of determining what roles yourself or others can undertake. The test has been designed to bring together and measure a number of personal ‘tendencies’ commonly associated with the enterprising person. CITATION Pau03 \l 2057 (Burns, 2003) It is a useful tool to find out a person’s weaknesses strengths, characteristics and personality traits. Many Companies use this method to designate which role an employee would be best suited and to get a general idea of the positives and negatives on offer. Overall the GET2 test will determine the level of entrepreneurship potential that you have and what you can improve on to make it to that level.My GET2 Test Results A GET2 test was completed and the percentage was 69% (see figure 1 in appendices) and the results explained that I had Enterprising Characteristics and my views were more optimistic as appose to a pessimistic outlook when dealing with business. In my results it explains how I have a ‘need for autonomy’ and the meaning of this is that I lack the qualities needed to begin my own company right now. This means that improvement is needed on my leadership qualities and I must try to speak out more when it comes to group meetings. Not letting me get over powered in meetings and for my voice to be heard would be an efficient way of improving my leadership qualities and improving my confidence. When it comes to the section Creative Tendency I had a medium score which recommends that a preferred path in business would be something that fits in with my lifestyle as appose to an area I have no experience in. The test explains how my self-confidence could be improved to help implement ideas that I have. The highest score I had was on the Need for Achievement section and means that I could have some of the following qualities, effective time management reliance on your own ability willingness to work long and hard when necessary to complete tasks. The overall conclusion for the GET2 test results was that I am likely to have enterprising characteristics, although at present it is not likely to be able to set up a business. However I will be able to express my enterprise within a company as an intrepreneur which may lead on to bigger things once more is learnt about the industry. About BelbinBelbin’s Team Role theory is used by many companies and is used to help select and develop teams within a business or any team project. It can be used as an aid when recruiting and helps build up working relationships. Belbin measures your behaviour in the work place and not your personality. It is a great tool to use for organisations all over the world as you can utilise your strengths and work on your weaknesses, which will improve performance and results in any company that uses it. Dr R M Belbin used a quote that defines the meaning of the Belbin theory and it was the following “A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them.” CITATION DrR12 \l 2057 (Belbin, 2012)My Belbin ResultsThe Belbin test was completed and the role that I was best fitted to was a Company worker/Implementer. This role has many positives such as efficiency, reliability and being practical at work. Also it suits people who turns ideas into actions and who are hands on with their work. In Belbin’s roles not only does it show the positives but also allowable weaknesses and for the Implementer role there are two. These are that people tend to be inflexible when it comes to working in a team and slow to respond to new possibilities which can cause problems when a team is trying to look at new avenues to go down. An implementer is good at planning a practical and workable strategy and will carry it out as carefully and efficiently as possible.About Packtypes“As a Continuous Personal Development (CPD) System Packtypes is unrivalled in overall effectiveness, cost?effectiveness and speed of impact” CITATION Fri12 \l 2057 (Friendly Publishing, 2012). There are eight different Packtypes and each person that uses the tool will contain many elements. The Packtypes determine which profile you specifically are by the total number you choose and whichever profile has the biggest number is the one you are best suited to. Here are two important ways in which Packtypes can help you or your team. Packtype Results1 sheepdog2 hounds6 terriers 1 mastiff2 coachdogsMy main profile was the Terrier and the meaning of this is that I am someone that wants to get on with the job and wants to get it done in the most efficient way possible. The negative to this is occasionally people under this profile may rush in to things and not plan enough before jumping in and getting on with the task, which can result in a negative impact on yourself or the team.Personal ReviewUsing different tools and theories I have been able to determine which job role and responsibilities I would be suited for in a practical business setting. It is important to be able to find out what strengths and weaknesses you have personally as you do not want to be given a job role that is not up to your strengths. For example if you were working on a project with a team and you were allocated to do marketing but your strengths were finance this would have a negative effect on the project, which is why it is important to run these tests. Using different tests and methods I have able to determine what strengths and weaknesses I bring to the team. The general view from using the theories and models are that I have very hands on approach and like to get things done. I have enterprising