Metro District

Module 4 QuizJesus Christ our Savior Please answer the following questions as fully as possible in a few paragraphs. You will be assessed on your theological understanding which, for each question, should be strongly supported with scripture (just give location) and firmly aligned with Alliance distinctives. Your answers should include the integration of theology into your life and ministry. You are allowed to use any resources to help you. When completed:Save a copy for yourself, we recommend you have a file on your computer of all ordination/consecration work.Email to HYPERLINK "mailto:office@" office@. QUIZDefine God and name of some of the attributes of God, support with scripture. What does it mean that God is holy and how does this attribute underlie all other characteristics of God?How does God maintain a personal relationship with his creatures? What practices and disciplines do you maintain to deepen your relationship with God?Briefly describe your personal experience of Christ as your Savior; include Biblical support in your testimony.What are the key elements of a gospel presentation? ?What would you make sure to include if you were explaining the plan of salvation to someone you met for the first time? Use scripture to support. How do you account for the fact that Christ has both a divine and human nature? Describe both natures with scriptural support. ?Why are both natures essential to the person of Christ? ?How would you disciple a new believer to understand this union?Define and describe the plan and purpose of the atonement. ?What attributes of God moved Him to provide for the atonement? Explain each. ?How has a fuller understanding of the atonement deepened your personal faith?Define justification. ?Identify and discuss the primary scripture passages which teach the concept of justification, including the means and results of justification. ?Why is the teaching of justification crucial in discipleship?Define regeneration. ?Identify and discuss the primary scripture passages which teach about regeneration, including the difference between regeneration and justification. ?As a Pastor, what signs of regeneration would you look for in a person’s life?Describe your personal life of evangelism. How do you build relationships with people who are not in relationship with Jesus? How active are you in sharing your faith? How have you led your ministry in evangelism? What is your plan to further develop evangelism both personally and in your ministry?Have you read Heart of the Gospel, by Bernie A. Van De Walle, in its entirety? What can you apply from this reading to your life and ministry? ................

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