Robotech conversion for BESM Book 3 (Mecha)



Conversion for


Book 3: Mecha

Robotech is a Trademark owned by Harmony Gold U.S.A., Inc. This work is no way intended to infringe upon their rights.

The material presented herein is intended for use with the Big Eyes, Small Mouth game from Guardians of Order and is not affiliated in any way with the Robotech RPG from Palladium Games.

The Macross Saga

RDF Mecha

Veritech VF-1 Valkyrie (97)

The VF series Veritechs were designed to combat the giant aliens that were hinted at by evidence found on the crashed SDF-1. The usage of Protoculture as a fuel source gives these fighters unparalleled speed and manuverability. There are four different makes of the standard chassis in service: the standard VF-1A with a single head laser; the VF-1J (with two head lasers) for low ranking officers and aces; the VF-1S (four head lasers) for squadron commanders; and the VF-1D, a two seater used as a trainer.

Fighter Mode: (80)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 5 [2675mph -no hover] (15), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Flight] (4), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Space] (4), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Accurate,

Autofire, Fixed

Stiletto Missiles (3)

Attack level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Long Range, Limited shots (6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor, Fixed

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3), No Arms (-2), No Ground Movement (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2


Guardian Mode: (87)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 3 [500kph] (12), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Flight] (5), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Space] (5), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio, Utility arms] (3), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2),

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Hand Held

Stiletto Missiles (3)

Attack level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Long Range,

Limited shots (6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Initiative: +3

DCV: +2

Battloid Mode: (97)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 2 [96kph] (8), Ground Speed level 3 [192kph] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Space] (6), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio, Utility arms] (3), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Hand Held

Stiletto Missiles (3)

Attack level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Long Range, Limited shots (6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


Super Veritech (104)

The Super Veritech is not a new type of mecha, rather, it is a standard VF series Veritech upgraded with the addition of a set of ejectable additional armor around the legs and arms, and the mounting of two FAST fuel and rocket booster packs to the plane’s back. The FAST unit also has enough room at the front of each booster for the addition of 16 short-range missiles (for a total of 32). The armor added to the arms also contains two sets of three Starburst missiles. The Super Veritech was never intended for use anywhere except in space and in fact must jettison its armor if it wishes to enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

Fighter Mode: (104)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 6 [no hover] (18), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Flight] (4), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Space] (4), Space Flight level 4 (8)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 3 (12), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2), ECM level 1 Sensors jamming (1), ECM level 1 Comm. jamming (1)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16), Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Accurate, Autofire, Fixed

Stiletto Missiles x8 (12)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor, Fixed

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3), No Arms (-2), No Ground Movement (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2

Guardian Mode: (99)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 4 (16), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Flight] (5), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Space] (5), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio, Utility arms] (3), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 3 (12), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2), ECM level 1 Sensors jamming (1), ECM level 1 Comm. jamming (1)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Hand Held

Stiletto Missiles x8 (12)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +3

DCV: +2


Battloid Mode: (96)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 3 (12)

Other Sub-attributes:

Flight level 1 (4), Ground Speed level 3 (6)

Jumping level 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level 6 (6), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio, Utility arms] (3), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 3 (12), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2), ECM level 1 Sensors jamming (1), ECM level 1 Comm. jamming (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Hand Held

Stiletto Missiles x8 (12)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x6), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


Armored Veritech (88)

Another upgrade for the standard VF-series, the Armored Veritech sports even more jettisonable armor that the Super series. This armor allows it to carry 70 more missiles than the standard Veritech. However, this added protection and firepower comes at a price. The Armored Veritech is unable to transform from battloid mode, or enter and atmosphere without ejecting its armor.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 3 (12)

Other Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [96kph](4), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Radio, Utility arms] (3), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (4), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2), ECM level 1 Sensors jamming (1), ECM level 1 Comm. jamming (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-11 Gun Pod (16)

Attack Level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Hand Held

Stiletto Missiles x8 (16)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x8), Slow, Stoppable

Head Lasers (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Penetrating vs. armor

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3), One Way Transformation level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: 0

DCV: 0



The Destroid program was originally intended to create a line of battle machines that could go toe to toe with the alien mecha found on the downed SDF-1. While they proved to be capable combat units, the conditions of he SDF-1’s return to Earth meant that they saw very little action against the Zentraedi until after the close of the first Robotech War. It was during the reconstruction period leading up to the destruction of the SDF-1 and SDF-2 that they were finally put up against the foes they were designed to combat for any extended period of time.

