Learning Focused Unit Overview

Unit 1: Interpretation and Analysis

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: A reader must use a variety of elements when interpreting and analyzing literary texts. |

| |

|Essential Unit Question: |

|How can a reader interpret and analyze the elements of a literary text to develop a meaningful response? |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | | |

|Elements of Genre |Diction |Central Idea |Literary Context |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

| | | | |

|- How can I use literary elements to help |- How does an author’s choice of diction |- How does the identification of main |- How do I interpret and analyze a text|

|me better understand a text? (RL3/RI3) |impact tone? (RL4/RI4) |idea and supporting details help me |using not only what is written, but |

| | |better understand the central idea of a |related information regarding the |

|- How can I use my knowledge of genre to |- How can an author’s choice in diction |text? (RL2/RI2) |subject? (RL1/RI1) |

|help me better understand a text? |reflect his or her perspective and | | |

|(RL3/RI5) |purpose? (RL4/RI4) |-How do I create a statement of author’s |-How do elements like setting within |

| | |theme from a central idea in a text? |text, and the perspective of either the|

|- How do I apply my knowledge of a | |(RL2/RI2) |reader or author impact and frame the |

|specific writing genre to create a | | |text? (RL5, RL1, RI1) |

|finished product? (W2, W4, W5, L3) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | | |

|Genre |Denotation/Connotation |Main Ideas |Background Knowledge |

|(e.g. fiction, nonfiction, poetry, novel, |Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes |Supporting Details |Related Information (Resource Based) |

|drama) |Vocabulary in Context |Summary Vs. Paraphrase |Author’s Background |

|Genre-based Elements |Tone |Central Idea |Author’s Purpose |

|Text-Based Reading Strategies |Allusion |Theme |Critical Lens (e.g. biographical and |

|(Preview, Annotate, Monitor/Clarify, |Figurative Language | |historical) |

|Outline, Paraphrase, Summarize, |Bias | |Contextualization: |

|Contextualize) | | |1.Setting of work, |

|Text Structure | | |2. Publication date of work, |

|Writing Structure: Résumé | | |3. Reading date of work |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Unit 2: Nonfiction

(Argument and Informational Texts)

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: A reader must use a variety of elements when analyzing and interpreting nonfiction/informational texts. |

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|Essential Unit Question: How can a reader interpret and analyze nonfiction and informational texts to develop a meaningful response? |

| | | |Concept: |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Argumentation |

|Reading Nonfiction |Author’s Craft and Structure |Rhetorical Features | |

|(Understanding Elements of Nonfiction) | | | |

| | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

| | | | |

|- How can I identify the purpose and |-How does an author develop central |- How does the use of rhetorical features|- How do authors structure an argument? |

|main idea(s) in a text (RI 2)? |idea(s) in a text (RI 2? |relate to an author’s purpose (RI 6)? |(RI 5) |

| | | | |

|- How do ideas develop/interact over the|-How does an author convey meaning in |-How does the use of rhetorical features |- How can I structure an argument in my |

|course of a nonfiction text (RI 3)? |a text through diction (RI 4)? |impact an audience(RI 6)? |own writing? (W 1) |

| | | | |

| |-How can an author’s purpose for | |-How can I support an argument in my own |

| |writing impact their choice of | |writing with research (RI 7, W7, W8)? |

| |structure (RI 5)? | | |

| | | | |

| |- How can I identify and evaluate the | | |

| |author’s logic/reasoning used to | | |

| |support his/her main ideas (RI 8)? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | | |

|Nonfiction |Author Perspective |Rhetoric |Argumentation |

|Fact v. Opinion |Author Purpose |Rhetorical Features |Claim |

|Bias |Audience |(Devices and Appeals) |Support |

|Text Features |Context |Rhetorical Devices |Counter Arguments |

|(e.g. glossary, head/footnotes, |Diction |(e.g. repetition, parallelism, loaded |Call to Action |

|headings, charts, illustrations, graphs,|Tone |language, rhetorical question, figurative|Deductive Reasoning |

|bold or italicized words, etc.) |Central Idea |language, imagery, etc.) |Inductive Reasoning |

