February 2012 EYE on Business - Amazon Web Services






Chamber of Commerce

February 2012


October 8-17, 2012

China's Great Wall


Oct. 25-Nov 2, 2012

Cuba's Vinales Valley


December 2-10, 2012


The Montana Chamber is pleased to continue our popular "Montana Goes To ___" series with these three exotic tours. Not only are they opportunities to check out business connections, but also great bargains, brought about because of the Montana Chamber's pooling power!

2011-2012 Board of Directors

(* Executive Committee)

We Hear You!

*Tami Christensen, Chair Tri-County Implement-Sidney

*David Brown, Past Chair Woy-Ben, Inc.-Billings

*Webb Brown, President/CEO Montana Chamber of Commerce-Helena

*Bill Woody, VP Gov't Relations Montana Health Services-Missoula

*Don Chery, VP of Membership Glacier Bancorp, Inc.-Kalispell

*Greg Hertz, VP of Finance Moody's Market-Polson

Dan Bartel ACE Hardware-Lewistown

Ed Bartlett Attorney at Law? Billings

Jeff Billman Billman's-Cut Bank

Julie Burnett Liberty Northwest-Portland, OR

Rick Burt NorthWestern Energy-Billings

Gene Buxcel Way Out West Consulting-Savage

Kelly Cresswell Student Assistance Foundation-Helena

Don Cowles Wild West Shirt Company-Bozeman

Mike Frank Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Montana

Aimee Grmoljez Crowley Fleck-Helena

Arvid "Butch" Hiller Mountain Water-Missoula

by Webb Brown President/CEO

Steve Holland MT Manufacturing Extension Center-Bozeman

Montana Chamber of Commerce

Greg Kohn

Thanks to the many members who participated in our

Rocky Mountain College-Billings

recent Member Survey. We're pleased to present

Ray Kuntz Watkins & Shepard Trucking-Helena

some of the results here.

Steve Malicott (MACE Representative) Great Falls Chamber of Commerce

Cindy Ognjanov Glacier Park, Inc.-East Glacier

Todd O'Hair Cloud Peak Energy-Helena

Mary Oliver First Madison Valley Bank-Ennis

Jan Quintrall Better Business Bureau of eastern WA, Northern ID, and Montana-Spokane

*Rick Reid Retired-Billings

Jeff Ruffner MSE Inc.-Butte

First, thanks for your confidence in this organization. We're recognized as the place businesses go for information. A whopping 93%

of you agreed we keep you well-informed. In fact, one commented you "often feel we have an information avalanche"! And yet, there

was that brave commenter who said, "I'd like more contact." (now just tell us who you are!) 88% of you feel we are a trusted, depend-

able source, and the same percentage believe we act with integrity and accountability. The same percentage also agreed we have pro-

fessional, effective staff (thank you!) While the Board didn't rate quite so highly as being "diverse, representative, and effective", it

was because almost 30% of you said you just don't know the Board well enough. We'll work on fixing that in the future.

Pete Simonich PPL Montana, Billings

Betty Stone Cottonwood Inn-Glasgow

Jim Strauss Great Falls Tribune-Great Falls

Greg Thayer Montana Milling-Great Falls

Lance Trebesch -Harlowton

2011-2012 Foundation Board of Directors

Rick Reid, President Retired-Billings

Kim Champney Electrical Consultants, Inc.-Billings

Kelly Cresswell. Vice President Student Assistance Foundation-Helena

Sherry Cladouhos Retired-Helena

Webb Brown, Executive V.P Secretary/Treasurer. Montana Chamber of Commerce-Helena

