The Twelfth Meeting of the ExMC to be held

The Thirteenth Meeting of the ExMC to be held

In Split, Croatia

8th and 9th September 2011

Revised Draft Agenda


Note 1 Delegations are asked to note the following concerning attendance at the meeting:

• Normally 3 delegates per country (these may alternate with other delegates, for delegations with more than 3 experts)

• Participation of Observers, during the meeting, will be permitted at the discretion of the chairman

• It is assumed that all Delegates have the endorsement of their National IECEx Member Body for participation at the meeting.

• All delegations are encouraged to participate during discussions

Note 2 It is intended that the meeting be conducted in English, however allowances will be made for Delegates from non-English speaking countries, including allowing delegations to bring their own interpreter.

Note 3 All ExMC meeting documents referred to are, or will be available from the IECEx Website, by the ExMC Secretariat prior to the meeting. However, should you require paper copies of meeting papers please contact the Secretariat no later than 15th August 2011.

Note 4 Participants should bring copies of all necessary documentation, with them to the meeting.

Note 5 Meeting Documents will be available for download from the IECEx Split Meeting website using the general IECEx password available to all ExMC Members.

Note 6 Changes included in revised draft agendas are shown with a marginal bar.

|Visiting address: |Contact Details: |

|IECEx Secretariat |Tel: +61 2 8206 6940 |

|SAI Global Building |Fax: +61 2 8206 6272 |

|286 Sussex Street |E-mail: chris.agius@ |

|Sydney NSW 2000 | |

|Australia | |


Mr Kerry McManama, UL (USA)

Chairman IECEx

Draft Agenda

1 OPENING AND WELCOME – Meeting to Commence 9.00am Thursday

8th September 2011.


ExMC/694C/ DA Draft Agenda ExMC Meeting 2011


3.1 To note the Confirmed Minutes of the last meeting held in Berlin, Germany, September 2010. The minutes have been confirmed via correspondence.

Referenced Documentation:

Document for Noting

• ExMC/642B/RM – Confirmed Minutes of the Berlin 2010 Meeting

3.2 Matters arising from these minutes

3.2.1 Report on Actions arising from the 2010 ExMC Berlin Meeting

To note and discuss the Actions List as detailed in Annex A of ExMC/642B/RM the Confirmed Minutes of the Berlin 2010 Meeting. The Secretary to report.

3.2.2 Other items

To discuss matters arising from these minutes, not included on the agenda.


The meeting is to receive a report of Schemes progress and general statistics, IECEx System Report Card 2011

Documents for noting:

• ExMC/699/R – Overview Report from the Secretariat

5 REPORT ON IEC CAB (Conformity Assessment Board) MATTERS

The Meeting is to receive an Address on behalf of the IEC CAB Chairman,

Dr. Hiromichi Fujisawa.

5.1 Review of Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) Decisions from CAB Meetings since the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting

Documents for noting:

• CAB/941/DL Decision list of CAB meeting 28 held in Seattle on


• CAB/986/DL Decision List of CAB Meeting 29 held in Stockholm on


5.2 Specific CAB Matters for noting by ExMC

1. Noting of Specific Decisions, relating to IECEx from CAB Seattle 2010 Meeting (CAB/941/DL)

➢ Decision 28/7 – Electrical Energy Efficiency

➢ Decision 28/21 – Acceptance of Amendment to IECEx 01 Basic Rules

➢ Decision 28/22 - approval of the 2009 Accounts

2. Noting of Specific Decisions, relating to IECEx from CAB Stockholm 2011 Meeting (CAB/986/DL)

➢ Decision 29/3 – Approval of the IECEx 2012 budget

➢ Decision 29/9 – Treatment of Members from non IEC Countries

➢ Decision 29/31 – Endorsement of IECEx by UNECE

➢ Decision 29/32 – System Level Conformity Assessment (SLCA)

To also note CAB decisions 29/15 and 29/17 concerning Electrical Energy Efficiency

5.3 Specific CAB Matters for discussion/action by ExMC

1. Use/Abuse of the IECEx Conformity mark, re CAB Decision 27/5, CAB/907/DL

According to this CAB decision, IECEx ExCBs and Members shall inform the Secretariat of misuse or abuse of the IECEx Conformity Mark with the IECEx Chairman to include in his annual report to CAB whether or not any such instances have been noted by IECEx. Further discussion on this topic will take place under Agenda Item 10.