MBR-04 Tomahawk (71)

The Tomahawk was designed as a frontline battle unit against the alien threat. Despite poor mobility, its varied and powerful weaponry insure that it excels at this purpose.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 5 (20), Extra Capacity level 1 (1), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 (4),

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection seat, Spotlight] (2), ECM Missile jamming level 1 (1), Life support level 2 (2), Sensors level 3 (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Particle Beam Cannons (24)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Gun Cluster x2 (2)

Attack Level 1 (30 damage), Area Effect,

Short range, Fixed

Missile Launcher (3)

Attack Level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Limited attacks (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 50

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +0

DCV: +0


MBR-07 Spartan (65)

The Spartan was designed as a combination close-in assault, construction, and combat engineering unit. While it has the best mobilty and manuverability of any of the Destroids, it lacks sustained long-range capabilities. For this reason it is most commonly used as either an urban comabt unit, or as a suport mecha for either the Defender or the Tomahawk destroids.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 4 (16), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 4 (12), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 3 (6), Jumping level 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level 1 (1)

Other Sub-attributes:

ECM Missile Jamming level 1 (1), Life support level 2 (2), Sensors level 3 (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Club (8)

Attack level 2 (85 damage)

Muscle Powered, Melee attack

Gun Cluster (1)

Attack level 1 (30 Damage), Area effect, Short Range, Fixed

Missile Launcher x2 (2)

Attack Level 1 (45 damage), Limited attacks (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size Level 3 (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +1

DCV: 0


HWR-00 Monster (89)

While never produced in great numbers, the heavy armor on this frightening mecha made insured that it remained in service throughout the duration of the First Robotech War. Because of its poor speed and lack of short-range weaponry it was usually teamed with several other smaller mecha as suport units.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 6 (24), Extra Capacity level 3 [8

People] (3), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 4 (16)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories- Spotlight (1), ECM Missile jamming level 1 (1), Life support level 2 (2)

Sensors level 3 (3),

Weapon Sub-attributes:

40cm auto cannons x2 (42)

Attack level 7 (105 damage), Area effect

Indirect, Long Range, Limited shots (5), Slow, Inaccurate

Tri-laser cannons (5x2)

Attack level 5 (60 damage), Long Range

Mecha defects:

Awkward Size level 3 (-3), Crew Requirements level 3 [3 people] (-3), No Arms (-2), Noisy level 1 (-1), Poor Maneuverability level 2 (-2), Start up time level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 60

Health Points: 120

Initiative: -2



ADR-04 Defender (63)

It’s combination of highly accurate weaponry and excellent mobility helps the Defender to excel in its role of as an anti-aircraft mecha. The light armor and limited ammunition of this design prevents it from serving as a front-line battle unit however.


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Capacity level 1 (1)

Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 3 (6), Maneuver Bonus level 2 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories- Spotlight (1), ECM Missile jamming level 2 (2), ECM level 1 Sensors jamming (1), ECM level 1 Comm. jamming (1), Life support level 2 (2), Sensors level 6 (6)


Double-barreled laser cannons (24)

Attack level 6 (30 damage), Accurate x2, Autofire, Long ranged

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1

SDR-04 Phalanx (95)

Developed aboard the SDF-1 during its return flight through the Solar System, this mobile missile platform did not see service on Earth until after the First Robotech War. It served admirably during the Malcontent Uprising that took place in the years between the Destruction of the Zentraedi Fleet and the beginning of the Second Robotech War.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 4 (16), Extra Capacity level 1 (1), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories- Spotlight (1), ECM Missile jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2)

Sensors level 3 (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Missile Launchers x4 (60)

Attack level 6 (90 damage), Homing, Long Range, Indirect, Limited shots (6x4), Slow


Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

Poor Maneuverability level 1 (-1)

No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 40

Health Points: 100

Initiative: -1




A.R.M.D. Space Platform (95)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 5 (20), Extra Capacity level 6 (6), Extra Endurance level 4 (4), Toughness level 5 (20)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Space flight level 3 (6),

