1. Write a paragraph describing your personal belief. Explain why you feel this way. Be sure to include any personal experiences or examples. (worth 46 pts)

|To receive credit, the student should: |

|Write only within the boxed area |

|Include their personal belief of animal rights or animal welfare |

|Explain why they feel this way (should correlate correctly with their belief) |

|Write a minimum of 4 lines. |

| |

Answer the following answers by selecting the correct answer choice.(worth 6 pts each)

2. I won’t ever buy my pet from a breeder who breeds their female too often because it is unfair. I believe in _________.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

3. It is ethical to eat meat as long as the animals are taken care of humanely. I believe in _________.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

4. I think that it is wrong to eat meat because it is cruel to animals, I believe in ____________.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

5. My rabbit is kept in a large cage with lots of room to move around in, I believe _________ is very important

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

6. I only eat free ranged eggs, I believe in ___________.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

7. I believe in _________. Humans should not be forcing animals to do tricks for our entertainment.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

8. Keeping animals in zoos is unethical, I believe in _________.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

9. I believe in _______ and don’t like the idea of animal testing, but if it helps humans and the animals are taken good care of, it is okay.

a. Animal Welfare

b. Animal Rights

10. List three issues in animal rights:

a. Fur/Leather Production

b. Entertainment Animals

c. Food animals

and animal testing

11. List two issues in animal welfare:

a. Puppy Mills

b. Egg Production

and Companion animal care

12. Explain how animal rights groups are different from animal welfare groups?

|Animal Rights groups are focused on abolishing the use of animals while animal welfare |

|groups are focused on ways to promote humane care, handling and harvest of animals. |

13. Who is Temple Grandin?

a. An animal rights activists who created PETA

b. The Governor of Kentucky

c. A professor of animal science, concerned with animal welfare

d. An influential scientist with autism

e. Both c and d

14. What is an important trend in the focus of animal welfare over the years?

a. Animal welfare has become less important to people, because they believe in animal rights now.

b. People are concerned with the big picture of animal welfare; people aren’t worried about specific animals and situations.

c. People are concerned with specific animals and their situations when it comes to animal welfare; animal welfare is more focused than it used to be.

d. The idea of animal welfare has not changed over the years and people are still working to accomplish the same overall goal, in the same way they always have.

15. In Sally Wellfair’s community, a company does cosmetic and makeup research on laboratory rabbits and mice. Sally is worried that the company has not been following the law because she suspects that they are not humanely caring for their animals. She hopes they are following the law. Which laws is this company required to follow? (there may be more than one answer to this question)

a. Humane Slaughter Act

b. Animal Welfare Act

c. The Public Health Service Policy on Human Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Act

d. State and Local laws


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