Persuasive Talk or Essay - English Viewforth High




Intermediate 2/National Five

Carries a sense of conviction, commitment or belief by deliberate use of tone.

Makes use of persuasive techniques, such as manipulating information, claiming necessity, flattering, employing technical jargon/rhetoric.

Intermediate 1

Carries a sense of conviction, commitment or belief by use of tone.

Attempts to use persuasive techniques, such as assertion, statement of need, plea, use of ‘emotive words’.

SQA Guidelines for support

This assessment has two stages:

♦ a portfolio planning and development stage which should be completed over a period of time

♦ a writing stage

The written texts must be of no more than 1,000 words each, but full marks can be achieved in a shorter piece, if appropriate to purpose.

Once work on the assessment has begun, the candidate should be working independently. There are no restrictions on the resources to which candidates may have access, for example, spellcheckers and dictionaries.

Assessors should not provide specific advice on how to re-phrase or improve responses, or provide model answers specific to the candidate’s task. It is not acceptable for the assessor to provide key ideas, to provide a structure or plan, to suggest specific wording or to correct errors in spelling and/or punctuation. This would go beyond reasonable assistance.


Introduction to Persuasive Writing

• In persuasive writing, a writer takes either a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to convince the reader to believe or do something.

• Persuasive writing or speaking is when the writer puts forward a view and tries to persuade the reader of listener to agree with it.

• It is basically one-sided

• Have a firm opinion that you want your reader to accept.

• It may adopt a personal (i.e. subjective) stance

• It can use a variety of tones to persuade the listener or reader. It could for instance, take a humorous approach.

• In order to convince the reader you need more than opinion; you need facts or examples to back your opinion. This may require research.

Example of Topics

1. The war in Iraq was unjust.

2. That television is not worth watching

3. That the Royal Family has lost the respect of the British public.

4. That “surfing the Net” is an overrated pastime.

5. What aspect of our society shocks or concerns you?

6. Asylum seekers in Britain are given a raw deal

7. Terminally ill people should have the right to die in whatever manner they choose.

8. Glasgow has changed for the better (or worse)

9. Childhood is an idyllic time

10. Scientists, having cloned a sheep, are on the verge of cloning human body replacement parts, opening up the possibility of cloning complete human beings. Have scientists gone too far?

11. “Scotland is a county of recurrent depression, betrayal, surrender, and grim-faced intolerance” Support or oppose this claim.

12. Is there any type of fanaticism or obsession or hypocrisy about which you feel strongly?

13. Love makes the world go round. Love is blind. Love’s a banana skin. All you need is love …

14. What do you think?




The introduction has a "hook" to catch the reader's attention. Some "hooks" include:

1.Opening with an unusual detail:

The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall.

Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

2.Opening with a strong statement:

Despite political rhetoric, violent crime is steadily increasing.

3.Opening with a Quotation:

Elbert Hubbard once said, "Truth is stranger than fiction."

4.Opening with an Anecdote: Use an anecdote to interest reader and get their attention.

5. Opening with a Statistic or Fact: Sometimes a statistic or fact will add emphasis or interest to your topic. It may be wise to include the item's authoritative source.

6. Opening with a Question:

If you were forced at gunpoint to choose between wearing burberry, kappa or lacoste, what would you wear? A difficult decision to make? The fashion industry is under attack from…

7.Opening with an Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement:

By the year 2015 the world will be overrun with neds, who will change the face of western civilisation as we know it. 

The introduction should also include a statement of intent, telling the reader what your essay is about

Example Introduction:

Of all the problems facing the environment today, the one that bothers me the most is global warming. [HOOK-OPENING WITH A STRONG STATEMENT] Some scientists say that the earth is getting warmer because of the greenhouse effect. The discussion of such an important issue is vital as it drastically affects us all. The future repercussions of the greenhouse effect will be described while the urgency of this issue is dealt with. Some people actually deny the fact that the earth's atmosphere is getting warmer and offer similar arguments that have no scientific basis. These opinions will be irrevocably disproved [STATEMENT OF INTENT]

 Also, look at the opening of the essay entitled ‘The sale and consumption of alcohol should be made illegal to overcome the social problems drinking it causes’.