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories- Spotlight (1), ECM Missile jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2)

Sensors level 3 (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Missile Launchers x4 (60)

Attack level 6 (90 damage), Homing, Long Range, Indirect, Limited shots (6x4), Slow


Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

Poor Maneuverability level 1 (-1)

No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 40

Health Points: 100

Zentraedi Mecha

Tactical Battle Pod (60)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 4 (8), Jumping level 3 (3), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 2 (2), Space Flight level 1 (2), Water Speed level 3 (9)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Dual Particle Beam Cannons (24)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Auto cannons (3)

Attack level 3 (45 damage), Autofire, Short Range

Top Mounted Laser Guns (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Short Range

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Not So Tough level 2 (-2)

Volatile level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1


Light Artillery Battle Pod (62)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 3 (6), Jumping level 3 (3), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 2 (2), Space Flight level 1 (2), Water Speed level 3 (9)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Dual Particle Beam Cannons (24)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Auto cannons (3)

Attack level 3 (45 damage), Autofire, Short Range

Missile Launcher x2 (6)

Attack Level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Limited attacks (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Not So Tough level 2 (-2)

Volatile level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1

Heavy Artillery Battle Pod (64)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 3 (6), Jumping level 3 (3), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 2 (2), Space Flight level 1 (2), Water Speed level 3 (9)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Missile Launcher (28)

Attack Level 7 (90 damage), Area effect, Indirect, Long range, Limited attacks (4), Stoppable

Dual Particle Beam Cannons (6)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Auto cannons (3)

Attack level 3 (45 damage), Autofire, Short Range

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Not So Tough level 2 (-2)

Volatile level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1

Recon Scout Pod (53)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 4 (8), Jumping level 3 (3), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 2 (2), Space Flight level 1 (2), Water Speed level 3 (9)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 6 (6), ECM Comm Jamming level 2 (2), ECM Missile Jamming level 4 (4), ECM Sensors Jamming level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:


Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Not So Tough level 2 (-2)

Volatile level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1


Officer’s Battle Pod (100)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 4 (16), Ground Speed level 5 (10), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 2 (2), Space Flight level 1 (2), Water Speed level 3 (9)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Large Particle Beam Cannon (28)

Attack level 7 (90 damage), Long Range

Dual Particle Beam Cannons (6)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Impact cannons (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Autofire

Auto cannons (3)

Attack level 3 (45 damage), Autofire, Short Range

Top Mounted Laser Guns (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Short Range

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1


Fighter Pod (70)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 6 [No Hover] (18), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 5 (5), Maneuver Bonus level [space] 5 (5), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Force Field level 1 [15 points-mecha only] (3), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Particle Beam Cannon Cluster (24)

Attack level 4 (45 damage), Autofire, Long Range, Fixed

Missiles x2 (6)

Attack level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Long Range, Limited Shots (6), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), No Arms (-2), Not So Tough level 2 (-2), Restricted Ground Movement level 2 (-2), Volatile level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +3

DCV: +2

Power Armor (Male) (81)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 4 [20 tons] (12), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 2 [112kph](8), Ground Speed level 2 [64kph] (10), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 1 (1), Maneuver Bonus level [flight] 1 (1), Maneuver Bonus level 1 [space] 1 (1), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Shoulder Mounted Plasma Cannon (24)

Attack level 6 (75 damage), Long Range

Impact Cannon (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Autofire

Laser Pistol (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Hand Held, Short Range

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

Mutual Damage level 1 (-1)

Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Initiative: +1


Power Armor (Female) (86)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 4 [16 tons] (12), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 5 [hover, 2156kph] (20), Ground Speed level 3 [176kph] (6), Maneuver Bonus level [ground] 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus level [flight] 6 (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [space] 6 (6), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), ECM Comm. Level 2 (2), ECM vs. Missiles level 4 (4), ECM Sensors 2 (2), Multiple Mecha attacks level 1 (20), Sensors level 4 (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Duel Auto Cannons (16)

Attack level 4 (45 damage), Autofire

Missile Launcher x4 (12)

Attack Level 3 (60 damage), Homing, Limited attacks (6), Stoppable

Triple Barreled Pulse Lasers (2)