2. Energy Efficiency CAB WG12

Members to note that CAB initial discussions concerning Energy Efficiency and to consider any possible impact for IECEx

3. Smart Grid Certification

The Members are to note the CAB initial discussions concerning Smart Grid certification to consider any possible impact for IECEx (Decision 27/11 of CAB/907/DL)

4. Certification needs of Wind Turbine Industry

The Members are to note the formation of new WT CAC (Certification Advisory Committee). (Decision 29/27 of CAB/986/DL). The Chairman and Secretary are to report.

5. Certification needs of Marine Energy

The Members are asked to note the formation of the new CAB WG 15 to address Conformity Assessment Needs of the Marine Energy Industry. With the IECEx Executive Secretary acting as WG15 Convener and the following IECEx experts as Members of this new CAB WG, Members are invited to raise any matters of possible impact for IECEx

• Mr Duffy - Chairman of the IECEx Marks Committee

• Mr Brenon – ExTAG Secretary

• Mr Collis – AU

6. System Level Conformity Assessment (SLCA)

The Members are to note CAB discussions concerning concepts of System Level Conformity Assessment as applied broadly through IEC and noting that IECEx does cover Ex systems. (Decision 29/32 of CAB/986/DL). The Chairman and Secretary are to report.

The CAB Chairman has requested ExMC to appoint an expert as an IECEx representative, to a newly established CAB adHoc WG on SLCA, in addition to representation by the IECEx Officers.

5.4 Any other CAB Matters – To allow Members the opportunity to raise any other CAB Matters.


To confirm/elect experts to the IECEx Office Positions:

• IECEx Chairman

• IECEx Executive Secretary

• IECEx Treasurer

• Election of IECEx Vice-Chairman

6.1 IECEx Chairman

Following the issue of document ExMC/673/Inf Term of Office - IECEx Chairman, which included a call for the nomination for the position of IECEx Chairman, with a final date for nomination of 20 June, 2011, the only nomination received was for the re-appointment of Mr Kerry McManama to serve a second term.

On this basis, and in accordance with the IECEx Rules, and there being no

other nominations, the Members are asked to endorse the nomination of Mr McManama. The nomination will then be presented to CAB for their consideration of his re-appointment to serve a second term as the IECEx Chairman.

6.2 IECEx Executive Secretary

Following the issue of document ExMC/674/Inf Term of Office - IECEx Secretary, which included a call for the nomination for the position of IECEx Executive Secretary, with a final date for nomination of 20 June, 2011, the only nomination received was for the re-appointment of Mr Chris Agius to serve a further term.

On this basis, and in accordance with the IECEx Rules, and there being no

other nominations, the Members are asked to endorse the nomination of Mr Agius. The nomination will then be presented to CAB for their consideration of his re-appointment to serve a further term as the IECEx Executive Secretary.

3. IECEx Treasurer

Following the issue of ExMC/675/Inf Term of Office - IECEx Treasurer, which included a call for nominations for the position of Treasurer, with a final date for nomination of 20 June, 2011, the only nomination received was that for the re-appointment of Mr Heinz Berger to serve a further term as IECEx Treasurer.

On this basis, and in accordance with the IECEx Rules, and there being no

other nominations, the Members are asked to endorse the nomination of Mr Berger. The nomination will then be presented to CAB for their consideration of his re-appointment to serve a further term as the IECEx Treasurer.

6.4 IECEx Vice Chairman

Documents for Consideration

• ExMC/682A/Inf – Nomination for Dr Alexander Zalogin, of Russia

• ExMC/688/Inf – Nomination for Mr Giovanni Hummel Borges, of BR

Following the issue of ExMC/672/Inf Term of Office - IECEx Vice Chairman

which included a call for nominations for the position of Vice Chairman, with a final date for nomination of 20 June, 2011, the above 2 Nominations were received.

