Persuasive Project

Persuasive Project

Struggling for Ideas?

Here are some topic headings and example titles that you could explore.

• Crime and Punishment

o Are prisons working?

o Should a ‘life sentence’ mean life?

• Privacy and Surveillance

o CCTV has destroyed our right to privacy.

o If you use social media you are not entitled to privacy.

• Private vs. State schools

o Universities should give preference to state school educated students.

• The Future of Marriage

o Marriage is an outdated institution

• Censorship

o Too much information? Censorship is necessary for national security.

o Censorship goes against freedom of speech.

• Internet safety/privacy

o There should be an age restriction on social media sites.

o The internet has made our world a more dangerous place.

• Immigration/migration

o We should have an open borders policy.

• Tourism destroys/benefits culture

o Mass tourism is destroying the environment.

o Tourism has a negative impact on culture.

o Tourism benefits the world.

• Celebrity Ambassadors

o Celebrities have no place in politics.

o Celebrity aid ambassadors distract from the real issues.

• The justice system

o The media and social media are destroying the idea of ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

• Religion

o Religion has a place/no place in government.

o Religion has a place/no place in the classroom.

• Political issues

o The United Kingdom should leave/stay part of the European Union.

o Scotland should become independent/stay in the Union.

o No prisoner should have the vote.

• Environmental issues

o Household recycling is a waste of time.

o Population growth and rising living standards are unsustainable.

Read a current newspaper and think back over what you read for Project 1 of the Non Fiction Reading Project for further inspiration.

Choosing your topic

You need to choose something that interests you

You need to ensure that it lends itself to persuasive writing:

• Are you passionate about the issue?

• Are there two possible arguments?

• Do you strongly agree / disagree with one of the arguments?

You need to look at the suggested topics on the first page, or think of your own issue, and try to find as much information as you can about it.

This website may provide you with further ideas:

You may need to rethink your ideas depending on the availability of information.

Researching Your Topic

When you have chosen your topic and discussed

it with your teacher, you need to start researching.

This means reading widely about the subject.

Where do I start?

You can find a wide variety of information in the following places:

• The library

• Newspapers

• Internet

• Speeches (for example, political speeches)

• Personal stories (for example, eye witness accounts)

• Official Reports

Be Careful!

You need to make sure that your information is reliable. When reading any information you should always have the following questions in mind:

• Is the source taken from a reputable newspaper / website?

• Is the information given backed up by any other sources?

• Is the writer trustworthy?

The next section of this booklet will help you to record your research and make sure that it is reliable. Look carefully at the examples on pages 5-8 to help you to correctly record your research.

Recording Research

You will be asked to record your information under each of the headings listed below. Look carefully at the questions to make sure you understand what is required.

Type of Source:

• Newspaper Article

• Magazine

• Online Source

• Government Report

• Speech

• Personal Account

Writer’s Background

Identify as much as you can about the writer / speaker in the source.

What are their political leanings?

Where do they come from?


Previous work?


Why has the source been written / delivered?

Is the writer/speaker trying to convince you of a particular point of view?

Has it been produced to inform?

Is it to entertain?


What is the writer/speaker’s opinion?

Think about tone. How does the piece come across and what does this tell you about the writer’s opinion about what they are writing?


For whom was the source written/ performed?

• Teenagers

• Women

• Men

• Pensioners

• Conservative/Liberal/Labour voters

• etc


Is the source taken from a reputable newspaper / website?

Is the information given backed up by any other sources?

Is the writer trustworthy?

This is an example research source. Look at pages 7-8 to see how information about this article has been recorded.

Can celebrity aid ambassadors do more harm than good?

‘NO’ by Aideen McLaughlin

This week marks three months since the earthquake devastated Haiti. More than 1.3 million people are still homeless, as the hurricane season looms. The media coverage this past week has been scant, except for the reports of celebrities visiting the country.

