Seventh Grade Language Arts - Wasatch

Seventh Grade Language Arts

1st Semester Benchmark Assessment Part 1

1. bimonthly

A) Occurring or appearing three times a month

B) Occurring or appearing every two months

C) Occurring or appearing once a month

D) Occurring or appearing twice a year

2. extraordinary

A) Boring

B) Normal

C) Outside of the usual

D) Ordering more food than you can eat

3. Select the sentence below with the correct word choice.

A) When you cheer for both of the players on the tennis team, the too of them have equal chance of success, two.

B) When you cheer for both of the players on the tennis team, the to of them have equal chance of success, too.

C) When you cheer for both of the players on the tennis team, the two of them have equal chance of success, too.

D) When you cheer for both of the players on the tennis team, the too of them have equal chance of success, to.

Directions: Based on your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, select the meaning for the following words.

4. Select the sentence below with the correct word choice.

A) I want to finish the project and it’s extra work before its due.

B) I want to finish the project and its extra work before its due.

C) I want to finish the project and its extra work before it’s due.

D) I want to finish the project and it’s extra work before it’s due.

5. Select the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the sentence below.

The mountain lion can travel over a hundred miles in _____ wanderings, and _____ seen all over Utah.

A) its . . . . .it’s

B) it’s . . . . it’s

C) its . . . . .its

D) it’s . . . . its

6. Select the sentence that has the correct punctuation.

A) Annie is so athletic; she can ride horses swim laps run marathons and play soccer.

B) Annie is so athletic; she can ride, horses swim laps, run marathons and play soccer.

C) Annie is so athletic; she can ride horses, swim laps run, marathons, and play soccer.

D) Annie is so athletic; she can ride horses, swim laps, run marathons, and play soccer.

When I looked out the window, I saw the squirrels scampering along the fence rail in the backyard.

7. Which of the following is a phrase in the above sentence?

A) When I looked out the window

B) In the backyard

C) I saw the squirrels

D) The squirrels were scampering

8. Which of the following is a clause in the above sentence?

A) Along the fence

B) In the backyard

C) When I looked out the window

D) Scampering along the fence rail

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Narmer unified Egypt’s northern and southern kingdoms. Afterward, he became Egypt’s first king. The kings of ancient Egypt were known as pharaohs and were believed to have been chosen and favored by the gods. The Egyptian people worshipped the pharaohs as if they were descendants of the gods. In fact, the pharaohs were considered godlike and higher than the people.

Cheops is the most famous pharaoh of Egypt. Millions of people visit his tomb, or burial place, each year Cheops’s tomb took twenty years to complete. This is not surprising as the people had to cut, move and assemble two million blocks of stone, which weighed more than two thousand pounds each.

9. In this passage, what does the phrase “higher than the people mean”?

A) To be on a raised platform above the people

B) To be taller than the people; a giant

C) To be seated on a throne above the people

D) To be more important than the people; royal

10. It is inevitable that your grades will be lower if you do not study for tests and fail to do your homework.

Which of these is the best definition of the underlined word?

A) Impossible; outrageous

B) Certain; unavoidable

C) Unbelievable, amazing

D) Puzzling; confusing

Squalid conditions existed near the city’s harbor; trash bags towered at the corners, and the docks slumped with years of misuse.

11. Which of these best describes the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence?

A) Dark and frightening

B) Modern and pure

C) Loud and abrasive

D) Neglected or filthy

The day was characterized by sporadic rain showers; in between showers, the sun shone.

12. What does the word “sporadic” mean?

A) jerky

B) precise

C) specific

D) occasional

13. Read this line by Julia Alvarez: The sun breaks on the hilltops, spilling its crimson yolk.

How does the metaphor in the sentence describe the sunrise?

A) The sun is like an egg, fragile and messy.

B) The sunrise colors the sky red.

C) The sun rises before breakfast.

D) The sun arrives with the roosters in the barnyard.

