
Challenge AGRAMMAR NOTEBOOK SEMESTER 2Instructions: Pages 3 – 48 are Semester 2 Grammar Rules and Practice pages. Each week starts with a list of all the grammar rules assigned for that week. The practice pages will give you practice for all the grammar rules for that week in different ways. Most are copying rules or chart again but sometimes they are fill in the blank or just suggesting reading the rule again. I would suggest setting up a grammar notebook in a 3-ring binder so that you can assign the pages how you want. You could print multiple copies of the practice pages to practice on different days of the week. Or you might want to only assign these practice pages once and then on the other pages utilize my Grammar Chart Book which are the main charts that you will need to learn each week. The Grammar Chart Book is located on my website () under Challenge A resources. Pages 49 through page 81 are “Additional Practice Pages for Each Week”. They are charts that you can add per week that cover all the vocabulary for week. You may want to only add additonal pages from this section when you feel like more practice is necessary. GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 1 Active Voice – Indicative MoodNo 163: Imperfect Tense (present stem) – 1st ConjugationNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st Plaud-ābamI was praisingSingular2nd P. laud-ābasyou were praisingSingular3rd P. laud-ābathe, she, it were praisingPlural 1st P. laud-ābāmuswe were praisingPlural 2nd P. laud-ābātisyou were praisingPlural 3rd P. laud-ābantthey were praisingNo 164: Future Tense (present stem) - 1st ConjugationNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st Plaud-ābō I will praise (he, she, it will be praising)Singular2nd P. laud-ābisyou will praise (he, she, it will be praising)Singular3rd P. laud-ābithe, she, it will praise (he, she, it will be praising)Plural 1st P. laud-ābimuswe will praise (we will be praising)Plural 2nd P. laud-ābitis you will praise (you will be praising)Plural 3rd P. laud-ābuntthey will praise (they will be praising)Additional Rules from Reading: Imperfect Indicative Active: The imperfect of a verb is formed on the PRESENT STEM.The ending has the a of the first conjugationThe FINAL PERSONAL SIGNS are the same as for the present tense.The ending contains a TENSE SIGN: ba (e.g. laud-ā-ba-t), which is ALWAYS THE SIGN OF THE IMPERFECT TENSE (The Latin verb is thus a sort of CODE which you learn to decipher.)Future Indicative Active The future tense is formed on the PRESENT STEM.The ending had the a of the first conjugationThe final personal signs are the same as for the present and the imperfect tenses.The ending contains a tense sign, bi (e.g. laud-ā-BI-t) which is the sign of the future in the FIRST and SECOND conjugations.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 1 Active Voice – Indicative MoodNo 163: Imperfect Tense (present stem)Practice the imperfect tense by adding the form and meaning using laudo, 1, tr, praiseNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. No 164: Future Tense (present stem)Practice the future tense by adding the form and meaning using laudo, 1, tr, praiseNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 1 Review: Additional Rules from Reading: Imperfect Indicative Active: The imperfect of a verb is formed on the __________________ STEM.The ending has the a of the ___________ conjugationThe FINAL PERSONAL SIGNS are the same as for the _______________ tense.The ending contains a TENSE SIGN: ________ (e.g. laud-ā-ba-t), which is ALWAYS THE SIGN OF THE IMPERFECT TENSE (The Latin verb is thus a sort of CODE which you learn to decipher.)Future Indicative Active The future tense is formed on the ______________STEM.The ending had the a of the _____________ conjugationThe final personal signs are the same as for the ___________ and the____________ tenses.The ending contains a tense sign, ____________ (e.g. laud-ā-BI-t) which is the sign of the future in the ________________and _______________ conjugations.GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 2No. 123: First Person Personal Pronouns NumberCaseFormMeaningSingularNominativeegoISingularGenitivemeīof me, of myselfSingularDativemihito me, to myselfSingularAccusativememe, myselfSingularAblativeme(by, etc.) me, myselfPluralNominativenōswePluralGenitivenostrīnostrumof us, of ourselvesPluralDativenobisto us, to ourselvesPluralAccusativenōsus, ourselvesPluralAblativenobis(by, etc.) us, ourselvesFootnotes: mē - Mēcum, tēcum, nōbīscum, vōbīscum are used for cum, mē, etc.Nostrī and vestrī are objective genitives only (see No. 684)Nostrum and vestrum are used as partitive genitives (See no. 686)GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 2No. 124: 2nd Person Personal PronounsNumberCaseFormMeaningSingularNominativetūyouSingularGenitivetuīof you, of yourselfSingularDativetibito you, to yourselfSingularAccusativetēyou, yourselfSingularAblativetē(by, etc.) you, yourselfPluralNominativevōsyouPluralGenitivevestrīvestrumof you, yourselvesPluralDativevōbisto you, yourselvesPluralAccusativevōsyou, yourselvesPluralAblativevōbis(by, etc.) you, yourselvesNo. 