Haiti was a disaster on such a scale that the world could not ignore it. The global media were rightly there to report it. The public immediately and generously responded. But now the media has moved on. Meanwhile, Haiti is still a disaster zone – it was one even before the earthquake hit, with 85% of its population living in poverty.

At Oxfam, it is our job to keep poverty and suffering in Haiti and places like it on the radar. Working with celebrities provides one valuable way of doing this, with them supporting our fundraising appeals and our campaigning work to shine a light on the issues that are wreaking havoc with people’s lives.

This is not a new idea. Marilyn Monroe visited US orphanages in the 1950s; Julie Christie campaigned in Cambodia in the 1970s. What is new is the level of media attention that they can bring to an issue. Celebrities can secure mass media to garner public support and put huge pressure on politicians to bring about change in the fight against poverty.

Most of the celebrities Oxfam works with have been involved with us for a number of years. They are passionate about what we do and many have had personal experiences of visiting our programmes, participating in lobby meetings and engaging with our supporters. We are proud of our relationships with them.

We engage a variety of celebrities including actor Bill Nighy on aid/debt and the Robin Hood Tax, singer Annie Lennox on our work around HIV/Aids, and Paisley-born celebrity photographer Rankin on our efforts in the Congo.

Rankin visited refugee camps in Congo with Oxfam on two occasions. His beautiful photographs brought a lot of media attention to a forgotten conflict and its impact on the people there. The coverage also helped raise more than £1 million. Last week, Oxfam released a shocking report on rape victims in Eastern Congo. It wasn’t covered in one Scottish media outlet.

Oxfam believes everyone has a right to a voice, but sometimes the media are just not interested or listening. Working with a celebrity who shares these people’s stories through TV, magazines, radio and online can often be one of the best methods we have of getting that voice heard.

Cynics snidely write about the celebrities’ support for charities. But I would ask them: “What have you done for poverty?”

Why should we criticise anyone genuinely trying to make a difference, whether famous or not? Being a celebrity doesn’t preclude you from having a conscience and, most importantly, from acting on it.

Aideen McLaughlin is media and new media officer for Oxfam Scotland


Source Record Sheet

For each source that you look at, fill in a ‘source record sheet’.

Exact location:

Type: Newspaper: opinion article

Writer’s Background: Aideen McLaughlin works for a large UK based charity – Oxfam. She works mainly on Climate Change and Humanitarian stories and looks after Oxfam Scotland's online presence. She has been with Oxfam since April 2009. Previously, she worked as media and communications officer for Scottish Refugee Council. Prior to that, she was a print journalist on staff and freelance for various titles including Sunday Herald, The Herald and Big Issue in Scotland magazine.

Purpose: To convince readers that celebrities play an important role in raising awareness for world issues.

Attitude: Pro celebrity involvement. Critical of those who oppose their involvement – use of the word ‘snidely’ and the question demonstrate this.

Audience: The Herald is a Scottish paper, so it is aimed at a Scottish readership. It is the most popular Scottish broadsheet paper so it is aimed at a wide range of people.

Reliability: An opinion article. However, it appears in a reputable newspaper and has been written by someone who has inside knowledge into this subject.

Note down the important information in the source (use your own words!)

Key points:

- 1.3 million people are still homeless 3 months after the Haiti earthquake but media coverage has been minimal.

- Before the earthquake, 85% of people in Haiti were living in poverty so this was a colossal disaster for the country.

- Celebrities help to keep the media interested in important issues.

- Started as far back as 1950, with Marilyn Monroe visiting orphanages. Celebrities help to keep public support which then puts pressure on politicians to keep offering aid to important causes.

- Celebrities involved are passionate about the charitable causes. They help to raise large sums of money.

- Getting involved in a charitable cause is a good thing and people should never be criticised for it even if they are a celebrity.

Recording Research

In your Pupil Booklet you will find a number of “Source Record” sheets. Make sure that you complete one for each of your sources.

Planning Your Essay


Look at the example plans 1 and 2 on pages 10 and 11.


