Work Sample Templates: Employee Training Plan


GCSAA Certification Program

Work Sample # 3 – Employee Training Plan

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Judges Review:

Comments:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


θ Satisfactorily completed. Points possible _____

θ Needs additional work as indicated Required to pass _____

in judges comment section. Total awarded _____

θ Rejected for multiple grammar, punctuation

and/or spelling errors.

__________________________________________________ _____________________

Portfolio Judge Number Date

Work Sample #3

Employee Training Plan

Attach relevant samples from your employee training plan, or describe in separate paragraphs, how you train employees in each of the following areas. Also include a paragraph critiquing the program.

Ρ New employee orientations – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Hazardous materials training – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Environmental practices training – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Equipment training – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Train the trainer (training to prepare an employee to train another employee) – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Workplace safety training program – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Existing employee development (On-going job training, and personal skills development) – describe or attach relevant sample

Ρ Articulate the goals of your employee training program and identify how well your current program meets them.


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