Members will be asked to decide on a final nomination for approval by the CAB. The Secretariat notes that the current Vice-Chairman, Mr LIU Weijun, CNCA, China will have successfully completed 2 full terms as IECEx Vice-Chairman and is not eligible to stand for a further term according to the IECEx Basic Rules.

6.5 IECEx Vice Chairman, Mr. LIU Weijun completion of Term of Office

The meeting will be asked to record a formal vote of thanks to Mr LIU Weijun, CNCA, China, for his dedicated service. We, the members and the Executive, look forward to his continuing presence and support within the IECEx System.


7.1 Current Membership

For noting:

OD 001 – Scheme Membership ExCBs, ExTLs and applicants – To note current membership with the Secretariat to report.

7.2 New Country Membership and other possible new Countries

The IECEx Executive and members are to report progress on discussions concerning the possibility of new member countries.

7.3 New ExCBs and ExTLs – According to IECEx 02, Certified Equipment Scheme

7.3.1 New ExCBs and ExTLs accepted, via correspondence, since ExMC Meeting Berlin, 2010.

The meeting is asked to note the report on the acceptance of the listed ExCBs and ExTLs since the last ExMC meeting. These bodies were accepted via correspondence using the voting procedures detailed in Clause 12 of the IECEx Basic Rules, IECEx 01.

Document for noting

• ExMC/702/R – Listing of ExCBs/ExTLs accepted since Berlin ExMC 2010 Meeting.

7.3.2 Acceptance of of Agencija za prostore ugrožene eksplozivnom atmosferom


The meeting is asked to approve, on the basis of the following IECEx Assessment Reports, the acceptance of Ex-Agencija as an IECEx ExCB and ExTL, within the IECEx System.

Documents for consideration

• ExMC/696/DV IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of Agencija za prostore ugrožene eksplozivnom atmosferom (Ex-Agencija), Croatia, as an IECEx Certification Body (ExCB

• ExMC/697/DV IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of Agencija za prostore ugrožene eksplozivnom atmosferom (Ex-Agencija), Croatia, as an IECEx Test Laboratory (ExTL).

7.4 Applications for Extension of Scope, IECEx 02 Equipment Scheme

The Secretary to report on extensions of scope issued to ExCBs and ExTLs since the 2010 Berlin ExMC Meeting, according to procedure ExMC/271B/Inf.

Document for noting

• ExMC/271B/Inf – Assessment procedures for scope extensions

• ExMC/703/R - Extensions of Scope Processed – Since the Berlin 2010 IECEx Meetings

• OD 001 – Scheme Membership

7.5 Any other changes including applications -

ExMC Secretary to report


8.1 Status on surveillance of accepted ExCBs and ExTLs

ExMC Secretary to Report

8.2 IECEx 5 year Re-Assessment

The Secretary to report on the status of the 5 year re-assessment program

The meeting is asked to note the IECEx re-assessment reports issued since the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting

Document for noting

• ExMC/704/Inf – Listing of ExCBs/ExTLs re-assessment reports issued since Berlin ExMC 2010 Meeting.


9.1 Listing of ExCBs + ExTLs – According to IECEx 02

Secretary to report

For noting

OD 001 – Scheme Membership, ExCBs, ExTLs and applicants

9.2 IECEx Unit Verification Certification

To note the publication, since the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting, of the new IECEx OD 033 IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme – IECEx Operations Manual – IECEx Unit Verification Certificates, and, the introduction of this new feature to the IECEx 02 Certified Equipment Scheme, which now provides for the following:

• Certificate of Conformity – Products and Systems

• Certificate of Conformity – Component Certification

• Certificate of Conformity – Unit Verification Certificate

9.3 Minor updating Revision to the IECEx 02 Rules of Procedures

In line with discussions during the Berlin 2010 Meeting and, the subsequent London Meeting of ExMC WG1, a proposed new edition of IECEx 02 has been prepared as part of a minor update and clarification of requirements.

Document for discussion/consideration:

• ExMC/690/CD - Proposed new edition of IECEx 02 IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres – Rules of Procedure

9.4 Minor Updating Revision of Operational Document OD 009

In line with the minor updating of IECEx 02, as a result of discussions during the Berlin 2010 Meeting and, the subsequent London Meeting of ExMC WG 1, a proposed new edition of OD 009, IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, Procedures for the Issuing of IECEx Certificates of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and IECEx Quality Assessment Reports has been prepared.

