Protagonist/48Question:Observation:Quotes-page #What is the protagonist’s goal in this book? What elements of the protagonist’s personality get in the way of achieving his/her goal?What elements of his/her personality help in achieving his/her goals?PHYSICALLY: height weight face hair movementRelations with familyRelations with communityWhat are five words that describe the protagonist?12345Other observations about the protagonist12345Antagonist/48Question:Observation:Quotes-page #What is the antagonist’s goal in this book? What elements of the antagonist gets in the way of achieving his/her/its goal?What elements help in achieving his/her/its goals?What are ten words that describe the antagonist?12345678910Other observations about the antagonist12345S E T T I N G /25LOCATION (1 mark each)QUOTE(S) FROM TEXT (2 marks each)PAGES (1 mk)TIMEQUOTE(S) FROM TEXTPAGESIs the setting a crucial element in the story? Explain how it is or is not. Provide details and quotes to support your assertion. (5 marks)POINT OF VIEW /20Type (2 marks) (circle)Quote supporting this observation (2 marks)Page (1 mk)1ST PERSONMain characterMinor character&/OR3RD PERSONObjectiveOmniscientLimited omniscientChoose a paragraph that clearly shows the point of view and re-write it using the opposite p.o.v. (e.g. if it’s in third person, re-write it in first person, or visa versa). Photocopy the original selection in the book and attach it to this paper. (10 marks)Compare the original p.o.v with your re-write. Which is more effective? Why? (5 marks)C O N F L I C T /5(circle)Who vs whom/what? (2 marks)Explain (3 marks)Person vs selfPerson vs personPerson vs naturePerson vs technologyPerson vs societyPerson vs fateP L O T/35elementSummary/description/example (2 marks each)Pages (1 mk)expositionInciting incidentR i s i n g a c t i o nFirst complicationSecond complicationThird complicationFourth complicationFifth complicationClimaxResolutionFalling actionDenouementWrite an elevator pitch summarizing your novel in under 25 words. (Identify who, what, when, where, why, how) (2 marks) Theme /10What is the overall message the author is sending in this book? What does it reveal about the human condition? Explain in a well ordered 3 point paragraph. (5X2)Symbolism /20Examine elements of your book to determine possible symbols. Identify objects, people or scenarios and explain what they represent. 4 marks per symbol.Object/personRepresents this concept or ideaExplanation (2 marks) ................

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