Administration and Finance


Knowledge Center Access

Through the internet:

For instructions on basic functions and updates, see the UMW Knowledge Center page:

For problems or questions within the UMW Knowledge Center, contact:

Register in the Knowledge Center

The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Knowledge Center (COVKC) is a Web-based application that delivers self-study training topics to your desktop, as well as tracks your progress through the training. To access the COVKC, you need to navigate to the appropriate Web site and register as a new user.

Access the COVKC

1. Open your Internet browser (such as Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL, etc.).

2. In the Address line, enter the COVKC Web site address (

in the Address line and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The Knowledge Center Login Page opens.

Register in the COVKC

This registration process needs only to take place once. After registering in the COVKC the first time, you will use the unique login ID and password combination that you create to access the site in the future.

To register in the COVKC:

1. Click one of the Register links on the Knowledge Center Login Page. The State Employee window opens.

3. Select the I am a state employee, entering the site for the first time option.

4. Click the Submit button. The Registration window opens.

5. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Date Of Birth (in MM/DD/YYYY format) in the appropriate fields.

Note: Make sure to enter your name as it appears on your paycheck or in Payline; do not use abbreviations or nicknames.

Note: It is not recommended that you enter middle initial during registration as this can cause a problem in locating your personnel records.

6. Enter the last four numbers of your Social Security Number (SSN) in the Last four digits of SSN field.

7. Select Classified or Wage (as appropriate for your employment type) from the Classification drop-down list.

8. Select your agency’s name from the Root Organization drop-down list.

Note: If your agency is not listed, please select the State Agency Not Listed option to continue.

9. Click the Submit button. The Registration Verification window opens and lists your employee information as maintained by Human Resources.

Note: If your employee information is not displayed (or if the Non-PMIS State User Registration form opens), you have not registered correctly. Please return to the Registration screen by clicking the Back button on your Internet toolbar and re-enter your name and birth date, making sure not to use abbreviations or nicknames.

Note: Any employee information changes (i.e., name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and manager name and e-mail address corrections) should be sent to your Human Resources Office.

10. Click the Submit button. The Login window opens.

11. Enter a unique Login ID that you will use to access the COVKC.

12. Enter a unique Password.

Note: Your password must be at least 6 characters and contain at least 3 of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers (0-9), and special characters (such as =-/.,’-*!@#$%^&*(). An example of an acceptable password is Training1.

13. Re-enter your unique password in the Confirm Password field.

14. Click the Submit button. The Registration Confirmation window opens.

15. Click the Commonwealth of Virginia Knowledge Center link.

16. Enter your new Login ID, Password, and click the Submit button. The Knowledge Center Home Page opens.

Note: Make sure to write down your Login ID and Password, as you will need this information to login to the COVKC in the future.

*For questions or problems during the registration process, contact

Change Your Password

The Knowledge Center enables you to control your login information. You can change your Login ID and Password at any time using the Administration folder.

To change your LMS password:

2. Open the UMW Knowledge Center Login Page ()

3. Enter your Login ID and Password.

17. Click the Submit button. The UMW Knowledge Center Home Page opens.


18. From the Administration folder, select the Student Records option. The Student Records window opens.


19. Click the Change Password link or icon. The Change Password window opens.


20. Type your Current Password in the appropriate field.

21. Type your New Password in the appropriate field.

Note: Your password must be at least 6 characters and contain at least 3 of the following attributes: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers (0-9), and special characters (such as =-/.,’-*!@#$%^&*(). An example of an acceptable password is Training1.

22. Re-type the new password in the Confirm New Password field.

23. Click the Submit button. Your new password is saved in the system. You will use the new password the next time you login to the LMS Web site.

Access a Course in the COVKC

A course is a specific training lesson or module. The Commonwealth of Virginia Knowledge Center (COVKC) provides a course catalog and a search feature that allows you to quickly locate a specific course and launch it. To locate a course:

24. Open the Knowledge Center Login Page (

25. Enter your Login ID and Password.

[pic] Note: If you have not yet registered in the state’s Knowledge Center system, please do so now by clicking the Register link. Instructions on how to register and retrieve forgotten passwords are provided separately.

