January 22, 2018
Absent: Representative Oberacker
Representative Frazier gave opening remarks and reminders.
Art Klingler gave a brief overview of his department.
The mileage reports for OC1 and OC2 were emailed to the committee prior to the meeting.
Art Klingler requested the following Fire Advisory Board appointments for a one-year term, January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018:
Martin Field Jeff Scofield Pete Greeley
Thomas Redding Jim Cox John Wilber
Giosue Lanza Pat Pidgeon Jeff Wilson
Mert Hull Joseph Hurlburt Ralph Ritton
Gerald Theis Thomas Reed Duane Trask
Raymond Miller Ray Smith David Leonard
Larry Lamb Peter C. Comino Jim Empie
Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Frazier. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,429; Absent: 1,057 –Stammel, Oberacker. Motion carried.
Art Klinger stated the Fire Advisory Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the Meadows Building. Representative Wilber inquired about filling the Edmeston vacancy.
Representative Stammel entered the meeting during the above discussion.
Art Klinger requested the following EMS Advisory Council appointments for a one-year term, January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018:
Jayne Putman Jeanne Payne Victor Jones
Deborah Clegg Caren Kelsey Dominic Brent
Laura Bryant Sidney Chase David Leclair
Richard Kersmanc JoAnna Alessi Jeffrey Scofield
Aaron VanBuren Deborah Klingler Beatrice Mete
Janet Kitchens Ralph Wellington Robert O’Brien
Elizabeth McGown Timothy Foster
Representative Wlber moved for approval. Seconded, Farwell. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Art Klingler requested approval to reappoint the following individuals as 2018 Deputy Coordinators for a one-year term, January 1, 2018 -December 31, 2018:
Carl French, Jr. (Fire) OC-4
Raymond Smith, Jr. (Fire) OC-9
David Chase (Fire) OC-10
Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Art Klinger notified the committee that there is an ice jam in Unadilla that is being monitored due to potential flooding.
Representative Frazier inquired about the response to the survey regarding location of the training center. Art Klinger reviewed the responses received thus far.
Representative Frazier inquired as to what can be done to prevent and/or mitigate the effects of issuing a false alarm.
Allen Ruffles presented the results of the RFQ to survey Roses Hill and requested approval to contract with the lowest bidder, Kaatskill Mountain Surveyors. Representative Wilber moved for approval to contract with Kaatskill Mountain Surveyors to survey the 98 acres and split out the parcel. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Representative Frazier inquired about financing for the Jail renovations.
Bruce Maxson gave a brief overview of his department.
Bruce Maxson gave the following background information from last meeting:
- County does not need to submit a formal plan to OILS at this time
- OILS will request funding for the County
- After State budget passes will be able to prioritize needs
- Follow up meeting tentatively scheduled for February
Bruce Maxson stated that the budget numbers appear to be on target for the requests from OILS and that he and the County Attorney will be speaking with OILS this week regarding what funding will be available to the County. Representative Farwell asked for an update on CAFA.
In response to the County’s Social Media policy, Bruce Maxson notified the committee that the Public Defender’s office will not maintain a social media presence.
Bruce Maxson stated the County Magistrates meeting is currently scheduled for January 23, 2018 and listed the dates of some upcoming meetings including with the ATI board, Chief Defenders Association, NYSAC and NYSDA Chief Defenders Meeting.
Bruce Maxson stated there is an M/C salary discrepancy between two (primarily) Family Court assistants. Representative Wilber moved to enter into an executive session to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. Seconded, Farwell. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
The committee reconvened.
Bruce Maxson requested to be reappointed as Public Defender for a 2 year term. Representative Farwell moved for approval to reappoint Bruce Maxson as Public Defender. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Bruce Maxson gave an explanation of 18-B.
Dan Naughton requested approval to purchase car charger accessories in the amount of $42.87. Representative Farwell moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,465; Absent: 1,021 –Wilber, Oberacker. Motion carried.
Sheriff Rich Devlin inquired about the salary increase for the Sheriff and County Clerk being removed from the 2018 Budget. Representative Frazier explained that his intent was to exclude Board members, as elected officials from being included in the salary increase. Representative Frazier stated the budget was not pulled from the consent agenda, therefore the salary increases were not discussed and unintentionally not included. The committee invited the Treasurer to the meeting.
Sheriff Devlin requested approval to contract with Church and Scott Pharmacy for Jail Pharmaceuticals at an annual cost of $108,000. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Allen Ruffles, Treasurer entered the meeting to discuss where the funding would come from for a salary increase for the Sheriff and County Clerk and the process to adjust the salary. Allen Ruffles stated he will look into it further and consult with the Personnel Officer.
Sheriff Devlin requested approval to abolish a full time Account Clerk Typist position. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Sheriff Devlin requested approval to create, fund and fill a full time Civil Clerk position #1. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Sheriff Devlin requested approval to purchase tactical equipment in the amount of $14,525 as budgeted which is reimbursable through Homeland Security funding. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Sheriff Devlin requested approval to purchase computer equipment and software in the amount of $19,000 to network the jail surveillance system for remote access. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
The Sheriff stated that his office was not included in some law enforcement and public safety matters last year including the 911 MOU. The Sheriff stated the County is in violation of the Minimum Standards regarding Jurisdictional Protocols and hopes that these issues can be worked through in the best interest of the County and public safety. The Sheriff asked the committee to revisit this issue and include his office. The committee stated they will review the MOU.
The Sheriff recommended quarterly Public Safety Group meetings to review matters of public safety and work towards the goal of having a coordinated open line of communication.
