Worksheet 3 for Speech 4 (Persuasive Speech): Choosing ...

Worksheet for Speech #4 (Persuasive Speech): Choosing Your Topic

TOPIC 1 Instructor’s Approval: ____________

1. Your Topic:

2. What is your opinion about the topic? Write in one sentence.

3. Guess and write what other people will think about your opinion.

4. What evidence (number/examples) can you use to change their opinion? [List Three]

(Use evidence not only from the Internet but also from other sources like books,

magazines, and news articles. Print out or copy the sources and attach them to this HO.)





Talk to five or more classmates and write how many of them agree/disagree or are indifferent with your opinion.

strongly _____ disagree _____ indifferent _____ agree _____ strongly _____

disagree agree

If your classmates are indifferent, it is because (check all reasons given):

They don’t think your topic is important. _____

They don’t think your topic affects them. _____

They have never heard of your topic. _____

They have never given your topic any thought. ____


If your classmates disagree with your opinion, it is because (Write all reasons given. These are very important because you should persuade them on these points.)

TOPIC 2 Instructor’s Approval: ____________

1. Your Topic:

2. What is your opinion about the topic? Write in one sentence.

3. Guess and write what other people will think about your opinion.

4. What evidence (number/examples) can you use to change their opinion? [List Three]

(Use evidence not only from the Internet but also from other sources like books,

magazines, and news articles. Print out or copy the sources and attach them to this HO.)





Talk to five or more classmates and write how many of them agree/disagree or are indifferent with your opinion.

strongly _____ disagree _____ indifferent _____ agree _____ strongly _____

disagree agree

If your classmates are indifferent, it is because (check all reasons given):

They don’t think your topic is important. _____

They don’t think your topic affects them. _____

They have never heard of your topic. _____

They have never given your topic any thought. ____


If your classmates disagree with your opinion, it is because (Write all reasons given. These are very important because you should persuade them on these points.)


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