Persuasive Writing Assignment

Persuasive Writing Assignment

We have read many persuasive articles/essays throughout the unit. Each piece of writing had a clear argument and strong opinion about something; the author’s goal was to persuade the reader to agree with them. Now it’s your turn to persuade.

Step One: Pick a TOPIC to write about – see the list of topics on the next page. You can also choose your own topic, but I must approve it before you start writing.

Step Two: Get out your “Techniques of Persuasion” chart and decide on FIVE techniques that you are going to use. (Thesis does not count as one)

Step Three: Review the guidelines for the assignment, and then start writing. And remember, this is your opportunity to be passionate in your writing. Pick a topic that you feel strongly about – this will enhance your credibility.

Guidelines: Your opinion piece…

▪ is allowed to use “I”, “you”, etc.

▪ must be a minimum of one page, typed double-spaced

▪ needs a title that will grab the reader’s attention

▪ should have a clear thesis

▪ must use 5 techniques of persuasion – you will need to label them on your essay

▪ should be written in paragraphs – it’s up to you how many or how long

▪ ends with a thought provoking question/statement about the argument

▪ should have NO spelling or grammatical mistakes

See the next page for a list of topics you could write about…

Suggested List of Topics/Issues:

Compare two subjects and argue one is better than the other – sports team, person, etc.

Students should/should not be required to wear uniforms.

Cell phones should/should not be allowed in class.

People should/should not be allowed to talk on their cell phone while driving.

Teenagers should/should not have part time jobs while in school.

Sports teams should/should not have cuts.

The driving age should/should not be increased.

School should/should not start later in the morning and end later in the day.

Teachers should/should not be allowed to give homework.

Students should/should not have their own personal computer in class.

It should/should not be mandatory for teenagers to exercise.

Junk food should/should not be banned from all schools.

Fast food restaurants should/should not be banned.

Tobacco products should/should not be banned.

All violence in the media should/should not be banned.

The drinking age should/should not be lowered.

New Canadians should/should not pass their first language onto their children.

Television has been a good/bad influence on my life.

Racism in Canada is decreasing/increasing.

Animals should/should not be used for scientific research.

The death penalty should/should not be legal.

Abortion should/should not be legal.

Same sex marriages should/should not be legal.

Dying people should/should not be left on life support.

Anyone should/should not be allowed to own a gun.

Marijuana should/should not be legalized.

People who get a D.U.I. should/should not have their license suspended for life.

Research on cloning should/should not be discontinued.

Hockey should/ should not allow fighting.

Praying should/should not be allowed in public schools.

Teenagers are/are not too dependent on technology.

Parents should/should not give their children more freedom.

There should/should not be screening of parents before they are allowed to have children.


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