Boy Scouts of America | Prepared. For Life.™

Personal GrowthYou have been learning, developing, and growing since your life began. All the skills and understandings you have acquired have formed the foundation of the person you are today and will influence you in the future. Earlier in your life, much of what you learned came from what you observed and from trusted people who were helping you develop a sense of who you are and who you could become. Because the transition from childhood to adulthood is seldom simple or straightforward, you probably still have questions about self, relationships, and values. You will experience circumstances and decisions that might not be obviously good or bad, right or wrong. Venturing's personal growth area of emphasis provides opportunities to reflect on your ideas about self and how you view your role in your crew, family, school, congregation, or other organization. It encourages you to take an active part in developing into the person you want to become and creates benchmarks for personal reflection, evaluation, and new experiences with support from caring and knowledgeable adults.The Areas of Personal GrowthPersonal growth can and should occur in many areas of one's life. The Venturing areas of personal growth—Development of Self, Development of Others, and Development of Faith— afford Venturers a framework for identifying areas in which you want to develop and that can become a goal that speaks to you and your aspirations. The personal growth area suggests reflection and development across Development of Self, Development of Others, and Development of Faith. The areas should be interpreted and personalized to suit your specific needs and goals, so it might be helpful to think of them as addressing different aspects of personal growth.Development of SelfIncludes analysis of your strengths and limitations, wants and needs, and development of a plan to address a self-improvement goal. Development of Self can be a commitment to become physically fit, complete an online computer science course, learn to horseback ride, or accomplish any goal that promotes the development of personal skills and self-improvement.Development of OthersIncludes an assessment of relationships and how one serves others. Development of Others can be a commitment to organize a clothing drive for a homeless shelter, teach Sunday school for preschoolers, build a storage shed for the crew's equipment, or accomplish any goal that promotes skill development while serving others.Development of FaithAllows for an opportunity to explore one's values and morals and to delve deeper into one's faith or to expand one's world-view by exploring spirituality, faith -based practices, and organized religions. Development of Faith can be completion of the TRUST Award, commitment to read a sacred text, organization of or participation in a mission trip, or any goal that promotes personal growth through an exploration of faith.Personal Growth Goals WorksheetArea of Focus (circle one):Development of Self Development of Others Development of FaithPart One:Reflection Questions: Attach answers for the following questions relating to the area of focus you circled above. What do I value? What motivates me? What is my purpose in life? What do I want out of life? What past success and achievements have I had? What am I good at?What am I not good at? What gives me joy? What are my current life circumstances? Who is someone I admire, and what characteristics does he or she have? Do I have those circumstances?Brainstorm and write down SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Based) goal ideas that you could work towards to expand your skills and challenge you in relation to your values and the area of focus.Schedule a time to meet with your advisor at this point. Bring the answers to the above questions and your goal ideas with you. Together you will develop one goal related to the area of focus to work on and achieve.Part Two:My goal is: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Brainstorm what steps you will need to work on to achieve your overall goal and develop a backdating calendar of when you need to finish each step. Then follow your calendar and work towards achieving the goal.After you have achieved your goal answer the following questions: What went well? What didn’t go well? What could I do differently next time?Is this something I am interested in continuing in the future? What did I learn in the process of working on this goal?Schedule a time to meet with your advisor at this point. Bring the answers to the part two questions and any other items from working on your goal with you. Together you will go over what you did for your goal, and prepare for the crew board of review for the award. ................

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