Personal Philosophy of Learning

[Pages:2]Personal Philosophy of Learning Since I was young, I always displayed creativity far beyond those around me, so choosing to major in Art was the path for me. However, I was not completely satisfied. I wanted a career that was going to make a difference and change the course of someone else's life. I ecstatically turned towards teaching. My parents came from really poor communities in Mexico, and they were only able to finish elementary school. My parents are the most intelligent people I have ever met, and it's sad to think that their financial situation kept them from reaching their dreams. Through their stories and words of wisdom, I was raised to always be grateful for my education. It is one of the most valuable things a person can attain. This is why I want to become a part of this experience for students. The life of a student is really troublesome, so I know it will be difficult to bond with every individual. I believe a teacher has a lot to do with the path a student is going to choose. From experience, I can safely say that the classes I despised or had trouble in, were classes where the instructor refused to create a bond with the students. My art teacher on the contrary, always told me to try harder and stay focused on my goals. Not only was he my teacher, he was my friend. I was going to school for ME, and students who are struggling emotionally and physically need someone to help them realize that. This is why my goal is to create a bond that will allow students to reach me in times of trouble or even joy. We will share interests and learn new details about one another. For instance, since most the time we will be making art, I plan to play music from a playlist I will compose from the artists they enjoy (making sure this meets the schools rules). Also, at the end of the year, I would like to create an exhibition with student work which is an idea I read in

William Ayer's book, To Teach. He writes, "... they become more present and more visible to me and to one another through the acknowledgment of the products of their thoughts and labor" (Ayers 66). I hope to give them a feeling of accomplishment and a vision of how much they have improved over the year.

Above all, my mission is to treat each student how they deserve to be treated which is differently. Whether it is modifying lessons, exams, or just lending them more help, I will make it my duty to make every child feel comfortable and excited to learn about art.


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