1. Which plan shows evidence of research?

2. Which plan uses clear examples?

3. Which plan would lead to a more successful essay?

4. What needs to be done to improve each plan?

Planning Your Essay

Example 1

|Reason 1: |Reason 2: |

|People get addicted to alcohol. |People can commit crimes when they are drunk. |

| | |

|Example: |Example: |

|There are lots of alcoholics all over the world |Many crimes committed are due to alcohol consumption. |

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|Reason 3 |Summary of all reasons |

|Other drugs are banned | |

| |Alcohol should be illegal because it causes social problems. People can get addicted to |

|Example: |alcohol and then can commit crimes when they are drunk. Also, other drugs, which are not as |

|All other drugs are banned or controlled. |harmful as alcohol, are banned. |

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Planning Your Essay

Example 2

|Reason 1: |Reason 2: |

|It is just as addictive as other drugs |In many countries alcohol is a contributory factor in 60-70% of violent crimes. |

|Example: |Example |

|Cocaine |Child abuse |

|Heroin |Domestic Violence |

|Cannabis |Murder |

| | |

|Heroin( like alcohol triggers the release of dopamine - a chemical which produces feelings of |Statistics show that alcohol plays a direct part in about a quarter of domestic violence |

|satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller – endorphin. |cases. |

|Scientists think this could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave the drug. All| |

|this is very similar to the effects of heroin. | |

| | |

|Reason 3 |Summary of all reasons |

|We need consistency in our drug laws. | |

|Example |It is important that we take action to make alcohol illegal now. It is just as harmful and |

|Cannabis is banned |addictive as illegal drugs, such as heroin. If it was banned, it would mean that we would |

|We recognise the destructive effect of heroin on families by banning it. |be more consistent in our approach to mind-altering drugs. Finally, it contributes to all |

|Cocaine is used recreationally, like alcohol, yet is banned. |manner of crimes, which otherwise might be prevented. |

|Cannabis causes almost no social problems and is not addictive, yet is still banned. Alcohol, on | |

|the other hand, was directly involved in 6,541 deaths in England alone in 2007. | |

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How to Plan Effectively

Step One

Think of at least 3 reasons, or points of argument which support your point of view. For example, look at the second essay plan. The three reasons used are:

1. It is just as addictive as other drugs

2. In many countries alcohol is a contributory factor in 60-70% of violent crimes.

3. We need consistency in our drug laws.

Step Two

Think of details to support your reasons.

For example, the supporting details in the second example essay plan are:

1. Cocaine, heroin, cannabis

2. Child abuse, domestic violence, murder

3. Cannabis is banned; we recognise the destructive nature of heroin on families by banning it and cocaine is used recreationally, like alcohol, yet is banned.

Step 3

Expand, or elaborate, on one of these details. This means providing evidence in the form of facts and statistics, a supporting anecdote (personal story) or further examples and opinions that support your reason.

In the example essay plan, one detail has been elaborated on for each reason.

1. Heroin( like alcohol triggers the release of dopamine - a chemical which produces feelings of satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller – endorphin. Scientists think this could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave the drug. All this is very similar to the effects of heroin.

2. Statistics show that alcohol plays a direct part in about a quarter of domestic violence cases.

3. Cannabis causes almost no social problems and is not addictive, yet is still banned. Alcohol, on the other hand, was directly involved in 6,541 deaths in England alone in 2007.

Step 4

What was missing from both plans is an awareness of the other side of the argument. You shouldn’t argue in favour of it but you need to be aware of it so that you can say why you don’t agree with it.

Step 5

Summarise all of your reasons – this stage will help you when it comes to writing your conclusion.

Use the space in your Pupil Booklet to complete your plan.

Persuasive Techniques

When you set out to persuade someone, you want them to accept your opinion on an issue: you want to change that person's mind to your way of thinking.

Common and Effective Persuasive Techniques to Use in Your Writing

1. Rhetorical question

Can we really expect the school to keep paying from its limited resources?

