Personalized Marketing in the Experience Economy for Business ... - Oracle

Personalized Marketing in the Experience Economy

For Business to Business

The world has changed for B2B buyers

The world has changed for B2B buyers. The B2B buying experience has shifted to become more focused on digital, with more emotional, more real-time, and more social interactions just like in the B2C universe. In order to overcome these new challenges and succeed, B2B marketers must collect real-time data signals on their customers, understand them, and most importantly, use them to connect to what is now known as the B2B Consumer. In the current economy, there is nothing more important than customer engagement and retention.

At the same time, the experience economy is still in full swing and more important than ever before. The way we discover, engage, consume, and serve our customers when thinking about B2B experiences has shifted even more since the beginning of 2020. And in a time when we've stopped working in offices and can't have face-to-face meetings as often, when live events are delayed for a year or more, when our customers are losing their market share and as a result, budgets and staff are reduced, how do we help customers thrive in uncertainty?

This creates new challenges

Today, most B2B buyers work from home, which means they are currently sitting in the same chair where they make their B2C decisions ? and those decisions are driven by emotions like fear, competition, time, and innovation. As the lines between home and office blur, so do the lines of how B2B buyers research, engage, and buy.

The B2B Business Model Has Shifted

Work from home New channel model B2B commerce and digital sales Instant information

Copyright ? 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public

It's time to think differently

We as marketers may not be able to anticipate the best interaction based on an individual's emotions, but we can be mindful of the interest they show at every touchpoint. And we do that by paying attention and constantly listening and adapting to the digital signals they send, whether they're anonymous or known to us--and those can be captured with technology.

These types of interactions are happening all the time, especially in uncertain markets where buyers are looking for an opportunity to do something that will change and grow their business in the midst of uncertainty.

Buyers are always dropping breadcrumbs about what they want and need to buy or not buy. Sometimes they disclose their identity or relationship with the business, but more often than not, they're staying anonymous for longer in the cycle. And yet, all of that information is out there to be collected, understood, and most importantly, used to connect.

But that's easier said than done when marketers have:

? Data that is old, incomplete, and disconnected

? Difficulty delivering real-time personalization

? Marketing processes that are too slow and can't scale

What Stands in Your Way

Disconnected data across the customer lifecycle

Inability to deliver real-time personalization

Platform speed and scalability

Copyright ? 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public

Notes From the Field: Team One

Team One increased conversion rates by 60% by delivering the right message to the right person at the right time using data-driven marketing and having one view of the customer.

Imagine if marketers could...

"The customer experience that we strive for at Penton is to really put the customer first. So, really understanding what topics they are interested in, how they like to receive their data, what channels they are using, etc. Being able to pull all that data together, we can really engage with them in a relevant way."

VP, Performance Marketing, Penton

Imagine if you could pivot your business and go-to-market model to be able to respond to your customers' digital signals in their immediate time of need, both quickly and efficiently. Can you see a world in which you are able to inspire loyalty and nurture your customers with cross-channel campaigns that actually listen and adapt the experience in real-time? Or a world in which you are building a stronger relationship with your customer through personalized account experiences? It no longer has to be a choice of which one when you can now have both.

Just as important, consider how you can adapt your business so you can ensure consistency across brand and individual sales communications by using tools that will help to drive the right message at the right time. And it is so critical at this time to consider ways in which you can save money and create efficiencies by streamlining marketing processes and technology in your region and globally.

These are the ideas that will drive business success in our new world.

Consider the Possibilities

Connect data across marketing, sales, and service

Respond to digital signals in real-time

Adapt campaigns and experiences in-the-moment

Deliver consistent messaging across channels

Drive efficiency and streamline processes

Copyright ? 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public

Key markers of business success in today's new world

When you have the tools and technology to listen to your customers' activities and respond in-the-moment, you're able to adapt your programs and respond to their digital signals to drive measurable impacts.

Improve conversion rates by identifying and nurturing key target accounts and individuals, and ensuring the consistency of your marketing messaging across channels to deliver relevant messages that drive action.

Build better alignment between sales and marketing by connecting the data flows between departments, giving sales the intelligence and tools to know precisely when and how to reach out to prospects and customers.

Increase efficiency by creating the right messaging, listening to buyer signals, and identifying the key moments to engage and convert leads, you can improve speed to lead.

Expand revenue by focusing on building personalized relationships across your key target accounts and nurturing your existing customers so you can drive cross-sell and upsell, increase customer satisfaction and retention, and improve customer lifetime value.

Copyright ? 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public

Notes From the Field: MongoDB

MongoDB created a frictionless customer experience, supporting an ABM strategy with advanced lead management.

"The success is really that partnership between Sales and Marketing."

CMO, MongoDB

Ready for the next step?

"We have 360-degree visibility on our customers and can measure the real value of our marketing activities in generating IT product revenue."

Marketing CX Solution Manager, Amadeus France SA

How Oracle Can Help

Connected data: unlimited, real-time, comprehensive

Marketers have already begun to take action and are making great strides in solidifying the customer experience for this new world. However, data silos among marketing, sales, and service can be an issue ? continuing to inflict possible pain on the customer when interacting with the various touchpoints of the business, something businesses can't afford to do now. While customers today only see a single brand experience, most organizations still don't connect this data together, leaving gaps across the full experience.

Customers expect every interaction with a brand to be consistent ? and they expect those brands to know them better than they know themselves. Oracle CX Marketing can work with you and your teams to determine how ready your organization is to adapt to the current environment.

Learn more about orchestrating marketing programs for B2B.


Sophisticated marketing made simple: intuitive, flexible, intelligent

Scalability and speed: open, extensible, built for growth

Copyright ? 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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