Persuasive Prompts

B & C Blocks

After months of planning, you and your dog are finally going on a vacation. Unfortunately, you are struck with a dilemma: the resort where you would like to make reservations does not allow dogs on their grounds! In a persuasive friendly letter, convince the resort manager to permit your dog to stay with you.

Your teacher has asked you to write a speech to deliver at the high school’s annual Senior Class Banquet. She would like you to talk to your peers about how important attending college is. Persuade your classmates to apply to college.

At last, you are celebrating your sixteenth birthday! Your ideal birthday gift is a new vehicle of your very own, but you are a little wary of having a conversation with your parents about it. You think writing your ideas down would be a better approach. In a friendly letter, persuade your parents to purchase this car or truck for you. Be sure to include reasonable descriptions and convincing reasons to win them over.

Tomorrow evening, there is a huge rock concert in your area. All of your friends are going, but your parents don’t want to take you on a school night. In a dialogue, convince them to allow you to attend the concert.

The Student Council Association of your middle school is accepting new ideas for special ways to celebrate spirit week. Think of a fun theme for a day in your school. Then write a letter to the SCA, persuading them to make your idea come to life this year.

One of your favorite books has been removed from the school library and is no longer allowed in school at all. You are enraged! Write a speech to be presented at the next school board meeting, convincing school board member to allow the book in school.

The junior class field trip is an overseas excursion to Italy. You rush home to tell your parents but are crushed to discover that they do not want you to go. You are a little wary of having a conversation with your parents about it. You think writing your ideas down would be a better approach. In a friendly letter, convince them to allow you to join your classmates on this once-in-a-lifetime trip.

You, a master chef, have just opened your first restaurant. However, not many people have heard of this magnificent new place, and you need customers badly. Place a restaurant review in the newspaper to entice the public and make them want to eat at your restaurant.


Your parent(s) is considering a job in Seattle, Washington. This would mean that your family would relocate during Spring break if your parent takes this job.  A new town, a new school, new friends.  Your parent has asked for your help in making this decision.  Write a persuasive essay to either support moving or support staying where you are.


Byrd Middle School is considering eliminating directed study from the Academic Wheel schedule.  While this would force you to spend the block on only one subject, it would eliminate time to study.  In a persuasive letter, either persuade the school board to eliminate directed study or keep directed study on the schedule.


High school athletes must maintain a passing grade in each class to be eligible to participate in their sport.  Some teachers and coaches believe that requiring a minimum 70% grade in each class isn’t a high enough standard.  Therefore, it has been suggested that athletes should have a minimum of 80% in each class at the end of each week to be eligible to play.  Write a persuasive essay to either support raising the grade requirement or to keep the grade at the current requirement.


Many schools in Kentucky have changed their school calendar so that they are now year-round schools.  They still have time off in the summer, but they don’t have the traditional 3-month break.  Some Virginia schools are considering following in Kentucky’s footsteps and making the switch to year-round school.  Write a persuasive essay either in support of the year-round school calendar or in support of continuing the traditional school calendar.

Having studied the Holocaust in English class, you have now become more aware of a genocide that is occurring right now in Darfur, Sudan. You have learned that in four years since the start of this genocide, as many as 400,000 people have been killed and 2.5 million have become refugees () You have learned what happens when the world ignores crimes like this, and you want to add your voice to the cries for help. Write a persuasive, formal letter to your representative urging him/her to take action.


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