Philosophy Of Education.docx

 Philosophy of EducationThe Progressive philosophy is the philosophy that I believe in the most. The fact that it is all about kids progressing and getting ready for the real world makes me gravitate to the philosophy even more.The Progressive philosophy methods that I’ll use in my classroom will be teaching with a balance between structured learning and planned experiments. Making sure that the students are always involved in the lessons. For example if I’m teaching english and we have a novel that we read instead of me just coming up in front of the class and reading each chapter maybe I’ll have a couple students act out different scenes or chapters in the book. Part of my personal philosophy is that kids should not just learn the basics, they should learn about life in general because everything they learn in school won't be able to necessarily help them in life. You can be the smartest person when it comes to school but if you are not ready for the problems that the real world throws at you, you are not going to have much success in life. My teaching methods will always vary depending on what kind of class and students I have. I would love to teach either high school physical education or high school english. My main focus is making sure that every student is comfortable so that I can provide them a chance to learn and succeed. The main method is to keep the students interested in what their learning. By using this method I would need to take extra time out to add something relatable or exciting to each lesson so that the kids can maintain a strong interest. The more interested the students are the more they will want to learn and be involved. For example, if theres an big issue or event that is being talked about a lot or that everyone knows about my plan would be to incorporate that some how in a lesson or on the homework so that the kids would have a lot more interest in it, t. The same way a math teacher involves money into math lessons. That makes the lesson more easier to learn because you deal with money daily in life and its something that people can relate to or have an interest in. Another method I would use would be to allow the kids to work amongst each other so they can share different views. When people share their views or opinions, arguments usually cause discussions or debates which can be used as another tool of learning. My classroom environment for the most part will be very open so that the students can feel comfortable every time they walk in my class. Freedom is something i’ll stress because I want everyone to come in and feel free to be themselves. The freedom in my classroom will allow address the diversity. As a class we are all one, we come together for the same goal and focus, and that is to maximize our potential. Even myself will be held accountable to reach my full potential as a teacher. There would also be things like prizes and rewards so that the students could compete and go harder on their studies. If everybody in class is trying to out work each other then everybody is working and progressing. Competition usually brings out the best in people and makes people work harder. For example if I make up a challenge involving a lesson or a project and I say whoever has the best presentation or best paper I’ll buy them pizza. The competitive environment that is created is going to make all the kids say man I want that pizza which will eventually drive every student to bring out their best. Every student is different I realize that some students will be more advanced than others and that is fine, all I ask is that the students try. Some students are just more gifted than others but you willl never know how gifted you are until you try. My class will try to provide a healthy balance between formative and summative assessments. The formative assessments will be used through a lot of group projects where the kids can work together and not only learn but grow from each other. Being very project based would usually make my job a little more harder because when the students are in groups it’s very easy for students to lean on other student to do most of the work and really not learn anything from the project. This would fortunately not become too much of a problem because the groups would be broken down into pieces where each student a part of the group is accountable for a role. For example if my students are doing a group project on a book and the project requires them to create a presentation about the book my job would be to make sure I’ve created enough roles for each group so that when the groups are formed everybody has a job to do. There would be someone in charge of putting the presentation together like creating a powerpoint or a posterboard of some sorts. There would be someone else who would maybe be in charge or gathering information. Then there could someone who puts all the info together. As a result my philosophy would eventually come into play throughout the group projects. When the roles are created I would expect the students to pick and choose their own roles as a team to create the best work. That would mean I would not expect to see the shy student in our class presenting the project when his strength is really typing. Teamwork is a real world problem that people face a lot and usually have to learn and overcome. This method allows the students to learn what its like to have a role and to be accountable for that role. Individual assessments would include things like questionnaires and mini quizzes to review what we learn from the projects assigned. The questionnaires and quizzes will also allow me and the students to find out what they need to focus on more or study more before the test comes. The summative assessment will be based on testing and projects. I would expect the students to have learned our material through the projects and the discussions so that when the test comes around they would know the material good enough. The purpose would be to know how well they know the material. Their weaknesses and strengths will also be exposed through testing. While testing would ultimately be the main focus, I would also include different methods throughout our lessons. Just as projects are big in the formative assessment it will also have a role in the summative assessment. Since some formative assessments may be individual and done alone it would give me a chance to use projects as a summative assessment everyone once and a while. This gives students another way to do well in the summative assessments because to some the projects may be easier. This also gives all the students a fair chance to succeed. Test taking is different for everyone. Some kids are not good with test but that doesn’t measure if they know the material or not. But with projects it will be another chance for students who have trouble with test. The test and projects play off of each other. Just how some kids are not good with test there are students that are not good with projects or talking in front of class. These methods help to cater to a variety of students and not just students who are good with test or students who are good with projects. Both kind of students get a fair and equal chance to succeed. The methods may sound like it’ll be easy or a cake walk for the kids but I will not hold their hand for them through it. They are still accountable for going out and studying on their own. That ties back into my philosophy because in the real world nobody’s going to hold your hand through anything, you have to want it for yourself. If they want the good grades they will work hard. If not then they won’t it’s simple. The main focus behind it is giving every kind of student a chance to succeed. Technology will be a big part of my classroom. From cell phones, to tablets, and laptops, a. All of those devices can help students a lot. The internet is so much faster than a textbook and it’s a lot more convenient, in my opinion, t. Though nothing is wrong with old fashion learning like textbooks and board work. Technology will be needed more for my class since it will be very project based. This allows us as a class a lot more time together because with all of the technology in the room we won’t need computer lab time or library time as much. Technology will also help for the real world problems I use throughout the lessons. As known as these problems maybe there is not a guarantee that every kid will know what's going on. For example if a kid did not know about a real world problem I was using or putting into a lesson it would be nothing for that student to hop right on to the internet and find out. This really helps me out a lot because now I could easily take out time to teach them about a real world problem or situation without losing much time from our regular lesson. The biggest problem would be with me as a teacher to draw a line on how far the tech goes. The internet is such a big place and could be used for all the wrong reasons. Another problem would be to still implement books and reading throughout our class because of how much the internet is taking over. Overall I just want to be a teacher that helps every kid progress not just as a student but as a human being. I would also love to provide ways for more and more kids to succeed. There is a lot of pressure on kids and sometimes teachers can forget that and just keep adding on pressure. When I was in school I was fortunate to have teachers that wanted to be there for me and create very good relationships. The more I got older the more I realized that they did not have to do that for me. Teachers are not required to be anything more than a teacher so it means a lot to kids when a teacher goes out their way to be there and be more than just a teacher. Every single teacher I had influenced me with that kind of character and attitude that’s why when I reflect on my experience in school I appreciate those teachers a lot more because now as I’m older I realize that they did not have to do that. We all need the extra positive support no matter what we are doing. ................

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