The Personal Years / Months / Days

Timing is everything. How often have you heard the story of a man missing his scheduled plane but catching the next flight and meeting the love of his life? And how many times have you been told ‘He was the right guy for me but I met him at the wrong time’ as the reason given for a romance that didn’t work out?

We are used to viewing time as linear and perceive our lives as a linear progression from birth to death. However, time is actually circular or cyclical; as it occurs in nature. For example, the four seasons are cyclical not linear; as is the movement of the sun and the moon. Breathing, the essence of life, is a continual cycle of in and out breaths.

Like nature, we as human beings also have distinct cycles. Our lives are an ongoing series of repeating patterns. For example, when we are born we are taken care of by our parents, followed by a time when we become parents taking care of our children and later perhaps being taken care of again by our own children. In this manner, we experience the full cycle of the entire caring experience.

According to personality profiler, Lee Thomas, once we start to recognise the particular cycles in our own lives -- their commencement, closure and duration -- we can work more meaningfully and positively with these cycles. We can anticipate them; allowing us to plan and manage our time and experiences.

It is like having a timing device within us that helps us to recognise and act appropriately according to the red stop signs, green robots and no entry signs along our life’s pathway.

According to numerology, life is timed and progresses in a series of nine year cycles known as the Personal Years. Each year is measured according to the calendar year, that is, 1 January to 31 December, and not birthday to birthday. Each of the nine Personal Years occur in a particular sequence, from one through to nine, with each and every one of the nine years presenting distinct opportunities and challenges to ensure continual growth and progress, resulting in fulfilling outcomes. As in nature, you can’t expect to reap your crop unless you have first planted and nurtured the seeds.

Of all the tools numerology offers for understanding and accepting ourselves, the Personal Years tool is the most accessible and useful. Your Personal Year is contained in your month and day of birth.

To illustrate, a person born on 1 July will be in a Personal Two Year for the duration of 2010. This is calculated as follows:

1 + 7 (July is the 7th month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 (2010) = 11.

The 11 is further reduced to 2. (1 + 1 = 2).

Another example: a person born on 25 December will be in a Personal Four Year for the duration of 2010. This is calculated as follows:

2 + 5 (day) + 1 + 2 (month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 13

This 13 is further reduced to 4. (1 + 3 = 4).

Similarly, the vibration of our months and days can also be calculated to gain maximum benefit from our time.

To calculate your Personal Month, add the actual month to your Personal Year number. For example, if you are in a Personal Four Year in the month of March (the third month), then you will be in a Personal Seven Month. (4 + 3 = 7).

To calculate your Personal Day, add the actual day to the actual month to your Personal Year number. For example, if you are in a Personal Four Year on 1 March (the third Month), then you will be in a Personal Eight Day. (4 + 1 + 3 = 8).

For easy understanding and memorising, these nine year cycles can be compared to planting, growing and reaping a field of beans. For your Personal Month and Personal Day, simply exchange the word ‘year’ with ‘month’ or ‘day’.



This is a year of new beginnings, decision-making and putting things into action. It is a time to decide what you want from the future and to take action to make sure you plant the correct seeds to ensure the growth of your crop to secure that desired harvest. This is the year for planting new seeds. Decisions must be made whether you are going to plant a field of beans or a simple window box of flowers. It is a year in which you need to express yourself in an independent, pioneering and honest manner. You need to ‘get real’ and ‘get going’ about what you want from life.


This is a year of co-operation, negotiations, patience and sensitivity. The bean seeds that you planted are underground, hidden from view. It looks like you have been doing nothing! This is a far cry from last year when your land was a hive of activity. However, below the surface, the bean seeds are developing roots and shoots. It is incredibly active but this activity is happening below the surface and out of sight.

You will have to develop trust and faith in your belief in your bean plants even though their growth is invisible and beneath the surface. Thus, this personal year tests patience, persistence and perseverance. If you are impatient or disbelieving and dig into the ground and uncover the seeds to see whether or not they are germinating, you will compromise the entire germination process.

Your seeds also need warmth and water in order to germinate. If these elements are not freely available through sun and rain, you will then have to co-operate and negotiate with alternative warmth and water suppliers in order to ensure germination.

Due to its protracted and slow pace, you will have time to attend to the minor details and fine print. You will feel sensitive and emotional, experiencing feelings of duality. One minute you will be happy and the next moment you will feel despair. Channel this sensitivity into intuition, instincts and insights. Remain poised and dignified; don’t resort to despair or depression.


This is a year of activity as your bean seedlings have pushed their way up through the ground surface and you can confidently spread the word that you have a bean crop on its way. It is therefore a time for making contacts through socialising, synergy and networking. Through these means you need to promote and publicise your potential harvest. Serendipity and opportunities abound.

Unlike the Personal Two Year where potential was hidden, the Personal Three Year unveils your future prospects. You need to use powers of self expression to spread the word about your produce. It is a year in which to seek the joy, humour and happiness in all situations. If there is an absence of these, your challenge is to maintain your sense of humour and to create the opportunities you desire using your imagination, lateral thinking and contacts.


This is a year of being practical, pragmatic and productive. It is a time for diligence, dependability and hard work. Your bean seedlings are growing and therefore need to be reinforced with support stakes. Put these in place early enough to ensure that the bean seedlings are trained, supported and strengthened for their growth to be maximised. You are developing solid frameworks and foundations for the development of your bean seedlings into bean stalks.

So too is it a time for weeding. The important task this year is to be focused enough to distinguish the weeds from the bean seedlings; and disciplined enough to complete this back-breaking task. Conscientiously keeping your head down and your mind focused on what needs to be done will reap dividends. This is not a time for speculation or deals that promise a fast return. It is a year of hard work; although you need to be careful of burn out.


