Cover letter is grammatically perfect


Personal Statement Critique Form

Client Name: ___________________________________ CDC Reviewer: ________________ Date: ________

1 – Excellent 2 – Average 3 – Recommend Revising

_____ Attracted the reader’s attention in the first paragraph.

_____ Concluded with a strong, memorable conclusion in the final paragraph.

_____ Answered all prompted questions completely using details and examples.

_____ Contained a unifying theme that is clearly visible throughout the Personal Statement.

_____ Used specific examples to explain general concepts and statements and avoids general statements whenever possible.

_____ Demonstrated a clear knowledge of your field of study.

_____ Created a generally interesting and engaging read.

_____ Tailored specifically for the college it is being sent to.

_____ Took into consideration who its target audience is.

_____ Avoided controversial topics such as political beliefs or religious affiliations.

_____ Used a conversational yet professional tone, and avoided condescending, flowery, or inappropriate tones.

_____ Was not an autobiography. Did use all personal experience to specifically support a point or answer one of the prompted questions.

_____ Avoided cliché in both its specific examples and general themes.

_____ Written efficiently and concisely by avoiding redundancy.

_____ Met the program’s minimum and maximum guidelines for length.

_____ Proofread and is error free (no grammar or spelling errors).



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