Persuasive Speeches

Persuasive Speeches

List examples of the following rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques as seen in Patrick Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention (pp. 203-206). ” You can use pp. 198-199 for help.

| |Patrick Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention” |

|Repetition | |

|Restating an idea using the same words | |

| | |

| | |

|Restatement | |

|Expressing the same idea in different words| |

| | |

| | |

|Parallelism | |

|Repeating a grammatical structure | |

| | |

| | |

|Antithesis | |

|Using strongly contrasting words, images, | |

|or ideas | |

| | |

|Rhetorical questions | |

|Asking questions with obvious answers | |

| | |

|Logical Appeal | |

|Builds a well-reasoned argument based on | |

|evidence, such as facts, statistics, or | |

|expert testimony | |

|Emotional Appeal | |

|Attempts to arouse the audience’s feelings,| |

|often by using rhetorical devices to evoke | |

|an emotional response or loaded words that | |

|convey strong positive or negative | |

|connotations | |

|Ethical Appeal | |

|Directed at the audience’s sense of | |

|morality or values. This types of appeal | |

|is often linked to the audience’s | |

|perception of the trustworthiness and moral| |

|character of the speaker or writer | |


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