Attract Amazing Luck

The Numerologist (Part 8)

Lucky and Unlucky numbers

In Part 7, I delved into the meaning of the Personality (or Intimate) numbers. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses of your personality, you can further improve upon your strong points as well as adopt ways and means to overcome your weaknesses to become a better person.

In this Part 8, I have researched into some very interesting beliefs, myths and traditions into the so-called Lucky and Unlucky numbers. There are various ways in which such numbers are derived, such as from Numerology, Astrology, Horoscope, Feng Shui and traditional beliefs and cultures of different countries.

Numerologists believe that numbers contain and attract certain vibrations and energies. Your own numerological numbers are considered as your lucky numbers. Whereas different cultures, traditions and customs assign certain numbers to be lucky or unlucky. In this respect, the Chinese have very steep beliefs and provide some particularly interesting interpretation in deriving lucky and unlucky numbers.

Lucky and Unlucky Numbers

In the Chinese culture, whether a number is considered lucky or not is often related to the similarity between the pronunciations of the number with another word which may carry a positive or negative meaning. Some are thought to be auspicious while others are inauspicious. For example, “8”, fa, has the similar pronunciation with 发 (means wealth and fortune) has a positive or auspicious meaning. Whereas “4” (pronounced as “si”, sounds like 死 (death) has a negative connotation or inauspicious meaning.

It is believed that chi, the life force energy, governs all things. The chi energy is composed of male (yang) and female (yin) energy. This energy is also found in the vibration patterns of various numbers.

Even and Odd Numbers

In Chinese culture, even numbers are typically considered auspicious except for the number 4. Even numbers are believed to draw the yang (male) active energy. Odd numbers attract yin (female) passive energy. It's considered a passive energy and is the opposite of yang. These two energies come together to complete chi energy. Even numbers are traditionally luckier than odd numbers when it comes to giving gifts. The Chinese bestow “even” numbered or “pair” gifts.

Most Auspicious Numbers: 2, 6, 8, 9.

Four of the most auspicious Chinese numbers are 2, 6, 8 and 9 (even though 9 is an odd number). Whereas 4, 7 are considered as unlucky numbers,

Number 2

The number 2 is the number of the union of yin and yang energies. 2 is a number for lucky in Love. When these two opposite energies are balanced, harmony is achieved. So the number two means a union that creates harmony. In keeping with this thinking, the Chinese will decorate for a wedding occasion by pairing objects such as two candles, two pillows, two rings, two gifts and other items. This pairing signifies good luck and harmony for the couple.

Number 6

6 pronounced as 'Liu' '劉' means smooth and wealthy. It implies smooth sailing on the high sea and lives through life in harmony and without obstacles. Chinese use “6” objects in a group to ensure smooth sailing and navigation across the ocean. “6” Chinese coins are often tied together with red ribbon and placed in wealth corners of a home or carried inside purses or wallets to ensure that money luck flows to them always.

Number 8

Number 8 "八” is considered the most auspicious number. It symbolises infinity and is considered as a symbol of good luck and fortune. Many people use the number “8” in many ways to bring them good luck, wealth and health. Some draw a number “8” symbol and carry it in their purses or wallets to “attract” money luck to them.

“8” (ba, 八) has the similar pronunciation with “fa” 發 (means 發財, wealth and good fortune in Chinese). So the Chinese people favour numbers like 8, 88, 888, 8888 very much especially among business-men, fortune seekers, lottery players and speculators.

Many Chinese people. like to have their business name, car license plate, house address, sign board, handphone numbers, etc. contains the number “8”, “88”, “888” or “8888” or combination with other auspicious numbers, 0018, 0028, 0168 etc.

Some fanatics are willing to pay tens of thousands dollars for a car registration plate. It was reported a Chinaman paid a huge sum of US$88,000 for a car license plate No. 8888.

Although even numbers are generally considered luckier than the odd numbers, one odd number, the Number 9 is considered especially auspicious. Number 9 is pronounced as Jiu, [pic]. In Chinese, it means everlasting, longevity and eternality. In ancient China, it is associated with the Emperor of China. The Emperor's robes have nine dragons embroided in them. The Imperial Palace has Nine Dragon Walls. The famous Beijing Forbidden City has a total of 9,999 rooms.

Unlucky Numbers

Inauspicious Numbers: 4, 7

Number 4 is regarded as the most inauspicious or unluckiest number as the word for 死 , “si” (death)sounds similar to numeral 4 in Chinese. So when the number 4 is mentioned, the Chinese people usually associate it with death. It is disliked by most Chinese people.

Hence, the number 4 is considered to have the same energy and properties as the word for death. In feng shui practices, whenever a house number has a four in it, the Chinese resident will place a circle around the house number 4 so that the negative energy is transformed or deflected by the circle.

Number 7

Another inauspicious is Number 7. It is a number associated with abandonment, separation and anger. It also has the meaning of “gone” or “finished”. It also has the same pronunciation with 欺 (cheat) in Chinese. So the Chinese people usually avoid using the number. When Chinese people choose numbers for their telephone, 4 and 7 are avoided wherever possible.

In conclusion, the role of numbers in determining the luck has a long history in Chinese culture. When buying a house or choosing a date for a wedding, business opening, telephone number or a license plate number for one's vehicle, the choice is generally made with an eye to the perceived luckiness of the auspicious numbers.

What is co-incidence! After I finished writing this article in my office, as I was walking to the car park, I saw this gleaming black Mercedes-Benz with car license plate, “888” parked directly opposite my car! If you want to buy 4D, go buy 0888, 8880, 8885 (5 for letter E )

I hope you have enjoyed reading my article on Lucky and Unlucky numbers. Thank you and Good Luck!

Charles Chia

4D Master[pic]


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