Attack level 2 (30 damage), Short Range, Autofire

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3)

Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


Southern Cross

Armies of the Southern Cross

Veritech Hover Tank

Battloid Mode: (90)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [56kph] (4), Jumping level 1 [] Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Ground] (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Radio] (1), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8),

Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points:


Tank Mode: (90)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [56kph] (4), Jumping level 1 [] Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Ground] (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Radio] (1), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8),

Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points:

Transport Mode: (90)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [56kph] (4), Jumping level 1 [] Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Ground] (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Radio] (1), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8),

Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points:

Logan Veritech ()

Fighter Mode: (90)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [56kph] (4), Jumping level 1 [] Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Ground] (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Radio] (1), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8),

Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points:


Guardian Mode: (90)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super-Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [56kph] (4), Jumping level 1 [] Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Ground] (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Radio] (1), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8),

Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points:

Invid Invasion

REF Mecha

VAF Veritech Alpha Fighter (125)

While the SDF-3 was being prepared for its journey to Tirol, the REF research team set about developing a replacement for the venerable VF series Veritech. While not as fast as the VF series, the Alpha is more manuverable and carries a larger complement of weapons. The Alpha can last for 250 hours on sixteen Protoculture cells.

Fighter Mode: (118)


Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 1 (1) Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 5 [2465kph] (20), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Flight] (4), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Space] (4), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Merging level 1 [Legios] (2), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 3 Missile jamming (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-13 80mm Beam Cannon (20)

Attack Level 5 (60 damage), Accurate x2, Fixed

Alpha Integral Multi-missile system x10 (20)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x10), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2

Guardian Mode: (117)

Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 1 (1) Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 [1/2 ton] (3), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 4 [1072kph] (16), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Flight] (5), Maneuver Bonus level 5 [Space] (5), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 3 Missile jamming (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-13 80mm Beam Cannon (20)

Attack Level 5 (60 damage), Hand Held, Accurate

Stiletto Missiles x10 (20)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x10), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +3

DCV: +2


Battloid Mode: (133)

Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 1 (1) Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 3 [10 tons] (9), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 3 [482kph] (12), Ground Speed level 3 [160kph] (6), Jumping level 1 (1), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Space] (6), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Merging level 1 [Legios] (2), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-13 80mm Beam Cannon (20)

Attack Level 5 (60 damage), Hand Held, Accurate

Stiletto Missiles x10 (20)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x10), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +3

DCV: +3


VBF-9 Veritech Beta Fighter (125)

The Beta Fighter is the combined effort of two separate design programs. Originally intended as a booster pack for the Alpha Fighter the Beta was also built to fulfill the REF’s need for a heavy fighter-bomber and heavy combat mecha. The Beta requires 32 Protoculture cells, giving it 250 hours of life.

Fighter Mode: (125)


Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 3 (3) Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 4 (16)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 5 [1930kph] (20), Maneuver Bonus level 2 [Flight](2), Maneuver Bonus level 2 [Space](2), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Merging level 1 [Legios] (2), Multiple Mecha Attack level 1 (10), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 3 Missile jamming (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-13s 80mm + 2 EP-14 Gun Pods (24)

Attack Level 6 (60 damage), Accurate x2, Autofire, Fixed

Triple Barreled Pulse Lasers x2 (5)

Attack Level 5 (45 damage), Accurate x2, Autofire, Fixed (rear)

Stiletto Missiles x12 (24)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x12), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3), No Arms (-2), Restricted Ground Movement level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 120

Initiative: +1

DCV: +1

Guardian Mode: (123)

Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 3 (3) Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 4 (16)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 5 [2465kph] (20), Maneuver Bonus level 3 [Flight](3), Maneuver Bonus level 3 [Space](3), Space Flight level 3 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Merging level 1 [Legios] (2), Multiple Mecha Attack level 1 (10), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 3 Missile jamming (3)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-13s 80mm Gun Pod (20)

Attack Level 5 (45 damage), Accurate x2, Autofire, Fixed

Triple Barreled Pulse Lasers x2 (5)

Attack Level 5 (45 damage), Accurate x2, Autofire, Fixed (rear)

Stiletto Missiles x12 (24)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x12), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

No Arms (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 120

Initiative: +2

DCV: +1


Battloid Mode: (122)

Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Capacity Level 1 (1) Extra Endurance level 4 (4), Super-Strength level 3 [10 tons] (9), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 3 [482kph] (12), Ground Speed level 3 [160kph] (6), Jumping level 1 (1), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Flight] (4), Maneuver Bonus level 4 [Space] (4), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories [Ejection Seats, Radio, Search Light] (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 2 (8), Merging level 1 [Legios] (2), Sensors level 4 (4), ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GU-XX Gun Pod (20)

Attack Level 5 (45 damage), Hand Held, Accurate, Autofire

Stiletto Missiles x10 (20)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Homing, Limited shots (6x10), Slow, Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2


Cyclone Veritech Riding Armor

By the year 2032, the REF had adopted the Cyclone as it’s primary infantry vehicle. Transformation into Battloid mode requires that the pilot be wearing CVR-3 armor. A single Protoculture cell powers the Cyclone, giving it 100 hours of operating time. Flying uses energy at five times the normal rate.

VR-052f Battler (86)

Of the three styles of cyclone, the VR-052 is the most common. Intended as both a front line infantry unit, and as a backup vehicle for downed veritech fighters, the Battler can be found in use in every battle the REF takes part in. The only variation between the ‘f’ model and the ‘t’ model is the different arm mounted weapon system.

Battloid Mode (86)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 (4), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 2 [96kph] (8), Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (3), Multiple Mecha Attacks level 2 (20), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GR-97 Forearm Missile launchers (20)

Attack level 5 (Damage 60), Accurate (x2), Burning, Limited Shots (4), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Partial Armor level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Restricted Flight level 1 (1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


Cycle Mode (42)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 5 [336kph] (10), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 4 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (4), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GR-97 Forearm Missile launchers (12)

Attack level 3 (Damage 60), Accurate, Burning, Fixed, Limited Shots (4), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Exposed Occupant level 2

(-2), No Arms level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2

VR-052t Battler (79)

Battloid Mode (79)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 (4), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 2 [96kph] (8), Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (3), Multiple Mecha Attacks level 2 (20), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-40 Pulse Laser (16)

Attack level 4 (Damage 45), Accurate

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Partial Armor level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 2 (-2), Restricted Flight level 1 (1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2

Cycle Mode (37)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 5 [336kph] (10), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 4 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (4), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-40 Pulse Laser (8)

Attack level 2 (Damage 45), Fixed

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Exposed Occupant level 2

(-2), No Arms level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2


VR-041 Blowsperior (81)

The VR-041 cyclone was originally designed as a heavy combat version of the basic Cyclone model. While serving very well in it’s designed purpose, it proved to be too expensive and required too much training for general use. Therefor, it is mostly used only by special forces and covert ops teams.

Battloid Mode (81)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 (4), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 6 (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (3), Multiple Mecha Attacks level 2 (20), Sensors level 1 (1), Shield level 1 (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GR-103 Missile launchers (18)

Attack level 3 (Damage 60), Accurate, Limited Shots (6x2), Stoppable

CADS-1 (2)

Attack level 2 (Damage 45 [55 w/strength]), Muscle powered, Melee attack

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level (-1), Partial Armor level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Restricted Flight level 1 (1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


Cycle Mode (41)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 5 [336kph] (10), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 4 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (4), Sensors level 1 (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GR-103 Missile launchers (12)

Attack level 2 (Damage 60), Limited Shots (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level (-1), Exposed Occupant level 2

(-2), No Arms level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2

VR-038 Bartley (78)

The VR-038 was the first of the Cyclone models to be developed. While it was originally nothing more than a test platform for the Cyclone concept, it served well enough as a light combat unit that it was kept on. It is especially favored by smaller, female soldiers who find the other models of Cyclone (most notably the VR-052 in storage mode) too heavy and cumbersome.

