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University of Richmond Lesson Plan OutlineIntroduction Lesson topic – Lesson 5 – Persuasive Advertising & Persuasive Writing Review Length of Lesson - 90 minutesVA Standards of Learning – 8.7 The student will write in a variety of forms, including narration, exposition, persuasion, and informational. a)Identify intended audience. b) Use prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas. c) Distinguish between a thesis statement and a topic sentence. d) Organize details to elaborate the central idea and provide unity. e) Select specific vocabulary and information for audience and purpose.g) Revise writing for clarity of content, word choice, sentence variety, and transitions among paragraphs.h) Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writingContext – This is the final lesson in a unit on persuasive writing. Lesson 1 was a recap of the basic structure and purpose of persuasive writing. Lesson 2 explored persuasive writing techniques in more detail. Lesson 3 provided time to plan a persuasive essay and analyze persuasive speech. Lesson 4 provided a more detailed discussion about persuasive speech and gave student’s time to peer review their persuasive essays. This final lesson will include a fun persuasive marketing activity and class review for the summative assessment. The unit is planned for a standard 8th grade English class of 24 in a Henrico County middle school. 4 of the students have IEPs for learning disabilities. This unit will be administered on M/W/F of week one and T/Th of week 2 – for a total of 5 lessons. Test will be given the following Monday. Global Themes – Recalling persuasive writing basics and techniques. Using persuasive writing to market products. Content ObjectivesThe student will evaluate the process of writing a persuasive essay and their reaction to it.The student will discuss the target audience for a product.The student will plan, write and present persuasive product marketing in small groups. The student will review and recall best practice communication techniques for persuasive writing.Assessment Aligned to ObjectivesList each objective and describe and provide examples of how the evaluation of students' learning will be accomplished. Each assessment must be directly aligned to the stated objectives. Formative – Journaling on the unit. Product Marketing planning worksheet. Participation in Product Marketing group work activity and presentation. Participation in review game. Materials/Technology and Advanced PreparationComputer and projectorStudent laptops (1 per group)24 mini whiteboards, dry erase markers and erasersTeaching and Learning SequenceTIMETEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSIntroduction/Anticipatory Set – Outline how the lesson will begin. How will you focus student attention on lesson content, build on prior knowledge, motivate students to learn, etc.?10 minutesThe teacher will provide a prompt for students and ask them to journal about the process of persuasive writing for this unit. The student will journal quietly. Lesson Development – Outline the sequence to be followed in the development of the lesson. Pay particular attention to concept development and questioning. 5 minutes20 minutes20 minutes 5 minutes30 minutesThe teacher will explain the product marketing activity, show an example and break students into groups. The teacher will monitor and assist groups as they work on the product marketing activity.The teacher will facilitate the “Product Press Conference, monitor as groups present and make comments or suggestions on the final product.The teacher will set up and explain the review game.The teacher will lead the review game. The student will listen and ask any questions.The student will work in their small group to complete the product marketing activity.The student will present their release and listen to other presenters. The student will listen to instructions.The student will participate in the review game. Closure – Outline how the lesson will be concluded. How will you summarize, review, reinforce, enrich, and/or encourage students to reflect on what they have learned?10 minutesTeacher will pass out Persuasive Writing Study guide and talk about the final assessment. The student will listen and ask any questions.June 2012HomeworkStudy for summative assessment. ReferencesNone that weren’t previously noted. Appended MaterialsAttach the following forms and resources to the completed lesson plan.Lesson OrganizerCurriculum Framework Document Lesson MaterialsProduct Marketing Activity worksheetProduct Marketing Activity Fact SheetsProduct Marketing Planning SheetPersuasive Writing Study GuideLesson OrganizerPrior Knowledge and NEW Instructional ContentPrior KnowledgeFamiliar with persuasive writing basics and persuasive communication techniques. Watched three infomercials at the end of the previous class. Anticipatory SetToday, I want you to take a few minutes to journal about the process of completing this persuasive essay. This is for your benefit and mine. I want to know what you felt about it, if there was anything that I could have done to help you and what you personally struggled with as a writer. I’m writing the following questions on the board to help you get started, but you can feel free to write whatever comes to mind. Do you enjoy persuasive writing?Was it easy or hard? What was easy or hard, specifically?Did you get enough information in class to be successful in your essay? ?What ideas do you have for doing this unit differently?Be sure to back up your suggestions and make them realistic. “Don’t make us do it” is not an acceptable suggestion. Teacher collects journals. Lesson DevelopmentProduct Marketing Activity Now, we’re going to do one last persuasive writing assignment in groups. I think you guys will enjoy this one. If you think back to last class, we watched those three commercials for the Snuggie, the perfect cupcake and the potato hands. Marketing and advertising are perfect examples of persuasive writing. In both, you have just a few minutes to make a point, or a second to catch a consumers eye, so it’s even more essential that you use strong persuasive technique to be successful. Today, you are going to try your hand at marketing a product. In about 30 minutes, we are going to hold a press conference where 2 new products will be unveiled. I’m going to split you into 6 marketing teams. 