The Main Body:

The writer then provides evidence to support the opinion offered in the statement of intent in the introduction. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to back your statement of intent. Since almost all issues have sound arguments on both sides of the question, a good persuasive writer tries to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide counter-arguments along with the main points in the essay. Use three paragraphs to highlight your argument. Detail three points that back up your topic sentence and elaborate one of those points. 


Elaborate one of the points in each paragraph. Use statistics or research, real-life experiences, or examples. This can be done in different ways:

Creating hypothetical situations: Used particularly when creating an argument and you want the reader to see a different point of view. Use cues for the reader. (eg.: suppose that, what if...)

Provide background information a reader may need: Illustrate whenever appropriate. Define special terms used.


You should have clear, focused opinions on your chosen topic that are backed up with EVIDENCE. Research in the following areas:

Articles in good quality newspapers, you can use their website or: . ,Look in the libraries factual/information section, in publications and periodicals. Biographies/autobiographies on key people related to your topic. Essays in literary/scientific/medical texts and journals. You may search online on reliable websites. Avoid relying on wikipedia, use it as a starting point – remember that anyone can edit the information on here! To plagiarise, means to steal somebody else’s work and ideas. The SQA take a very firm stance on this, it is not worthwhile taking this risk. Any time that you quote someone else’s point, or a fact/statistic, you must refer to where you found it/who said it. If you are ever using someone else’s view point to illustrate your argument, you must acknowledge them otherwise you may be accused of plagiarising.

Keep yourself right: Put quotations into inverted commas, refer to the books/cites that you have selected information from, acknowledge other people’s ideas and viewpoints. Specific details of sources must be given – eg dates and writers of newspaper articles, specific web pages, titles and dates of publication of books; it is not acceptable to say, for example, “various newspaper articles” or “environmental websites” or “the internet”. Unacknowledged use of others’ material such as copying and pasting from the internet or any other source, or re-wording or summarising information from another source and passing it off as the candidate’s own, is plagiarism and this carries severe penalties.


The Conclusion:

A piece of persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important details of the argument and stating once again what the reader is to believe or do.

Restate your statement of intent.

Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the main points of your position.

Write a personal comment or call for action. You can do this:

With a Prediction: This can be used with a narrative or a cause and effect discussion. The conclusion may suggest or predict what the results may or may not be in the situation discussed or in similar situations.

With a Question: Closing with a question lets your readers make their own predictions, draw their own conclusions.

With Recommendations: A recommendation closing is one that stresses the actions or remedies that should be taken.

With a Quotation: Since a quotation may summarize, predict, question, or call for action, you may use a quotation within a conclusion.


Throughout your essay you should use cues for your read to let them know where your argument is going.

The essay should be written in formal language with no contractions (e.g. can’t, won’t) or colloquial speech (slang).


|Don’t |[pic] |Do not |[pic] |

|Can’t |[pic] |Cannnot |[pic] |

|Shouldn’t |[pic] |Should not |[pic] |

|Couldn’t |[pic] |Could not |[pic] |

|Wouldn’t |[pic] |Would not |[pic] |

|Isn’t |[pic] |Is not |[pic] |

|Haven’t |[pic] |Have not |[pic] |

|Hasn’t |[pic] |Has not |[pic] |


1. Rhetorical question

Can we really expect the school to keep paying from its limited resources?

2. Emotive language

Imagine being cast out into the street, cold, lonely and frightened.

3. Parallel structures

To show kindness is praiseworthy; to show hatred is evil.

4. Sound patterns

Alliteration: Callous, calculating cruelty – is this what we must expect?

Assonance: A fine time we all had, too.

5. Contrast

Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind.

6. Description and Imagery (i.e. using metaphor, simile and personification)

While we wait and do nothing, we must not forget that the fuse is already burning.

7. The ‘rule of three’

I ask you, is this fair, is it right, is it just?

8. Repetition

Evil minds will use evil means.

9. Hyperbole (using exaggeration for effect)

While we await your decision, the whole school holds its breath.

10. Anecdote

Using a story from your experience to illustrate a point or idea.