Document for discussion/consideration:

• ExMC/691/CD - Proposed new edition of OD 009


10.1 Report from the IECEx Marks Committee Chairman, Mr Tim Duffy

The meeting is to receive an up-date report from the ExMarkCo Chairman,

Mr Tim Duffy, concerning the activities of the IECEx Conformity Mark License System since the 2010 ExMC Berlin Meeting

Document for noting:

• ExMarkCo/33A/R Confirmed Report of the IECEx Mark Committee meeting, held in London, Thursday16 June 2011.

1. Current List of IECEx Mark Licenses issuing ExCBs including those approved since the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting

For noting:

List of approved ExCBs

2. Draft new Guide – Guidance on use of the IECEx Logo

While IECEx 04A provides guidance on the use of the IECEx Mark, this draft prepared by ExMarkCo proposes guidance on use of the IECEx Logo and is submitted for consideration by ExMC.

Document for discussion/consideration:

• ExMC/693/CD - Proposed new Guide IECEx 01B, Draft Guidance for the use of the IECEx Logo

3. Procedures for issuing IECEx Mark Licenses, OD 022

In noting the procedures detailed in OD 022 for the issuing of IECEx Mark Licenses Members may wish to discuss aspects of OD 022. Also to note a proposal received from the UK National Committee.

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/687/CD Letter received from the UK National Committee relating to the Surveillance of the use of the IECEx Mark

1. Notifications of misuse of the IECEx Conformity Mark.

According to the previous CAB request, Members are asked to raise any matters relating to the misuse of the IECEx Conformity Mark.

2. Other Matters relating to the IECEx Conformity Mark System


11.1 Listing of ExCBs – According to IECEx 03, Certified Service Facility Scheme

Secretary to report

For noting

OD 001 – Scheme Membership, ExCBs, ExTLs and applicants

2. Report from WG10 Convener - Report from the WG10 Convener concerning current activities of WG10, Mr Theo Pijpker

Document for discussion/consideration:

• ExMC/711/R – Report from WG10 Convener


Report from the WG12 Convener, Mr Ralph Wigg

To receive a report from the WG12 Convener

Document for discussion/consideration:

• ExMC/700/R – Report of the June 2011 London meeting of WG12

12.1 Proposal to Transform WG12 to a new Committee, reporting to the IECEx Management Committee, ExMC

Following on from discussions during the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting and the decision to refer the proposal of transforming WG12 into a new Committee to oversee the operation of the IECEx CoPC Scheme, to the IECEx Executive. The matter was considered during the IECEx Executive Meeting held on 17 June 2011in London. The IECEx Executive agreed to support the creation of a new IECEx CoPC Committee and submits document ExMC/681/CD for consideration by ExMC.

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/681/CD – Proposal to create a new IECEx CoPC Committee, proposal and proposed terms of reference and constitution

12.2 New IECEx 05A Guide to Applicants

To note publication of new IECEx Guide IECEx 05A, Guide to applicants considering applying for an IECEx CoPC Certificate. Freely available from

12.3 IECEx 05 CoPC Scheme Other Matters

An opportunity for Members to raise any other matters relating to the IECEx 05 CoPC Scheme


13.1 Publication of IECEx 01

To note publication of the 5th Edition IECEx 01 which was published following the Berlin 2010 ExMC Meeting.

13.2 Updated Revision to the IECEx Basic Rules 01, Revision of 5th Edition

To consider the draft revision to provide for the new IECEx CoPC Committee, should this be agreed, under agenda item 12.1

Document for consideration:

ExMC/692/CD – Draft updated revision of IECEx 01 Basic Rules

13.3 Matters relating to the IECEx 01 Basic Rules

Members are invited to raise any matters relating to the IECEx 01, Basic Rules


14.1 General Overview of the IECEx System

The ExMC Secretary is to report on general matters, including the use of IECEx by Industry and Stakeholders.

