Grade 8 Scagnetti Persuasive Essay Schedule

All members of 8 Scagnetti have received copies of the questions for their next persuasive essay assignment. Please find below: some suggestions for easy completion, a schedule that was discussed and finalized as the result of a planning session in class, and the final evaluation rubric.

In an effort to keep the class focussed in their research, some “Areas for Research” that have been suggested are:

Medical / Moral and Ethics / Religious / Community / Organizations / Examples / Convenience / Marketing / Cost / Science / Historical / Statistics / Other Cultures etc…

These are suggestions to help the students get started, focus their learning and avoid overwhelming them. Please note that the “Areas for Research” are not limited to these categories.

The same rubric used for their recently completed Biographical Essays will be used to grade their Persuasive Essays.

Students will be also evaluated on preparedness, and commitment to deadlines.

Days that appear “empty” on the calendar will be used for focused lessons, small activities, and one to one conferences.

Suggested Method to Complete Assignment

1. Pick a topic that interests you and that you have a strong opinion about

2. Do some preliminary research / reading to make sure that there is enough information to support an essay and help you to decide on the 3 or 4 “Areas for Research” that support your opinion

3. Hi-light information that is relevant to your “Areas for Research”

4. Make point form notes in appropriate categories in your Essay Writing Book

5. Write / maintain bibliography

6. Write rough copy for each paragraph in your Essay Writing Book – double spaced

7. Self edit and peer edit

8. Make revisions to paragraphs

9. Type and save paragraphs

10. Write Thesis statement

11. Write Conclusion

12. Self edit and peer edit

13. Type and save

14. Make revisions to Thesis and Conclusion

15. Complete essay in its entirety

16. Self edit and peer edit

17. Make revisions

18. Submit for evaluation

Grade 8 Scagnetti Persuasive Essay Schedule


| |Feb. 23rd | |Feb. 25th |Feb. 26th |

| |-New Assignment given to class | |-Last day of class to work on |-Students commit to a question |

| | | |Video Biographies and |from the list of topics and |

| | | |Inspirational Videos |begin preliminary research on |

| | | | |topic |

|March 1st |March 2nd |March 3rd | |March 5th |

|-Two sources due – hi-lighted |-Girl’s B-ball |Boy’s B-ball | |-Two more sources due (total of |

|-Video Biography and | |-Two additional sources and | |6) with hi-lights |

|Inspirational Videos due for | |hi-lights due | |-All point form notes due for |

|final evaluation | |-Point form notes (done in Essay| |each of the 4 paragraphs |

| | |Writing Book) should be in | |-To be done in Essay Writing |

| | |development | |Book |

|March 8th | |March 10th |Next two days are Conference | |

|-First one / two paragraphs due| |-Next two / three paragraphs are|days for students that are | |

| | |due |remaining at U.P.S. | |

| | |-3 / 4 “meat paragraphs” due in | | |

| | |rough copy in your Essay Writing| | |

| | |Book | | |

| | |-Students on Music Retreat | | |

| | |submit their copies by e-mail by| | |

| | |4:30 p.m. | | |


|March 22nd |March 23rd | | |March 26th |

|-Come to school with all |-All 4 paragraphs due – typed / | | |-Thesis and Conclusion due – |

|paragraphs done |double spaced / already having | | |typed and double spaced |

| |been edited by a peer | | | |

|March 29th | | | | |

|-Persuasive essay due in its | | | | |

|entirety | | | | |

|-Good copy includes: Title Page,| | | | |

|Thesis, 4 Meat Paragraphs, | | | | |

|Conclusion, Bibliography | | | | |

Persuasive Essay Rubric – Good Copy

|  |Level 1 50 - 59% |Level 2 60 - 69% |Level 3 70 - 79% |Level 4 80 - 100% |

|Thesis Statement |Thesis statement is lacking in |Thesis statement has a |Thesis is clearly stated and |Thesis statement is effectively |

| |focus and does not clearly state|relatively clear argument and |expresses the writer’s point of |stated, insightful, and clearly |

| |what the essay is about.  The |gives some direction to the |view.  The writer’s argument is |expresses the writer’s |

| |writer’s approach is unfocused |reader as to how the essay will |focused and demonstrates |argument.  The approach is very |

| | |be presented / argument will be |sequence. |focused with an effective |

| | |proven. | |sequence. |

|First Topic Sentence   |Topic sentence does not indicate|Topic sentence loosely |Topic sentence clearly |Topic sentence is attention |

| |what the paragraph is about. |identifies the main idea of the |identifies the main idea of the |grabbing and clearly identifies |

| |  |paragraph.  |paragraph. |the main idea of the paragraph. |

| | |  |  | |

|First Supporting Paragraph |Essay information does not |The sentences need some revision|Sentences provide factual |Sentences have a clear direction|

| |provide evidence to support the |to clarify the focus. |evidence to support the topic |and are supported by relevant |

| |topic sentence.  |Some ideas remain off topic. |sentence and remain focused.  |facts, examples, arguments and |