Karen Olson Beenken Blue Rock Companies-Sidney

Tami Chistensen Tri-County Implement-Sidney

Kathy Boelter Hildebrand Arrow Solutions-Billings

David Brown Wyo-Ben, Inc.-Billings

Karen Campbell CommuniBiz, Inc.-Billings

Rick Edwards NorthWestern Energy-Butte

Greg Kohn Rocky Mountain College-Billings

Kelly Kuntz D.A. Davidson-Helena

Frank McAllister Stillwater Mining Co.-Billings

Jim Oliverson Kalispell Regional Medical Center

Russ Spika Spika and Bantz, CPAs-Lewistown

Chamber Staff/Contacts

Webb Brown CAE, President/CEO

442-2405, ext 101

Pete Burwell, Membership Director

442-2405, ext. 103

Leah Weaver, Office Manager

442-2405, ext. 102

Jon Bennion, Government Relations Director

442-2405, ext. 104

Kim Weisert, Health Benefits Director

442-2405, ext 105

Josh Dupler, Membership Coordinator

442-2405, ext 109

Kerry Schaefer, Communications/ Montana Chamber


Foundation Director/High School Business Challenge, Governors' Cup Manager

All Staff Emails are: "first name"@

The EYE ON BUSINESS is published monthly by the Montana Chamber of Commerce-P.O. Box 1730 Helena, MT. 59624 (406) 442-2405 (406) 442-2409/fax or (Toll Free-1-888-442-MONT (6668)

Articles contained in this publication are available for redistribution with proper credit and attribution

The funny thing about our benefits and programs is that many of you responded you didn't even know we had all of them. We'll also work on fixing THAT. Amongst those with knowledge, our legislative work (advocacy, reporting, and reviewing) were still highly regarded. The Midyear Update to the Economic Outlook, Montana Healthcare Forum, High School Business Challenge, and Business Days at the Capitol were well-regarded programs. Our health and work comp insurance benefits were also in the top ten. And even tho there were really no new programs you suggest we add, we won't quit looking at new opportunities and benefits for our members. Nor was there any consensus on programs to drop, altho it appears we might need to explain some of the things we do in a better way.

About 2/3 of you left your name for a chance at the $100 gift card. We're happy to report that Steve Lethert of Wood's PowrGrip was the winner.

Remember that you don't need to wait `til the next anonymous survey to provide input. The staff and directors are always willing to hear what you have to say confidentially at anytime. However, you can count on another survey next year to provide constant finetuning of this machine.

Keep up the good work!

The Montana Chamber of Commerce is the advocate of business in Montana and the driving force in promoting a favorable business climate

In the Middle of Filing Season

by Jon Bennion Government Relations Director Montana Chamber of Commerce

You've heard of hunting season, football season and tax season, but did you know Montana is in the middle of filing season? Politicians and candidates from federal offices all the way down to county and legislative elections are officially filing for office from January 12 through March 12.

Many of these candidates have been up and running, raising funds and asking for votes for over a year by simply registering with the Commissioner of Political Practices. Filing as a candidate is what makes it official for the primary, and if successful in June, for the general election.

Are You Registered To Vote? ? Everyone who votes must first be registered. If it's been a while since you last voted, it wouldn't hurt to register. It's easy to do, and can be done a number of different ways. The two easiest are to go down to your election department at the county courthouse, or to fill out a voter registration card from sos..

Are You Signed Up to Vote by Mail? ? This year, more than half of Montanans are likely to vote with an absentee ballot days or weeks before Election Day. You don't have to be absent to vote early. Anyone can sign up! There are several reasons you should consider registering to vote absentee (by mail), including avoiding lines on Election Day, having time to research candidates and initiatives at home with your ballot in front of you, and more. The easiest ways to get signed up are to go down to your election department at the county courthouse, or to fill out an absentee ballot form on sos..

Are Your Employees Registered to Vote? ? Business owners are fairly good at remembering to vote, but few consider the benefits of encouraging employees to register and vote. Statistics show employees trust their employers on issues more than most other sources of information. You (obviously) don't tell them HOW to vote, but they will often ask your opinions when you actively encourage them to register and to vote on Election Day. Check out to see how you can do a voter registration or early voting drive

at your business and direct your employees to good information. Feel free to contact me (Jon@) as well if your business is interested in doing election activities.

How Did Your Legislator Vote on Business Issues? ? Unless barred by term limits, many of your local legislators will be on the ballot for re-election. During the past legislative session, the Legislature voted on a number of big issues for employers ? work comp reform, business equipment tax reductions, strengthening employer's rights in situations involving medical marijuana, legal reforms, medical malpractice reforms, changes to our permitting laws for natural resource development, and more. To see how your legislators voted on those important issues, go to and click on the "Government Relations" Tab at the top of the site. The 2011 Voting Review is available there under "Publications".