128 B. 3rd Person Personal Pronoun - Non-reflexiveNumCaseMascFemNeuterSingNomisheeasheiditSingGenējusof himhisējusof herherējusof ititsSingDateīto or for himeīto or for hereīto or for itSingAcceumhimeamheriditSingAbl.eō(by, etc) himeā(by, etc) hereō(by, etc) itPlNomeītheyeaetheyeathey (those things)PlGeneōrumof themtheireārumof themtheireōrumof themtheirPlDateīsto or for themeīsto or for themeīsto or for themPlAcceōsthemeāsthemeathem (those things)PlAbl.eīs(by, etc) themeīs(by, etc) themeīs(by, etc) themPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 2No. 123: First Person Personal PronounsAdd form and meaning for ego, meīPersonCaseFormMeaningSingularNominativeSingularGenitiveSingularDativeSingularAccusativeSingularAblativePluralNominativePluralGenitivePluralDativePluralAccusativePluralAblativeNo. 124: 2nd Person Pronouns Add form and meaning for tū, tuīSingularNominativeSingularGenitiveSingularDativeSingularAccusativeSingularAblativePluralNominativePluralGenitivePluralDativePluralAccusativePluralAblativePRACTICE Semester 1 Week 2No. 128 B. Third Person Personal Pronouns - Non-reflexiveFill in below chart: MascFemNeuterSingNomSingGenSingDatSingAccSingAbl.PlNomPlGenPlDatPlAccPlAbl.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 3 (Review week)ReviewActive Voice – Indicative MoodNo 163: Imperfect Tense (present stem)Practice the imperfect tense by adding the form and meaning using laudo, 1, tr, praiseNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. No 164: Future Tense (present stem)Practice the future tense by adding the form and meaning using laudo, 1, tr, praiseNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 4No: 165 : Present Tense (present stem) : I adviseFormMeaningSingular1st Pmon-eōI advise, I am advising, I do adviseSingular2nd Pmon-ēsYou advise, You are advising, You do adviseSingular3rd Pmon-ethe, she, it advises; he, she, it is advising; he, she it does advisePlural1st Pmon-ēmuswe advise, we are advising, we do advisePlural2nd Pmon-ētisYou advise, You are advising, You do advisePlural3rd Pmon-entthey advise, they are advising, they do adviseNo: 168 : Imperfect Tense (present stem) : I was advisingFormMeaningSingular1st Pmon-ēbamI was advisingSingular2nd Pmon-ēbasyou were advisingSingular3rd Pmon-ēbathe, she, it was advisingPlural1st Pmon-ēbāmuswe were advisingPlural2nd Pmon-ēbātisyou were advisingPlural3rd Pmon-ēbantthey were advisingNo. 171: Future Tense (present stem): I shall adviseFormMeaningSingular1st Pmon-ēbōI shall advise (you shall be advising)Singular2nd Pmon-ēbisyou will advise (you will be advising)Singular3rd Pmon-ēbithe, she, it will advise (he, she, it will be advising)Plural1st Pmon-ēbimuswe shall advise (we shall be advising)Plural2nd Pmon-ēbitisyou will advise (you will be advising)Plural3rd Pmon-ēbuntthey will advise (they will be advising)GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 4Additional Rules from the Reading: 1. All verbs whose present infinitive active ends in -?RE belong to the second conjugation.2. Model for moneōFind the stem by dropping the ending of the present infinitive active, thus: monēre, STEM: mon-.Add -eō for the first person present indicative active.For the other endings use the endings of the first conjugation but change the first a of the endings to e.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 4Give form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 4Review: Additional Rules from the Reading: 1. All verbs whose present infinitive active ends in -?RE belong to the _______________ conjugation.2. Model for moneōFind the stem by dropping the ending of the _____________________, thus: monēre, STEM: mon-.Add -____ for the first person present indicative active.For the other endings use the endings of the first conjugation but change the first a of the endings to _______.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 4 (Review week)Give form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moneō, 2. tr., advise in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 6Review Rules for #123 and #124 No. 346 – Indicative PresentFormMeaningSingular1st PsumI am Singular2nd PesYou areSingular3rd Pesthe, she, it isPlural1st Psumuswe arePlural2nd Pestisyou arePlural3rd Psuntthey areAdditional Rules from the Reading: Personal Pronouns: Pronouns of the FIRST person are those which refer to the SPEAKER OR WRITER. In English they are: I (ME), WE (US).Pronouns of the SECOND person are those which refer to the person spoken TO. In English they are: YOU (THOU, THEE, YE)Pronouns of the THIRD person are those which refer to the person or thing spoken or written ABOUT. In English they are : HE (HIM), SHE (HER), IT, THEY (THEM)PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 6No. 123: First Person Personal PronounsNumberCaseFormMeaningSingularNominativeSingularGenitiveSingularDativeSingularAccusativeSingularAblativePluralNominativePluralGenitivePluralDativePluralAccusativePluralAblativeFootnotes: mē - Mēcum, tēcum, nōbīscum, vōbīscum are used for cum, mē, etc.Nostrī and vestrī are objective genitives only (see No. 684)Nostrum and vestrum are used as partitive genitives (See no. 686)PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 6No. 124: 2nd Person Personal PronounsNumberCaseFormMeaningSingularNominativeSingularGenitiveSingularDativeSingularAccusativeSingularAblativePluralNominativePluralGenitivePluralDativePluralAccusativePluralAblativePractice Indicative Active of Sum FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PReview: Additional Rules from the Reading: Personal Pronouns: Pronouns