|Types of Nonfiction | |Rhetorical Appeals |Logical Fallacies |

|(e.g. essay, periodical, editorial, | |(ethos, logos, pathos) |APA Citation Format |

|media reporting, Internet publication, | | | |

|etc.) | | | |

Unit 3: Narrative Texts

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: Writers use narrative elements to develop and structure texts to convey purpose and meaning. |

| |

|Essential Unit Question: |

|How can a reader interpret and analyze the elements of narrative texts and author’s craft in order to develop a meaningful response? |

| | | | |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | | |

|Narrative Elements |Key Ideas and Details |Author’s Craft |Multiple Interpretations |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

| | | | |

|- How do authors order the events and/or |- How can I use information from a text |- How does an author’s choice and use of |- How does an author create an |

|manipulate time in a text? (RL 3, 5) |to answer questions or to state the main |literary elements impact meaning of text? |original text, drawing from a source |

| |and idea and provide supporting detail? |(RL 3) |material? (RL 7) |

|- How does the setting influence the |(RL 1) | | |

|characters and the action in a text? (RL | |- How does an author’s word choice impact |- How does an interpretation impact |

|3) |- How can I differentiate between when |meaning and tone in a text? (RL 4) |my understanding of a source text? |

| |explicit text support is warranted and | |(RL 7) |

|- How are characters introduced and |when an inference is appropriate in my |- How does an author’s choice of point of | |

|developed within a text? (RL 3) |response? |view impact a text? (RL 6) | |

| |(RL 1) | | |

|- How do authors effectively develop theme| |- How does contextualization impact how I | |

|in a text? | |interpret and analyze a text? (RL 3,6) | |

|(RL 2) | | | |

| | |- How can I craft my own narrative (W3, W4,| |

| | |W5, W10)? | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | | |

|Plot Structure |Textual Evidence |Author’s Purpose |Source Text |

|Conflict |Paraphrase vs. Summarizing |Diction |Audience |

|Non linear vs. Linear |Main Idea vs. Supporting Detail |Imagery |Purpose |

|In medias res |Inference vs. Explicit |Figurative Language |Genre |

|Flashback | |(simile, metaphor, symbol, personification)|Medium (visual/auditory) |

|Foreshadowing | |Irony |Interpretation |

|Setting | |Dialogue | |

|Characterization | |Tone | |

|Antagonist | |Point of View | |

|Protagonist | |-first person | |

|Dynamic | |-third person omniscient | |

|Static | |-third person limited | |

|Central Idea | |Contextualization | |

|Theme Statement | | | |

Unit 4: Extended Narrative

The Great American Novel

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: Writers use narrative elements to develop and structure texts to convey purpose and meaning in an extended text. |

| | | | | |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | | | |

|Author’s Craft |Plot Structure |Characterization |Themes |Multiple Interpretations |

| | | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Question: |Lesson Essential Question: |Lesson Essential Question: |

| | | | | |

|-How do author’s choices of |-How does an author’s choice |-How are characters introduced |-How does an author |- How do different versions |

|fiction elements shape their |concerning how to structure |and developed over the course |effectively develop two or |interpret the same source |

|writing? |specific parts of an extended |of a text? |more themes in a text? |text? |

| |fiction text contribute to | | | |

|-How does an author’s word choice |overall meaning? | |-How do themes interact and |-How does an interpretation |

|(s) impact meaning and tone in a | | |build upon one another in a |enhance or distract my |

|text? | | |text? |understanding of a source |

| | | | |text? |

|-How does an author’s use of point| | | | |

|of view impact a text? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|-How can I determine an author’s | | | | |

|perspective and purpose in a text?| | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|-How does contextualization impact| | | | |

|how I interpret and analyze a | | | | |

|text? | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | | | |

|Elements of Fiction |Plot Structure |Characterization |Central idea |Source Text |

|(setting, character, plot |(Flashback, Foreshadow, |(Indirect vs. Direct) |Theme statement |Audience |

