Presentation Dates: _______________ Length: 3 - 5 minutes


For this speech your main objective is to persuade the audience to accept a position and/or perform some outward act, using arguments based upon ethical, logical, and emotional appeals. This is your final opportunity to polish the knowledge and skills you have learned in this class, so give it all you’ve got! You must have your topic approved by your instructor.


The minimum criteria to be met are as follows:

1. Topic:

• The speech should be on one side of any controversial issue you wish. This means that you are to take a stand on the issue. You are to talk about something that you believe we should do, not do, think, or change.

• Choose a significant topic that (1) is relevant to your audience, (2) can be brought down to an action or position/belief that we can adopt, and (3) an argument can be presented for in three to five minutes.

2. Required:

• A sentence outline to be turned in the day you speak. Your outline should have a title, a specific purpose, and a thesis statement at the top of the page.

• A bibliography of at least three sources, all of which you will site in your speech. These must be current and credible sources.

3. Delivery:

• Your speaking style should be extemporaneous. This means that you are not to read your speech, or to memorize your speech, but are to talk to the audience.

• Work for both effective physical and vocal delivery. Practice, practice, practice!

4. Language and Appeals:

• Work to present ethical, logical, and emotional appeals to persuade us.

• Be as vivid and clear as possible with the words you choose. You will be evaluated on your reasoning and arguments as well as your creative and thoughtful use of language.

5. Note cards:

• You are allowed to have fifteen note cards.

6. Time Limit:

• Note the time limit (above) and practice your speech to be moderate within the time frame. If you are either 30 seconds short or long in your delivery, points will be deducted from your speech. If your delivery is too long, you will be asked to stop.

Other things to remember

Grading will focus on the organization of your persuasive arguments, your use of supporting materials as evidence, your use of motivational appeals, your introduction (especially stating your credibility and relating the topic to the audience) and conclusion, audience adaptation, your use of language, your vocal and physical delivery, and your outline. Because this is your last speech your instructor will be expecting you to do your very best in every aspect of the speech making process.

A with all your other speeches, the success of your last presentation lies in the organization and preparation you put into it. Start researching your speech early. Remember to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

A checklist to follow for your final major speech:

_____ I have read all the material scheduled on the syllabus that pertains to this assignment and reviewed my evaluation forms from my previous speeches.

_____ I have done adequate research, with at least three references, all of which I will cite within my speech.

_____ I have an outline ready to turn in the day I speak.

_____ I have included with my outline a bibliography written in MLA format.

_____ I have prepared no more than fifteen note cards for reference during my speech.

_____ I have a power-point presentation with at least ten slides saved to a disk.

_____ I have practiced the speech aloud several times.

_____ I have good examples and adequate support for my claims.

_____ I am relaxed and confident, and I know I will do a great job!

Good luck and have fun! Please let your instructor know if you need any further clarification.

Additional directions and/or comments from instructor:


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