Alturas City Council

Alturas City Council

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

February 20, 2018 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Dederick at 2:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Bobby G. Ray, Cheryl Nelson, Jim Irvin, Mark Steffek. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Clerk Cary L. Baker, City Attorney Jeff Hedlund, DPW Joe Picotte, Police Chief Sid Cullins, Fire Marshal Eric Hunter, Fire Chief Keith Jacques, City Planning Commissioner Bill Hall, Administrative Assistant Macey Binning . Public attending: 4. An opening prayer was given by Robert Fendler, and all present joined together in the pledge of allegiance.

Becky Ingram is present under the public forum to protest a parking ticket her husband Brian received on February 8, 2018 at 10th & Court St. near the Modoc High School. Her reason for protesting is due to the fact that were no signs posted in that area.

Mayor Dederick responds that he is the hearing officer on these matters and requested a letter from Mrs. Ingram stating her reasons for the protest. The Mayor will set a date for the hearing and let her know.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve a Fourth Amendment to the Garbage Service Contract for the Franchise Agreement with Alturas Disposal from February 28, 2018 to December 31, 2018. ALL AYES.

Lou Miller, representing the American Red Cross, requests consideration to enter into an agreement with the City of Alturas to shelter people displaced by fire and other disasters. She provides an example of the agreement Red Cross has with Modoc County.

Councilmember Irvin states that the City is part of the County OES and a shelter can be activated at that level.

City Attorney Hedlund states that from a legal standpoint there would not be a conflict if the City wanted its own agreement with Red Cross, or possibly the City may be able to be added to the County’s agreement as a joint member. This could provide a more direct access for small scale incidents, and could be activated at the discretion of the Fire Chief or Fire Marshal. It is totally up to the City Council as to what direction they choose.

Councilmember Irvin will work with the Fire Chief and Fire Marshal and decide on a direction and bring back a recommendation to the Council.

City Clerk Baker reviews the letter from the Modoc County Board of Supervisors requesting information and photos that depict the history of the City of Alturas for the Historical Wall Mural to be located in the interior of the Modoc County Courthouse.

Mayor Dederick directs the City Clerk to work with Dixie Server/Modoc Historical Society and Jim Porter to come up with ideas for the mural.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to adopt Resolution #2018-03 amending the job description for Public Works Maintenance Worker I & II. ALL AYES.

Police Chief Cullins reports he met with all four Police Officers that are part of the Law Enforcement Student Loan Agreement. All have agreed to amending the agreement and allowing a pro-rated payback of the loan for an officer that does not stay with the City for a full three years of employment.

Council agrees to a modified repayment schedule to 12 months for paying back one year (1/3) of the loan amount, and 24 months for paying back two years (2/3) of the loan amount. Each affected officer should also be required to sign a promissory note.

This will be tabled to the March meeting to allow time to modify the repayment agreement and develop a promissory note.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to adopt Resolution #2018-06 adopting the City of Alturas Tort Claim Policy as recommended by Golden State Risk Management Authority. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to adopt Resolution #2018-07 adopting the City of Alturas Personal Vehicle Use Policy as recommended by Golden State Risk Management Authority with the following changes: The City shall be notified 10 days prior of an employee’s insurance cancellation; and the minimum insurance requirements for bodily injury liability and property damage liability minimums will be determined by Golden State Risk Management Authority. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to direct the City Clerk and City Attorney to start the process and prepare the documents to place the following measures on the November 2018 ballot: 1) A ½ percent sales tax for a Public Safety Stabilization Fund; 2) Changing the City Treasurer and City Clerk positions from elected positions to appointed positions. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve the consent agenda as follows: a) Approve the minutes of January 16, 2018 meeting; b) Approve the City warrants for January 2018 in the amount of $177,725.65; c) Adopt Resolution #2018-05 removing inactive water & sewer accounts in the amount of $552.60. ALL AYES.

COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: Fire Chief Jacques reports he received notice that the Alturas Fire Department received an ISO rating of 3.

Councilmember Nelson reports she has received numerous complaints on a pit bull owned by Gene Frankenfield, and asked the Police Chief to look into the complaints.

Councilmember Irvin reports that last Friday that he, Mayor Dederick, and City Treasurer Peet met with Apex Technology Services from Redding, CA and discussed a proposal from them for IT services for the City of Alturas.

City Clerk Baker reports that City Treasurer Sara Peet has filed her papers for re-election in June, and Councilmember Mark Steffek has taken out his papers for re-election; there is still one vacant position up for City Council.

At 4:39 p.m. the Mayor announced the Council would be meeting in closed session under G.C. Section 54957.6 – Labor Negotiations/General Unit & Safety Unit. Reconvened back to open session at 4:54 p.m. with the following action. MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to approve the following changes for both Units as follows: 1) All employees will receive a three range increase; 2) Change to Golden State Risk Management Authority health insurance; 3) Employees will give up stipends, and the opt out option for health insurance remains; 4) There will be a two-year extension of the current M.O.U.; 5) Both bargaining units have agreed; and 6) These changes are effective July 1, 2018. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to authorize the Mayor to sign the EIA Small Group Program Participation Agreement for health, dental, vision, life, and gap insurance for the city employees. ALL AYES.

With no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. to return in regular session on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall.


Cary L. Baker

City Clerk


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