Battloid Mode (78)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 (4), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 7 (7)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (3), Multiple Mecha Attacks level 2 (20), Sensors level 1 (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

RL-6 (12)

Attack level 3 (60 damage), Accurate, Limited Shots (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Not So Tough level 2 (-2), Partial Armor level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Restricted Flight level 1 (1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +4

DCV: +3

Cycle Mode (37)

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 5 [336kph] (10), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 4 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (4), Sensors level 1 (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

RL-6 (8)

Attack level 2 (60 damage), Limited Shots (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Exposed Occupants level 2 (-2), No Arms level 2 (2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

Initiative: +2

DCV: +2



M-304 (30)


The M-304 was developed as a replacement for the aging M-299. It acts as a general-purpose vehicle for the REF, with several different varients fulfilling diferent roles. It runs on 3 Protoculture cells, providing 300 hours of operation.

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Capacity level 3 [10 passengers] (3), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Ground Speed level 4 [288kph] (8)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), Sensors level 1 (1)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

GR-30-AAT Missile Launcher (8)

Attack level 2 (75 damage), Fixed, Limited Shots (6), Stoppable

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-2), Exposed Occupants level 1 (-1), Noisy level 1 (-1), No Arms level 2 (-2), Poor Maneuverability level 1 (-1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 60

Initiative: -1

DCV: 0

Weapons and Equipment


FAL-2 Automatic Pulse Laser Rifle


The FAL-2 is capable of being fired as both an assault rifle style weapon, or, if the stock is removed, as a SAL-9 style pistol. This weapon is an early forerunner to the Gallant H-90.

Damage: 10

Autofire*, Limited Shots (6)

SAL-9 Laser Pistol


This early foray into energy sidearms was quickly replaced by the FAL-2 and, in turn, by the Mars Gallant.

Damage: 10


Gallant H-90


The Mars Gallant was introduced in 2030 as the standard multi-role personal weapon for the REF. It is highly versatile, able to switch from a compact side arm, to a Long range rifle with the addition of a few attachments.

Pistol Anti-Armor Rifle

Dmage: 10 15 20

Concealable Concealable,

Limited Shots (6)

Wolf Auto Pistol

Due to the popularity of the MP-9, and later the easily available energy weapons of the REF, this 9mm, fully automatic pistol never saw widespread use in the military. Still, it was a favorite of special forces teams, and its semi-auto version was very common amongst the civilian population.

Damage: 5

Autofire**, Concealable

Inaccurate, Limited Shots (6), Short Range

M-35 Wolverine


This assault rifle saw very limited use before being replaced by the Gallant. Its poor penetration against mecha and its lack of control at full auto were deemed too much of a hindrance to the user.

Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher

Damage: 10 Damage: 30

Autofire* Area Effect, Inaccurate,

Limited Shots (6) Limited Shots (4)

EP-37 60mm Beam Cannon


This powerful weapon is intended primarily for use with the VR-series Cyclone Riding Armor. It can be used by a person on foot, but it’s great weight makes it difficult to control.

Damage: 30


RL-6 Rocket Launcher


The RL-6 fires Rockets similar to those Found in the VR-041 Cyclone’s GR-103 system. While intended for use with a Cyclone a person on foot can fire it as a shoulder mounted rocket launcher.

Damage: 60*

* Requires two hands unless used by Cyclone, (or anything else with at least super-strength level 1)

** If Autofire isn’t used, ignore Limited Shots and Inaccurate

*** If used by Cyclone, (or anything else with at least super-strength level 1) ignore Inaccurate


CVR-3 Cyclone Riding Armor


Light Armor level 4 (10 points)


Other Equipment

Protoculture Cells


Protoculture cells are the primary fuel source used by the vehicles of the Expeditionary Force. While normally very stable, a protoculture cell can generate a tremendous explosion if punctured.

Damage: 30 (+10 for each additional cell)

Area effect, Limited Shots (1)

Invid Mecha

Invid Scout (52)


Body: 4

Mind: 4

Soul: 2

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 1 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 5 [1600kph] (20), Ground Speed level 2 [64kph] (4), Maneuver Bonus [flight] level 4 (4), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2), Shield level 2 (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Claws (4)

Attack level 1 (30+10), Muscle Powered, Melee

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 2 (-2), Not So Tough level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Weak Point level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

ACV: 3

DCV: 3

Initiative: +2

Invid Scout (66)

Body: 4

Mind: 4

Soul: 2

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 1 (3), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 5 [1600kph] (20), Ground Speed level 2 [64kph] (4), Maneuver Bonus [flight] level 4 (4), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2), Shield level 2 (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Pulse Beam Cannons (16)

