Application Form

The term "RBL Bank" or "the Bank" shall mean RBL Bank Limited

(Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS only. This is a machine readable form and will pass through a scanner)

Application Date D D M M Y E A R

The proceeds of the facility shall not be used for acquisition of/investment in small savings instruments including Kisan Vikas Patras(KVP), capital market, purchase of gold in any form including primary gold, gold bullion, gold jewelry, gold coins, units of gold ETF and mutual funds. I/We confirm that I/we shall utilize the said Credit Facility only for the purpose stated.

Loan Details

Existing RBL Bank Customer Yes No Customer ID

Location Product End Use

LAP Term Loan Business Agriculture

Rate of interest

% Tenure





Full Name (As per KYC)


Maiden Name (if any) Father/Spouse Name

Loan Amount v

Dropline Overdraft against Property

Home Loan

Education Marriage

Asset Acquisition

Others (

Please Specify


Debt Consolidation






Others (

Please Specify



Paste Photo here and sign across it such that your Signature is on the Photo as well as on the form

Mother Name

Date of Birth

D D M M Y E A R Marital Status



Others (

Please Specify


Gender Religion Category

Male Hindu SC

Female Muslim ST

Third Gender / Trans Gender No. of Dependants

Annual income v

Christian Sikh




Others ( Please Specify )



Others (

Please Specify



(Certified copy of any one of the following PoI/PoA needs to be submitted)

Proof of Identity (PoI) [________] Proof of Address (PoA) [________] (Given for Current Address / Permanent Address )

A-Passport Number

Passport Expiry Date


B-Voter ID Card D-Driving Licence

C-PAN Number (Mandatory) Driving Licence Expiry Date



Z-Others (Any document notified by the central government)

F-NREGA Job Card PoI Identification Number

PoA Identification Number

Clarification / Guidelines on filling 'Proof of Identity [PoI]': 1. If driving license number or passport is provided as proof of identity then expiry date is to be mandatorily furnished. 2. Mention identification / reference number if 'Z- Others (any document notified by the central government)' is ticked.


Name of Entity

Date of incorporation D D





No. of years in business



ZED Gradation

1. Whether the applicant is ZED rated ( Yes / No)

2. If yes, the gradation obtained by the applicant unit (Tick appropriate one)




Udyog Aadhar Number






OTHER DETAILS Educational Qualification Occupation Type

Source of Income (Primary) If Salaried, Employed with

Self Employed Professional Type Industry Type (Self employed) Type of Company

(other then Salaried)



Post Graduate


Others (

Please Specify


S-Service / Salaried ( Private Sector Public Sector

Government Sector )



Self Employed



Student )


X-Not Categorised


Business Income

Investment Income


Others (

Please Specify



Private Ltd.


Public Ltd.

Public Sector


Multi National

Others ( Please Specify )








Others ( Please Specify )






Partnership Private Ltd. Proprietorship

Non Profit Organization

Others (

Please Specify

Public Ltd. Public Sector

Micro Enterprises



Others (

Please Specify



Preferred Mailing Address

Years / Months at Current Address Y Y M M

Years in City

Address Line 1

Address Line 2



State Residential Contact Details Country Code

Pin Code STD Code

Phone No.



Email ID Type of Residence

Self Owned


Company Accomodation


LAP/Retail Assets/Ver 2.4/Aug/2021

OFFICE ADDRESS Preferred Mailing Address

Firm-Company Name Address Line 1

Address Line 2 City


Office Contact Details Country Code Email ID (Official)

STD Code

No. of years in Present Organization Designation

Pin Code

District Country

Phone No.

Total work experience

Extension Mobile



PERMANENT ADDRESS Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Pin Code

PROPERTY DETAILS - 1 No. of Property Owner (S) Property Address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Type of If Residential Property If Commercial

PROPERTY DETAILS - 2 (if applicable) No. of Property Owner (S) Property Address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Type of If Residential Property If Commercial

Same as Residential Address

STD Code 1) Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. 2) Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.