1. Make your ideas clear and concise and avoid long sentences.

Avoid there is and there are

1.1A) There are many issues that students face at university. [pic]

B) Students face many issues at university [pic]

1.2A) There are many development projects that the UN supports. [pic]

B) The UN supports many development projects. [pic]

2. Avoid words like really, very, a lot and so. Use stronger words instead.

2.1. a) Many students think university is VERY hard. [pic]

B) Many students think university is difficult. [pic]

2.2. A) Bill 399 is really controversial.[pic]

B) Bill 399 is controversial. [pic]

2.3 A) A lot of the students…[pic]

B) Many students…. [pic]

2.4 A) A lot of time is wasted…[pic]

B) Much time is wasted….[pic]

3) Use the Active Voice not the Passive Voice

The passive voice makes the sentence weaker

3.1) A) Healthcare reforms were implemented by Obama.[pic]

B) Obama implemented healthcare reforms [pic]

3.2 A) The war was won by the French.[pic]

B) The French won the war.[pic]


Change nouns into a verbs to make your sentences stronger.

A) Weak verb: He gave assistance to my friend

Strong verb: He assisted my friend.

B) Weak Verb: Made an objection.

Strong verb: Objected.

c) Weak Verb: Conducted an investigation.

Strong Verb: investigated.

D) Weak verb: did an audit.

Strong verb: audited.

Persuasive Writing Success Criteria

[pic] YES NO

Arguments are detailed and convincing?

The spelling is correct and includes less

familiar words. No colloquial or slang.

Grammar and punctuation is correct

Formal language is used throughout without

any contractions (e.g. isn’t, wasn’t)

You use persuasive language

You use paragraphs correctly to clearly

separate ideas.

There are at least 3 arguments


Your introduction contains a statement of intent

Your conclusion sums up all your main points




Warm up the audience; establish a goodwill and rapport with the readers, when introducing your topic get the reader on your side.

1. A. Get the readers attention by using a "hook."

2. B. Give some background information if necessary.

3. C. Statement of intent

Example 1 Using someone else’s work without quotations

Firstly, Reay argues against other critics and the government, to say that social inequality has not changed in schools for the past 100 Years. Reay uses data from a number of sources to prove the poor in Britain are worse off than the poor in comparative countries, and that the gap is widening between the rich and poor. She also says social inequalities are not only persistent, they are growing. The main factor in this, she says, is that education policy still treats the classroom as a classless environment.

Example 2. Using someone else’s work with quotations

In 1983, Carl Rogers stated that ‘the lower the socio economic status, the more passive that child is expected to be’ (Rogers, 1969, p24). This echoes the point that Reay makes about the reason for education one hundred years ago: to control the nation.

[pic]METHOD: Get a sheet of A3 paper and fold in half and then in half again. You now have four sections. Write your introduction paragraph on the back of the sheet. On the other side draw a rectangle in the middle and write your essay title/ statement of intent. In the first three boxes you will plan your three argument paragraphs. In the final box you will plan you conclusion paragraph where you will summarise your main points

Main Body: Informative but use emotive language to emphasise how important this issue is and set up the stakes. Show what’s at risk in this question. Build up your argument. Use your strongest arguments at the end so you leave the reader convinced of your side of it.

3 paragraphs with arguments or reasons to support your position. One topic sentence detailing the argument for that paragraph. Give three examples and ELABORATE ON ONE OF YOUR examples



Provide a strong conclusion, place great emphasis on your overall argument. Again, remind your readers how important this issue is, what’s at stake here, and try to show why your argument provides the best solution to the issue being faced. This gives an impression of the rightness and importance of your argument, and suggests its larger significance or long-range impact. More importantly, it gives the readers a psychological sense of closure – the argument winds up instead of breaking off.

A. Summary of main points or reasons

B. Restate thesis statement.

C. Personal comment or a call to action.

Linking Words

To Argue Against



On the other hand


This argument fails to consider

Persuasive Language





Without a doubt

As you can see

It is clear to see

The evidence would suggest that

The evidence proves

This shows

One of the most convincing arguments is

This illustrates

Linking Words

To Continue an Argument






To continue the same point

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hŽ ÇOJQJhP¯CJOJQJaJjhŽ Çh¹dÃOJQJU[pic]Remember: The more sophisticated vocabulary you use the better your writing. How can you “pull the heartstrings” of the reader?







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