2. Emotive language

Imagine being cast out into the street, cold, lonely and frightened.

3. Parallel structures

To show kindness is praiseworthy; to show hatred is evil.

4. Sound patterns

Alliteration: Callous, calculating cruelty – is this what we must expect?

Assonance: A fine time we all had, too.

5. Contrast

Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind.

6. Description and Imagery (i.e. using metaphor, simile and personification)

While we wait and do nothing, we must not forget that the fuse is already burning.

7. The ‘rule of three’ or a ‘tricolon’

I ask you, is this fair, is it right, is it just?

8. Repetition

Evil minds will use evil means.

9. Hyperbole (using exaggeration for effect)

While we await your decision, the whole school holds its breath.

However, these are not your only options! Remember Project 1 from the Non-Fiction Reading Challenge? Look at the list on pages 14-16 to remind yourself of other techniques that you could use.


ANALOGY – A similar or parallel case with one or more points of resemblance. A road, generally perceived as safe, could be described as a high tension wire along the outside of every pavement, charged with enough electricity so that the least contact could kill to emphasise how dangerous it is.

ANECDOTE – A short narrative of an incident from private life. An account of personal experience can be persuasive. For example, when I was in Saughton Prison in 1992 I met many decent, intelligent guys whose charge sheets read like war crime reports. After abusing alcohol they would turn into the proverbial Mr. Hyde. The writer presents himself as someone who knows what he is talking about.

ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE – Details from private life used in support of an idea or argument. This can be persuasive because the reader will often recognise the ‘evidence’ presented, thereby accepting the truth of it. Most people know about the violence and mayhem on Sauchiehall Street and Lothian Road of a Saturday night. This helps to persuade the reader about the dangers to society of alcohol.

ASSERTION – A forceful statement. Can be very effective if used sparingly and only after an argument has been fully developed. It is only after fully developing her views on adolescent boys that the writer concludes they are a fearful enemy to society.

BROKEN SENTENCES – Minor or incomplete sentences. Useful to emphasise key points and for impact. Sometimes even a single word is used.

CAUTION SIGNALS – Words which warn the reader that the point which follows requires concentration. These are likely to be used in a conclusion or summary and include: thus; therefore; consequently; accordingly; hence; in conclusion; in brief; as a result; in retrospect.

COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE – The language of everyday conversation. This can be used (sparingly) to appeal directly to the reader or for humorous effect. I did try smoking hash years ago.

EMOTIVE LANGUAGE – Strong language which expresses the feelings and emotions of the writer. Its use is intended to affect the feelings and emotions of the reader. The writer’s attitude about the laws towards legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco is clear from the phrase the stench of hypocrisy.

EVIDENCE – Factual information used to support an idea or argument. The writer will only use evidence which suits his purpose. In trying to persuade the reader that legalising cannabis is a good idea, certain evidence about the experience of the last 25 years in Holland where the drug is legal will be useful.

GENERALISATION – A statement of wide application. This sort of sweeping statement can be persuasive but should be used sparingly and only after an argument has been fully developed. After making clear to the reader his opinions about how poorly made cars are, the writer could generalise that within a year they are shabby.

GO SIGNALS – Words which indicate a continuing idea, an equivalent example and the same line of thought. These include: and; first, second, third; next; furthermore; likewise; in addition; similarly; moreover; at the same time; also.

HYBERBOLE – Exaggeration for effect. The point that alcohol can have disastrous effects upon people is well made by the fact that in Saughton Prison…many decent, intelligent guys…charge sheets read like war crime reports.

ILLUSTRATION – An example or detail used to support or explain an idea or argument. The point that cars look ridiculous is well made by the illustration – they billow out in meaningless curves and are tattooed over with bits of chrome and runic letters.

IMAGERY - Any words that are not used in their literal sense but to convey a vivid picture of an idea. To introduce her feelings and opinions about boys the writer describes their rubber faces, volcanic with spots,…features from a spilled Identikit.

