Name: FORMTEXT ?????School: FORMTEXT ?????Facilitator: FORMTEXT ?????FITNESS FOR LIFE QUIZThe following assessment was developed by the National Exercise for Life Institute. It is useful in determining the amount of formal and informal exercise that you perform on a regular basis. Enter your score on the line provided for each question. Your total points will provide you with an estimate of your fitness level and an idea of what you can do to increase it. The LIFE course will help you with more specific fitness assessments during the course.1. In the past week, how many times did you continuously exercise in an aerobic activity for at least 20 minutes? Score 1 point for each session.2. How many stretching or flexibility sessions have you participated in the past week? (Each session should last 5-10 minutes and must include all major muscle groups) Score 1 point for each session.3. Do you have a goal of a certain number of days, miles or minutes per week for regular exercise? (Goals can help motivate you to stick with a program) Yes, and I achieve it most weeks = 2 pointsYes, and I am working towards I t= 1 pointNo = 0 points4. Do you ordinarily climb stairs instead of using an elevator or escalator?Yes = 1 pointNo = 0 points5. On average, how many hours of television do you watch daily?Less than one hour= 2 pointsI exercise while watching= 2 pointsOne hour = 1 pointNo = 0 points6. How active are you during the day?Very active. I am walking or moving most of the day = 2 pointsI take short walks during breaks = 1 pointTotally inactive = 0 points7. Do you engage in manual work around the house? (Examples: pushing the lawn mower and/or gardening)Yes = 1 pointNo = 0 points8. In the past month, have you tried any of the following activities for fitness: cross-training, circuit training or interval training? Score 1 point for each.9. How many strength training sessions have you participated in during the past week? Score 1 point for each.10. Do you know: your resting heart rate; your training heart rate; cholesterol level; blood pressure; ideal weight? Score 1 point for each YES.11. What kind of foods did you consume for dinner last night?Mostly fresh, low fat foods = 2 pointsFresh and processed foods = 1 pointFast food = 0 points12. How do you get to school/work?I walk or ride my bike at least one mile = 2 pointsI drive but park far away to walk the remainder of the distance = 1 pointI drive and park as close as I can = 0 pointsTOTAL SCOREFITNESS ASSESSMENT0-6 points: Your fitness level is most likely below average. Because your physical activity may be too low to offer health benefits, it is recommended that you put more activity into your daily life.7-14 points: Your fitness level is about average. If most of your points come from daily activities, you need to add some aerobic activity to improve your cardiovascular fitness.15-30 points: Congratulations! You are living the “fitness lifestyle”. You might consider adding various activities to your program to maintain your interest and motivation. Examine your activities to see if you have a good balance of aerobic activity, flexibility and strength. 31-40 points: Your activity level indicates that you may be training for a particular sport or competition. If you are feeling good, then continue enjoying your activities, but remember the risk of injury increases with extremely high activity levels. It is possible that you are overtraining, so listen to your body and curt back accordingly.CURRENT ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS ABOUT PERSONAL FITNESSPlease rate the following statements by selecting a number on a scale of 1-5. Place an “X” in the appropriate column.1Strongly Disagree2Disagree3Undecided4Agree5Strongly AgreeRegular physical activity and exercise make me feel better.I have always enjoyed participating in physical activities and exercise.I enjoy physical education class.I feel that I am in good physical shape and would describe myself as “physically fit”.I like to workout with friends.I prefer to workout alone.Learning about personal fitness will be valuable to me later in life.I know how to design my own personal fitness program.I know the components of fitness and how to use them to stay fit for life.I believe I should workout with weights every week.I believe I should be active most days of the week.Being physically active can improve my health.Physical education should be required in all grades.Athletes, cheerleaders and band members should be excused from taking physical education.Every student who graduates from school should be required to pass a physical fitness test. ................

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