Essay Grading Rubric - California State University, Northridge

Essay Grading Rubric

Essay 1, 2, 3 __________________________

| |Criteria |A |B |C |D |

|Assignment |Length, topic, key features |Exceeds |Meets all |Addresses all |Does not address all |

|Requirements | |requirements |requirements |requirements |requirements |

|Content |Critical Thinking/Analysis |Original and thorough|Some originality and|Limited understanding |Little originality or|

| | |understanding and |analysis |and originality |understanding |

| | |analysis | | | |

| “ |Thesis |Insightful and |Clear and effective |Weak or unclear |Missing or off topic |

| | |original | | | |

| “ |Introduction |Engaging and |Logical and complete|Underdeveloped or |Missing or overly |

| | |effective | |unclear |brief |

| “ |Supporting |Relevant and logical |Generally related |Not always relevant or |Off topic or |

| |Paragraphs | |and logical |logical |incomplete |

| “ |Topic Sentences |Effective |Clear |Adequate |Weak |

| “ |Textual Support/Examples/Evidence |Effective and |Appropriate and |Partial or incomplete |Few that develop |

| | |persuasive |sufficient | |thesis |

| “ |Transitions |Strong |Acceptable |Weak |Missing |

| “ |Conclusion |Effective |Acceptable |Some |Missing |

|Mechanics |Sentence Structure |Varied |Some variety |Limited variety |No variety |

| “ |Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling |Minimal errors, all |Some errors-several |Many serious errors that|Intrusive errors that|

| | |minor |minor or few |distract from content |impede understanding |

| | | |serious | | |

| “ |MLA Style |Excellent |Good – may be some |Adequate – some errors |Poor – no attempt to |

| |Basics/Punctuation | |minor errors |but effort is clear |follow guidelines |


Outline: /5

Final Draft: /95

Extra Credit/LRC /10

Final Grade:

Prof. L Overman


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