14. How does the metaphor in the sentence below help you to understand the meaning or usage of the underlined word?

Brad’s stomach is a bottomless pit.

A) The metaphor provides a scientific description of the stomach.

B) The metaphor provides a visual image of Brad’s deformed stomach.

C) The metaphor refers to the quantities of food Brad eats.

D) The metaphor refers to the kinds of food that Brad likes to eat.

Directions: Read this passage.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Known by locals and college students as “the Burg,” Blacksburg is a part of the New River Valley and is nestled among the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Approximately thirty minutes north of Blacksburg is the city of Roanoke, Virginia. Roanoke has many outdoor attractions and historical landmarks. Thus, the city offers the college students and residents of nearby Blacksburg opportunities for entertainment.

15. Which of these phrases from the passage is used to show a change in place?

A) Known by locals and college students as “the Burg”

B) Part of the New River Valley

C) Approximately thirty minutes north of Blacksburg

D) Thus, the city offers

16. Which of the following is a simple sentence?

A) Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning were poets.

B) Browning liked Elizabeth’s poetry, and he wrote to her.

C) The couple got married and moved to Italy.

D) They travelled and visited friends.

Directions: Read this excerpt from Townes Van Zandt’s “I’ll Be Here in the Morning.”

There’s lots of things along the road

I’d surely like to see.

I’d like to lean into the wind

and tell myself I’m free,

but your softest whisper’s louder

than the highway’s call to me.

Close your eyes;

I’ll be here in the morning.

Close your eyes:

I’ll be here for a while.

All the mountains and the rivers

and the valleys can’t compare

to your blue lit dancin’ eyes

and yellow shining hair.

I could never hit the open road

and leave you layin’ there.

Close your eyes;

I’ll be here in the morning.

Close your eyes;

I’ll be here for a while.

16. Which of the following sources would be a primary source on the history of mental illness?

A) Historical essay about a “mad” person in the Middle Ages

B) Current events on-line

C) Medical records of a hospital that treated the mentally ill in Middle Ages

D) Encyclopedia report of treatment of mentally ill

17. What universal theme is reflected in this passage?

A) Appreciate what you have now.

B) You can never go home again.

C) Stand up for what you believe in.

D) History always repeats itself.

18. What is the emotion most shown in this poem?

A) Anger and hatred

B) Boredom and detachment

C) Love and devotion

D) Sadness and depression

Directions: Read this passage. Then answer the following questions.

Two harsh, Idaho winters had created hard times on our family farm. Harsh winters equaled a shorter growing season and fewer crops. This meant smaller profits, but the pile of bills continued to mount. My father had no other choice. He had to work a second job to keep our farm and family alive. Dad became a switchman for the Union Pacific Railroad in Pocatello, fifty miles from our farm in Clifton. Dad worked night shifts so that he could work the farm during the day. Two jobs plus the long drive to and from work left very little time for dad to spend with his seven children. He found a small but effective way to let us know he loved and missed our family time. Dad left licorice for us in his lunchbox.

The railroad shift ended at two A.M., bringing Dad home one hour later. He slept until eight or nine o’clock before getting up to work the farm. Upon his return home during those dark, early hours, he placed his metal lunch box on the kitchen table next to his switchman’s lantern, always in the same place so we could find it when we awoke. The first child finished with chores and breakfast became the designated lunchbox opener. Every day there was a new package of licorice with a different flavor from the day before. Some days we found strawberry or cherry, others chocolate or black. No matter which flavor Dad chose, we were excited about it. That is until the day I enthusiastically opened the box to find a package of green licorice. Green!

What kind of licorice is green? It didn’t appear too appetizing, but the package read, Crazy Apple. Everyone sat quietly as I opened the package and pulled out the first soft stick of the green treat.

“Go ahead. Taste it,” my brother prompted. I raised the licorice stick to my mouth and took a small bite. It tasted tart but sweet.

Not bad, I thought to myself. Then, a not-so-nice idea entered my mind: If I told the others it tastes horrible, I would get the whole package for myself.

