ORAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC - Hialeah Senior High School

Speech Rubric


|AREA |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

| |Excellent |Above Average |Average |Below Average |Failing |

|AREA 1: Topic | | | | | |

|Student clearly addresses the topic and does not wander | | | | | |

|Speech is persuasive (does audience believe?) | | | | | |

|AREA 2: Organization & Support | | | | | |

|Introduction: uses an appropriate opening, gets | | | | | |

|listener’s attention and/or prepares listeners for the | | | | | |

|body of the speech | | | | | |

|Body: is clearly organized into central ideas, does a | | | | | |

|good job of persuading audience | | | | | |

|Support: Argument or problem is clearly stated, supports| | | | | |

|your thesis, is well developed using a variety of | | | | | |

|supporting materials, and includes appropriately | | | | | |

|organization | | | | | |

|Conclusion: summarizes key points | | | | | |

|AREA 3: Delivery | | | | | |

|Eye Contact: looks at all sections of the audience | | | | | |

|Vocal: speaks at a rate that makes it easy for the | | | | | |

|audience to understand | | | | | |

|- speaks loudly enough for all to hear | | | | | |

|-extemporaneous and enthusiastic delivery, | | | | | |

|conversational, visibly excited about speech topic, and | | | | | |

|clearly engages the audience | | | | | |

|- pronounces words distinctly and avoids fillers such as:| | | | | |

|um, uh, er, ah, ok, ya know… | | | | | |

|Body Language: stands straight and avoids nervous | | | | | |

|movements | | | | | |

|- uses effective gestures and mannerisms to enhance the | | | | | |

|oral delivery | | | | | |

|Totals | | | | | |

|Grade | | | | | |


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