| |The connections  between the | |Information is well sequenced. |observations.  Evidence is fully|

| |points need development and / or| | |explained. |

| |are unclear. | | | |

|First Conclusion |The conclusion is non-existent |The conclusion is a little off |The conclusion effectively |The conclusion effectively |

| | |topic. |completes the main idea. |completes the thought, leads |

| | | |  |into the next paragraph, or |

| | | | |leaves the reader with something|

| | | | |to think about. |

|Second Topic Sentence  |Topic sentence does not indicate|Topic sentence loosely |Topic sentence clearly |Topic sentence is attention |

| |what the paragraph is about. |identifies the main idea of the |identifies the main idea of the |grabbing and clearly identifies |

| |  |paragraph.  |paragraph. |the main idea of the paragraph. |

| | |  |  | |

|Second Supporting Paragraph |Essay information does not |The sentences need some revision|Sentences provide factual |Sentences have a clear direction|

| |provide evidence to support the |to clarify the focus. |evidence to support the topic |and are supported by relevant |

| |topic sentence.  |Some ideas remain off topic. |sentence and remain focused.  |facts, examples, arguments and |

| |The connections  between the | |Information is well sequenced. |observations.  Evidence is fully|

| |points need development and / or| | |explained. |

| |are unclear. | | | |

|Second Conclusion |The conclusion is non-existent |The conclusion is a little off |The conclusion effectively |The conclusion effectively |

| | |topic. |completes the main idea. |completes the thought, leads |

| | | |  |into the next paragraph, or |

| | | | |leaves the reader with something|

| | | | |to think about. |

|Third Topic Sentence  |Topic sentence does not indicate|Topic sentence loosely |Topic sentence clearly |Topic sentence is attention |

| |what the paragraph is about. |identifies the main idea of the |identifies the main idea of the |grabbing and clearly identifies |

| |  |paragraph.  |paragraph. |the main idea of the paragraph. |

| | |  |  | |

|Third Supporting Paragraph |Essay information does not |The sentences need some revision|Sentences provide factual |Sentences have a clear direction|

| |provide evidence to support the |to clarify the focus. |evidence to support the topic |and are supported by relevant |

| |topic sentence.  |Some ideas remain off topic. |sentence and remain focused.  |facts, examples, arguments and |

| |The connections  between the | |Information is well sequenced. |observations.  Evidence is fully|

| |points need development and / or| | |explained. |

| |are unclear. | | | |

|Third Conclusion |The conclusion is non-existent |The conclusion is a little off |The conclusion effectively |The conclusion effectively |

| | |topic. |completes the main idea. |completes the thought, leads |

| | | |  |into the next paragraph, or |

| | | | |leaves the reader with something|

| | | | |to think about. |

|Fourth Topic Sentence  |Topic sentence does not indicate|Topic sentence loosely |Topic sentence clearly |Topic sentence is attention |

|(if included) |what the paragraph is about. |identifies the main idea of the |identifies the main idea of the |grabbing and clearly identifies |

| |  |paragraph.  |paragraph. |the main idea of the paragraph. |

| | |  |  | |

|Fourth Supporting Paragraph |Essay information does not |The sentences need some revision|Sentences provide factual |Sentences have a clear direction|

|(if included) |provide evidence to support the |to clarify the focus. |evidence to support the topic |and are supported by relevant |

| |topic sentence.  |Some ideas remain off topic. |sentence and remain focused.  |facts, examples, arguments and |

| |The connections  between the | |Information is well sequenced. |observations.  Evidence is fully|

| |points need development and / or| | |explained. |

| |are unclear. | | | |

|Fourth Conclusion |The conclusion is non-existent |The conclusion is a little off |The conclusion effectively |The conclusion effectively |

|(if included) | |topic. |completes the main idea. |completes the thought, leads |

| | | |  |into the next paragraph, or |

| | | | |leaves the reader with something|

| | | | |to think about. |

|Concluding Paragraph |Conclusion is without summary |Conclusion summarizes argument |Conclusion clearly summarizes |Conclusion clearly and |

| |and does not tie information  / |in a limited fashion. |the author’s argument. |effectively summarizes the |

| |argument together | | |author’s argument and gives the |

| | | | |reader something to think about.|

|Spelling and Grammar |Many grammatical, punctuation |Few grammatical, punctuation and|Good use of grammar, |No grammatical, punctuation or |

| |and mechanical errors.  |mechanical errors.  Repetitive |punctuation, and mechanics.  A |mechanical errors.  A variety of|

| |Inconsistent use of sentence |use of sentence structures and |variety of sentence structures |sentence structures are used. |

| |structures and vocabulary |vocabulary. |are used, as well as grade |Grade appropriate  vocabulary is|

| | | |appropriate vocabulary. |used with accuracy and |

| | | | |precision. |

|Bibliography |No Bibliography |Limited Bibliography or done |Bibliography is accurate and |Bibliography shows extensive |

| | |incorrectly |cited properly |research and is cited properly |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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