District Country Phone No.

then Flat then Shop

Pin Code

Row House Office

Bungalow Individual Floor

1) Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. 2) Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.

District Country

Area of Property Current Market Value v

then Flat then Shop

Pin Code

Row House Office

Bungalow Individual Floor

District Country

Area of Property Current Market Value v

in Sq. Feet in Sq. Feet

Reference 1 Reference 2

Name: Relationship with Applicant: Res Address:

Name: Relationship with Applicant: Res Address:

City Mobile:

Pin Code:

City Mobile:

Pin Code:

FATCA-CRS Declaration (Tick (P ) if applicable, individual/non-individual applicant)

Residence for tax purpose in jurisdiction(s) outside in India

Yes No

Please note if the above check box is ticked kindly submit a completely filed and signed copy of the FATCA-CRS declaration along with the loan application.

PSL Category: Priority Sector / MSME Category

Direct Agri

Micro Manufacturing Enterprise

Indirect Agri Khadi & Village Industries (Kvi Sector)

Small Manufacturing Enterprise

Medium Manufacturing Enterprise

Micro Service Enterprise

Retail Trader

Medium Service Enterprise

Small Service Enterprise


Agricultural Land Details (If Applicable)

Land Details: I / We own / Cultivate land to the extent of copy of land revenue receipt.

acres at

attached herewith 7/12 documents /

I / We hereby declare that information furnished above is true and accurate

Applicant Signature

DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST (For Applicant & Co-Applicants) 1. Proof of Identity & age proof (Passport, Valid driving license, Voters ID Card, Pan

card, Aadhaar card) * 2. Proof of Address & signature (Valid driving license, Leave & License Agreement,

Register sale deed or sale agreement)* 3. Proof of Address of the firm: Latest Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Bank

Statement / Leave and licence agreement (Any One) 4. Audited Financial Statement & ITR of the last 2/3 years along with the schedules,

notes to accounts and Audit Report & all relevant annexures. 5. Bank Statement for the last 6/12 months & Self-Certified Provisional Balance

Sheet and P&L A/c of 20 ________ 6. Firm Registration/Shop Establishment/CST/VAT/GST Certificate. 7. Property paper including Title Deed, Completion Certificate, Occupancy

Certificate, Tax Receipt, Sanction Plan, etc. 8. Loan Agreement Booklet, accepted copy of sanction letter, ECS/SI/PDC/Security

Cheques and other documents enclosed in the kit 9. Any other document / information as required on a case to case basis. *Note :- RBL Bank reserves the right to seek any additional document if required and the same shall be informed to the Applicant and/ or Co- Applicant.

Undertaking for submission & self-attestation on documents for Loan Application

Sr. No.


Particulars Y/N

Financials (ITR Copies, Tax Audit reports, etc)


1 ITR Copies belonging to period

Financials belonging to period

Bank Statements of our accounts and details are listed below

Bank Name

Account No. From Date To Date


b 2


d e 3 VAT / CST / ST / GST Returns & Challans of Year(s) _________ List Other documents other than the above a 4b c d

Declaration 1. I/We declare that all the particulars and information given in the application form is true, correct and complete and no material information has been withheld/suppressed. I/We shall

advise RBL Bank in writing of any change in my/our residential or employment/business address or any such change which may affect my credit worthiness. I/We confirm that the funds shall be used for the stated purpose and will not be used for speculative or antisocial purpose. 2. I/We understand that the Bank reserves the right to retain the photographs and documents submitted with this application and will not return the same to me/us. I/We understand that the sanction of this loan is at the sole discretion of the Bank and upon my/our executing necessary security(ies) and other formalities as required by the bank. I/We further agree that my/our loan shall be governed by the rules of RBL Bank, which may be in force from time to time. 3. I/We confirm that I/We have no insolvency proceedings against me/us nor have I/We ever been adjudicated insolvent. 4. I/We confirm that I/We are not a director of RBL Bank or specified near relation (as specified by RBI) of any of the directors of RBL Bank. 5. I/We confirm that I/We are not specified near relation (as specified by RBI) of any of the Senior Officer of RBL Bank. 6. I/We confirm that I/We are not a director/senior office of other banks or specified near relation (as specified by RBI) of any of the directors of other bank.