26. Click the Submit button. The Knowledge Center Home Page opens.

27. Select the Learning Center option.

28. Select the Course Information & Enrollment option. The Course Information & Enrollment window opens.

29. Type a keyword or several keywords associated with your course’s title in the Keywords field. You can also leave the Keywords field blank to view a list of all available courses.

30. Click the Search button. All courses containing the keyword(s) you entered (in their title or description) display in the lower-left frame of the Course Information & Enrollment window.

31. Click the course title link of the lesson you want to take. The course’s description opens.

[pic] Note: Some LMS courses require that you have your Supervisor’s approval prior to taking them. These courses provide a Request Access button that, when clicked, automatically sends an e-mail to your Supervisor asking for permission to take the course. You will be notified via e-mail once you have been approved or denied access to take the course. If approved, re-open the course in the COVKC and continue with the steps below.

32. Verify that the Take course for credit checkbox is selected.

33. Click the Take Course button. The course opens in a new window.

34. Complete the course, then exit using navigation provided in the course itself. After exiting the course, you return to the course’s description window.

View Your Knowledge Center Training Transcript

The Commonwealth of Virginia Knowledge Center (COVKC) provides a way for you to monitor your progress through various training programs, as well as print certificates of completion.

To view your training progress:

Step 1. Login to the Knowledge Center.

Step 2. Select the Administration > Student Records > Student Transcript option.

The Student Transcript window opens and displays the courses that you have completed to date.


From this screen, you can:

• Click the certificate link to the right of a course title to view and print a course completion certificate for the course. This link will only be displayed after a course has been completed.

• Click the Details link in the Performance column to the right of an online course to view the score you achieved on its assessment.

• Click the Details link to the right of a curriculum title to view your progress through the courses it contains.

Add a Learning Event to Your Transcript

The Knowledge Center enables you to add learning events (such as seminars, conferences, degrees, certificates, etc.) to your student transcript. You can then edit and delete the events as needed. Each time a change is made to your student transcript, an e-mail is sent to your Supervisor notifying him/her of the change.

To add a learning event:

35. Open the UMW Knowledge Center Login Page ()

36. Enter your Login ID and Password.

37. Click the Submit button. The UMW Knowledge Center Home Page opens.

38. From the Administration folder, select the Student Records option. The Student Records window opens.

39. Click the Learning Events link or icon. The Learning Events window opens and displays any existing learning events in the lower-left frame of the Learning Events window.

40. Click the Add new learning event link. The Add Learning Event fields open in the right frame of the window.

41. Type the name of the event you are adding in the Event field.

42. Enter (or select from the calendar icon) the Completion Date of the event.

43. If applicable, enter the Score associated with the event.

44. Select whether you successfully passed the event by selecting the appropriate Pass or Fail option.

45. Select the type of event from the Method drop-down list.

Note: If the event type is not listed, select the N/A (Not Applicable) option.

46. If applicable, enter the number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) you received for the event.

47. Select whether the event involved a Certification.

48. Enter any Skills achieved during the event.

49. Click the Add button. The learning event is added to your student transcript and an e-mail is sent to your Supervisor notifying him/her of the addition.

Note: If your agency has elected to have the learning event approved before it is added to your transcript, an e-mail will be generated to your agency’s Site Administrator for approval.

Enter Your Qualifications in the Knowledge Center

The Knowledge Center enables you to add your area(s) of job-related expertise and other professional credentials (such as certifications, licenses, etc.) to your user profile. Think of this as your online business card. The information is then searchable by fellow employees looking for help in the Student Center > PeerNet feature.

