Policy on personal relationships at work

CSP Policy on working relationships and conflicts of interest

The CSP recognises that employees may sometimes have relationships with other colleagues that could cause a real or perceived conflict of interest. For example, line-managing, or contracting for services with, a family member, partner etc The following principles identify how such relationships will be managed in order to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest. They apply to all employees regardless of their job or level of seniority. The principles incorporate regulations that are part of the CSP’s standing financial instructions, and are necessary in order to ensure that we maintain our financial and legal obligations.

1. An employee who is a family member or partner of a colleague, member, contractor, client, customer or supplier of the CSP, or is in a separate business relationship with any of the above, must not allow that relationship to influence his/her conduct whilst at work. Any personal issues should be dealt with outside of work time. Any breach of this rule will be regarded as a serious disciplinary offence leading to disciplinary action which could potentially include dismissal in cases of particularly inappropriate behaviour.

2. Any employee who becomes a partner, family member or business associate of either:

• a CSP colleague;

• a CSP client, customer, contractor or supplier;

• a CSP member

should declare the relationship to his/her manager, if it could lead to any real or perceived conflict of interest (examples include a supervisory/management relationship; any other working relationship where influence may be used; having the authority to decide who to award contracts to; if the member is active on a CSP committee/Council etc). The manager may then wish to discuss this in strict confidence with HR, to ascertain the risk and any appropriate action to manage it. This may include arranging for someone else to have authority over that particular contractor/supplier, the transfer of management responsibility, or other mutually acceptable solution.

3. On no account should someone take any part in a CSP financial transaction relating to a partner/family member/external business associate. This includes the raising, authorising and receipting of purchase orders, signing-off timesheets or expenses, approving invoices for payment and raising invoices to customers. Any queries on this should be directed to the Head of HR or the Director of Finance.

4. If someone applies for a post at the CSP and is already a partner/family member/business associate of a CSP employee, contractor, client or member, they will be expected to declare this at application stage. This will not detrimentally affect their application, unless there is a potential conflict of interest, or their appointment would lead to one of them having managerial authority over the other.

5. If a potential contractor, customer, supplier or client is already a partner/family member/business associate of a CSP employee, both parties should declare this at the tender stage. Again, this will not detrimentally affect the hiring of the contractor/supplier etc, unless there is a potential conflict of interest, or their hiring would involve them being directly responsible to the person with whom they have the relationship.

CSP Policy on Working Relationships and Conflicts of Interest:

Declaration of an existing family, partner or business relationship with another colleague, contractor, client or member

This form should be used by a member of staff at the CSP who wishes to declare one of the above. The purpose of these declarations is to ensure the CSP’s business is conducted with propriety and transparency, in a manner appropriate to the organisation.

General Information:



Nature of contract with CSP: Employee Yes/No Other:

Please Specify

This declaration relates to:

1. A Family/Partner/Business Interest Relationship with another CSP Employee

Name and CSP post of relative/partner/

business associate: _____________________________________

Nature of relationship/interest:

2. A Family/Partner/business interest relationship with a Contractor or Client

Name of Contractor or Client:

Nature of relationship/interest:

3. A Family/Partner/business interest relationship with a CSP member

Name of Member: ___________

Nature of relationship/interest:

Signature: Date:

CSP Policy on Working Relationships and Conflicts of Interest:

Job applicants’ declaration of existing family/partner relationships, and/or business interests with a CSP employee, contractor, client or member

This form should be used by an applicant for a post at the CSP who wishes to declare one of the above matters. The purpose of these declarations is to ensure the CSP’s business is conducted with propriety and transparency, in a manner appropriate to the organisation.

General Information:


Post applied for:

This declaration relates to:

1. A Family/Partner relationship with another employee

Name and post of relative/partner:

Nature of relationship:

2. A Family/Partner relationship with a CSP Contractor or Client

Name of Contractor or Client:

Nature of relationship:

3. A Family/Partner relationship with a CSP member

Name of Member: _________________

Nature of relationship:

4. A business interest in/or connection with a CSP employee, contractor, client or member

Name of Employee, Contractor, Client or Member:

Nature of Interest/Connection:

Signature: Date:


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