|structure, theme) |Episodic) |Narrator | |Purpose |

|Diction | |Conflict | |Medium |

|Tone | |Dialogue | |Interpretation |

|Point of view | |Dialect | | |

|Author’s Perspective | |Dynamic/Static | | |

|Author’s Purpose | | | | |

|Contextualization: | | | | |

|1.Setting of work, | | | | |

|2. Publication date of work, | | | | |

|3. Reading date of work | | | | |

|Figurative Language | | | | |

|(simile, metaphor, symbolism, | | | | |

|personification) | | | | |

“The "Great American Novel" (concept): a novel that is distinguished in both craft and theme as being the most accurate representative of the zeitgeist in the United States at the time of its writing. Typically written by an American author who is knowledgeable about the state, culture, and perspective of the common American citizen, it is sometimes equated as being the American response to the national epic.

novel: long narrative in literary prose

zeitgeist: spirit of the times or age

national epic: literary work that is expected to capture and express the essence of spirit of a particular nation

Unit 5: Drama

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: A reader must use a variety of elements when interpreting and analyzing drama texts. |

| | | |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | |

|(Literary) Elements of Drama |Playwright’s Craft |Multiple Interpretations |

| | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Question: |

| | | |

|-How do playwrights use the composition elements of |-How can I determine a playwright’s perspective and |-What are common relationships between a drama and |

|drama to convey their key ideas/accomplish their |purpose for writing? |the source text(s) which inspire it? |

|purposes? (RL 3, 5) |(RL 5) | |

| | |-How do interpretations of a source text (through |

|-How does a playwright develop narrative elements in a|-How does understanding contextualization impact how I|different media) impact our understanding of a drama?|

|play (RL 2, 3)? |interpret and analyze a drama? (RL 3) | |

| | |-What is the relationship between author’s purpose |

| |-How does a playwright’s choice of setting and |and interpretation? |

| |characters impact meaning in a play? (RL 3) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | |

|Drama |Playwright’s Perspective |Source Text |

|Composition Elements (Cast, Act, Scene, Lines, Stage |Purpose |Medium |

|Directions, Dialogue, Monologue, Aside) |Audience/Reader |Compare |

|Dramatic Irony |Context (publication and reader) |Contrast |

|Characterization |Setting | |

|Foil |Allegory | |

|Tragic Hero | | |

|Setting/Staging | | |

|Theme | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Unit 6: Poetry

Student Learning Map

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|Key Learning: A reader must use a variety of elements when analyzing and interpreting poetry. |

| |

|Essential Unit Question: |

| |

|How can a reader interpret and analyze poetry to develop a meaningful response? |

| | | | |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | | |

|Elements of Poetry |Author’s Craft |Reading for Purpose |Multiple Interpretations |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

| | | | |

|-How can a reader or audience identify |-How does a poet use figurative |-What strategies can I apply to understand a |-How do interpretations of poems |

|and analyze the characteristics of |language, imagery, and sound devices |poem? (RL 10, LS 5) |impact my understanding of the source|

|poetry? (RL 10) |to create meaning in a poem? (RL 4) | |text? (RL 7) |

| | |-How can a reader determine the meaning of | |

|-How do characteristics of poetry set it |-How can a reader determine the tone |words and phrases in a poem? (LS 5) | |

|apart from other text genres? (RL 10) |of a poem? (RL 4) | | |

| | |-How can a reader use knowledge of an author | |

|-How can a reader determine the theme in | |and context in a poem? (RL 10) | |

|a poem? (RL 1) | | | |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

| | | | |

|Form/Structure |Figurative Language |Main Idea |Source Text |

|(Stanza, Quatrain, Couplet, Line, Line |(Personification, Simile, Metaphor, |Explicit | |

|Break, Traditional, Free Verse) |Symbol) |Inference | |

|Rhyme Scheme |Imagery |Denotation | |

|Rhyme (end, internal, slant) |Sound Devices |Connotation | |

|Rhythm |(Assonance, Consonance, Alliteration, |Author Background | |

|Meter |Onomatopeia) |Biographical Lens | |

|Repetition |Diction |Historical Lens | |

|Punctuation |Tone | | |

|Speaker | | | |

|Theme | | | |


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