7. We confirm that none of the directors of RBL Bank is the director, manager, managing agent, employee or guarantor of the Borrower, or of a subsidiary of the Borrower, or of the holding company of the Borrower, or holds substantial interest, in the Borrower or a subsidiary or the holding company of the Borrower and none of the director of any other bank holds substantial interest or is interested as a director or guarantor of the Borrower.

8. We confirm that none of the Directors/Partners/Members of the governing body/guarantor of the Borrower or specified relative of such Directors/Partners/Members of the governing body/guarantor of the Borrower are Directors of any banking company.

9. We confirm that none of the relatives (as specified by RBI) of a chairman/managing director or director of Bank or a relative of senior officer {as specified by RBI) holds substantial interest or is interested as a director or as guarantor of {any of) the Borrower(s);

10. I/We here by authorize and give consent to the Bank to disclose, without notice to me/us, information furnished by me/us in application form(s)/related documents executed in relation to the facilities availed from the Bank, to the Bank's other branches/subsidiaries/affiliates, Credit Bureaus/Rating Agencies, Services Providers, banks/financial institution governmental/regulatory authorities of third parties for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes that the Bank may deem fit. I/We waive the privilege of privacy and privity of contract.

11. I/We understand that the tenure/repayment/interest/other terms and conditions of the loan are subject to changes as a consequence to any changes is the money market conditions or on account of any other statutory or regulatory requirements or at the Bank's discretion. The bank reserves that right to review and amend the terms of the loan in such extent as it may deem fit.

12. I/We understand that the purchase of any insurance products is purely voluntary, and is not linked to availment of any other facility from the bank.

I/We Consent/ Do not consent to receive information / service etc for marketing

purpose through Telephone / Mobile / SMS / E-mail by the Bank / its agents.

I/We confirm that I / we have read and understood the above Declaration, and that the details provided on the form are correct. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it. I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number /email address. I/We confirm that the funds shall be used for the stated purpose and will not be used for speculative or antisocial purpose.

Signature of Applicant: Date:


Bank Copy

Application No.


Fees & Charges

Home Loan

Loan Against Property

Drop-line Overdraft Against Property

Application Fees (Non refundable)

Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations

Processing Fees

1.5% of loan amount#

Upto 2% of loan amount#

Upto 2% of loan amount#

Charges for late payment of EMI

2% additional interest per month on overdue amount 2% additional interest per month on overdue amount 2% additional interest per month on overdue amount

Issue of Duplicate Interest & Principal Certifcate

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Duplicate no due certifcate/ NOC

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Cheque swapping charges

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Bounce Cheque Charges

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Charges for CIBIL report

Rs.50 per instance

Rs.50 per instance

Rs.50 per instance

Limit Reduction Charges^

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

3% of the limit reduction amount.

Part Pre-payment / Foreclosure Charges (For Individual Borrowers


with purpose other than business)


5% of active limit if closed within 12 months,

3% of active limit if closed after 12 months

Part Pre-payment / Foreclosure charges (For Individual borrowers with business purpose/ all Non Individual borrowers / fxed rate loans)

3% on principal outstanding

5% on principal outstanding if closed within 12 months, 3% on principal outstanding if closed after 12 months

5% of active limit if closed within 12 months, 3% of active limit if closed after 12 months

Conversion from Fixed to Floating rate

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Conversion from Floating to Fixed rate

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Rate switch charges (Floating to Floating rate/ Fixed to Fixed rate)

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Commitment Charges

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Minimum quarterly* average utilization of 25% of the active limit. If the quarterly average utilization is below 25% of the active limit, then commitment charges of

2% of the shortfall in utilization.