14.2 IECEx Board of Appeal

The term of office for the positions of Members of the Board of Appeal will end December 2011. Outgoing members of the Board of Appeal as listed in ExMC/512/Inf and consist of:

• GB – Mr. Ron Sinclair

• AU – Mr. Jim Birch

• US – Mr. Robert Martell

• DE – Mr. Gerhard Schwarz

Alternate members:

• GB – Mr. John Allen

• CA – Mr. Nick Maalouff

Therefore at the 2011 Split Meeting, members will be asked to nominate candidates to fill the following positions:

• 1 x Chairman of the Board of Appeal

• 4 x Member positions to be filled (2 of whom must come from ExCB)

• Up to 4 Alternate Member positions

NOTE: from the outgoing Members and Alternates, the only one eligible for re-appointment is Mr Nick Maalouf, having only served 1 term so far.

14.3 Consideration of an IECEx User Group/Forum

Members to consider the role and value of a separate User Group /Forum, as raised during the 2010 ExMC Berlin meeting.

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/701/CD – Feedback from IECEx Executive concerning a proposal for an IECEx User Group Forum


15.1 WG1 Rules

To receive a report from the WG1 Convener, Chris Agius following the WG1 Meeting held 15 June 2011 in London

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/689/R – IECEx WG1 report of Meeting held 15 June 2011 London

15.2 IECEx WG5 Management of Quality System Assessments of Manufacturers

To receive a report from the WG5 Convener, Mr Jeff Olson, regarding the Meeting held 15 June 2011 in London

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/…./CD – IECEx WG5 report of Meeting held 15 June 2011 London

15.3 WG2 Development of Technical Guidance Documents

Report from WG2 Convener following their planned meeting in Split, 2011. Mr Steve Bentham to report.

15.4 WG 13 Business Development

The IECEx Chairman, Mr McManama, in order to commence work in this area, agreed to serve as the WG 13 Convener. He has advised that he now wishes to pass this role on and step down as WG13 Convener. Therefore Members will be asked to consider a suitable expert to take over the role held by Mr McManama.

15.5 IECEx WG 14 Good Working Practise

Report from the WG14 Convener Evans Massey

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/712/R – IECEx WG14 report


16.1 Report from ExTAG Split Meeting

The meeting is to receive a report of the ExTAG Split Meeting, 2011, including ExTAG Training Workshop. Report from ExTAG Chairman, Mr Ron Sinclair and ExTAG Secretary, Mr Michel Brenon.

16.2 Any other ExTAG Matters


17.1 General matters

To review the status of improvements and enhancements to the IECEx Website including the IECEx “On-Line” Certificate of Conformity System and the IECEx Web Site. Report to be given by the ExMC Secretary.

17.2 On-Line review of CoCs, ExTRs, QARs

The IECEx Secretary will report on the findings of the On-Line review of IECEx CoCs, ExTRs and QARs.


Members are asked to note the publication of the 4th Edition of the IECEx Bulletin, since the 2010 Berlin IECEx meetings which has now been published in the following Sections

-Section 1: Introduction

-Section 2: Matrix of Standards + Countries

-Section 3: National Differences

-Section 4: IECEx ExCBs

Members will also be informed of the pending publication of Edition 4.1 of the IECEx Bulletin to include corrections/updates, based on feedback from Members.


To receive a report from the IEC TC 31 Chairman, Mr Jim Munro, concerning TC 31 activities and work since the last ExMC Meeting. Including the SC31M Sub-committee

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/685/Inf – IEC TC 31 Chairman’s report


20.1 Update Report

Report and update of UNECE activities by Chairman of UNECE WP6 Ex initiative Mr. Frank Lienesch (DE) and Lorenza Jachia from UNECE.

20.2 NEW United Nations, UNECE Publication Common Regulatory Objective

To note publication of the new CRO, earlier in 2011 and the follow on actions from this publication

Document for noting:

UNECE CRO – Common Regulatory Objective – A Common Regulatory Framework for Equipment Used in Environments with an Explosive Atmosphere

20.3 Any Other Matters concerning UNECE as they may relate to the work of IECEx ExMC WG8 – Regulatory Recognition

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/695/R – Report of the ExMC Working group WG8 – Regulatory Acceptance


Report from the Chairman of the European Notified Bodies Group for ATEX, ExNB.


