The NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence

2021 NEA ESP of the Year AwardData Sheet / Personal Statement / Resume Questionnaire Template Important:Affiliates may use this template to collect the Data Sheet, Personal Statement, and Resume Questionnaire requirements from the nominee, but the affiliate point of contact (POC) must input the information in the new NEA ESP of the Year Award nomination system.Nominees should review the 2021 NEA ESP of the Year Overview and Guidelines before submitting a nomination. All nomination materials can be found at espoty-nomination. Questions? Contact Jennie Young at jyoung@. Nominees can type directly into or copy and paste text into this document.* Required before final submissionDATA SHEETDateClick or tap here to enter text.Personal Information*First and Last Name Click or tap here to enter text.*Home AddressClick or tap here to enter text.*City/Province For non-U.S. addresses provide state, province, territory, county as required.Click or tap here to enter text.*State State abbreviations (e.g., AK, ID) only. For non-U.S. addresses, type NA.Click or tap here to enter text.*Zip/Postal Code Click or tap here to enter text.*Personal EmailClick or tap here to enter text.*Primary Phone Number (include area code)Click or tap here to enter text.Alternate Phone Number (include area code) Click or tap here to enter text.*Age range (Select one)?18-25?26-35 ?36-45?46-60?61+?Prefer not to say*Race/Ethnicity (Select one)?Asian and Pacific Islander ?Native American/Alaska Native ?Latin(o/a/x), Hispanic, and Chican(o/a/x)?Black or African American?Multiracial?White?Prefer not to say*Gender Identity (Select one)?Female?Male?Non-binary/Gender Non-Conforming?Transgender?Prefer not to say*Pronouns for inclusion in promotional materials (Select one)(e.g., articles and related write-ups)?She/Her/Hers?He/Him/His?They/Them/Theirs?Ze/Zir/Zirs?Prefer to self-describe ?Prefer not to sayIf you selected “Prefer to self-describe” above, enter your desired pronouns. Click or tap here to enter text.Worksite/Career Information*Local Affiliate (no abbreviations please)Click or tap here to enter text.*NEA Member ID (All nominees are required to enter their 10-digit membership ID number)Click or tap here to enter text.*Number of Years as NEA Member (Minimum requirement is at least three years as of 12/31/20)Click or tap here to enter text.*Job Title/Position (no abbreviations pleaseClick or tap here to enter text.*Work Phone Number (include area code)Click or tap here to enter text.*NEA Career Family (Check all that apply)Descriptions of each career family can be found at about-nea/our-members/education-support-professionals/key-facts-about-esps ?Clerical Services?Custodial/Maintenance?Food Services?Health/Student Services?Paraeducators ?Security Services?Skilled Trades?Technical Services?Transportation Services*Career Experience (Select one)?Early career Educator (0-5 years)?Mid-career Educator (6-10 years)?Veteran Educator (11+ years)?Prefer not to say*School/Worksite (no abbreviations please)Click or tap here to enter text.*School District/University (no abbreviations please) Click or tap here to enter text.*Work City/Province For non-U.S. addresses provide state, province, territory, county as required.Click or tap here to enter text.*Work State State abbreviations (e.g., AK, ID) only. For non-U.S. addresses, type NA.Click or tap here to enter text.*Worksite Level (Check all that apply)?Pre-K ?Elementary ?Middle or Junior High School ?High School ?Central Office/Districtwide ?Post-Secondary/Higher Education ?Other If you selected “Other” as your Worksite Level above, please elaborate: Click or tap here to enter text.*School Community Type (Select one)?Urban?Suburban ?Rural ?Other If you selected “Other” as your School Community Type above, please identify: Click or tap here to enter text.*Student Population Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (Select one) Note: If your district has a USDA COVID-19 waiver to provide all students with free meals, please answer according to the population before the waiver was granted. If you do not know your school’s Free and Reduced Lunch rate, you can do a search at . ?Less than 40% ?40% or higher ?Not Applicableright384175Nominees must provide specific examples of achievement in each of the following five award criterion areas and examples of how they go beyond the roles and responsibilities of their job description. Nominees have up to 750 words per criterion area. NOTE: The text fields below will not track word counts or let the nominee know if they have exceeded the 750-word limit. Nominees should check word counts in a blank Microsoft Word document before submitting this template to the affiliate point of contact (POC).00Nominees must provide specific examples of achievement in each of the following five award criterion areas and examples of how they go beyond the roles and responsibilities of their job description. Nominees have up to 750 words per criterion area. NOTE: The text fields below will not track word counts or let the nominee know if they have exceeded the 750-word limit. Nominees should check word counts in a blank Microsoft Word document before submitting this template to the affiliate point of contact (POC).PERSONAL STATEMENT* Required before final submission* Professional Practice (750 words)Please share worksite responsibilities and professional achievements that you have made in your field. You must include at least one example of how you have directly impacted student success in your school or worksite.Click or tap here to enter text.* Community Engagement (750 words)Please share how you are involved in promoting public education within the community through charitable projects and activities, including examples of how that involvement has benefited students, families and other members.Click or tap here to enter text.* Enhancement of ESP Image (750 words)Please share details of how your activities have enhanced the image of ESPs at the worksite, in the Association and in the community.Click or tap here to enter text.* Personal Achievement (750 words)Please share your personal and/or professional goals, including what you have you done, or are doing to meet these goals. Share how your growth and goals benefit students, members, families and/or the larger community. Share advice that you would give to a colleague entering the profession.Click or tap here to enter text.* Member Advocacy and Association Involvement (750 words)Please share how you have exhibited leadership, creativity and innovation in advocating for members, for the profession and for public education. Highlight your involvement in NEA or the local/state affiliate and how that involvement contributes to professional success. Share evidence that you engage in member recruitment activities and encourage fellow members to be more active.Click or tap here to enter text.center304800Nominees should further demonstrate their accomplishments related to the award criteria through the Resume Questionnaire. It should outline the work and professional experiences of the nominee through brief bullets or paragraphs. Nominees may respond with up to 750 words per question. NOTE: The text fields below will not track word counts or let the nominee know if they have exceeded the 750-word limit. Nominees should check word counts in a blank Microsoft Word document before submitting this template to the affiliate point of contact (POC).00Nominees should further demonstrate their accomplishments related to the award criteria through the Resume Questionnaire. It should outline the work and professional experiences of the nominee through brief bullets or paragraphs. Nominees may respond with up to 750 words per question. NOTE: The text fields below will not track word counts or let the nominee know if they have exceeded the 750-word limit. Nominees should check word counts in a blank Microsoft Word document before submitting this template to the affiliate point of contact (POC).RESUME QUESTIONNAIRE* Required before final submission* What professional positions (e.g., worksite position, job) do you currently hold? (750 words) Click or tap here to enter text.* What professional positions (e.g., worksite position, job) have you held in the past? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What additional school or district roles (e.g., committee or workgroup roles; student, athletic club or coaching positions; other engagements outside your job) do you currently have? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What additional school or district roles (e.g., committee or workgroup roles; student, athletic club or coaching positions; other engagements outside your job) have you had in the past? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* Please list your education, training and/or certificates, licenses, etc. (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What positions with external organizations, community groups or other stakeholders do you currently hold? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What positions with external organizations, community groups or other stakeholders have you held in the past? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* Please list any honors or awards you have received, including the name of the honor/award and the year received. (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What Association positions or committee appointments do you currently hold? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text.* What Association positions or committee appointments have you held in the past? (750 words)Click or tap here to enter text. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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