Sheriff Rich Devlin requested approval for a blanket purchase order for car seats not to exceed the grant amount of $3,000. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
The Sheriff listed several areas that need to be discussed and acted on this year including the following:
- Pre-arraignment hold legislation, centralized arraignment at the Jail consisting of construction costs and adding more Correctional Officer positions
- Building issues and planning for needs of the Public Safety Building, design of the building is not efficient with current correctional standards and practices
- Additional Deputy Sheriffs needed to handle increased workload and expanding to 24-hr police coverage
The Sheriff asked that any questions pertaining to his office or its operations be directed to him.
Sheriff Rich Devlin read a letter that he prepared about a report regarding an alleged workplace violence incident. Attached to the letter was his response to the report. The documents were handed to the Committee Secretary to be entered in the record and which are on file in the Clerk of the Board’s office.
The committee requested that the County Attorney join the meeting, however she was unavailable.
The Sheriff raised several questions regarding the ongoing investigation and requested that funds be approved for the Sheriff and Under sheriff to obtain their own legal counsel apart from the County Attorney. Representative Frazier stated that the Sheriff should put his request in writing.
Sheriff Rich Devlin read a Memo that he prepared and presented an e-mail from one of the employees involved in the alleged workplace violence incident and handed a copy to the Committee Secretary to be entered in the record which is on file in the Clerk of the Board’s office.
Denise Oliver requested approval to send 3 members of the Otsego County Multi-Disciplinary Team to the 34th International Symposium on child abuse training to be held March 19-22, 2018 in Huntsville, AL. Registration costs for all three total $2,067. Airfare, lodging, parking, car rental, mileage and meals for all three total approximately $4,440.06, fully reimbursable. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Board Chair Bliss requested to meet with Representative Frazier briefly. Representative Frazier declared a break.
The committee reconvened.
Rob O’Brien gave an update regarding the radio system stating he is awaiting the completion of the environmental review. Representative Farwell asked if there was a map with the current location of the radio towers.
Rob O’Brien requested approval to purchase the following from Communications & Maintenance line 3020-4810, except where noted:
• microwave radio maintenance off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $73,467.50
• CAD maintenance off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $38,194.60
• AVTEC (radio console) labor & support in am amount not to exceed $29,400.00
• AVTEC Scout Care (program support) off of N.Y.S. Contract in an amount not to exceed $24,217.16
• Security Camera maintenance and support off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $6,174.00
• Priority Dispatch service & support off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $32,400.00
• audio recorder maintenance & support off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $15,195.00
• office furniture for 911 & the Emergency Operations Center off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $8,146.70 out of PSAP Grant line 3020-4901
• three new backup center consoles off of NYS Contract in an amount not to exceed $19,196.04 out of our PSAP Grant line 3020-4901
Representative Wilber moved for approval to purchase the aforementioned items. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried. Representative Frazier asked if any of the annual agreements could be made multi-year agreements to reduce the amount of work in renewing each year and increase time and cost savings.
Rob O’Brien gave an update on the NYSP project and distributed Phone Traffic, Traffic Stops, and CAD Records numbers for December 2016 and December 2017. The committee discussed with Rob O’Brien Jurisdictional Protocols and how that relates to receiving the PSAP grant. Representative Frazier stated he would like for the committee members to review the MOU drafted in June and the MOU signed in November.
Representative Frazier inquired as to how the meeting went with the representatives from the Sheriff’s office and asked what can be done to prevent and/or mitigate the effects of issuing a false alarm.
Rob O’Brien requested approval to fill (2) soon to be vacant full time funded dispatch positions and (1) soon to be vacant part time position. Representative Wilber moved for approval. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
Roger Davidson, owner of Council Rock Brewery discussed with the committee his plans to add a single room addition to the restaurant. Roger Davidson described his interactions with the Code Enforcement Officer and discussed how going forward he can resolve the issue of building a structure without a permit.
Aleks Andreic, County employee and whose parents own a rental property in Schenevus, described his interactions with the Code Enforcement Officer and his staff regarding a water damage incident that took place at the rental property on Sunday, January 7th. Mr. Andreic read a letter to the committee detailing the series of events that took place beginning January 7th through January 11th. Mr. Andreic distributed additional letters written by his parents and by two of the tenants at the rental property.
Representative Farwell thanked Mr. Davidson and Mr. Andreic for expressing their concerns.
Tony Gentile distributed a packet of information gathered at the end of 2016 for the new members to PSLA. The committee discussed what steps are necessary to move forward with the Council Rock addition and how stop work orders are generally issued. Representative Stammel stated perhaps attention could be given to interpersonal communication and style when interacting with the public.
Representative Wilber moved to enter into an executive session to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. Seconded, Stammel. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
The committee reconvened.
Tony Gentile presented and discussed the following, including but not limited to:
- revenues from 2016 and 2017, noting the department fell a little short of the revenue target
- the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code: What Elected Officials Need to Know
- sample of a local law
- theoretical breakdown of the 27 municipalities that the department administers codes for and how much they cost
- adjusting the permit and inspection fees, will present more information next month
- current staffing levels
- mandated training for the two new building inspectors
- survey of what neighboring communities are paying their building inspectors
- vehicles scheduled to be replaced soon through the Enterprise Fleet program
- goals for the department
- working with Planning and DSS regarding the tiny homes project
The committee discussed a sample resolution on behalf of Sue Matt calling on the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services and the Governor of New York to provide state funding to support the treatment and transition services to individuals with substance use disorders who are incarcerated in County jails. Representative Stammel moved for approval of the resolution. Seconded, Wilber. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried.
The committee selected February 23, 2018 at 1 p.m. at the County Office Building as the date for the next committee meeting.
Representative Stammel moved to enter into an executive session to discuss litigation. Seconded, Wilber. Total: 2,486; Ayes: 1,952; Absent: 534 –Oberacker. Motion carried. The committee adjourned while in executive session.
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