IMPERATIVE – A ‘command’ addressed to the reader used for rhetorical effect. Can be very effective but should be used sparingly and only after an argument has been developed. The dangers of the car to the individual driver are very persuasively described using the imperatives: Notice the shaft of the steering wheel, aimed like a lance at your heart. See how the steering wheel spreads its spokes to crush your ribs flat. Check the ignition key, placed to dig under your right knee-cap and prise it off.

IRONY – Words conveying a meaning different from the apparent meaning. Can be used to produce a humorous or sarcastic effect. The writer’s opinion about the speed cars drive at on the road is emphasised by the use of irony – the modest speed of sixty miles per hour.

OPPOSITION – Words, phrases or sentences in a passage placed so as to emphasise a contrast of ideas. Useful for dealing with counter-arguments succinctly. At first the car seemed a good idea. Now it is a lethal tyrant.

PERSUADERS – Words and phrases put into an assertion to persuade the reader to accept what is being said other than by rational means. Persuaders suggest that the point being made is obvious, that it needs no argument. The reader may accept as undeniable statements which are perhaps quite doubtful. These include: surely; plainly; obviously; clearly; undeniably; it has to be admitted that; everyone must; we have to remember; as you will agree; it is true that; it is a fact that.

PUN – A play on words used to provide humour. Making a Hash of the Drug Law gets the writer’s point of view across as well as presenting himself to the reader as witty and likeable.

RELATIONSHIP SIGNALS – Words which express the structure of ideas and clarify argument. The most important are –

cause and effect: because; since; so that; accordingly

condition: if; unless; though

illustration: for instance; for example

apparent contradiction: despite the fact that; although

REPETITION – Repeated words and/or phrases. A useful rhetorical device which comes from political speeches. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

RHETORICAL QUESTION – A question used for emphasis to which the answer is obvious or unnecessary. To get his point across that the decriminalisation of cannabis does not, in his opinion, go far enough, the writer addresses the reader with the rhetorical question why leave the sale of cannabis in the hands of the criminal drug syndicates? The reader cannot ‘answer’ this question other than how the writer wants him/her to.

STATISTICS – Tabulated numerical facts. Very useful in supporting an argument since the reader will tend to accept statistics as authoritative. Even more effective if the ‘authority’ can be quoted. As Dr Mackay, of the Road Accident Research Unit at Birmingham University, points out, there are ‘some 130 000 fatalities and perhaps

1 700 000 serious casualties in the western world every year.

STOP SIGNALS – Stronger than caution signals, these clearly indicate that a statement of special significance is to follow. These include: without question; significantly; without doubt; hereafter; unquestionably; absolutely.

TURN SIGNALS – Words which alert the reader to the approach of an opposing idea or a change in direction. They are all varieties of ‘but’ and include: yet; on the contrary; nevertheless; notwithstanding; on the other hand; otherwise; in spite of; although; despite; conversely; however.

Writing your Essay

You have already done a lot of the work in the planning stage but, in order to write an effective essay, you will need to include a number of persuasive techniques. These will help you to convince your reader that your point of view is the correct one.

Starting off


Your introduction should outline your argument and briefly summarise the points that you are going to cover in your essay. It also needs to hook the reader; in other words, you need to make them interested in what you are saying.

Look at these two opening sentences:

1. It is widely recognised that there is a massive issue with alcohol in Scotland at the moment.

2. In the UK, 24% of people are considered to be “hazardous drinkers”. How can we let such a large percentage of people devastate their health, their society and ruin the lives of others?

The second sentence is more effective in ‘hooking’ the reader because it uses persuasive techniques. The shocking statistic (“24% of people”) is designed to surprise and the rhetorical question makes the writer’s opinion clear and interesting.

Your Introduction

• The opening sentence should hook the reader. Try using a shocking statistic, fact or statement to get them interested. Remember, persuasive techniques make your essay more appealing.

• Outline your argument and make your stance clear.