This is a year of change, expansion and versatility. It is a time to explore new ideas, be open to opportunities and adaptable in the face of any adversity. Last year was a time to stick to the ‘tried and tested’, while this year is about the ‘new and novel’. It is a year in which you should expect the unexpected. Be open to moments of spontaneity and serendipity. It is a sensory year so delight your senses with new sensations while remaining moderate and temperate and avoiding excess and temptations.

Travel and adventure are highlighted for the expansion of your knowledge base. While last year you needed to be focused on your bean fields, this year it is appropriate to spend some time away in the exploration and discovery of alternative markets, new techniques for harvesting beans and innovative ways of selling. Communication is critical this year. Make sure you speak to be understood.


This is a year for home, health and happiness. Relationships and responsibilities require your attention. Family and friends will feature prominently. It’s a time to be ‘up close and personal’ with others and yourself. You will be required to be caring and nurturing of others but without neglecting your own needs. Emotions will run high but you will be required not to take things personally nor become ‘judge and jury’.

It is not an ideal year for travel. Rather make your domestic and family life your priority. If you don’t, they will become issues – your washing machine will pack up, your relationships will flounder or you may even fall ill. Your beans are beginning to grow on the stalks and the birds have noticed this too. The beans need protection from birds, pests and pestilence. Your soil may need extra nutrients and the beans might need pest sprays. If you are not home-bound these needs will go unnoticed and your crop may be compromised or even fail.


The term ‘at sixes and sevens’ simply translated means to feel confused; of feeling like you are neither one thing nor another. When you are nearing the end of your Personal Six Year (October to December), you are likely to experience feelings of being ‘at sixes and sevens’ as you start to feel the upcoming energies of your Personal Seven Year commencing in January of the following year. This is because the Personal Six Year and the Personal Seven Year are opposing and contradictory energies like oil and water; heat and cold; and emotion and logic, respectively.

It’s like taking a container of frozen food straight from the freezer and putting it immediately into a hot oven. At best there will be condensation (tears) and at worst your container will crack (an emotional meltdown). Understand that this is a condition of the environment rather than about you personally. Therefore, don’t start descending into self doubt or depression. Simply step back from the situations causing you stress and don’t take it personally.

To add to the confusion, you will usually experience an inability to make even the easiest of choices; and furthermore you will second-guess the decisions you have made. The advice for managing this time is to put off making any major decisions, where possible, and to understand that the confusion you are experiencing is temporary and will pass when you move into your Personal Seven Year in the January.


This is a year for withdrawal, reflection and some serious study. It is a time for you to focus on your inner life and personal development. You will be more analytical, investigative and critical than usual. This is fortunate as it is a time to clinically and unemotionally assess your crop of beans and decide on a marketing strategy. Am I going to sell fresh beans, frozen beans or pickled beans? How do I go about doing this? What will the costs be? It is a year for thinking and planning and not an active year. Wait for the following more active year to implement your plans.


This is your harvesting year. It is a time for productivity, activity and action. It is a so-called karmic year in that you will reap what you have sown – both ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Although it carries all the connotations of reward it is not reward in the sense that you rub a magic lamp and a genie appears to grant you your every wish. You have to get into those bean fields, pick those beans and get them to market as soon as possible.

Many people make one of three mistakes in their Personal Eight Year -- mistakes that compromise the year of its value. One mistake is to be inactive, believing that rewards arrive on magic carpets with little or minimal effort. A second mistake is to leave the beans on the stalks too long believing that the additional time will provide an even greater growth and reward. Instead, the beans either wither on the stalks or by the time the beans reach the markets in all their extra long finery, the timing is out of sync and the markets no longer need beans – even if they are extra length! The third mistake is that many people think of rewards only in positive terms and don’t recognise that loss of a job can often be a reward in disguise, no matter how unrewarding it may appear at the time.

This is an ideal time to invest in large and long term investments; to purchase stocks and bonds; and buy property and businesses.


This is a year of completion; a time to repay; and a time to give rather than to receive. It is a year of rewinding, reviewing, resting and releasing. It is not a time for remorse or regret. It is a year when you pull out the depleted bean stalks and let the land lay fallow. All too often only the emptiness or ‘deadness’ of the field and plants are seen instead of viewing it as a time of hibernation in preparation for the beginnings of new growth. Therefore it is not a mourning time but rather an opportunity for gratitude for what has been given, received and achieved.

It is a time to add nutrients and fertilizers into the soil in preparation for the Personal One Year of planting the following year. It is like an exfoliation year when all the old, dead and useless cells are sloughed off to reveal fresh, healthy, new skin. Like the famous JFK speech, it is a year when you ask nothing of the land and rather offer the soil something in return.

It is a year to look back on the past eight years and gain knowledge about what has worked and what has not worked or is no longer working. It is a time for releasing the useless, the tired, the worn out. It is important to distinguish between loss and release. The former implies needing to regain what has been lost whereas the latter implies that it has served its purpose and needs to move on and make way for the new.

Remember, your Personal Nine Year is a time for closing and completing projects, not commencing them. Thus, it is not the right time to start a new job, relocate to a new country or meet the love of your life. Everything will be temporary, impermanent and short lived in a Personal Nine Year. It is therefore not the appropriate time to buy new homes, businesses or even large appliances. Rather simply surrender to and savour the temporary nature of the year for, just as a rainbow remains in the sky for an impossibly short time, it is no less beautiful or inspiring.


And the cycle begins all over again ….

To make a personal appointment with Lee Thomas, contact her on 082 330 2949.


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