Essential Question Lesson Plan Template

Essential Question Lesson Plan Template

|Title |  Our "Digital Toolkits" |

|Grade: 8th |Subject: Mathematics |

|Overview |This is going to be a yearlong project that focuses on the California State Standards being covered |

| |in our class. Student will be designing their own personal "Digital Toolkits" while learning how to |

| |use Microsoft PowerPoint program. Students will research through primary and secondary sources on the|

| |internet. |

| | |

|Essential Question |What question frames the main theme or idea you want students to explore and grapple with? |

| |How can I utilize technology as a support for me to gain a better understanding of the various |

| |abstract concepts in my Transitional Algebra classes? |

| |Why is it so important that I learn the California State Standards for math? |

| |Will learning various computer skills be important for me in the future? |

| |How does technology help me to work smarter not harder? |

|Subsidiary Questions |Why is it important to have visuals included into each slide of my "Digital Toolkit? |

| |Will the hands-on labs and activities be important in my learning process? |

| | |

|Connection to Standards |Mathematics CA Content Standards - 7th Grade |

| |By the end of grade seven, students are adept at manipulating numbers and equations and understand |

| |the general principles at work. Students understand and use factoring of numerators and denominators |

| |and properties of exponents. They know the Pythagorean theorem and solve problems in which they |

| |compute the length of an unknown side. Students know how to compute the surface area and volume of |

| |basic three-dimensional objects and understand how area and volume change with a change in scale. |

| |Students make conversions between different units of measurement. They know and use different |

| |representations of fractional numbers (fractions, decimals, and percents) and are proficient at |

| |changing from one to another. They increase their facility with ratio and proportion, compute |

| |percents of increase and decrease, and compute simple and compound interest. They graph linear |

| |functions and understand the idea of slope and its relation to ratio. |

| |See Welcome to your keys to success!!! - Home under State Standards |

| |Technology Standards |

| |Basic operations and concepts |

| |Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. |

| |Students are proficient in the use of technology. |

| |Technology productivity tools |

| |Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. |

| |Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare |

| |publications, and produce other creative works. |

| |Technology communications tools |

| |Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other |

| |audiences. |

| |Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to |

| |multiple audiences. |

| |Technology research tools |

| |Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. |

| |Students use technology tools to process data and report results. |

| |Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the |

| |appropriateness for specific tasks. |

|Assessment | 1. Students will create their own "Digital Toolkits". (PowerPoint) |

| |2. Students will self-evaluate their "Digital Toolkits". (using rubric) |

| |3. Students will present their projects to the class. |

| |4. Students will have successfully e-mailed their project to me. |

| |5. Students will be given an essential questions quiz. |

|Project-Based |Students will take notes throughout the each unit in their math "Toolkits". (notebook) |

|Activities/Tasks |Then about every two weeks or so the students will go to the computer lab to transfer that data or |

|Procedures |information into their "Digital Toolkits" as PowerPoint slides. |

| |The students need to follow the PowerPoint Criterion handout to help guide them in making sure they |

| |are including necessary aspects of the presentation. (see at very end of lesson) |

| |Students will research the various topics we have covered looking for images and examples to visually|

| |represent the content of that California State Standard. Gizmos! Online simulations that power |

| |inquiry and understanding. | ExploreLearning |

| |Students will review and evaluate the examples of the images they have located and will make sure |

| |they match the content written on the slide. (Make sure credit is given to your sources or |

| |references) |

| |Students will periodically send me their power points for me to check there progress, as well as |

| |giving them a performance grade, based on what they have completed thus far. |

| |Another option is that they can design their own image or example of the topic with Microsoft Word or|

| |other image programs! |

| | |

| | |

| |Google Images |

|Samples of Student Work | 1. Students will create a "Digital Toolkit" covering all the California State Standards or topics|

| |we covered this year. |

| | |

|Teacher Commentary | 1. Students will be coming to me with varying levels of proficiency and that will lend itself to |

|Reflection |some difficulties in how to grade the projects fairly. |

| |2. All the students may not have internet or computer access at homes when I give a weekly |

| |assignment to work on their "Toolkits" on their own. |

| |3. I will have to make sure that the students with special needs in my classroom are allowed more |

| |time, as well as, the other accommodation listed on their IEPs (Individual Education Plans) |

Power Point Criterion

1. Each slide must have at least one image.

2. Each slide must have at least 2 bullets of information.

3. You must use transitions between your slides.

4. At least have of your slides must have some type of animation.

5. One slide must be linked to a website or webpage for additional information on the topic.

6. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization.

Good Luck, Be Creative and Have fun!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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