RECORD OF ACTIVITY - Edexcel, BTEC, LCCI and EDI | Pearson ...

BTEC Workskills Assignment Brief QualificationWorkskills Entry Level 3Unit number and titleSelf-Assessment Unit 22 L/503/2811Assignment titleDeveloping your skills and qualitiesAssessorHand out dateHand in deadline Vocational Scenario or ContextNow is the time to take responsibility for yourself, for your actions and for your goals. Be the driving force in your own success in finding and keeping a job!This assignment will help you develop the skills and qualities you need to be successful. Know your own strengths and weaknesses so you can plan how to achieve your goals.You care going to develop a logbook or a journal to record your work. You can also add photos and observation records.Task 1Recognising your strengths and weaknesses is an important part of achieving your goals. Identifying strengths will improve your confidence. Accepting weaknesses will help focus your efforts into making improvements.The table in worksheet 1 has three separate headingsPersonal strengthsPersonal weaknessesEffect on your work lifePut at least two examples in both column a and b.Say how these would affect your work life in column c.This provides evidence for LO1 1.1 and 1.2Checklist of evidence required Table of evidence. Criteria covered by this task:Unit/Criteria referenceTo achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:1.1List own personal strengths1.2Identify areas of personal weaknessTask 2Employers aren’t just looking for qualifications - your skills and qualities are big assets. Using post-it notes, list as many skills and qualities as you can think of (one on each). Stick these to flip chart paper or a white board, being careful to place all skills on the left hand side and qualities on the right. Take a photo of this.Now discuss with your tutor how these skills or qualities will help you in your career or personal life in the future. You could video this.Your tutor will also complete an Observation Record.This provides evidence for LO2 2.1 and 2.2Checklist of evidence required Photograph of completed activity, (or a video) plus a tutor Observation Record detailing the discussion. Criteria covered by this task:Unit/Criteria referenceTo achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:2.1Identify own skills and qualities2.2Identify how own skills and qualities can be helpful for career or personal lifeTask 3Setting goals is the first step toward being successful. Discuss ideas with your tutor and agree One achievable long term goal At least two short term targets that will help you realise your long term goal. The key to achieving your goals is to break them down into manageable pieces. Complete an action plan to state what these goals are and how you will try to reach them. You could sayWhat could get in the wayWhat help you will needHow you will get thereYour tutor may provide you with a template for this activity. This provides evidence for LO3 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3Checklist of evidence required Action plan stating goals and future actions.The tutor may wish to make a video and complete an Observation Record detailing the discussionCriteria covered by this task:Unit/Criteria referenceTo achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:3.1Identify a personal long-term goal3.2Identify personal short-term goals3.3Identify how short-term goals may be achievedSources of information to support you with this Other assessment materials attached to this Assignment BriefFlip chart, whiteboard, pens and paper, camera, video recorder.Action Plan template and Observation Record template (BTEC document).Worksheet examples for Tasks 1 and 3RECORD OF ACTIVITY *Observation Record *Witness Statement*please delete as applicableLearner name:Qualification:Unit number & title:Name of *Observer/*Witness:*please delete as applicableDate of Activity: Assessment criteria targeted : Description of activity undertaken:(what the learner did)the evidence provided/questions asked and answers given:Please state evidence this record is in support of:I confirm this is an accurate record of the activity undertakenLearner signature:Date:*Assessor/*Witness signature:*please delete as applicableRole:Date: Blank PageWorksheet 1 (a.c.1.1 and 1.2)StrengthsWeaknesses1.Effect on working Life1.Effect on working Life2.Effect on working Life2.Effect on working LifeLong –Term GoalShort-term goals to assist with meeting the long-term goalWays that short-term goals might be met1. 2 a.c 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ................

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