Personal Narrative Writing Assignment - Weebly

Personal Narrative Writing Assignment

A step-by-step guide to writing an entertaining story about your life.



Pefsoaal Emxtmtiwm Assii^ment


In a personal narrative, you re-create an incident that happened to you over a short period of time. This incident could be an emotional expenerice, a liUy or serious event, or a Wghtening encounter. Be sure to include enough specific details to make the incident come alive for your readers. If you can't remember everything, fill in the gaps with details that seem right.



1. Charactenstics of an Effective Personal Narrative... Read three personal narratives from the collection provided and list each example's effective traits. Complete Qualities of Effective P e n o u l N a m t i v e s worksheet and share ideas with classmates.

2. Chnorn a Subject... Think of a specific incident from your life that

you thmk will appeal to readers. Complete My Personal Writing

Territories worksheet.



3. Gathering DetaUs... Jot down all of the ideas and details that come to mmd when you think of the experience. Use a storyboard to help organize your ideas.

4. Show, Don't Tell.. Practice turning making your writing more interesting. Complete Sbow-Me Sentences worksheet.

5. Focusing Your Efforts... Decide on a particular feeling or mood that you want to convey in your story. For example, do you want to surpnse your readers, make them laugh, or have them share in your sorrow or fear?

6. Dialogue... Review how to use the proper format for writing dialogue. Complete Punctuating Dialogue worksheet.

Writing and Revising

1. Hooking Your Reader... First, tiy to start right in the middle of the action or mtroduce the people in your story and get them talking Build the action by adding specific details, feelings, suspense whatever it takes to pull the reader in. Experiment with different

styles of lead paragraphs using Narrative f^a^- u ^

^^e. WHte two .ea.s on ^ooJ^^T^i^^^lT^^Zt^^,

your reader be au/Z:noi;:7r^:^''Zir^''^'''

'? '^^' ^ ' "

time, place, or speaker? DoT7f h J T^' '"'='"'^'"g ^ny changes in

make a point? ^^^^"^ ^?^^ ^^ ^^?^ entertain, surprise, or

'? thfrutrpToviJeT ^ ''-' '''" - ^ - P - ' ^ '? ^ - 3to:y using

" stSSns"a;te[ra:;rot S^rr-^'^ -^ -^^-'^

revisions need to be w^tten o7^:::^J^^:rS:^j:^^-


Editing and Proofreading


to express your ideas Then^he^Vf^"" ^T ""^^ *^^ bestVords

lpikuen.ctuation e r r ^ L v e a* Pp^e^e'^r't'^i 'nPvy' '?'"" 'w" i.t!h' tfhi^s 'p"ro"c'ess^ 'if^you

2. Preparing Final Copy... Tyne a n^at fir,oi

proofread before shiring

^ ''"^^ ?^^?'''^ narrative;


Personal Writing

Sample Personal Narrative

In this personal narrative, student writer Matt Vice focuses on a recent event m his life, a memorable football game. The strong sensory details make this event come alive for readers.

The Gams

Th?namrtlv? startsrightIn themiddtoof the action.

This paragrapfi serves asa transition between two parts of the game.

The rain hit my hehnet lightly, like a soft tapping on a door. I pulled my chin strap tightly around my face and snapped it on the other side. Forty-three teammates standing beside me started to jog, workhorses on the move, the clip-clop of our spikes the only sound.

As we approached the field, the rain picked up. I looked at my teammates after hearing the cheersfromour fans. I said to myself; T h i s is why I play football; this is what it's all about" As we burst through the gate, the roar of the crowd engulfed us. Our coach gathered us together on the sidelines and barked the game plan to us. Fortyfour sets of eyes locked on him as if we were hypnotized. We broke the huddle, and the

receiving t e ^ trotted out

- | s a i d tO mVSelf.

onto the


?TU;- :- i. i i

The baU was kicked. It J ^ ? '^,^^hy I play

soared high above our heada fOOtball; thIS IS What

aa the two teams ran full

It'S alt aboUt.' "

charge at each other. I found my man and fixed on him like a missile locking on to its target. The return man was hit hard and brought down around the 50-yard line.

The crowd was yelling; the cheerleaders were pumped. I heard the chanting fade into the background as the game progressed. Two quarters passed, then three. Hardhitting crunches and cracks could be heard play after play. Each team traded scores.

With less than a minute left in the game, we had a 24-

to-17 lead. The rain was running down my hehnet like an overflowing gutter. With time running out, the opposing quarterback dropped back. The crowd went silent as he

passed to an open receiver in the end zone. Everything

seemed to go into alow motion as the ball dropped securely into his hands. I stood openmouthed, dumbfounded, and

Personal Writing

tw^asaneeSd,"w;h^ich* -me^anrt ov'?e"rt'i!m' ^e.^^ "*"? J"*"*- ~ the score

? m opposing team won the coin toss .and went first ?nie official put the baU on the 10-yard line In t h ^ .^Z

t t l ^ " ( 5 : r " f ^ ^ , ^ r ^ ' " ' - ^ t ' a point, it was

down, our quarterback tiropped back and connected with the tailback a yard short of the end zone. I snapped my hehnet, anticipating heading out onto the field for the extra point.

"Fourth down in overtime... this Is the stuff dreams are made of."

over. We lost by inches. """"'?'"??? The game was

in fhJ"?i ' TM " ? *?"" *? " " ^ " ? - 0??- quarterback sat


^ V ^ S l ^ l X ^ - " ^ Onrlastga^e'Cn-t Heads down, our team walked slowly back to fho i^-u

room the once thunderoua footsteps i^^w ^ e n t Fo^^^^^ first time that night, I felt the cold. ? ""^ ^''^''^' ^""^ ^^^


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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