
Name ___________________________________________________Chapter 11 Quiz1. According to the text, by age ____, the immune system can fight off just about everything from the sniffles to cancer. a.24 c.13 b.27 d.202. The leading causes of death from age 18 to 25 in all but one nation are: a.suicide and AIDS. b.homicide and suicide. c.accidents and AIDS. d.AIDS and other STIs.3. When compared to college freshmen, college seniors exhibit better:a.abstract reasoning and critical thinking. b.oral and written communication. c.All of these answers are correct. d.intellectual flexibility.4. Personality patterns of adults are affected by:a.norms of their culture. b.All of these answers are correct. c.genetic continuity. d.social context.5. During which of the following stages did Erikson believe that adults seek someone with whom to share their lives?a.intimacy versus isolation b.loneliness versus commitment c.marriage versus lack of commitment mitment versus affiliation6. In today's society:a.work, marriage, and parenting are generally delayed until age 40. b.becoming an adult is associated with parenting. c.work, marriage, and parenting before age 20 is uncommon. d.adolescence does not exist.7. The period of emerging adulthood occurs between __________ years old.a.18 and 25 c.16 and 22 b.21 and 25 d.18 and 21 8. According to the text, by age ____, the immune system can fight off just about everything from the sniffles to cancer. a.24 b.27 c.13 d.209. Members of which of the following age groups are most likely to die from heart disease, stroke, or cancer?a.25–44c.55–64b.18–24d.45–5410. Most 18- to 24-year-olds in the U.S believe premarital sex is:a.wrong prior to marriage. b.okay if the couple is committed. c.not wrong at all. d.okay if the couple is engaged.11. The leading causes of death from age 18 to 25 in all but one nation are: a.AIDS and other STIs. b.suicide and AIDS. c.homicide and suicide. d.accidents and AIDS.12. The craving of a drug to satisfy a physiological need is: a.homeostasis. b.drug abuse. c.binging. d.a drug addition.13. Drug abuse is _____ among college students than among their contemporaries who are not in college.a.slightly lower b.equal to c.less common d.more common14. The brain maturation of emerging adults involves:a.a halt in new dendrite formations. b.emotionally-based decisions that lack logic. c.the reconnection of underused neurons. d.practical decision making.15. A study of stereotype threat found that academic performance will _________ if people internalize the belief that intelligence is plastic.a.suffer b.show no change. c.increase d.decrease16. Tim, a college freshman, is most likely to have the goal of:a.developing a philosophy of life. b.having personal and financial success. c.becoming politically active. d.becoming an authority in his field.17. According to Erikson's theory, the crisis that follows identity versus role confusion is:a.affiliation versus identity. b.intimacy commitment versus lonely isolation. c.identity versus intimacy. d.intimacy versus isolation.18. Emerging adults who had been inhibited as children were: a.cautious, reserved adults with few signs of internalizing problems. b.more anxious and depressed. c.suffered low self esteem. d.discouraged by having to repeat grades.19. Often, intimate relationships:a.don't require much personal sacrifice. b.require a compromise of self-needs to satisfy another. c.increase self-protection. d.progress from attraction to close connection to ongoing commitment.20. Friends are crucial during emerging adulthood because they:a.keep a person out of criminal and financial trouble. b.defend against stress and provide joy. c.help a person to achieve his or her career goals. d.All of these answers are correctChapter 121. Which of the following potentially reduce sperm count and motility? a.All of the below. b.pollution c.STIs d.stress2. The brain slows down with age because: a.messages are not picked up as quickly by the axon. b.brain size increases. c.neurons fire more slowly. d.All of these answers are correct.3. The average age of menopause is: a.42. c. 51 b.45. d.55.4. Which of the following terms means death? a.morbidityc.morbundity b.mortalityd.vitality5. What is the major benefit of moderate alcohol consumption? a.decreased risk of lung cancer b.increased LDL c.decreased risk of breast cancer d.increased HDL6. An adult with a BMI of 26 is: a.underweight. b.normal. c.obese. d.overweight.7. General intelligence (g): a.consists of seven components. b.consists of three components. c.can be directly measured. d.cannot be measured directly.8. _________ intelligence is particularly valuable in high school and college. a.Creative b.Practical c.Analytic d.Productive9. Asking someone to write a story entitled “The Octopus's Sneakers” would be a way of testing _________ intelligence. a.creative b.analytic c.fluid d.practical10. Selective optimization with compensation:a.is a theory that proposes we seek to compensate for losses by getting better at that which we already do well. b.is a theory that applies to selective aspects of life. c.is a theory that ignores individual differences in abilities. d.is a theory that states that as people age they lose the ability to optimize their development.11. Malcolm is a director of a regional theater group. In this creative job, he would be most likely to display the _________ characteristic of his expertise.a.intuitive b.flexible c.automatic d.strategic12. Expert chess and Go players are much better than novices because of _____________ processing.a.strategic b.flexible c.automatic d.intuitive13. Senescence:a.is genetically determined. b.affects only some parts of the body. c.is not affected by lifestyle factors. d.is a gradual physical decline that occurs with age.14. According to the text, physical aging is _________ to most people who experience it. a.devastating b.inconsequential c.not discouraging d.very discouraging15. What percentage of all adult couples in the United