Personal Professional Development Plan - Weebly

Personal Professional Development Plan

When I look at the self-assessment, I was noticing a lot of patterns about my knowledge and use of technology. I am extremely strong in knowing a variety of strategies and technology equipment that can be used in the classroom. The area that I found that I have the most strength in is TF.I: Technology Operations and Concepts -- Educational technology facilitators demonstrate an in-depth understanding of technology operations and concepts. I enjoy figuring out new things when it comes to technology and I love helping others learn to use the technology as well. On a daily basis, it isn’t uncommon to find another co-worker in my room trying to learn how to do something new with their instruction. Any of the sections that had to do something with assisting other teachers and providing feedback was also a strength.

The area of weakness for me was with the sections that involve using research such as section TF.2.B. -- Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. I know that all research shows a positive correlation with the use of technology and student achievement, but I have not done much research when it comes time to planning learning environments. I also need to evaluate the validity of resources, which is from section TF.2.C. -- Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.


When I look at the entire self-assessment. I feel very proud in my accomplishments thus far, and I want to continue to better myself as a technology educator. It is evident to me that I need to do and use more research-based strategies in my classroom. Not only because these strategies are proven, but then I have some information to back up strategies that I use in my instruction. I do want to find out what the best resources are to use when researching strategies.

Another area that I am weak in is section TFIII.4. -- use methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of problem solving/decision-making tools. A lot of the curriculum we use does not support a lot of higher-level thinking. I am trying to add more critical thinking into my lessons because I know that the new common core standards that focus a lot on problem solving and decision-making. I am extremely interested in trying to focus on improving this section in particular since this is the way our curriculum is moving towards.

I am good at working with staff members and helping them learn new things, but sometimes I forget to slow down and look at the research. I also want to learn new strategies and figure out how to make them work in my classroom. I need to remember that I do not have to reinvent the wheel. One question I have is how can you fully evaluate the change in research or a change on the district level?


Goal #1: I will learn more about how to locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. I will do this through an individual study and research a variety of resources that are available on educational technology. I will also have constant conversations with the district technology professionals to see what literature they recommend. I would like to find a educational technology magazine that has reliable information that is research based. I will be able to evaluate my progress on this goal by looking at the amount of technology that is used in my classroom and documenting the research that is behind the technology that is used.

Goal #2: I want to apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. I use a lot of technology in my classroom, but I need to make sure that the way the tehcnology being used is appropriate for the instruction and grade level. I will do this through Peer Coaching and have a Peer come into my classroom to observe how technology is being used as well as obersving in her classroom to see how it is being used as well. With this information, we will be able to sit down and evaluate how things are being used in each others classrooms and brainstorm what can be done to improve the use of technology to gain the optimal amount of knowledge during the limited time. The information will all be documented along the way and hopefully show growth. If not, the process need to be re-evaluated and a new system set in place.

Goal #3: I will learn to Disseminate information on district-wide policies for the professional growth opportunities for staff, faculty, and administrators. I will do this by participating in a district-wide study group. Our district has asked for volunteers to be a part of the new district technology plan. I offered to take part on this team so I can help create the plan and PD activities as well as get the word out to staff members about the PD opportunities with technology. To evaluate the growth, I will conduct a pre and post survey for teachers that ask about the PD opportunities and their awareness of when and where these PD’s are being held. This way, I can see the growth throughout the process.

Goal #4: I want to learn more about school/classroom strategies for achieving equitable access to technology resources for all students and teachers and identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity. I especially chose this as a goal because our district pushes the closing of the achievement gap and using technology to do so, but never give us methods for how to accomplish this task. I am going to participate in a Peer coaching/Mentor program with one of my old mentors from Lincolin Consolidated Schools. She has aggreed to meet with me to show me how her district is doing it and help me look at the information from my school (as long as all names are blocked out). I will also take back the information to share with my team, impliment the new strategies, and then consult back with my mentor. I will be able to measure the progress by analyzing the report card data at the end of the year and comparing it to data collected in the middle of the year. This will also be a goal to impliment in the beginning of next year and become a year long process.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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