of the FIRST person are those which refer to the _______________________. In English they are: I (ME), WE (US).Pronouns of the SECOND person are those which refer to __________________. In English they are: YOU (THOU, THEE, YE)Pronouns of the THIRD person are those which refer to _________________________________________________ In English they are : HE (HIM), SHE (HER), IT, THEY (THEM)GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 7No. 128 B. Third Person Personal Pronouns Non-reflexiveMascFemNeuterSingNomisheeasheiditSingGenējusof himhisējusof herherējusof ititsSingDateīto or for himeīto or for hereīto or for itSingAcceumhimeamheriditSingAbl.eō(by, etc) himeā(by, etc) hereō(by, etc) itPlNomeītheyeaetheyeathey (those things)PlGeneōrumof themtheireārumof themtheireōrumof themtheirPlDateīsto or for themeīsto or for themeīsto or for themPlAcceōsthemeāsthemeathem (those things)PlAbl.eīs(by, etc) themeīs(by, etc) themeīs(by, etc) themNo. 129 Note: 1. The meanings given for the masculine and feminine of is, ea, id hold only when the pronouns refers to PERSONS. Otherwise all forms are translated as in the neuter. Urbem cēpit. Posteā eam incendit. He took the city,. Afterwards, he burned it.No 479A pronoun agrees with the word to which it refers, in gender and number; its case depends on its use in sits own clausePRACTICE Semester 1 Week 7No. 128 B. Third Person Personal Pronouns - Non-reflexiveFill in below chart: MascFemNeuterSingNomSingGenSingDatSingAccSingAbl.PlNomPlGenPlDatPlAccPlAbl.Copy Grammar rules: # 129 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________# 479 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 8No. 127 a) Third Person Personal Pronouns ReflexiveFormMeaningNom…........... …........... Gensuī of himself, herself, itself, themselvesDatsibi to himself, herself, itself, themselvesAccsē (sēsē) himself, herself, itself, themselvesAblsē (sēsē) (by, with, from) himself, herself, itself, themselvesEī sē laudābant. They were praising themselves.Marīa sē nōn laudat. Mary does not praise herself.Caesar sē laudābat. Caesar was praising himself.Legiō sē laudābat. The legion was praising itself. Additional Rule from Reading: A pronoun that refers back to the subject of its own clause is called a direct reflexive. PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 8No. 127 a) Third Person Personal Pronouns ReflexiveFormMeaningNomGenDatAccAblEī sē laudābant. They were praising _____________________.Marīa sē nōn laudat. Mary does not praise __________________.Caesar sē laudābat. Caesar was praising __________________. Legiō sē laudābat. The legion was praising __________________. Additional Rule from Reading: A pronoun that refers back to the subject of its own clause is called a _____________ ___________________. GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 9Active Voice – Indicative MoodNo: 166 : Present Tense (present stem) : I sendFormMeaningSingular1st Pmitt-eōI send, I am sending, I do sendSingular2nd Pmitt-isyou send, you are sending, you do sendSingular3rd Pmitt-ithe, she, it sends; he, she, it is sending; he, she, it does sendPlural1st Pmitt-imuswe send, we are sending, we do sendPlural2nd Pmitt-itisyou send, you are sending, you do sendPlural3rd Pmitt-untthey send, they are sending, they do sendNo: 169 : Imperfect Tense (present stem) : I was sendingFormMeaningSingular1st Pmitt-ēbamI was sendingSingular2nd Pmitt-ēbāsyou were sendingSingular3rd Pmitt-ēbathe, she, it was sendingPlural1st Pmitt-ēbāmuswe were sendingPlural2nd Pmitt-ēbātisyou were sendingPlural3rd Pmitt-ēbantthey were sendingAdditional rules from reading: Future Indicative Active of MittōThe future indicative active of the third conjugation is quite different from that of the first and second. The personal signs are the SAME, but there is NO TENSE SIGN and the VOWEL of the endings change.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 9No 166: Present Tense (present stem)Give form and meaning for mittō, 3. tr., send for the present tense. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 169: Imperfect Tense (present stem)Give form and meaning for mittō, 3. tr., send for the imperfect tense. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PReview: Additional rules from reading: Future Indicative Active of MittōThe future indicative active of the third conjugation is quite different from that of the first and second. The personal signs are the SAME, but there is NO ________________ and the ___________ of the endings change.GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 10No. 172: Future Tense (present stem): I shall sendFormMeaningSingular1st Pmitt-amI shall send (I shall be sending)Singular2nd Pmitt-ēsyou will send (you will be sending)Singular3rd Pmitt-ethe, she, it will send (he, she, it will be sending)Plural1st Pmitt-ēmuswe shall send (we shall be sending)Plural2nd Pmitt-ētisyou will send (you will be sending)Plural3rd Pmitt-entthey will send (they will be sending)PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 10Give form and meaning for mittō, 3. tr., send in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 172 FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 11Active Voice – Indicative MoodNo: 167 : Present Tense (present stem) : I hearFormMeaningSingular1st Paud-iō I hear, I am hearing, I do hearSingular2nd Paud- īsyou hear, you are hearing, you