My impatient brother ended my short-lived plan when he grabbed the package from my hands stating, “You are taking too long.” He jammed a stick into is mouth and chewed hastily. “Hey, this is great!” He blurted with a full mouth.

The licorice was divided equally and quickly devoured. The decision was unanimous. We all liked green Crazy Apple licorice.

19. In the first paragraph, what character traits does the narrator help the reader to see in her father?

A) Too busy for his children and doesn’t care

B) More concerned about his failing farm than his family

C) Worried about his farm but still loves and cares about his family

D) Doesn’t care about his farm, would rather play with his children

20. What is the resolution of this short narrative?

A) The children are afraid to taste the green licorice when the narrator tells them it tastes awful.

B) The children sample the green licorice and hate it.

C) No one dares to taste the green licorice because it doesn’t look very appetizing.

D) The children sample the green licorice and determine it is tasty and then divide it equally.

21. Select the sentence below with the correct word choice and spelling.

A) It is easy to become board when your idle.

B) It is easy to become board when you’re idle.

C) It is easy to become bored when your idle.

D) It is easy to become bored when you’re idle.

22. Select the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence below.

Michelle has _______ of friends.

A) alot

B) a lot

C) allot

D) allot

Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions below.

José’s mother was not rising out of bed again today. Her pain was still too intense. Therefore, the morning routine was up to him. He woke up each of his three younger sisters and supervised their dressing for school. He made breakfast—cereal, toast, and orange juice. After breakfast, he packed lunches for the day, kissed his mother good-bye, and walked to school with his sisters.

23. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the above passage?

A) Jose’s mother was ill.

B) Jose’s sisters needed help.

C) Jose walks to school each day.

D) Jose took charge in the morning.

24. Which of these best summarizes this passage?

A) José must do chores to avoid punishment.

B) José must take over child care responsibilities while his mother is sick.

C) José dreams of having a career as a child care provider.

D) José wishes he were not the first born.

“The Toaster”, by William Jay Smith

A silver-scaled dragon with jaws flaming red

Sits at my elbow and toasts my bread.

I hand him fat slices, and then, one by one,

He hands them back when he sees they are done.

25. The words “silver-scaled” are an example of:

A) alliteration

B) setting

C) resolution

D) personification

26. This poem is an example of:

A) free verse

B) narrative text

C) informational text

D) personification

27. Which of the following would you use to develop a narrative essay while maintaining the central idea?

A) Statistics and logical argument

B) Details of setting, characters, actions, and conflict

C) Facts, no description

D) General, repeated statements

28. Sterling is writing a research paper on a former U.S. president. He wants to follow a timeline of the presidency. What is the most effective organizational pattern to use?

A. Chronological

B. Process

C. Description

D. Compare

29. Which of the following steps should be done first in the writing process?

A. Identify the audience

B. Organize the information

C. Cite the sources

D. Create an outline

30.What is the meaning of the word plot?

A)The final outcome of the story.

B)The highpoint of the story.

C)The arrangement of events in the story.

D) A guess about future events in the story.

Directions: Read this radio commercial for a new daycare facility.

Looking for a fun, safe, and educational place to keep your children while you are at work? Try EDUCAREFUL, the best daycare on the planet! We’ll make sure your children learn and have fun! Enroll your child today, and you will have peace of mind.

15. How do the facts support the intent of this advertisement?

A) The facts are clear and precise, which will encourage people to use EDUCAREFUL daycare.

B) The facts provided are vague; we must trust the authority of the speaker/writer.

C) The facts do not support the intent. They do not apply to daycare and are irrelevant.

D) No facts are given. The commercial consists of opinions only.

Directions: Read the following letter and answer the questions.

1950 Winchester Road

Ogden, UT 84401

September 16, 2007

Mr. Emil Davidson, Principal

Franklin Middle School

2795 Back Street

Ogden, UT 84401

Dear Mr. Davidson,

Thank you for letting students suggest ideas for our future field trips. We all enjoy field trips because they offer exciting chances to learn. I propose that we take our next field trip to the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City.