22.1 New Business Plan Published

Members to note publication of the IECEx Business Plan, available for download from

22.2 Any Other Matters relating to the Business Plan


2.1.3 23.1 Recent scheme promotions

Items for noting:

• The IECEx website Library of News articles located at:

• Industry Presentations by the Secretariat in Brunei and Bangkok

• Presentations and involvement in HazardEx by ExTAG Chairman

• Articles written for several publications including HazardEx by various IECEx experts

• Articles on IECEx in Brazilian publications, e.g. by Petrobras

• Various other events

23.2 Action to raise profile of the IECEx Scheme

To discuss possible actions that will assist in promotion of the Scheme, noting various promotional articles and the following planned events

• PCIC North America Joint Paper by Kerry McManama + Marty Cole

• Planned 2012 March 2 day IECEx Workshop in Dubai

• Ron Sinclair Index Symposium in Nuremberg

• Patrick Leroux, presentation for Iraqi oil workers

• Possible Joint Presentation at PCIC Europe between IECEx / UNECE

• IEC General Meeting October 2011- Developing Countries Forum – IECEx Chair and Ralph Wigg

23.3 Update on matters relating to IMO and TC 18

To enable ExMC members to report any matters relating to IMO or TC 18.


24.1 2010 Accounts

24.1.1 Approval of the 2010 Audited Accounts

Members are asked to approve the audited 2010 Accounts for submission to CAB

Document for consideration:

• ExMC/680/DV – 2010 Audited accounts

24.1.2 IECEx General Reserve Status

To note the current level of IECEx General Reserve at end 2010

24.2 Approved 2012 Budget

Members are asked to note the approved 2012 IECEx Budget, approved by both ExMC and CAB, earlier in 2011.

Document for noting:

• CAB/957/DV IECEx Budget for 2012, as approved by CAB

24.3 IECEx 2013 + 2014 Forecasted Draft Budget Guide

In line with decisions from the 2007 Denver ExMC Meeting and Members request for a budget forecast, the Treasurer and Secretary have compiled Budget Forecasts for 2013/14, updating from the 2011/2012 approved budgets. This document has been prepared taking into account the 2012 Approved Budget and is provided for ExMC consideration and guidance when preparing the formal budget for 2013.

Document for Consideration:

• ExMC/698/CD Forecasted Draft Budget Guide

24.4 IECEx System Participation Fees

To note current updated version of OD019 Edition 7 and to consider any changes that may be required, arising from this meeting

Document for Noting/consideration

• OD 019 Edition 7 – IECEx Operational Document - IECEx Participation and Scheme Fees


This provides the opportunity to review the work and constitution of all WGs especially those WGs not considered during the course of the meeting.

WG1 - Revision of Scheme Rules New IECEx 02, Convener = IECEx Secretary

WG2 – Development of Technical Guidance Docs. Convener = Mr. Steve Bentham

WG4 – Assessor Working Group, Convener = Mr. Jim Munro

WG5- Assessment and Audit of Manufacturer’s Quality Systems, Convener = Mr Jeff Olson

WG6 - The ExMC agreed to combine ExMC WG4 and ExMC WG6. ExMC WG06 has therefore been disbanded. 

WG 7- Now disbanded as it was converted to Ex MarkCo

WG8 - Regulatory Acceptance, Convener = Dr. Uwe Klausmeyer

WG9 - Now ExTAG WG10 Proficiency Testing = Dr. Uwe Klausmeyer

WG10 -Certification of Repair Facilities, Convener = Mr. Theo Pijpker

WG11 - Certificates of Conformity issued to distributors, Convener =

Mr Ron Sinclair

WG12 – Personnel Competencies, Convener = Mr Ralph Wigg

WG13 - IECEx Scheme Business Development, Convener = Mr Kerry McManama

WG14 – IECEx Good Working Practise, Convener = Mr Evans Massey


Any other matters not listed on the Agenda.



Members to note the acceptance of the kind invitation from the following ExMC Member and to consider a venue and hosting for 2012 Annual Meetings

- Brazil: 2013 Meetings to be held in Rio de Janeiro



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