#For Balance Transfer cases, 50% of processing fee to be collected upfront at the time of disbursal from the customer and the same will be non-refundable. I ^Allowed only once & subject to credit approval. I *Quarter refers to every 90 day block starting from the account open date. Franking charges additional to be paid by the customer as per actuals. I Any other applicable taxes will be additional. The prepayment charges are not applicable to facility sanctioned to MSEs with : a. Floating interest rate loans b. Fixed interest rate Loans upto INR 50 lacs loan amount

The applicable ROI will be arrived at by adding risk, tenor, product markups on currently declared external benchmark rate. The applicable ROI would be revised subject to terms as specifed in the loan agreement/ sanction letter. Please check our website for the latest schedule of fee and charges.


Customer Copy

Application No.


Fees & Charges

Home Loan

Loan Against Property

Drop-line Overdraft Against Property

Application Fees (Non refundable)

Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations Rs 6500/- for Mumbai Rs 5000/- for Other locations

Processing Fees

1.5% of loan amount#

Upto 2% of loan amount#

Upto 2% of loan amount#

Charges for late payment of EMI

2% additional interest per month on overdue amount 2% additional interest per month on overdue amount 2% additional interest per month on overdue amount

Issue of Duplicate Interest & Principal Certifcate

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Duplicate no due certifcate/ NOC

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Cheque swapping charges

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Bounce Cheque Charges

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Rs.250 per instance

Charges for CIBIL report

Rs.50 per instance

Rs.50 per instance

Rs.50 per instance

Limit Reduction Charges^

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

3% of the limit reduction amount.

Part Pre-payment / Foreclosure Charges (For Individual Borrowers


with purpose other than business)


5% of active limit if closed within 12 months,

3% of active limit if closed after 12 months

Part Pre-payment / Foreclosure charges (For Individual borrowers with business purpose/ all Non Individual borrowers / fxed rate loans)

3% on principal outstanding

5% on principal outstanding if closed within 12 months, 3% on principal outstanding if closed after 12 months

5% of active limit if closed within 12 months, 3% of active limit if closed after 12 months

Conversion from Fixed to Floating rate

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Conversion from Floating to Fixed rate

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Rate switch charges (Floating to Floating rate/ Fixed to Fixed rate)

0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- 0.5% on principal outstanding or Rs 50,000/- whichever 0.5% on active limit or Rs 50,000/- whichever is lower

whichever is lower

is lower

Commitment Charges

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Minimum quarterly* average utilization of 25% of the active limit. If the quarterly average utilization is below 25% of the active limit, then commitment charges of

2% of the shortfall in utilization.

#For Balance Transfer cases, 50% of processing fee to be collected upfront at the time of disbursal from the customer and the same will be non-refundable. I ^Allowed only once & subject to credit approval. I *Quarter refers to every 90 day block starting from the account open date. Franking charges additional to be paid by the customer as per actuals. I Any other applicable taxes will be additional. The prepayment charges are not applicable to facility sanctioned to MSEs with : a. Floating interest rate loans b. Fixed interest rate Loans upto INR 50 lacs loan amount

The applicable ROI will be arrived at by adding risk, tenor, product markups on currently declared external benchmark rate. The applicable ROI would be revised subject to terms as specifed in the loan agreement/ sanction letter. Please check our website for the latest schedule of fee and charges.


Bank use Only Know your customer details (KYC) Application Type* New


KYC Number Account Type*

(Mandatory for KYC update request) Normal

Name of Bank Official/DSE/DSA Case Sourced By: DSA DSA/Employee Name Sales Manager Name Business Segment

MIS Code.3

Branch/Others MIS Code.4

Name of Bank Official (Checked by)

Attestation/For Office Use Only

Documents Received Self-Certified True Copies


Identity Verification


Date D D M M Y Y Y Y

Emp. Name


Emp. Code

Emp. Designation

Emp. Branch

Signature of Bank Official/DSE/DSA

MIS Code.1 MIS Code.5

DSA/Employee Code Sales Manager Emp ID: MIS Code.2

MIS Code.6

Signature of Bank Official

Emp. ID

Staff Indicator

Staff ID

(For RBL Bank Emp only)