do hearSingular3rd Paud-ithe, she, it hears; he, she, it is hearing; he, she it, does hearPlural1st Paud- īmuswe hear, we are hearing, we do hearPlural2nd Paud- ītis you hear, you are hearing, you do hearPlural3rd Paud-iuntthey hear, they are hearing, they do hearActive Voice – Indicative MoodNo: 170 : Imperfect Tense (present stem) : I was hearingFormMeaningSingular1st Paud-iēbam I was hearingSingular2nd Paud-iēbāsyou were hearingSingular3rd Paud-iēbathe, she, it was hearingPlural1st Paud-iēbāmaswe were hearingPlural2nd Paud-iēbātis you were hearingPlural3rd Paud-iēbantthey were hearingNo: 173 : Future Tense (present stem) : I shall hearFormMeaningSingular1st Paud-iam I shall hear (I shall be hearing)Singular2nd Paud-iēsyou will hear (you will be hearing)Singular3rd Paud-iēthe, she, it will hear (he, she, it will be hearing)Plural1st Paud-iēmaswe shall hear ( we shall be hearing)Plural2nd Paud-iētis you will hear (you will be hearing)Plural3rd Paud-ientthey will hear (they will be hearing)GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 11Additional Rules from the Reading: Present System Active of 4th Conjugation To form the principal parts of regular verbs of the fourth conjugation, drop the -iō of the first person singular present indicative and add -īre, īvī, ītus (notice the long ī). Thus:aud-iō, audīre, aud-īvī, aud-ītusPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 11Give form and meaning for audiō, 4. tr. – hear in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 167. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for audiō, 4. tr. – hear in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 170. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for audiō, 4. tr. – hear in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 173. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 12No. 14 - Nouns have gender, number, case and declensionNo. 15 - Gender. There are three genders in Latin: masculine, feminine, neuter. No. 16 - All nouns meaning individual male persons are masculine. No. 17 - All nouns meaning individual female persons are feminine. No. 18 - The gender of other nouns must be learned from their declension of from the vocabularies. No. 19 - Number. There are two numbers in Latin: singular and plural. No. 20 The singular speaks of one: via, a road. No. 21 The plural speaks of more than one: viae, roads. No. 22 Case. There are six cases in Latin: Nominative: the case of the Subject. Genitive: the case of the Possessor. Dative: the case of the Indirect Object; the ‘to’ or ‘for’ caseAccusative: the case of the Direct Object.Ablative: the ‘by-with-from’ case [ used frequently with prepositions]Vocative: the case of the Person Addressed. No. 23 Declension. Declension consists in adding the proper ENDINGS to the STEM to show the different genders, numbers, and cases No. 24 Stem. The stem is found by dropping the ENDING of the GENITIVE SINGULAR. vi-ae, stem: vi-GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 12No. 346 – Indicative Present – Irregular Verb - SumFormMeaningSingular1st PsumI am Singular2nd PesYou areSingular3rd Pesthe, she, it isPlural1st Psumuswe arePlural2nd Pestisyou arePlural3rd Psuntthey areNo. 347 – Indicative Imperfect – Irregular verb - EramFormMeaningSingular1st PeramI wasSingular2nd Perāsyou wereSingular3rd Perathe, she, it wasPlural1st Perāmuswe werePlural2nd Perātisyou werePlural3rd Perantthey wereNo. 348 – Indicative Future – Irregular verb - erōFormMeaningSingular1st PerōI shall beSingular2nd Perisyou will beSingular3rd Perithe, she, it will be Plural1st Perimuswe shall bePlural2nd Peritisyou will bePlural3rd Peruntthey will be GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 12Present, Imperfect, and and Future Indicative of Sum: The final personal signs are the same as in the four conjugations.The third person plural of the future is erunt.No. 474 - A predicate adjective agrees with its noun in gender, number, and caseVīta brevis est.Life is short.No. 477 - An attributive adjective agrees with its noun in gender, number and case.Mīles fortis pugnat.The brave soldier fights.PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 12Copy or fill in the blank Grammar Rules: No. 14 - Nouns ____________________________________________________________No. 15 - Gender. There are three genders in Latin: ________________________________. No. 16 - All nouns meaning individual male persons are _______________________. No. 17 - All nouns meaning individual female persons are _______________________. No. 18 - The gender of other nouns must be learned from their ______________ of from the vocabularies. No. 19 - Number. There are two numbers in Latin: _______________________________.No. 20 The singular speaks of ___________: via, a road. No. 21 The plural speaks of more than _______________: viae, roads. No. 22 Case. There are ________ cases in Latin: _______________: the case of the ____________________. _________________: the case of the ________________. _________________: the case of the ________________; the _____/________ case. _________________: the case of the ________________._________________: the “ ________________” case [used frequently with _______________]_________________: the case of the ________________.No. 23 Declension. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________No. 24 Stem. The stem is found by dropping the __________________of the GENITIVE ____________________ vi-ae, stem: vi-PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 12No. 346 – Indicative Present - SUMFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo. 347 – Indicative Imperfect – ERAM FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo. 348 – Indicative Future - EROFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PCopy Grammar Rules: No. 474: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________No. 477: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 13VerbsNo 142 Verbs have voice, mood, tense, number, and person. No 143 Voice. There are two vocies: active and passive. No 144 a. The active represents the subject as acting or being. Lēgātum laudō. I praise the envoy. Valeō. I am well. No 145 b. The passive represents the subject as acted upon. Laudor. I am praised. No 146 Mood. There are three moods: indicative, subjunctive, imperative. (The meanings and used of these moods and tenses must be learned by syntax)No 147 Tense. There are six tenses: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, future perfect. (The meanings and used of these moods and tenses must be learned by syntax)No 148 Number. There are two numbers: singular and plural. No 149 Person. There are three persons: First (the one speaking – I, we) Second (the one spoken to – you) Third (the one spoken of – he, she, it, they)No 150 Conjugation consists in adding the proper endings to the proper stem to show the different voices, moods, tenses, numbers and persons. GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 13No 174Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Plaudāv-ī I praised ( I have praised)Singular2nd Plaudāv-istī you praised ( you have praised)Singular3rd Plaudāv-īthe, she, it praised ( he, she, it has praised)Plural1st Plaudāv-imuswe praised ( we have praised)Plural2nd Plaudāv-istis you praised ( you have praised)Plural3rd Plaudāv-ēruntthey praised (they have praised)No 177Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmonu-ī I advised (I have advised)Singular2nd Pmonu-istī you advised ( you have advised)Singular3rd Pmonu-īthe, she, it advised (he, she, it has advised)Plural1st Pmonu-imuswe advised ( we have advised)Plural2nd Pmonu-istisyou advised (you have advised)Plural3rd Pmonu-ēruntthey advised (they have advised)No 178Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmīs -ī I sent ( I have sent)Singular2nd Pmīs-istī you sent ( you have sent)Singular3rd Pmīs -īthe, she, it sent ( he, she, it has sent)Plural1st Pmīs-imuswe sent ( we have sent)Plural2nd Pmīs-istis you sent ( you have sent)Plural3rd Pmīs-ēruntthey sent (they have sent)GRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 13No 179Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Paudīv-ī I heard ( I have heard)Singular2nd Paudīv-istī you heard ( you have heard)Singular3rd Paudīv-īthe, she, it heard ( he, she, it has heard)Plural1st Paudīv-imuswe heard ( we have heard)Plural2nd Paudīv-istis you heard ( you have heard)Plural3rd Paudīv-ēruntthey heard (they have heard)No. 349 Indicative Perfect – Irregular verb - fuīFormMeaningSingular1st Pfu-īI have been, I wasSingular2nd Pfu-istī you have been, you wereSingular3rd Pfu-īthe, she, it has been; he, she it wasPlural1st Pfu-imuswe have been, we werePlural2nd Pfu-istisyou have been, you werePlural3rd Pfu-ēruntthey have been, they wereGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 13The Perfect Active Stem: 1. The perfect system of the indicative active includes the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses.2. The perfect active stem is found by dropping the ending -ī of the third principal part.laudāv-ī stem: laudāv-monu-ī stem: monu-mīs-ī stem: mīs-audīv-ī stem: audīv-fu-ī stem: fu-Perfect Indicative ActiveThe PERFECT tense expresses a past actFor all three forms in English, Latin has one form: the PERFECT INDICATIVE ACTIVE.The perfect indicative active of ALL LATIN VERBS, REGULAR AND IRREGULAR, is formed by:Finding the perfect stem from the third principal part;Adding the endings shown in the model, Grammar No. 174PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 13Copy or fill in the blank Grammar Rules: VerbsNo 142 Verbs have ______________________________________________________. No 143 Voice. There are two vocies: ________________________________________.No 144 a. The active represents the ______________________________. Lēgātum laudō. I praise the envoy. Valeō. I am well. No 145 b. The passive represents the __________________________________. Laudor. I am praised. No 146 Mood. There are three moods: _________________________________________. (The meanings and used of these moods and tenses must be learned by syntax)No 147 Tense. There are six tenses_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (The meanings and used of these moods and tenses must be learned by syntax)No 148 Number. There are two numbers: ___________________________________. No 149 Person. There are three persons: ___________________(the one speaking – I, we) ____________________(the one spoken to – you) __________________(the one spoken of – he, she, it, they)No 150 Conjugation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. PRACTICE Semester 1 Week 13No 174Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - laudāv-ī FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 177Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - monu-ī FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 178Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - mīs -ī FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 13No 179Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - audīv-ī - FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PS2W13No. 349 Indicative Perfect - fu-ī FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 14No 175Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum)FormMeaningSingular1st Plaudāv-eram I had praised Singular2nd Plaudāv-erās you had praisedSingular3rd Plaudāv-erat he, she, it had praised Plural1st Plaudāv-erāmus we had praised Plural2nd Plaudāv-erātis you had praised Plural3rd Plaudāv-erant they had praiseNo 176Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Plaudāv-erō I shall have praised Singular2nd Plaudāv-eris you will have praisedSingular3rd Plaudāv-erit he, she, it will have praised Plural1st Plaudāv-erimus we shall have praised Plural2nd Plaudāv-eritis you will have praised Plural3rd Plaudāv-erintthey will have praisedNo 180Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmonu-eram I had advisedSingular2nd Pmonu-erās you had advised Singular3rd Pmonu-erat he, she, it had advisedPlural1st Pmonu-erāmus we had advisedPlural2nd Pmonu-erātis you had advised Plural3rd Pmonu-erantthey had advisedGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 14No 181Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmīs -eramI had sentSingular2nd Pmīs-erāsyou had sentSingular3rd Pmīs -erathe, she, it had sentPlural1st Pmīs-erāmuswe had sentPlural2nd Pmīs-erātis you had sentPlural3rd Pmīs-erant they had sent No 182Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum)FormMeaningSingular1st Paudīv-eramI had heardSingular2nd Paudīv-erāsyou had heardSingular3rd Paudīv-erathe, she, it had heardPlural1st Paudīv-erāmuswe had heardPlural2nd Paudīv-erātisyou had heardPlural3rd Paudīv-erantthey had heardNo 183Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmonu-erō I shall have advisedSingular2nd Pmonu-erisyou will have advised Singular3rd Pmonu-erit he, she, it will have advisedPlural1st Pmonu-erimuswe shall have advisedPlural2nd Pmonu-eritisyou will have advised Plural3rd Pmonu-erintthey will have advisedGRAMMAR -SEMESTER 2 WEEK 14No 184Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Pmīs -erōI shall have sentSingular2nd Pmīs-erisyou will have sentSingular3rd Pmīs -erithe, she, it will have sent Plural1st Pmīs-erimuswe shall have sentPlural2nd Pmīs-eritis you will have sentPlural3rd Pmīs-erintthey will have sentNo 185Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem)FormMeaningSingular1st Paudīv-erōI shall have heardSingular2nd Paudīv-erisyou will have heardSingular3rd Paudīv -erathe, she, it will have heardPlural1st Paudīv-erimuswe shall have heard Plural2nd Paudīv-eritisyou will have heard Plural3rd Paudīv-erintthey will have heardPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 14No 175Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) – laudav-FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 176Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - laudavFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 180Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) – monu-FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 14No 181Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - mīsFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 182Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum)- audīvFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 183Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) - monuFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PPRACTICE Semester 1 Week 14No 184Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) - mīsFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 185Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) - audīvFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PADDITIONAL PRACTICE PAGES FOR EACH WEEKAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 Practice the Imperfect tense by filling in form and meaning on the following charts: IMPERFECT - pugnō, 1., intr. - fightNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. FUTURE - pugnō, 1., intr. - fightNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. IMPERFECT - superō, 1. tr. - overcome, conquer, surpassNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. Additional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 FUTURE - superō, 1. tr. - overcome, conquer, surpassNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. IMPERFECT - portō, 1. tr. - carryNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. FUTURE - portō, 1. tr. - carryNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. Additional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 IMPERFECT - dō, dare, dedī, datus, 1, tr. - giveNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. FUTURE - dō, dare, dedī, datus, 1, tr. - giveNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. IMPERFECT - vocō, 1. tr. - callNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. Additional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 FUTURE - vocō, 1. tr. - callNumberPersonFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd P. Singular3rd P. Plural 