States are infertile? a.10 b.25 c.20 d.1516. Which of the following decreases gradually beginning in our 20s? a.atrobycusis b.presbycusis c.nearsightedness d.farsightedness17. Menopause refers to: a.a loss of fertility. b.a decline in the level of sex hormones. c.the cessation of menstruation. d.the stage between ages 42 and 58 when women experience heavy bleeding.18. The lower testosterone levels of older men leads to: a.an inability to orgasm. b.osteoporosis. c.increases in muscle mass. d.reduced sexual desire.19. Andropause: a.is a sudden drop in reproductive ability. b.is a drop in testosterone levels seen in older men. c.is a sudden drop in sexual interest. d.is hormone replacement therapy for men.20. What is the major benefit of moderate alcohol consumption? a.increased LDL b.decreased risk of breast cancer c.increased HDL d.decreased risk of lung cancer21. A healthy BMI is: a.19 – 25. b.15 – 19. c.10 – 15. d.25 – 28.Chapter 131. In which of Erikson's stages do adults seek to connect their personal journeys with the cultural and historical purpose of human society?a.identity versus role diffusion b.integrity versus despair c.intimacy versus isolation d.generativity versus stagnation2. Midlife crisis is a result of:a.chronological age when turning 40. b.personal and historical experiences. c.the wife going to work. d.the kids leaving home.3. Extensive research on personality supports the general belief that: a.there are five basic clusters of personality traits. b.the Big Four personality traits remain quite stable in late adulthood. c.once adulthood is reached, personality often changes. d.sixteen personality traits have been confirmed.4. A reason that long-term marriages tend to improve with time is that: a.All of these answers are correct. b.there is less financial pressure. c.there is less child-rearing stress. d.arguments have decreased.5. Children of divorce: a.often develop academic or social problems. b.are generally happier. c.become better at anger management. d.become better conflict managers.6. Shondra is recently divorced and has custody of her two small children. Which of the following statements about her future is true? a.If Shondra remarries, the marriage will have a higher probability of failing. b.Shondra is more likely to remarry than is her ex-husband. c.All of these answers are correct. d.If Shondra remarries, it will more likely be to a man who does not have any children from a previous marriage.7. A generative adult is one who: a.believes that he or she is fortunate. b.displays maturity. c.All of these answers are correct. d.is productive in an unselfish and loving, caring way.8. Pamela, the oldest of six siblings, cares for her elderly mother, who lives with Pamela. As her mother ages and becomes more sickly, Pamela has noticed that her siblings have become: a.more distant and unwilling to help. b.more resentful and critical of Pamela's efforts. c.more supportive of her efforts to care for their mother. d.more involved in helping Pamela.9. Comparing marriages in recent decades to marriages of previous decades reveals that: a.women are taking on more responsibility for employment and child rearing. b.husbands are happier now that they do more housework. c.husbands and wives are more dependent than they were in the past. d.husbands today do more housework, and more wives are employed outside the home.10. The psychosocial development of adults is: a.characterized by four stages that are age-specific. b.insignificant, having become stable at age 25. c.significant but becomes stable at age 40. d.significant and evolves throughout adulthood.11. In which of Erikson's stages do adults seek to connect their personal journeys with the cultural and historical purpose of human society? a.generativity versus stagnation b.identity versus role diffusion c.integrity versus despair d.intimacy versus isolation12. A midlife crisis can be defined as a: a.All of these answers are correct. b.sudden transformation. c.period of unusual anxiety. d.time for radical reexamination.13. Midlife crisis is a result of:a.chronological age when turning 40. b.the wife going to work. c.the kids leaving home. d.personal and historical experiences.14. A characteristic of adult friendships is that: a.romantic relationships are more problematic than friendships are as one ages. b.friendships in older age become more ambivalent than they were in younger age. c.friendships improve with age. d.friendships become more problematic with age.15. Which of the following is true? a.Women have more friendships with men than with other women. b.Married adults have more friendships than unmarried adults do. c.Adult friendships are less problematic than are friendships earlier in life. d.Men are less likely to rely on their spouses for sole companionship.16. In adulthood, children who grew up in families with major stressors like extreme poverty are likely to: a.cut off family ties. b.develop sibling bonds. c.seek dependence. d.resent their siblings.17. The belief that family members should care for each other, sacrificing personal freedom and success to do so, is called: a.familism.c.social convoy b.linked lives.d.enmeshed lives.18. Responding to the emotions of others is an important task of: a.caregiving. b.one's personality. c.kinkeeping. d.work.19. Toni cares for her elderly mother and helps her daughter, who is newly divorced. It could be best said that she: a.represents the sandwich generation. b.All of these answers are correct. c.is feeling overly burdened. d.is in a midlife crisis.20. Today's work environment has changed in that: a.workers remain employed at a job longer than in the past. b.three-fourths of all 40-year-old workers are employed longer than were 40-year-olds from previous generations. c.workers increasingly change jobs several times during adulthood. d.adults are working fewer hours than adults of previous generations did. ................

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