Promo Code



Branch Code

Emp. ID



Bank Copy

I / we confirm that the executive collecting the application / document has / have informed me / us of the l The applicable rate of interest and the type of interest (floating/fixed). Processing fees (non-refundable) that will be charged towards loan application. l The tax as may be applicable that will be charged in connection with the fees. The other applicable charges such as cheque return/bounce charges, PDC swapping charges, Foreclosure

charges etc. as mentioned in the attached Table. l Details with respect to the EMI and amount will be communicated separately through a welcome letter post disbursement of loan. That: l incomplete/defective application will not be processed by RBL Bank. RBL Bank shall not be responsible in any manner for the resulting delay or otherwise. l Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) will due on 5th of every month or the date as specified in the sanction letter/welcome letter. l The loan Foreclosure charges are as per the Loan agreement. The Foreclosure charges are levied/calculated on the balance principal outstanding of the loan (subject to clause governing

part prepayments). No foreclosure charges/prepayment penalties on floating rate term loans sanctioned to individual borrowers. l The Bank would update you about the loan decision in approximately 14 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application form and all the required documents. l The loan terms as sanctioned are applicable for the specified product as indicated in the loan application and are valid for period of 30 days only. Where for some reasons, there is a delay in

concluding the loan. The Bank reserves the right to revise the loan terms as may be applicable at the time of actual loan availment. I/We also confirm that: a) The executive has not made any commitments to me/us regarding the loan quantum/sanction process(or) promised any deviation/waivers. b) The executive has collected self attested copies of the documents mentioned on the front side and verified the same with originals produced by me/us. c) We have not given/made any payment in cash, bearer cheque or kind along with or in connection with this loan application to the said executive (or) to any

other employee of the bank(or) to any other third party.

The details of loan terms / conditions inclusive of all charges have been read by me / us in full read out to me / us (in vernacular) and understood by me / us.

Name of Bank Official/DSE/DSA:

Applicant Name:

Signature of Bank Official/DSE/DSA

Applicant Signature

Application Date D D MM Y E A R



Customer Copy

I / we confirm that the executive collecting the application / document has / have informed me / us of the l The applicable rate of interest and the type of interest (floating/fixed). Processing fees (non-refundable) that will be charged towards loan application. l The tax as may be applicable that will be charged in connection with the fees. The other applicable charges such as cheque return/bounce charges, PDC swapping charges, Foreclosure

charges etc. as mentioned in the attached Table. l Details with respect to the EMI and amount will be communicated separately through a welcome letter post disbursement of loan. That: l incomplete/defective application will not be processed by RBL Bank. RBL Bank shall not be responsible in any manner for the resulting delay or otherwise. l Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) will due on 5th of every month or the date as specified in the sanction letter/welcome letter. l The loan Foreclosure charges are as per the Loan agreement. The Foreclosure charges are levied/calculated on the balance principal outstanding of the loan (subject to clause governing

part prepayments). No foreclosure charges/prepayment penalties on floating rate term loans sanctioned to individual borrowers. l The Bank would update you about the loan decision in approximately 14 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application form and all the required documents. l The loan terms as sanctioned are applicable for the specified product as indicated in the loan application and are valid for period of 30 days only. Where for some reasons, there is a delay in

concluding the loan. The Bank reserves the right to revise the loan terms as may be applicable at the time of actual loan availment. I/We also confirm that: a) The executive has not made any commitments to me/us regarding the loan quantum/sanction process(or) promised any deviation/waivers. b) The executive has collected self attested copies of the documents mentioned on the front side and verified the same with originals produced by me/us. c) We have not given/made any payment in cash, bearer cheque or kind along with or in connection with this loan application to the said executive (or) to any

other employee of the bank(or) to any other third party.

The details of loan terms / conditions inclusive of all charges have been read by me / us in full read out to me / us (in vernacular) and understood by me / us.

Name of Bank Official/DSE/DSA: Applicant Name:

For Any queries / clarifications please contact: Call us at: +91 22 61156300

Signature of Bank Official/DSE/DSA Applicant Signature

@ Email us at : customercare@

Application Date D D MM Y E A R

Website :


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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