10th Grade Persuasive Research Paper - Weebly

10th Grade Persuasive Research Essay & Speech

The Assignment: You will compose an evidence-based persuasive essay, create a digital presentation, and present a persuasive speech based on a controversial/human rights topic of your choosing (this MUST be approved by Mrs. Barnett).

The Requirements: Your paper must meet the following requirements:

▪ Be 2-4 pages (Academic) or 3-5 pages (Honors) typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font

▪ Employ proper use of parenthetical documentation

▪ Separate Works Cited page

▪ Follow MLA format

▪ Demonstrate command of the skills outlined on the rubric

The Topics: You can choose one of the topics listed on this page or come up with one of your own. You will need to get my approval on your topic.

Possible Topics:

Genocide Sex Trafficking Evolution in Schools

Animal Testing Death Penalty Women in Combat

Refugees Adoption Steroid Use – Sports

Affirmative Action Internet Censorship Legalized Gambling

Child Labor Discrimination Laws Global Warming

Genetic Testing Abortion/Right to Life Religious Freedom

Gun Control Fertility Treatments Cloning

Random Drug Testing Student Right to Privacy Fracking

GMOs Assisted Suicide Stem Cell Research

**Note: Many more topics are possible for this essay; all need approval**

Resources: You are required to get your information from the Media Center databases. DO NOT use Wikipedia.

Extra Credit: You may earn 5 points extra credit on your project grade by partnering with a classmate to take on the opposing sides of an issue. Both students will write their own papers. The student who makes the most persuasive presentation for his/her side of the issue earns extra credit on the assignment.

The Process: You are expected to hand in the various elements of this project on the following dates:

• Topic selected 11/2

• Articles & Summaries 11/6

(Station 5)

• Thesis Statement 11/9

• 3X3 Writing Frame 11/9

• First Draft 11/12

• Second Draft 11/17

• Works Cited Page (draft) 11/18

• Final Paper 11/20

• Prezi Two days prior to presentation

• Presentation 12/7-11

I will present my research to the class on: ___________________________________________

My self-selected topic is: _________________________________________________________

**Failure to present on the assigned day will result in a zero for that portion of the project. Students with excused absences should be prepared to present on the day they return to school.

Grading: You will be graded according to the English II Research Project rubric. This paper/project is a major assessment grade!



Please detach, sign, and return this form to Mrs. Barnett by Tuesday, 11/6.

I understand that my child, _____________________________________, has a research paper due on Friday, November 20th. His/her self-selected topic is _________________________________________________________________Late penalties will apply to work submitted after that date. As part of this project, my child will give a 3 – 6 minute presentation on ____________________. Should my child be absent on this day, he/she will need to bring an excused absence slip from the attendance office and be prepared to present upon return to class. Please contact Mrs. Barnett immediately if you have questions or concerns regarding the requirements of this project.

Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______

Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______

I will present my research to the class on: ___________________________________________

My self-selected topic is: _________________________________________________________

**Failure to present on the assigned day will result in a zero for that portion of the project. Students with excused absences should be prepared to present on the day they return to school.

Grading: You will be graded according to the English II Research Project rubric. This paper/project is a major assessment grade!



Please detach, sign, and return this form to Mrs. Barnett by Tuesday, 11/6.

I understand that my child, _____________________________________, has a research paper due on Friday, November 20th. His/her self-selected topic is _________________________________________________________________Late penalties will apply to work submitted after that date. As part of this project, my child will give a 3 – 6 minute presentation on ____________________. Should my child be absent on this day, he/she will need to bring an excused absence slip from the attendance office and be prepared to present upon return to class. Please contact Mrs. Barnett immediately if you have questions or concerns regarding the requirements of this project.

Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______

Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______


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