3 teams will work on each product. You will be given a fact sheet about your product. What it does, what its key features are, and who the target audience is. You will then have 20 minutes to do a few things. First, you will work as a team to think about the audience for your product. You will fill out a planning document about your audience. Your job is to determine what the audience needs and how the product solves this need. For instance, the snuggie. It was marketed to adults. The need the product addressed was the need for someone under a blanket to be able to get things done without taking the blanket off their arms. You will then determine a slogan for your product – a short, catchy phrase – kind of like a lead that catches your audience’s attention. Then, you need to decide the best way to market your product. You won’t have enough time to share everything about it, so you need to pick the three features you think will be MOST important to your audience. Then, you’ll need to come up with three persuasive arguments for why they should buy your product. A feature is a something like the color, the size, a physical component of a product. The argument will be a selling point. So for the snuggie – a feature they talked about what that it’s one-size fits all, and an argument they made was that it made it easy to stay warm as you used your laptop. Once you have filled out that planning sheet, you will split up into partners. Two of you will write a 3 paragraph speech announcing your product that ONE of you will read aloud to the class. You need to work together to write a speech that uses persuasive techniques we’ve discussed but that is also creative enough to make an impact. You will be competing with 2 other teams, so you don’t want them to be similar. The other two of you will put together a flyer that one of you will present on the projector after the speech. The flyer should contain your title, slogan, three features and find a way to show the three arguments as well. It also needs to be pretty!After time is up, we will hold the press conference. The three teams that did NOT do your product will decide on a winner of the three groups who did your product. Please remember, you will only have 20 minutes total to prepare. This is your chance to quickly recall some of the persuasive best practices we’ve discussed and be creative!Teacher will monitor and assist as students work. When time is up, straighten the room and call group representatives up one at a time to present. Give other three teams the voting sheet. Then, announce winners. Review GameDuring the review game, I will read aloud a question and also show it on the screen. Students will then have 10 -15 seconds to write their answer on their individual white board. I will ask the class to hold up their answers at the same time, will tell the correct answer and then explain any additional information. Students will keep track of all their correct answers on a piece of paper. What is the purpose of persuasive writing for a reader who is unaware of the issue?To shape the audience's opinion about an issue or topic that they are not aware of, or have thought little about.What is the purpose of persuasive writing for a reader who agrees with your opinion? To strengthen a audience's existing attitude about the issue or topic.What is the purpose of persuasive writing for a reader who disagrees with your opinion?To change the audience's existing opinion on a topic.What is the first thing you need to know to begin preparing your argument? Your audience. Then you tailor your whole argument to their needs and desires.List three questions you should ask about your audience?Who are you writing for? What do they already know? What might they not know? Why is the issue relevant to them?How do they feel about the issue? If they care about the issue, why do they? If they don't yet care, why should they?What would be most convincing to them? Who might disagree with you and how can you prepare for that?What are the components of a persuasive introductory paragraph?Lead, topic, thesis, relevanceWhat are the components of a persuasive body paragraph?Reason, supporting arguments, concession, relevanceWhat are the components of a persuasive concluding paragraph?Restate topic, thesis, reasons and call to action.The issue you are writing your paper about is the ______. TopicYour opinion statement on the issue is called a ________. Thesis In persuasive writing you must always show how the topic and your reasons are _________ to the reader. Relevant. What is a concession? A reference to the other side’s opinion.Mentioning a well-known historical event in a persuasive paper is called a _____________________. Call on prior knowledge"Everyone is doing it!" This is called the ____________ technique. Bandwgon. A persuasive argument meant to create sadness, fear or anger uses an ________________________. Appeal to emotion. These questions aren’t meant to be answered. Rhetorical questions.Concentrating on disproving the other side is called taking a ________ approach. Negative. A _____ title states the point. Direct. A ______ title stirs curiosity in a relevant way. Indirect. A command title _________. Tells the reader what to do. The more __________ you write, the more you _________. Clearly/persuadeAlways put the reader first and use what pronoun? YOUPresenting your argument in a correct and purposeful order is called using a ____________. HierarchyWhen you can, use ___________ to strengthen your argument (like statistics and research). Facts Use _________ sentences and words to create brevity. Short What is jargon? Words that are particular to a certain field. Sometimes persuasive writing should use a friendly or __________ tone. Conversational What is the BFD formula? What does your audience believe, feel and desire.What are the 4 P’s of persuasion? Picture, promise, prove, push. How do you paint the picture? Get attention with the title and lead, tell the 5 w’s and h. Show a need and a relevance to the audience. What is the promise? How you will satisfy the need with your argument. The thesis and reasons. How do you prove it? Tell how the solution works (reasons) and how it solves the problem (supporting details. How do you push? You ask for the action you want the reader to take. Compel them.Closure So that hits the highlights, but we didn’t cover everything and you will need to go into much more detail on the test, which is Monday. You should use all your outlines and notes to prepare. Also, pay close attention to the MLK speech and worksheet. That all may be worth another look. I’ve also posted the powerpoint with all of the review questions I asked in the review game today. You can go back through that and fill in the answers to study as well. The test will probably take the whole period. Questions?? I will also give you back your graded persuasive essay at the end of class.Instructional Modifications to ASSIST StudentsMain Events of InstructionInstructional Modifications to CHALLENGE StudentsNoneAbility grouping – mix all together so that one group isn’t at a disadvantageNoneTests will be differentiated.Anticipatory setProduct marketing activityPersuasive writing review gameClosureNoneAbility grouping – mix all together so that one group isn’t at a disadvantageNoneTests will be differentiated. ................

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