qualities which are useful when working for any company as I have many ideas on how to go forward. However my confidence levels have to be worked on in order to make sure my good ideas are heard and that I help the team as much as possible. My leadership qualities overall can be improved and this will help me get to entrepreneurship level as appose to the intrepreneur level that I am currently at.Team ReviewIt is crucial that any team working together has a balance when it comes to a colleague’s strengths and weaknesses. It is just as important to manage a team using Belbin, Pack types and GET2 tests so that you can be allocated a suitable job role that will get the best out of your team. Belbin Team ResultsAndy – Team workerKioja – Implementer and team workerDaniel – Implementer and shaperDavid – ImplementerFayola – Implementer – ShaperGET Test Team ResultsAndy – Occasionally Enterprising 54% (see figure 4 in appendices)Kioja – Occasionally Enterprising 63% (see figure 5 in appendices)Daniel – Occasionally Enterprising 65% (see figure 6 in appendices)David – Occasionally Enterprising 69% (see figure 7 in appendices)Fayola – Occasionally Enterprising 65% (see figure 8 in appendices)Packtype Team ResultsHounds = 10Mastiffs = 6Terriers = 14Guard Dogs = 6Coachdogs = 12Retrievers = 5Pointers = 5Sheepdogs = 2Based on these results it shows how this particular team have a varied experience and will be able to work on a project with their own specific job roles. The skills and attributes that this team have offer a good balance for our project. Andy would be great at making sure that harmony is kept within the team and would be able to get rid of any friction that may be left in a team which will cause a better performance from the team overall. He is a good listener, co – operative and diplomatic. The only weaknesses with his role would be that he could be indecisive at important decision points which could become a hindrance when it comes to the major decisions. Kioja also has qualities from the team worker role but also has attributes from the implementer role such as being efficient, reliable and practical. Not only this but he will organise work that needs to be done and turn any ideas into actions. Daniel has an even score for two roles which were Implementer and Shaper which offers a different trait to the team. As a Shaper he can Challenge an idea which is good for the working environment because if everyone just agreed with each other, mistakes could be made. Also if there is a point of pressure on the project Daniel thrives on this and has the motivation to keep pushing which is beneficial for the team. The downside to having someone in the team under this role is that they tend to speak a bit bluntly and can sometimes offend a person causing tensions and problems within the team. David having the one job role can be a benefit to the team as I could focus on this one role whilst someone else with two roles for example Daniel can focus on one or the other such as the Shaper. Fayola also has the same job roles as Daniel and although it would be ideal to have everyone in the team with a different role it is not necessarily a negative to have two people with the same. The reason for this is because they will most likely be very similar in person and can bounce of each other with ideas.Overall as a team we have varied skills and attributes and all have something different to offer. We have jointly decided who will be the project manager within the team and all know what we are supposed to be doing. It has already been agreed that David be the person to contact the client as I am a good communicator and know what needs to be done next. It was decided that Fayola would be the team manager as Fayola is the easiest to contact and communicate with and has leadership qualities needed to move forward with the project and lead well. Daniel was given the research role as we needed to know as much in depth information about the client as possible so that we know every angle of the company. Andy and Kioja were given the strategic planning role and what we can do as a team to help the client as much as possible. This is a well-structured team as we all know what the goal is and are working well together at how to get there. The only negatives that could do with some work are the punctuality with the team when it comes to meetings and the communication between specific members.ConclusionBased on all the results collected the conclusion is that we have a well balanced team and are happy with our designated jobs at this time. There are many strengths to our team and have a wide range of skills we can bring to the project. We have good communicators and planners but also have people who are raring to go and get on with the job which is a good set up. All the job roles at present have been designated and everyone knows what they have to do next. The unfortunate problem with the team is punctuality and specific members replying to meetings that have been set up and on occasion turning up late. This must be improved to avoid future problems between the team and more importantly the client. Overall using all the theories and models we have been able to set up a good team and realise each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We have a good guide on what we have to do next and who needs help with certain areas on the project.Appendices -10922029273500Figure 1 – My results for GET testFigure 2 – Partnership AgreementPARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTThis Partnership Agreement made and entered into this 31st day of October, 2013 AMONGSTDaniel COUPEAndi DEMAJFayola DERRICKKioja EMEOFA andDavid FARRARBACKGROUND:The Partners wish to associate themselves as partners in businessThe terms and conditions of this Agreement sets out the terms and conditions as to how they will be partnersIn consideration of and as a condition of the Partners entering into this Agreement and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows:FORMATIONBy this Agreement the Partners enter into a general partnership in accordance with the laws of England.NAMEThe firm name of the Partnership will be Innovation Consultancy.PURPOSEThe purpose of the Partnership will be to provide a consulting service to a business in ‘Origin Global’.TERMThe Partnership is a fixed term partnership beginning October 10th 2013 and ending May 15th 2014. Where the partnership is entered for a fixed term and the Partnership continues after the expiration of that term then in the absence of an express new agreement, the rights and duties of the Partners remain the same as they were at the expiration of that term so far as those terms that are consistent with a partnership at will.PLACE OF BUSINESSThe principal office of the business of the Partnership will be located at Buckinghamshire New University or such other place as the Partners may from time to time designate.CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONEach of the Partners has contributed to the capital of the Partnership, in cash, as follows:PartnerContribution DescriptionAgreed ValueDaniel COUPENo money was required by the partner?0 GBPAndi DEMAJNo money was required by the partner?0 GBPFayola DERRICKNo money was required by the partner?0 GBPKioja EMEOFANo money was required by the partner?0 GBPDavid FARRARNo money was required by the partner?0 GBPThe Partners will contribute their respective Capital Contributions fully and on time according to the following schedule:PartnerContribution Schedule DescriptionDaniel COUPEAll contributions will be submitted no later than midnight January 23, 2014Andi DEMAJAll contributions will be submitted no later than midnight January 23, 2014Fayola DERRICKAll contributions will be submitted no later than midnight January 23, 2014Kioja EMEOFAAll contributions will be submitted no later than midnight January 23, 2014David FARRARAll contributions will be submitted no later than midnight January 23, 2014INTANGIBLE CONTRIBUTIONAll Partners must give 100% effort towards tasksAll Partners must contribute equally to all aspects of Coursework 2.All Partners must attend the Enterprise Projects showcase on Thursday 8th May 2014.FINANCIAL DECISIONSDecisions regarding the distribution of profits, allocation of losses, and the requirement for Additional Capital Contributions as well as all other financial matters will be determined by a 51% vote of the Partners.PROFIT AND LOSSSubject to any other provisions of this Agreement, the net profits and losses of the Partnership, for both accounting and tax purposes, will accrue to and be borne by the Partners in equal proportions.MANAGEMENTAll actions and decisions respecting the management, operations and control of the Partnership and its business require the consent and commitment and all Partners.MEETINGSRegular meetings will be held weekly.All meetings will be held at a time and in a location that is reasonable, convenient and practical considering the situation of all Partners.Contact must be made with ‘Origin Global’ at least twice a month, unless otherwise agreed with ‘Origin Global’.ABSENCEIn the case of any Partner being absent due to illness, tasks are to be delegated to them which must be completed by an agreed deadline.Partners must inform other Partners of any planned holidays so that work can be allocated to them and organised to be completed during their absence.ADMITTTING NEW PARTNERSNo new Partners may be admitted into the Partnership.VOTINGAny vote will be assessed where each Partner receives one vote carrying equal weight.MISCELLANEOUSPartners must attend all meetings: unless otherwise agreed at least 24 hours prior to the meeting or due to medical issues, or due to bereavement.Partners must be punctual to all meetings amongst Partners, with an exception allocated of five minutes after the agreed meeting start time.Partners must be punctual to all meetings with clients, arriving at least five minutes prior to the meeting.If three or more terms of this Partnership Agreement are breached by any Partner, their position within the Partnership will be terminated. AGREED BY:________________________________Daniel COUPE________________________________Andi DEMAJ________________________________Fayola DERRICK________________________________Kioja EMEOFA________________________________David FARRARFigure 3 –Personal Belbin Role Figure 4 – Andy GET test results-190517335500Figure 5 – Kioja GET test results-340995-698500Figure 6 – Daniel GET test resultsFigure 7 – David GET test results12636516065500Figure 8 – Fayola GET test results0-444500Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Belbin, D. R. M., 2012. Belbin Team Roles. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 12 2013].Burns, P., 2003. Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 12 2013].Friendly Publishing, 2012. Implementing our system. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 12 2013]. ................

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