Attack level 4 (30 damage), Accurate, Autofire

Claws (1)

Attack level 1 (30+10), Muscle Powered, Melee

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 2 (-2), Not So Tough level 1 (-1), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Weak Point level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 55

ACV: 3

DCV: 3

Initiative: +2


Invid Trooper (54)

Body: 5

Mind: 5

Soul: 3

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 3 [482kph] (12), Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Maneuver Bonus [ground] level 2 (2), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2), Shield level 2 (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Claws (4)

Attack level 1 (30+20), Muscle Powered, Melee

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Weak Point level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

Armor: 10

Health Points: 50

ACV: 4

DCV: 3

Initiative: +2


Invid Shock Trooper (67)


Body: 5

Mind: 5

Soul: 3

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 2 (8), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 2 (6), Toughness level 2 (8)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 3 [482kph] (12), Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Maneuver Bonus [ground] level 2 (2), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2), Shield level 2 (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Pulse Beam Cannons (16)

Attack level 4 (30 damage), Accurate, Autofire

Claws (1)

Attack level 1 (30+20), Muscle Powered, Melee

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Weak Point level 2 (-2)

Derived Values:

Armor: 20

Health Points: 80

ACV: 4

DCV: 3

Initiative: +2

Enforcer (94)


Body: 6

Mind: 6

Soul: 4

Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 2 (2), Super Strength level 3 (9), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 4 [1162kph] (16), Ground Speed level 3 [112kph] (6), Maneuver Bonus [ground] level 2 (2), Maneuver Bonus [Flight] level 2 (2), Space Flight level 2 (4)

Other Sub-attributes:

Life Support level 2 (2), Sensors level 2 (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attribute:

Heat Cannons (24)

Attack level 6 (45 Damage), Accurate (x2), Penetrating (armor)

Mini Plasma Weapons (4)

Attack level 4 (30 damage), Accurate, Autofire

Claws (1)

Attack level 1 (30+20), Muscle Powered, Melee

Mecha Defects:

Awkward size level 3 (-3), Not so Tough level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 1 (-1), Weak Point level 2


Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 90

ACV: 5

DCV: 4

Initiative: +1

Royal Command Battloid: (127)

Structural Sub-abilities:

Armor level 3 (12), Extra Endurance level 4 (4), Super-Strength level 3 [6 tons] (9), Toughness level 3 (12)

Movement Sub-abilities:

Flight level 4 [1160kph] (16), Ground Speed level 3 [160kph] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Space Flight level 1 (2)

Other Sub-attributes:

ECM level 2 Missile jamming (2), Life support level 2 (2), Sensors level 4 (4), Shield level 2 [30 damage] (2), Sixth Sense level 4 [Protoculture, x8 range] (4)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

Plasma Cannon (20)

Attack level 5 (60 Damage), Accurate

Missile Launchers (20)

Attack level 4 (60 Damage), Autofire, Homing, Limited Shots (6x5), Stoppable

Head Mounted Plasma Cannon (3)

Attack level 3 (30 damage), Accurate, Autofire, Short Range

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size (-3)

Derived Values:

Armor: 30

Health Points: 100

DCV: +2

Initiative: +4


Hive Guard (79)


Structural Sub-attributes:

Armor level 1 (4), Extra Endurance level 3 (3), Super-Strength level 1 (4), Toughness level 1 (4)

Movement Sub-attributes:

Flight level 2 [96kph] (8), Ground Speed level 2 [96kph] (4), Jumping level 2 [40 meters] (2), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Ground] (6), Maneuver Bonus level 6 [Flight] (6)

Other Sub-attributes:

Accessories level 1 [radio] (1), ECM Missile Jamming level 2 (2), Life support level 2 (2), Mechanical Transformation level 1 (3), Multiple Mecha Attacks level 2 (20), Sensors level 2 (2)

Weapon Sub-attributes:

EP-40 Pulse Laser (16)

Attack level 4 (Damage 45), Accurate

Mecha Defects:

Awkward Size level (-1), Partial Armor level 2 (-2), Reduced Capacity level 2 (-2), Restricted Flight level 1 (1)

Derived Values:

Armor: 10

Health Points: 60

Initiative: +4

DCV: +2


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