• Briefly summarise your points of argument.

Use your Pupil Booklet to complete work on an introduction.

Main Paragraphs

Each paragraph must make an effective point.

- Each paragraph needs a clear argument and should follow this structure:

- Statement

- Explanation

- Illustration

- Reinforce your point

How do I do that?


- Make a clear, general statement which contains the main point of argument.


- Restate your point in more detail

- This is where you are saying ‘in other words’ – be more specific about the general point.


- Give reasons

- Remind people how they might behave in similar situations

- Provide evidence

- Show how the opposite side of the argument is wrong

Reinforce it.

- Make a confident statement to finish on which makes the reader clear about what your opinion is.

Remember to use persuasive techniques throughout your main body paragraphs. Look at the example on the next page.

Main Paragraphs

Read the paragraph below:

Firstly, alcohol is just as addictive as other drugs. Heroin, cocaine and cannabis have all been shown to have very similar effects to alcohol. Why would we continue to keep alcohol legal, when it has the same mid-altering effects as many illegal drugs? Just like heroin, alcohol triggers the release of dopamine - a chemical which produces feelings of satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller - endorphin - which scientists think could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave the drug. All this is very similar to the effects of otherwise illegal drugs. It also makes it highly addictive. It seems absurd that anyone in their right mind would want to keep a mid-altering drug, which endangers the user and others, legal.

This follows the persuasive essay structure:

Statement: Firstly, alcohol is just as addictive as other drugs.

Explanation: Heroin, cocaine and cannabis have all been shown to have very similar effects to alcohol. Why would we continue to keep alcohol legal, when it has the same mid-altering effects as many illegal drugs?

Illustration: Just like heroin, alcohol triggers the release of dopamine - a chemical which produces feelings of satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller - endorphin - which scientists think could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave the drug. All this is very similar to the effects of otherwise illegal drugs. It also makes it highly addictive.

Reinforce your point: It seems absurd that anyone in their right mind would want to keep a mid-altering drug, which endangers the user and others, legal.

Complete the task in your Pupil Booklet.

Remember to Link Your Ideas

← Use conjunctions to link ideas from one paragraph/sentence to the next.

← Words like similarly, furthermore, in addition build up ideas of a similar nature.

← Words like as a result, consequently, subsequently, therefore, so indicate that you are drawing a conclusion from the information presented.

← Words like in contrast, by comparison, alternatively, conversely show that you are offering information which may contradict your argument.

← Use topic sentences to assist the structure of your essay and reinforce the important points.

← Always use appropriate linkage to prevent the essay becoming simply a list of points.

• Build up a case

• Evidently

• Unquestionably

• Undeniably

• Certainly

• Consequently

• Moreover

• Furthermore

• Equally

• Therefore

• Additionally

Redirect an Argument

• However

• Conversely

• Alternatively

• Contrary to...

• Yet

• On the other hand

• It could be argued that

• Nevertheless

Linking Ideas: Example

Each of the following examples is a statement and explanation.

1. Alcohol is just as addictive as other drugs. Heroin, cocaine and cannabis have all been shown to have very similar effects to alcohol. Why would we continue to keep alcohol legal, when it has the same mid-altering effects as many illegal drugs?

2. Alcohol significantly increases the chances of a violent crime being committed. Alcohol is a contributory factor in 65-70% of violent crimes, such as child abuse and murder.

3. It is about time that we achieved some consistency with our laws on drugs. We recognise the damage heroin does to society by banning it. Cocaine, just like alcohol, is also used recreationally, yet is still illegal.

At the moment they are not related to each other even though they are supporting the same point. Adding in linking words makes it clear that each statement is supporting the same argument. For example,

1. Firstly, alcohol is just as addictive as other drugs. Heroin, cocaine and cannabis have all been shown to have very similar effects to alcohol. Why would we continue to keep alcohol legal, when it has the same mid-altering effects as many illegal drugs?