How Do You Support Pro-Business Candidates? First, you have to know who is pro-business before you

can support them. Don't be afraid to invite candidates over to your place of business to show them your operation, give them an education on your industry, and ask them some pointed questions about their own views. Most candidates will have websites where you can read about their positions and priorities. Just keep in mind that no one will ever tell you they are antibusiness. Your job is to cut through the rhetoric and talking points to find out what they really think of business.

One of the best ways to support a candidate besides your vote is with your pocketbook. Contribution limits for most offices are fairly low, and a little money can make a big difference. Also, offer to host a fundraiser or "get to know the candidate" event at your home or business. Finally, offer to help volunteer your time knocking on doors or putting a sign in your yard. Many elections are won or lost with just a few votes separating the candidates, so never think your small efforts don't matter!

If you have any questions about candidates or elections in your area, don't hesitate to email me ? Jon@. We want to be a resource for you as you identify and support pro-business candidates in your area.

FEB 2012 3

Keeping Good Health Close to Your Heart in 2012

by Kim Weisert Health Benefits Director Montana Chamber of Commerce

Montana Chamber Choices Health Insurance Program wants your employees to have healthy hearts, and for your business to be as fruitful as possible. The following benefits are ways your business can achieve a heart health and productive workforce in 2012.

vision benefit through vision service plan (VSP) that includes a $10 copay at a VSP provider for an annual WellVision Exam.

Preventative Dental Exam. An annual visit to the dentist can be very beneficial for your health. It ensures oral health and can detect other underlying health issues. Dental visits are especially important for people with diabetes

Help Prevent Heart Disease. February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the

and expectant mothers. Most Montana Chamber Choices plans offer a $100 preventive den-

leading cause of death in the U.S. The chance

tal benefit. There is no network restriction with

of developing heart disease can be prevented by

this benefit. Make your appointment today!

taking the proper steps to reduce your risk.

For more information on Chamber Choices visit

Quitting smoking, exercising regularly, living a


healthy lifestyle and good nutrition are all ways

to help prevent heart disease.

Buy Affordable Health Insurance. Montana Chamber Choices has a history of providing

comprehensive health insurance at an afford-

able, stable rate for you and your employees.

The program covers employers with 2-99 em-

ployees. Call your local agent to get a quote on Montana Delegation Heading to U.S

any of the 10 plan options.

Chamber Small Business Summit

Start a Health Savings Account (HSA). Health savings accounts are a growing trend in

Every spring, the U.S. Chamber hosts a "Small Business Summit" in our nation's Capitol to focus on im-

health care. An HSA is a tax exempt savings portant national business issues. This is a great oppor-

account established to help pay for the qualified tunity for participants to hear relevant information, visit

medical expenses of an individual. HSA's are with members of our federal delegation, and maybe

offered in conjunction with High deductible squeeze in a little sight-seeing. The Small Business

health plans (HDHP's). Chamber Choices offers a variety of plan options that are HSA eligible.

Summit will be held in Washington, D.C. on May 2123, a Monday through Wednesday. To see more information on the Summit, go to .

Shape Up Montana. Montana Chamber Choices is once again a proud sponsor of this

With all that is happening (or not happening, in some cases) in Washington, our public officials need to hear

exceptional wellness and physical activity pro- pro-business, pro-jobs messages more than ever to get

gram. Chamber Choices customers get a dis- our economy back on track and growing.

count on their registration. Shape Up is a 3

The Montana Chamber is planning to organize a dele-

month team competition from February 1- May gation of Montana business owners who would like to

1st that encourages Montanans to develop

go to the conference and meet with Senators Max Bau-

healthy eating and physical activity habits.

WellVision Exam. High blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases can be detected through a vision exam. As of January 1, 2012

cus and Jon Tester and Congressman Denny Rehberg. If we get enough Montanans to sign up, we are eligible for a group discount for the conference registration fee. If you are interested in going to the Summit and joining our delegation, please contact Jon Bennion,

all employees and dependents covered on Mon- Government Relations Director at 1-888-442-MONT

tana Chamber Choices Health Insurance have a (6668) ext. 104 or Jon@.

FEB 2012 4


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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