
Nombre________________________ Fecha____________________

Señorita Hinchy Español 2

Los Horóscopos

For this individual project, you will be responsible for writing 3 interesting horoscopes using the future tense. You will be assigned which signs to write about. We will be working on this project both in class and at home. Your horoscopes should be thoughtful and creative while demonstrating a strong command of Spanish vocabulary and grammar. You may make up your horoscopes or research the personality traits associated with your assigned signs. Remember that the overall theme of this course is a magazine/newspaper; therefore, your horoscopes should be formatted like an article with appealing visuals and decorations. You will submit rough drafts to Ms. Hinchy and have an opportunity to correct all errors; however you rough draft score will count toward the final grade. Each horoscope should be approximately 100 words.


|Fecha |Agenda |

|2B: Jueves, 25/3 |Project assigned in class. |

|2C: Viernes, 26/3 |Tarea: Complete the project outline entitled “Organízate”. |

|Lunes, 28/3 |Class time to write horoscopes. DOUBLE SPACE OR SKIP LINES. |

| |Tarea: Rough Draft due Thursday 4/8 |

|Martes, 29/3 |Class time to write horoscopes. DOUBLE SPACE OR SKIP LINES. |

| |Tarea: Rough Draft of all 3 horoscopes due for next class |

|2B: Miércoles, 30/3 |Lesson on the Future Tense |

|2C: Jueves, 31/3 |Tarea: Hoja de Trabajo |

|2B: Jueves, 31/1 |Class time to edit and format the project. |

|2C: Viernes 1/4 |Tarea: Completed project due Tuesday 5/4 |

|Lunes, 4/4 |Lesson on the Future Tense |

| |Tarea: Completed project due Tuesday 5/4 |

|Martes, 5/4 |Project, PTAL, and all rough drafts due |


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