If we went to the state capitol, we would have the opportunity to take an educational tour and see lawmaking in progress. I’ve even heard that John Richards, the secretary of state, encourages students to come to the capitol to learn more about Utah. His office arranges tours that provide an overview of Utah history, with an emphasis on current events, portraits, flags, statues, and the capitol building. We could view a film called The Utah State Capitol: Beehive of the West and watch a live video of the Utah General Assembly in session. The tour guides would work with us as an individual class and answer our questions as they arise.

I believe our history class would benefit from this trip because it would teach us about our state’s history and government. The trip would also be enjoyable because the capitol has a museum and gift shop that we could visit after the tour. This trip should be scheduled soon because the Office of the Secretary reserves tours up to six months in advance.

Thank you for considering this field trip.


Horaldo Ramirez

20. Which of the following people is the most reliable source for information on the Utah State Capitol?

A) John Richards, Secretary of State

B) Emil Davidson, Principal

C) Horaldo Ramirez, Student

D) Ann Carter, Teacher

21. Which of these sentences reflects an opinion?

A) Tour guides work with students in individual classes.

B) Tours must be reserved six months in advance.

C) Students could shop at the museum and gift shop.

D) The class would benefit from the study of the state’s history and government.

22. According to the writer, what benefits could a field trip have for the students?

A) They would learn about their state history and about lawmaking.

B) They would have a day off school and a free lunch.

C) They would hear a concert and tour a museum.

D) They would meet the governor.

Directions: Read this speech given to convince people to see the movie Freedom Writers.

Freedom Writers is the best movie I have ever seen, and many critics agree that it is a great movie. This movie stars Hilary Swank who plays an influential teacher in an inner-city school in Los Angles. The movie was great and inspired me to write about my own experiences. If you haven’t seen this movie, you should rent it today.

28. Which of these statements represents a fact instead of an opinion?

A) If you haven’t seen this movie, you should rent it today.

B) Freedom Writers is the best movie I have ever seen, and many critics agree that it is a great movie.

C) This movie stars Hilary Swank who plays an influential teacher in an inner-city school in Los Angles.

D) The movie was great and inspired me to write about my own experiences.

29. Which of the following sentences is rewritten for an adult audience?

A) Hilary Swank’s character was remarkable because of her devotion to her students.

B) The teacher liked her kids..

C) Hilary Swank was an okay teacher.

D) The movie was cool.

Directions: Read the paragraph, then answer the following question.

It seemed as though the entire town had come out to cheer on Pete and Katie Hudson. Their dented old Honda crept through the swarm of well-wishers. Strings of cans hung from the rear of the car, and streams of white crepe paper waved merrily from the antenna. Pete and Katie gave one last goodbye as they headed to Niagara Falls.

30. After reading the paragraph above, which of the following is a logical inference?

A) Pete owns a used car lot.

B) The story takes place more than 200 years ago.

C) Pete and Katie have just been married.

D) A car accident recently happened.

Directions: Read the paragraph, then answer the following question.

Johnny knocked the dirt out of his cleats one last time. The afternoon had grown hot, and he could feel the sweat under his helmet. With a tied score, the team was relying on him to get them home. He took a deep breath and stepped up.

31. After reading the paragraph above, which of the following is a logical inference?

A) Johnny has never been good at sports.

B) Johnny’s team will win the championship if he scores.

C) If Johnny scores, his team will lose.

D) The players are sick because of the heat.

Directions: Read the following information and then answer the question.

It is extremely important that we make sure the information we use is correct and reliable.

32. From the list below, which source is the most reliable and accurate?

A) A person who is angry at his neighbors and the community leaders

B) A person who is running for political office

C) A person who shows bias and prejudice against those who are different than he is.

D) A person who is objective and fair with all people.


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