Keep in mind that your qualifications are displayed to fellow state employees and must be job-related. Example qualifications include:

• Notary Public

• Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

• Net Operating Loss Deductions (NOLD)

• Local Uncollectibles

To enter qualifications to your LMS profile:

4. Open the Knowledge Center Login Page ().

5. Enter your Login ID and Password.

50. Click the Submit button. The UMW Knowledge Center Home Page opens.

51. From the Administration folder, select the Student Records option. The Student Records window opens.


52. Click the Update Profile link or icon. The Update Profile window opens and displays your user profile information.

Note: Most of the fields in your profile are not editable because the information is updated by the Human Resources Office.


53. In the Qualifications field, enter your areas of job-related expertise and other professional credentials.

Note: Multiple qualifications should be separated by a comma.

54. Click the Update Fields button. Your qualifications are saved in the Meridian system and are now searchable by other users in the PeerNet.

*For instructions on using the PeerNet feature, please refer to the Search for Help in the PeerNet job aid.

Search for Help in the PeerNet

The PeerNet feature in the Knowledge Center is a great way to get help from your peers. Think of the PeerNet as a collection of online business cards containing contact information and areas of expertise. You can search for a specific area of expertise and view a list of fellow employees who have listed that expertise in their user profile.

*For instructions on making your area(s) of expertise available for search in the PeerNet, please refer to the Enter Qualifications in the Knowledge Center instructions.

To search for a peer with specific expertise:

6. Open the Knowledge Center Login Page ().

7. Enter your Login ID and Password.

55. Click the Submit button. The Knowledge Center Home Page opens.

56. From the Student Center folder, select the PeerNet option. The PeerNet window opens.


57. Enter the area of expertise for which you want to locate someone in the Qualifications field.

58. Click the Search button. All users who have listed that qualification in their user profile displays in the lower-left frame of the PeerNet window.


59. Click the blue icon [pic] to the left of the user’s name. The user’s contact information is displayed in the right frame of the PeerNet window.

Note: To add this user to your list of peers in your Personal KC, click the Add to Personal KC button.

Using a Team Room in the Knowledge Center

A Team Room is a collaborative work area that you can use to communicate and share resources with other employees (on your team, project, or other common group) across the agency. You can use this feature to share real-time discussions, content (presentations, documents, and Web sites), and calendar events with the other members of the room, even if those members are dispersed across the state or country.

Three levels of Team Rooms are available:

• Public – all employees can access and add content to the Team Room (Human Resources might use a Public Team Room to share benefit information and hold online discussions across the agency)

• Moderated – all employees can access the Team Room, but only designated employees can add content (A Field Audit Supervisor might use a Moderated Team Room to share information among his/her employees)

• Private – only those employees who have been assigned to the Team Room can access and add content to it (Interstate Audit and/or the Criminal Investigation Unit might use a Private Team Room to ensure sensitive information or information that is not applicable to other employees is not made public)

Access a Team Room

60. Open your Knowledge Center Login Page ().

61. Enter your Login ID and Password.

62. Click the Submit button. The Knowledge Center Home Page opens.


63. From the Team Center folder, select the Team Rooms option. The Team Rooms window opens and lists the Team Rooms to which you have access in alphabetical order.


64. Click the name link of the Team Room you want to open. The specific Team Room window opens and displays the purpose of the Team Room, as well as the name of the Owner (or administrator) of the room. The Owner can add, edit, and delete content and add additional members to the Team Room.


View a Team Room’s Calendar

The Team Room Calendar feature allows all members of the Team Room to view shared events of interest, such as team meetings, seminars, reminders, and deadlines.

8. Click the Calendar link in the Options area of the Team Room window. The Team Room Calendar window opens and displays the existing calendar events for the current month.


65. To view another month’s calendar, select the month (and year) you want to view from the drop-down lists in the upper-right corner of the Team Room Calendar window and then click the Go to Month button.

66. To view detailed information about an event, click its name on the calendar. The Event Details window opens and displays the event’s title, description summary, date, time, and location.


To view additional information about this event, click the appropriate link in the Administration Console area.

Add a New Event to the Team Room Calendar

The Calendar tool allows you to manage attendees, notify attendees of event changes via e-mail, create online agendas, and distribute meeting action items and minutes.

