Persuasive Writing Notes

Persuasive Writing Notes

What is persuasion?

To move by argument to a belief or course of action. It is mind-changing, convincing, and can get the audience that a certain point of view makes sense.

It is NOT a matter of right versus wrong or a matter of personal preference.

What is a persuasive composition?

A composition which moves the reader to a belief or course of action

Necessities for a successful essay:

1. organization- the essay must flow well; prewriting and planning are essential

2. elaboration-specific and explained reasons, facts, statistics, anecdotes- DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS!

3. a stable position- do not contradict opinion; facts, examples, details must only support one side. DO NOT fence sit.

4. control of the English language- limited errors in the essay

Steps for a successful essay:

1. Brainstorm all ideas and choose side; you need to choose the side that you can defend- not the one that you like

2. Select three best supporting ideas

3. Pre-write for each idea-follow outline format. Each idea needs three details for elaboration.

4. Write a detailed, fully elaborated composition

5. Proofread for mistakes and make sure that you have addressed the right audience

6. Check for clear position, thesis, concession statement, and zinger.

Faulty Methods and Unsound Arguments of Persuasion

Faulty Methods of Persuasion

Bandwagon: saying that everyone else is doing or supporting the same thing, so the audience or reader should as well. “Don’t be left out”.

Charged Words: words that appeal to the senses and make a situation sound better or worse than it is. These words jump out at you.

Either-or-Thinking: telling the reader or audience that there are only two choices.

Slanted Facts: presenting only one side of an issue and withholding important details.

Unsound Arguments

Quick Conclusions: reaching decision without enough evidence to support it. Usually, this method is based on slanted facts.

Ignoring the Main Point: switching the subject.

Distortion: changing the meaning of something.

Prejudiced or Uniformed “Expert”: using someone’s opinion who really doesn’t know about the subject or is prejudiced one way or the other.


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