2. Moreover, alcohol significantly increases the chances of a violent crime being committed. Alcohol is a contributory factor in 65-70% of violent crimes, such as child abuse and murder.

3. Furthermore, it is about time that we achieved some consistency with our laws on drugs. We recognise the damage heroin does to society by banning it. Cocaine, just like alcohol, is also used recreationally, yet is still illegal.

If you want to make a point that disagrees with any of the above, you should start it with a “Rejecting an Argument” (however, conversely, contrary to, etc) word so that the point you are making is clear to your reader.

Main Paragraphs

Now that you know the paragraph structure and have seen an example, it’s time to write your main body paragraphs. Remember to include persuasive techniques as these will make your essay more effective!


You should see this as your final chance to convince your reader so remember, plenty of persuasive techniques.

• Summarise the main points that you have made

• End with a punch to really reinforce your point.


Summary: For these reasons, it is important that we take action to make alcohol illegal now. It is just as harmful and addictive as illegal drugs, such as heroin. If it was banned, it would mean that we would be more consistent in our approach to mind-altering drugs. Finally, it contributes to all manner of crimes, which otherwise might be prevented.

Punch: Ban alcohol and save our society from further ruin!

Use the space in your Pupil Booklet to complete a conclusion.


Look over your paragraphs. Is there anything that you could add to make them more effective? Think:

1. Vocabulary

Can you add adjectives (describing words) and adverbs (describing action words)?

For example:

1. Many resources are used caring for those injured as a result of being drunk.

2. Many precious resources are exhausted caring for those seriously injured as a result of being stupidly and carelessly drunk.

Sophisticated vocabulary improves your writing, reinforces your point and it can have an effect on the reader.

Think about the difference:

1. Children are exposed to violence as a result of alcohol abuse.

2. Young, helpless children are exposed to violence as a result of alcohol abuse.

What effect could the inclusion of the words “young” and “helpless” have on the reader?

2. Metaphors and Similes

These can reinforce you point and make your writing more varied and interesting to read.

For example:

1. The cost of alcoholism to the health care system is great.

2. The cost of alcoholism to the health care system is massive; it drains the tank of our economy like a leaking tap.

3. Persuasive Techniques

Look back over your writing and highlight your persuasive techniques. Use the lists on pages 30-33 to help you to tick off which ones you have used. This will help you to see if you need to include more.

Remember your Bibliography!

← Show a detailed, accurate bibliography at the end.

← Include: the author/editor; the title of the article/book; the name of the newspaper in which the article was printed; the publisher (if possible); the date of publication.

← List your sources alphabetically by surname.


|[pic] |[pic] |

|McMillian, John. ‘The Hidden Dangers of Alcohol’ The Scotsman, 23 May 2009 |The Internet |

| | |

|Weber, Tim, ‘Banning Alcohol – The logical step?’ BBC News, 27 January 2006 | |

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|West, Daniel, Alcohol Abuse in the UK, (Prentice Hall, 2003) | |

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| |Daniel West “Alcohol Abuse in the UK” |

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| |John McMillian “The Scotsman” |




Possible Topics:

economy, environment, alternative fuels, museums/historical places, fairtrade, culture, university, immigration, housing, poverty, debt, transportation, animal rights, feminist issues, alcohol/drugs, technology, education, youth, commercialism, developing world, obesity, politics, disease, war, protests, banking, Europe, America, China, Britain, Edinburgh, Scotland, terrorism, benefits, religion, Scottish Independence, global warming, animal welfare, festive season, public sector, crime, exams, NHS.... The list is endless!

Now that you have completed and recorded your research, it’s time to start planning your essay. You have gathered a lot of information but without planning your thoughts can become jumbled. The planning process is very important because it will help you to organise your ideas, indicate if you need to do any more research and make sure that you write a clear essay.

The sale and consumption of alcohol should be made illegal to overcome the social problems drinking it causes.

The sale and consumption of alcohol should be made illegal to overcome the social problems drinking it causes.

How do you make an effective point?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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