9. Click the Add New Event link on the Team Room Calendar window. A blank Event Details window opens.

67. Type the Event Title.

68. Type a description of the event in the Event Summary field.

69. Type (or select from the calendar icon) the event’s Date (in mm/dd/yyyy format).

70. Enter (or select from the calendar icon) the event’s start and end Times.

Note: If the event does not have a specific time (as is the case for all day events and reminders), select the No Specific Time checkbox.

71. If the event is recurring, select the Recurrence schedule (i.e., Weekly, Monthly, etc.) and then select an End Date for the event.

72. Select the Event Type (i.e., Appointment, Meeting, Class, etc.).

73. Select the Highlight this Event on the Calendar checkbox to make the event stand out to Team Room members.

74. Type the Location of the event.

75. Click the Add this Event button. The Event Details window closes and you return to the Team Room Calendar window, which now displays the newly added event.

E-Mail Other Members of a Team Room

You can e-mail the Owner(s) of a Team Room two ways: by clicking the Send email link to the right of the owner’s name or by clicking the Owners link in the Email area of the Team Room window. In Private and Moderated Team Rooms, you can also send an e-mail to all members of the Team Room by clicking the Members link in the Email area of the Team Room window.

E-mails sent from the KC are readable in Microsoft Outlook so that you do not have to login to the KC to read your messages.

After clicking an e-mail link, the Team Room Email window opens.


10. If necessary, change the Subject of the e-mail.

11. Type your Message to the recipients of the e-mail.

12. Click the Send button. Your e-mail is sent to the e-mail address on file for the recipients and the Team Room Email window closes.

View Content of a Team Room

Team Room content can be documents, presentations, Web site links, or links to other content (such as courses and newsletters) found elsewhere in the KC.

13. Click the Content link in the Options area of the Team Room window. The Team Room Content window opens and displays the content previously added to the Team Room.


76. Click the [pic] blue icon to the left of the content’s name to view its description, size, file type, and last modification date in the right frame of the Team Room Content window.

77. To view the content in a new window, click the content’s name link.

Note: Employees that have been given the necessary permissions to edit and delete content can do so by clicking the appropriate links under the content information in the right frame of the Team Room Content window.

Add Content to a Team Room

Only Team Room members who have been given the appropriate permission level can add content to a Team Room.

14. Click the appropriate Add link to the right of the type of content you want to add (for example, to add a Word file to the Team Room, click the Add Document link). The Add Document window opens.


78. Type the Name of the new content item.

79. Type a detailed Description of the new content item.

80. Type Keywords (or phrases) that an employee can use to search for this content item in the KC.

81. Click the Browse button to the right of the File field. The Choose File window opens.

82. Locate and select the content item to be uploaded to the KC.

83. Click the Open button. The location and name of the content item is now displayed in the File field.

84. Enter your name or group name in the Source field.

85. Click Add. The new content item is added to the Team Room and now appears in the left frame of the Team Room Content window.

Use the Bulletin Board System (BBS) in a Team Room

The Bulletin Board System (BBS) allows you to post messages and have other users read (and respond if appropriate) in real-time. This feature is different from e-mail because the message and its responses (collectively known as a “discussion thread”) are automatically grouped together and saved in the Team Room.

15. Click the BBS link in the Options area of the Team Room window. The BBS window opens and displays any existing discussion threads for this Team Room (sorted with the most recent thread at the top).


86. Click the plus sign to the left of a thread to expand it. This allows you view all messages contained within the original thread.

Note: Clicking the minus sign to the left of thread collapses the thread so you can only see the original message.

87. Click a message’s link to read its entire message.

88. To start a new discussion thread:

• Click the Start a new thread link. The New Thread window opens.


• Type a Subject for the new discussion thread. Be specific in your naming of this message so that users can quickly determine its relevance.

• Type the Message.

• Click the Post button. The New Thread window closes and you return to the BBS window, which now displays the newly added message.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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