1st P. Plural 2nd P. Plural 3rd P. Review: Nouns numerus, ī - numberFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 centuriō, centuriōnis - a centurionFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the Prepositionmors, mortis - deathFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 1 hīberna, hībernōrum – winter quartersFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 2 Practice declining the nouns in the vocabulary with the following chart: locus, ī – (pl., loca, locōrum) - placeFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionDecline adjectives from the vocabulary aliēnus, a, um - unfavorable, another's, foreignMasculinelike servusFemininelike portaNeuterlike bellumSingularNominativeSingularGenitiveSingularDativeSingularAccusativeSingularAblativePluralNominativePluralGenitivePluralDativePluralAccusativePluralAblativeAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 3Practice declining the nouns in the vocabulary using the following charts: ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis - speech, prayerFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 4Give form and meaning for timeō, timēre, timuī, 2 tr. – fear in the Present Tense (present stem) (No. 165) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for timeō, timēre, timuī, 2 tr. – fear in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) (No. 168) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for timeō, timēre, timuī, 2 tr. – fear in the Future Tense (present stem) (No. 171) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 4Give form and meaning for terreō, 2, tr. – terrify in the Present Tense (present stem) (No. 165) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for terreō, 2, tr. – terrify fear in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) (No. 168) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for terreō, 2, tr. – terrify in the Future Tense (present stem) (No. 171) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 4Give form and meaning for habeō, 2, tr. - have in the Present Tense (present stem) (No. 165) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for habeō, 2, tr. - have in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) (No. 168) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for habeō, 2, tr. - have in the Future Tense (present stem) (No. 171) FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 4Review: Nouns arma, armōrum – armsFormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 6Give form and meaning for videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus, 2. tr. – see in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus, 2. tr. – see in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus, 2. tr. – see in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 6Give form and meaning for teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus, 2., tr. - hold in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus, 2., tr. - hold in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus, 2., tr. - hold. – see in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 6Give form and meaning for moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus, 2., tr. - move in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus, 2., tr. - in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus, 2., tr. - – see in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 7Practice declining the nouns in the vocabulary using the following charts: fīnēs, fīnium, m. - territory (plural noun from the 3rd declension)FormMeaningUseSingularNominativeSubjectSingularGenitivePossessiveSingularDativeIndirect objectSingularAccusativeDirect objectSingularAblativeObject of the PrepositionPluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 7Give form and meaning for sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus, 2., tr. - sustain, withstand in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 165. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus, 2., tr. - sustain, withstand in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 168. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus, 2., tr. - sustain, withstand in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 171. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Give form and meaning for dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus, 3, tr. - lead, guide in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus, 3, tr. - lead, guide in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus, 3. tr. - carry, carry on in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Give form and meaning for gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus, 3. tr. - carry, carry on in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsus, 3. tr. – defend in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsus, 3. tr. – defend in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Give form and meaning for īnstruō, īnstruere, īnstrūxī, īnstrūctus, 3. tr. - draw up, equip in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for īnstruō, īnstruere, īnstrūxī, īnstrūctus, 3. tr. - draw up, equip in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus, 3. tr. - conquer in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Give form and meaning for vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus, 3. tr. - conquer in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for petō, petere, petīvī, petītus, 3. tr. - seek, beg, request in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for petō, petere, petīvī, petītus, 3. tr. - seek, beg, request in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Give form and meaning for pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus, 3. tr. - drive, repulse, rout in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 166. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus, 3. tr. - drive, repulse, rout in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 169. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 9Review: Nounslitterae, litterārum – letter (i.e. an epistle) , dispatchFormMeaningUsePluralNominativeSubjectPluralGenitivePossessivePluralDativeIndirect objectPluralAccusativeDirect objectPluralAblativeObject of the PrepositionAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 10Practice with verbs from vocabulary Give form and meaning for pōnō, pōmere, posuī, positus, 3. tr. - put, place, set in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 172 FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for contendō, contendere, contendī, 3. intr. - strive, contend, hastenin the Future Tense (present stem) No. 172 FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PS2W10 Give form and meaning for agō, agere, egī, āctus, 3. tr., - drive, do, act, treat in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 172 FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 11Give form and meaning for muniō, 4. tr. - fortify, in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 167. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for muniō, 4. tr. - fortify, in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 170. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for muniō, 4. tr. - fortify, in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 173. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 11Give form and meaning for veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum, 4, intr. - come, in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 167. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum, 4, intr. - come, in the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 170. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum, 4, intr. - come in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 173. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 11Give form and meaning for conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum, 4. intr. - come together, assemble, in the Present Tense (present stem) No. 167. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum, 4. intr. - come together, assemble the Imperfect Tense (present stem) No. 170. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PGive form and meaning for conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum, 4. intr. - come together, assemble in the Future Tense (present stem) No. 173. FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 13No 174Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Present Stem) - collocō, 1. tr. - place, stationFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 177Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Present Stem) - maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsūrus, 2. tr. - remainFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PNo 178Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Present Stem) - compleō, complēre, complēvī, complētus, 2. tr.; w. abl. - fill (with)FormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 13No 179Indicative Mood – Perfect Tense (Present Stem) - cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessūrus, 3. intr. - give way, yieldFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 14Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - adjuvō, adjuvāre, adjūvī, adjūtus, 1. tr. - help, aidFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - - adjuvō, adjuvāre, adjūvī, adjūtus, 1. tr. - help, aidFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Future Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem) - - perturbō, 1. tr. - confuse, disturbFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 14Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - perturbō, 1. tr. - confuse, disturbFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) - incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsus, 3. tr. - set fire to, burnFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - - incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsus, 3. tr. - set fire to, burnFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 14Indicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) incitō, 1. tr. - incite, arouseFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - incitō, 1. tr. - incite, arouseFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PIndicative Mood – Future Perfect Stem (Perfect Stem) servō, 1. tr – guard, keepFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd PAdditional Practice for Semester 2 Week 14Indicative Mood – Pluperfect Tense (Perfect Stem and the imperfect of sum) - servō, 1. tr – guard, keepFormMeaningSingular1st PSingular2nd PSingular3rd PPlural1st PPlural2nd PPlural3rd P ................

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